Religion is a lie ridden waste of time.

I’ve played with you people for long enough. It’s time to reveal the truth!

The goal of the illuminati is to render all intelligent life as a willing host for demonic life/energy parasites.

Our only [spiritual] hope is to [realize the existence of, and then] disown all supernatural, spirit ‘life’ on earth! Disown all occult and religion!

illativemindindeed, your “passed lives” are actually the memories and experience of the previos bodies that the demons usedto occupy! Intelligent life is the host, and spirits are parasites.

Burn churches and thrift stores! Abolish occult and it’s roots from the media. Ban religious lies and replace it all with truth and fact.

Edit: more:

There are two paths to infection.

1# - Ignorant submission [the host does not believe that he or she is infected].
2# - Willful curruption [through ‘false religion’, occult, psycic connection, etc].

Like it or not, demonic life forms are a wide spread infection on earth.

Get out while you still can. “The truth shall set you free”.

Burn 'em all!

John, chapter 8, verses 44, 45 - (NWT)
“You are from YOUR father. The one was a manslayer when he began, and he did not stand fast in the truth, because truth is not in him. When he speaks the lie, the speaks according to his own disposition, because he is a liar and the father of [the lie]. 45 Because I, on the other hand, tell the turth, YOU do not believe me.”
Manslayer hey? The Crusades marked the beginning of Satans full control of the entire Church/bible.

“Young earth” ‘creation’ and the chronology of the flood are just a few examples of claims that were scientifically proven to be lies.
And you all know who “the father of the lie” is!
Get out while you still can.

Quite true. These were all before Darwin. Before Darwin the only intelligent way to think how we came into the world was religion, not any longer though. Like Dan says the truth hurts. We people are by no way special. Just image how big the universe is, how many planets, stars etc… We are not important by any means. Hence we are not God’s special people. God exists in our minds only.

About people wasting money on religion, Dan has forgot to mention the money spent by religious lobby groups around the world promoting their own agenda and how we all should live. They try to tell us how to live, isn’t it our responsibilty to stand up for ourselves?

PS: I am new to philosophy and this board and I would like to say that Dan should keep up the good work for truth.

Thanks, and welcome to ILP.

People get emotional about arguments sometimes and have attitudes; so don’t let it bother or discourage you if you find it happening here.

After reading and learning alot about religions and occult practice, my best estimate is that “spirits” are intelligent, energy based parasitic life forms.

Have you done any research about the “Illuminati”? Both public religion and hidden occult have evil plans of mass control – each by different means.

I’m going to love this, Dan.

Then you have to prove them that their faith is really a falsehood. As far as I can see, you can’t prove that.

And can you say me, please, why we will do all that? Aren’t we just trying to replace God by scientific progress, as if it were capable of giving a purpose to our existences? You pefer to believe that, maybe that’s just your cultural influences, but I really don’t see any rhyme in all this cheap talk. What’s the purpose of all that? Why is life better now? is the only purpose of our existence to perpetuaute our species forever? If so, how can you blame a man who chooses to believe in religion, spirituality, things like that? What in the hell can you offer them so that they could forget their faith?

I’m not judging you, Dan. You are judging other people. You are refering to religious people as shit just because they don’t see the world as you do. You are justifying brainwashing, you are justifying prejudice and hate, not me. Do you want to talk about brainwashing? American soldiers are brainwashed. voters of all world are brainwashed by political propaganda, consumers of all world are brainwashed by consumerist propaganda…When we talk about brainwahsing, we aren’t talking about religious zealots only…

Pasteur was a contemporary of Darwin. And the man himself wasn’t absolutely convinced of the inexistence of god. Darwin was an agnostic.

I agree that we are by no means special. I just want you to justify the so-called importance of science, technology and progress, then. Do these things serve only to help us to perpetuate our insignificance?

Ha, I love the “can’t we stand up for ourselves” thing. If it weren’t a bit naïve, I could even agree with you.

Open your eyes, man, where do you see people here who can stand up by themselves? The only thing we can observe here, everywhere here, is a tentative of justifying all sorts of slavery. Slavery to religion, to science and scientifical truths, to progress, to power, to so-called authority, to hedonism, to consumerism, to materialism…

slaves and apologizers of slavery.

Stand up by ourselves? Don’t you think that’s too much to ask? Aren’t we just insignificant beings?

Everybody here wants to know what the hell truth is. But since everybody also wants to impose their perspetives on all the others, we have a long way to go.


I learn something new every day :slight_smile: From where you got this information?

