Worship vs Friendship of/with the Creator of all things:

God created all things? God as the power to create or destroy anything?

There exists both good and evil. God created all. God has the power to remove evil also.

If I believe that God created both good and bad, both life and death, then am I in any position to say that God is either good or bad? And if I were to worship him, I would be putting him above me, and it would be an expression that God is very good, – but there also exists a very bad thing that he created – and he did not destroy this very bad thing.

How can I show bias to one side of the coin, when both sides were used to purchase life and the universe?

How can I talk to God, when I do not hear any words spoken back to me?
How can I envision God, when I have never seen God?

If now, my concept of God is false, then it is a small idea within the mind of one man, and this idea was created by a man, and this idea is less then a man. To worship this idea, is to worship a single part of the one who invented that idea; it will be even worse then self worship; it will be equal to idolatry, because it will be the worship of some small thing that a man has made, such as a statue; it will be worship of only a single part of mind, instead of the whole, and this leads to imbalance, and imbalance leads to suffering.

So then, if it is of my best judgment not to worship God, realize that it was not out of ignorance, but out of pure reason that I be modest in my claims of knowing God – and then modest in acting as if I really knew anything about God.

Why would worshiping this God change him or I? If he explained the reason for all his commandments, and I listened to the reason for all of these, and I did not even believe that an all-mighty God would reward me for my obedience, then this would be a loyalty untainted by desire for a reward.

But if I were to not fallow this God – because of his commands not seeming reason-able to me, and a fear of hell and a craving for heaven did not effect my choice – then my reasoning upon his commandment would be a pure and non-bias sense reason.

If God explains the reason for his command, it is different then him simply giving the command out of want; because many want, but want distracts the mind from need.

If God did not need my worship, then why would he want it? And if he did not want it, then why would he ask for it, or even command it?

I consider all minds potential equals [in what they know], and I do not want to worship them; I want to learn from them and I want them to teach me.

If God has a mind, and his mind is good, then I want him to share it with me in great detail, so I can become just like what was previously better then me, but I seek to become the same as my betters.


What is this “I” you refer to? Consider for a moment that the Buddhists are correct and you exist as a plurality without a central “I” but rather as a collection of small “i’s”. If this is the case, how could you possibly communicate with God. The majority of you does not want it and content with suffering its self importance.

Consider what Simone Weil says in relation to this:

This puts worship into a new light. Worship isn’t you telling some deity how wonderful it is and from this stroking, hoping it may slip you some favors. This may work with worshiping a woman’s vanity but not God. The purpose of worshipping the higher is to help in admitting your nothingness so the higher can help you. You can verify your nothingness. If the good that is not you attracts you then you admit your nothingness in relation to it and not worship life’s values.

The Holy Spirit helps us with this because it provides the spiritual energy for our inner unity we are incapable of acquiring through the law. Our collective corrupted human “being” cannot help but fall back missing the mark keeping Man chained to the earth. This help is what Christianity is about.

So perhaps instead of trying to talk with God or envision God, the realistic beginning is just trying to become more open and less judgmental.

But if Christianity holds no interest for you, why bother with it?

“I” is an existent identifier that belongs in the human language.

I don’t expect any God at all now, and I don’t believe in [all of] the bible; because the bible promotes a spirit of slavery and repression – instead of liboration and sober truth.

Rubbish. I don’t blame “God” for good or evil. I don’t blame “God” or “The Holy Spirit” for the good that you have worked hard to gain the ability to ressonate with.

Nick, I’m proud of you for even realizing how important this is! :sunglasses:
I’ve recently realized how much enlightenment there is to obtain – and I’m working hard at making progress in whatever way I can, step by step.

God created beings with unforseen forces of nature,that change how the universe affects itself (humanity),God has the power to remove evil,indeed and without that evil co-existing in our mental reality we could not judge ourselves very well.
you are in the very postition to say how you see god,it is a form of free will.
you should have the coin melded into something far better and unique of your spirit,man is an artist in the image of God,money is a symbol of wholeness and Greed,if you change this Coin you can simply change the view of the universe in how you want to accept it,without questions,only you can answer your own questions without any bias.put life on the selling line not the buying…

You can talk to God,but only you can perform the communnication with Him,everyone’s communication is diffrent this is a matter of Fate,not physical ability.You can envision God with an imagination,or faith for a good example.
the universe need’s imbalance,and time,imbalance is fast,time slows it down,and then you have a minor balance slowly evening your thought’s and choices,the chocie of your concept is only for you to decide if it is “real” or not,ask yourself if you want it to be honestly,and if not then move on with a new concept.
Cubists are looking at God the same you have your final message written out,you choose to think everything must be sorted by rational and irrational ways in life,maybe you should worship TimeCube instead,here is a forum link: