The SMP God thoery~

(cut/pasted from a fresh .rtf writing!)
SMP God thoery~
In the “SMP” theory (sentient matter program) is a strange question indeed.
The theory is that when sentient life dies and decays, the system of that body had path ways of bio-energy,
and some kinds of this bio-energy are not yet precievable by science.
This bio-energy was always flowing through the matter, and programmed it to have a system.
Example: How to you magnetize metal? By magtetic force flowing through it… the theory is that organic bodies also do this to matter…
some part of previously organic matter retains the essance of the life-system-program.

The theory then extends that some human minds can sort of tap-into this,
and that it effects the planet, and they can sort of sence it’s way…
They “pray” to this and have faith+humility which leaves them open for information as they
try to mentaly obtain direction and will from this force.
Praying helps people and its scientificly proven that it does…
no matter what religion the prayer belongs to…
so then the theory states that, there is no specific God that is sentient,
but this “higher-power” can be accessed by any open minded person who trys to interact with it.
It naturaly helps them make more healthy desitions in life from then on if they are open to it.
The theory is that people are slightly psycic by nature, because of the verious energies emitted and received by the brain.

If you had an SMP theory about God, you would pray still, but not think any religion was correct about claims about God,
and also you would not expect myricals… (and even if u expected myracles, u probably would not get them!)

The Devil of the SMP is all preditory and parasitic life form’s essance and programmed matter.
It is un-healthy to some people, yet others can learn from it how to be a social parasite or feel more willing to kill or hurt people.

I still believe in the whole biblical idea about God instead of the SMP,
but i am open-minded and still wrote it here.
What do you all thing of the SMP God theory?