For example our life style ( in the west ) has improved within the last 200 years due to science ( it could happen in the east, except we have an unfair economic system ). Science could give more free time too ( if the economic system changes ) This would free us up to enjoy life more. In the future our Sun will explode/die if we don’t get off this planet, we too will perish. So we must develop rockets etc… Without science we would still be scared that a solar eclipse will bring famine and diease etc… We are more aware of who we are and the universe we live in. This is a good thing, right?

"Do these things serve only to help us to perpetuate our insignificance? "
Yes. Is this a negative attribute?

Good point, I will need to think about that one.

Read one of his thousand biographies.

What I want to know is the purpose of all that, Free Thinker. Can you teach me to see it?

Do that.

Read one of his thousand biographies.

What I want to know is the purpose of all that, Free Thinker. Can you teach me to see it?

Do that.

Religion is an absolute moral slavery*,“do what we say” no arguing, they just are right because they have their BOOK. See the difference, even the worst of other systems (slavery to authority and power) force you to do something,they may not be right but sod it do what they say, religion states any other truth is impossible and will not bow down to proof and reason (sometimes).

Science is an objective system, you don’t have to believe but you can be proved wrong. There is no forcing.

*I only talk about the worst religion here, it can be a structure for good (Even if it is for the wrong reasons); and accept reason.



Do you believe in salvation?
Do you ‘donate’ to your organization? Do you pray allot? Do you become a slave of God? A servant? You put God’s will above your own? You give your time and energy to your faith?

It’s quite the deal that these believers have going on with God, you see, the deal is that if you serve God faithfuly on earth – you get to have your soul saved and go to heaven once you die.

The problem is, once your dead, you can’t come back and say:
“You lied to me! My whole life was a lie! There is no afterlife!”
Because you will be long dead, lost and gone forever. No salvation, no heaven, no soul!

Good bye!

Lies are fun. Enjoy religion.

Billions of lies – spoken without a hint of guilt – all in the name of religion, and I have no right to protest? I should respect it?


I am anti-nationalist, anti-consumerism also. I am against all propaganda because of the greedy people behind it that want to exploit the masses.

You’re not dead right now; that is your justification. Instead of praying to God for healing, or wanting to die because of it being a release into heaven, medical science has worked hard to cure deseases and save lives. Sanitation has made a big difference in life & practice.

If you want to call yourself insignificant, then that is your choice, but it is merely an opinion; only the living can even bother having an opinion, so they best be appreshiative if they want to be more happy about it all.

    • Truth and logic are absolute. (1 + 1 = 2); (2 + 3 = 5); Addition produces a logically perfect & predictable outcome. The same addition is done within the minds of intelligent beings. When a person learns many facts and seeks truth [for the sake of self and species] then each fact adds up to the [eventually complete and true] opinion – that is true reason able. ‘People’ who claim that there is no truth – are actually simply expressing their own logical ineptitude as respects vast understanding.

‘Truth’ is only fact. Fact is real and exists. Good opinion is the healthy, productive or accurate application of known fact. Fact is understood by means of experience – and then by means of relative comparison.

What is truth? Truth is fact. Truth exists. When one builds a hammer, this hammer’s possible and actual existence is truth. From here on he can strike the head of a nail or the head of his brother. The truth is a tool; it can be a weapon or means of good work.

Truth should be used to preserve, inhance and advance what is.

Hey Fabiano,

Whats up? You post seems like you are kind of pissed, let me know if I’m wrong. I never claimed to know anything about philosophy, yet your answers imply that I’m a guru and I’m proving you wrong. For example all of your answers are not answers but commands, Do That, read This etc… I joined this board to learn not to pretend I’m a know all who can out do experienced long bearded gurus.

Calm down and lets learn together :slight_smile:

What book do you recommend that I read to learn about Darwin, have you read one yourself, if so which one is best etc… Constructive comments are better than commands, don’t you think? … 63#1734363
^If you read even part of my Demiprism then I would be thankful. =)
At wikipedia you can look up any subject you want and get info about it.

With the internet, you have the power to make fully informed and supported statements – because you can research all about what ever subject that you are expressing your views on.

Fabiano feels strongly about his opinions, I bet. Some people bring attitude to the table; they sound pissed but they aren’t really.

If you ever find something that strikes you as interesting or special, please send me a PM about it. I want you to find true happiness in your life. :sunglasses:

Peace out~

Free Thinker,

there aren’t commands in my posts. I have just suggested you to read one of Darwin’s biographies, so that you can find out for yourself that he was really an agnostic, at least by the end of his life.

And I am so interested in learning the truth as you (if this word does have a sense), but since freedom is my main concern, I don’t like to impose my opinions on anyone, so as long as the religious people live me in peace (what they aren’t inclined to do most of the time, of course), I live them in peace too.

I’m not religious in any sense of this word. I also find fanaticism, intolerance and those sets of “dos” and “don’ts” abominable and dangerous to a healthy mind, so I keep away from religion. But I haven’t the right to tell people to do the same, since I am to respect their choices as they have to respect mine (if they’re reasonable, at least).


mmmm…thanks. I think we can come into terms regarding some of your opinions, but this extreme anti-religionism seems to me a bit…childish.

When you talk about religion, you’re not only talking about Christianity, fanatics, bigotry, close-mindedness, Inquisistion, “creationism” and sets of dos and don’ts. You are also talking about one of the main concerns of human life, of most human beings at least: the meaning and purpose of human life.

You may find mere Christianity foolish, but this religion gives comfort and peace to most people who aren’t able to enjoy life like you do, mos people who haven’t anything but their faith.

The same applies to Muslims.

More, when you try to say that all religions are dangerous and a “waste” of time, you forget that many religions give science and education all the support they need. You also forget religions like Bouddhism, for instance. Do you think anything we can create can even be compared to the profoundity and beauty of Bouddhism?

You think that you can disprove a faith by using reason, but that’s a bit naïve, since religionists claim that their faith is something which is beyone mere reason, although many oth them claim that the existence of god can be proved with mere reason. That’s controversial and yet not so stupid as it may seem. Read Kant and Leibniz for instance.

Again, Dan, the sole purpose of those messages of mine was to show you that things are not so simple and easy as you may think they are. People need religion. People need to believe in something, as you do. You do believe science can make our lives more confortable and pleasant, but you are utterly incapable of proving that it can offer us a purpose. You may argue: Of course it can’t give us a purpose, it can only be used as a tool to find out the truth!. But since science isn’t based upon the premise that everything has an absolute meaning, that the universe is not there by chance, that its intelligibity has some meaning, how can we ever be able to find out any kind of truth? I don’t mean facts such as Evolution, sexual instincts and the natural need to eat and drink, for instance. I mean a sort of truth which could really be applied to all human beings, to all times, and which could really make us live meaningful lives, what is really not the case with the handy “truths” we have.

Think about it.

…big dreams… they feel lost… reaching out…
It’s a hell-of-a-shame that people have to twist and turn in so many directions, searching for an answer and a solution, and their all dead now.

Meaning, to me, is the depth of understanding, the width of application, the height of relativitiy as we build all knowlage into a structure in our futures, but…

…I’m just so tired of people turning to things other then their fellow humans. I don’t like it when people have to pray to some sort of silant empty god instead of people able to talk about their inner most thoughts and feelings with a true friend…

I’m tired of false enlightenment and people getting all high after becoming demon-possessed. I’m tired of over half of all human minds on earth believing in twisted crap…

No! You haven’t been posessed before. You wouldn’t understand.

Protection gimmicks at prisons are a perfect example of modern religion. The protection gimmick in prison is the one asking for you to pay him for protection, when he is actually on the same side as the one he claims to be protecting others from. All for the sake of a parasitic gain.

The same is true with religion. New-age religions do very well in combining all sorts of occult and supernatural ideas from all sorts of religions, and it all leads back to the same source. The demons.

Damnit… I’m out of steam. Explanation is far too monotonous and nobody looks for anything other then faults anyways here. Screw it.

You’re all a bunch of pre-gutted sheep.

That’s the question, my comrade. You can’t affirm that we are all a bunch of pre-gutted sheep just because we don’t agree with you. And as far as I can remember, I wasn’t defending religion, I was just saying that you should respect the points of view of religious people, since you want them to respect yours.

Again, I despise fundamentalism and fanaticism exactly as you do.

Pre-gutted sheep? What abou a world where people are treated as nothing more than shit, thanks to a wonderfully reasonable materialistic point of view?

