
May I ask you?
If you must.
Something wicked?

I think you are being inconsiderate.
Where’s the question? I don’t see you giving me the opportunity to defend myself.
Don’t you think it is inconsiderate of you to enforce upon me your idea that your way is the only way?
Not at all, I know my way to work and I have no faith at all in yours.
So you are inconsiderate and you expect me to abandon everything I know upon encountering your way.
How am I insisting things be done my way?
You keep telling me that your religion is the only way to God. And that all others are condemned to hell.
Because that is what I believe.
How do you know that it is the only path to God? Have you tried all ways and found this to be the truth or are you just speaking words that have been fed to you by your culture and not God?
The only religion I have studied is mine own and I have been brought up to believe that there is no need for additional or alternative beliefs.
Do you think it is at all wise of you to keep insisting everything else is wrong when you don’t even know? How does your belief being right make everyone else’s belief wrong?
What I know of other religions I have found to be ridiculous. I could not pray to a God in a form that seems to me a bit far fetched and the stories your religion has to tell I cannot help but dismiss as nothing but entertaining myths.
You are disrepectful. Why can’t you treat mine and everyone else’s belief in spirituality and God as a form of learning instead of treating them as meaningless/worthless stories to be picked at? Why do you entertain the notion that the energy that may or may not be God would be just as simple and as constricted to one form and one set of principals as are human beings?
I don’t know.
Whose purposes do you think it serves? For you to believe that there is only one path to God? Pray, tell me, who stands to benefit? Is it your beloved religious institution perhaps? Which would lose its hold over you and the power it commands through that hold if it was to show acceptance of other beliefs?
Perhaps I am not the one you should ask. I am not knowledgable enough in the ways of God to be able to explain to you.
Why can’t you answer my questions? Who should I ask? I am starting to come to the conclusion that in any discussion between religious types, those who refuse to be open to ideas and ready to accept what is there to be explored will come out as those inferior.

Water Water Water everywhere and every chance to… sink

Wether you believe in one religion or the other will not change who and what God actualy is. Arrogant religious leaders pretend to represent and speek for the (theoreticaly) highest being in the universe? “Worship” is evil.

ekanta, you obviously realize the hierarchical ways of “organized” religion. Government controls the body, but religion controls the mind.
Think about it!
