Claims of perfection lead to narrow mindedness and conflict

When one claims that their god or holy book is the greatest on earth, then soon another one will also claim to be greatest, – this leads to competition/conflict; [because of this] they are both now less, because they would rather spend time claiming greatest, instead of being greatness.

The humble are strong inside, but the amazing merely excite the audience.

“Best” is an illusion; improvement and growth never need to end.

I have reason to believe that any religion that claims to be absultely perfect, this claim – will cause suffering and conflict.

“Hate what is bad and love what is good”
is different then
“Understand what is bad and become what is good”

Judgmental morality and claims of absolute spiritual knowing lead to narrow-mindedness and hamper spiritual learning. What tops this all off is that Christians think that they have to believe in the crap – in order to be saved. This means that doing as your told and thinking as your told becomes a theoretical life-and-death matter, and noone can afford to change once they are proven false in their original premise.

I am right about what I am saying here.
Islam, Christianity, the Jews, they each have a problem.

Adamance of opinion and belief leads to suffering.

cubists claim TimeCube has “greatness” this is a sign of perfection,but speaking logically the universe needs imperfection,like oxygen,some dirt involved we still breathe,perfection leads to worser affects on any population.

Judementalism and belief in the perfection of your own beliefs certainly does lead to conflict if there’s more than one group out there that believes these things, competing for the same resources (i.e. people).

But why is that a ‘problem’ for those religions?

Feels (to me) like a problem for the masses. Mental slavery? Some people get very programmed. :frowning:

mental slavery is brainwashing Dan.