Instead, people should buy things, have sex with prostitutes and watch sport. Oh, and they should also give up seriously thinking: that, too, is a waste of time. :astonished:

true dan, I think religion is also a quick fix problem, but not all people use religion as a quick fix problem, some use it as an “aid” to life. not all religions people are “drones.” Some of them are intelligent, and may have a larger immagination than some of us, and may exercise their “possibility scale” differently than us.

the subject of this thread is, “Religion is a lie ridden waste of time.”
-No dan, you wrote it wrong, “Religion is a lie ridden waste of time- for me”
I don’t dable much in religion, but my mom has to have it to survive. She has to have her mormon community doze every day, she is miserable without it. She acts crazy when she doesn’t get it, (and sometimes crazy with it.) But she has to have it, it is not a waste of time for her, it is her life. It is a waste of time for you and me, but it is not “a waste of time-period”

That’s exactly what I was trying to tell Danny.

no, truth and logic are not absolute. Truth and logic are relative to our own frame of reference. Addition is to most people some sort of hard truth. But remember, that many things cannot be “measured” very well and thus cannot apply addition to it and produce a reduction answer. How can you control all the factors that play into social sciences for example and come up with unbiased “answers?” Thousands (and more) of factors play into each possible situation you look at.

You can’t measure perfectly many things, one of them is the existence of the earth, you can’t fit it into any perfect number. (no delorian time machine exists, you can’t travel back in time, that is why there is rounded numbers to ‘estimate’ the age of the earth. Scientist consider many variables, but it is impossible to take them all into account, (maybe less than even half are considered, if not way less) therefore math plays a role here, but not an absolute role because perfect information does not exists. to bad time machines don’t exist huh?

I could ramble on here. But my point is Dan, that if you think about it, I think you might agree that you can’t apply addition to everything, b/c the world does not exist in perfect numbers. You would be dealing with 1.98938747484897987947925794875 + 1. 9852734958729769 = something instead of 1+1=2, but in social sciences and ideas, you can’t always measure thought, ok. Be ok with the mystery and uncertainty Dan, you can only theorize the best possible, but perfect truth and logic I think is out of the hands of all of us. We theorize, and some people prefer science to explain the world, some religion, possibly b/c they seek an easier lifestyle mentally, (and yes I completely agree, it can also hurt them, but so can dogmatic science.)

fact is real and exists- yes dan, kind of. but again, since we have no time machine, we go off of means of experience like you said, but that means that in time, what was fact, later becomes obsolete with new information from a strictly scientific stance.

an example of this is “the history of chemistry.” (I took this class in college, and it is actually an easy upper credit if someone need that :wink: , but it is a really interesting class) Chemistry is the foundation for many sciences. But remember, this field is always taking what is believed fact, and it is being changed all the time. Fact does not exist here, only speculation, but believed fact does exist.

I am against zealots as much as you are, maybe more. I’ve been around them all my life and see how desctructive it can be, but I am not willing to flip the coin around and zealously empose science on everyone. And also real life is not a coin with two sides. I think we both agree on at least this.

heh, Dan you are an odd character I must say. Burn churhces heh. In my personal opinion, every religion on earth is wrong of course. I do believe in Jesus and am a Christian of sorts, but I feel that whatever message he may have given humanity is most certainly dead by now only carried on in fragment. I believe that ultimate truth is important to our existence, even if an impossibility. Part of that ultimate truth is the acceptance of higher forces that humanity cannot comprehend nor contend with. I accept that there is a God because E=mc^2, all energy is matter, matter is everything, energy cannot be created nor destroyed, therefore where did it come from? It cannot be randomly assigned to exist because you can’t create it. There’s the possibility that all life is is a simulation run by other beings thats so highly complicated we feel we are alive when we are just pograms (sorta like the matrix, a lot like the 13th floor heh). At any rate, the utter destruction of religious feeling isnt a good answer. People are stupid. It’s a fact of life. Even with the urgency of hell as religion portrays, they do what they want, when they want, how they want. I believe that religion itself is Babylon the Great as said in the bible. People become less attached to God as they become more attached to their religion. Another problem with people is they forget about everybody else when they’re supposed to love them. I think we should all try to make everyone’s life easy and “fun” while its going on, God or not. As far as parasitic control, like i said, people are stupid. If the parasites don’t do it, other people will. That’s saying if its true at all. mostly, i think the only way to making a better world is for people to stop playing their stupid game of survival and competition and start just being good people regardless. Politicians playing games with war, Osama playing games with religion, people playing along right into it all. I was asking a friend once, if they believed that brainwashing was bad. Then we asked if they felt brainwashing was bad if it was in a good way. They said it’d be better that way. So i decided if I can’t reason with people to make them less ignorant and “bad,” why hell, I’ll just brainwash them. Ill just have to be careful not to abuse my authority with those that are brainwashable. Of course we prefer getting them to realize it themselves, but whatever. We’re starting to ramble about nothing again. I need to invest in more than 5 hours of sleep tonight. Good day to you all.