Against the 10 commandments, religion is evil.

Cicero claims religion is evil. At least , if god is in the discussion.

There is one thing that bothers me, the commandment of thou shall not commit adultery? What does this mean, thous shall not be disloyal or thou shall not have sex? Either this law makes one to be honest and justice or it is protection from lust.

If thou shall not commit adultery means thou shall not have sex, haven’t all the married couples has broken this commandment?

And religion is evil, against christianity that cicero states, that those believers can’t reason for they will always say the master said this, or god said this. Can’t we argue that the bible is written by a person who is a writer, and put in the character of God?

Damn I’m good.

Hello F(r)iends,

Don’t believe the hype.


Then I suppose If I remove the hype you will believe, according to your response.

Hello F(r)iends,

Don’t believe the hype.
Do not believe the hype.
Do not believe [it].

Where in that statement do you find a suggestion of any kind of belief?
I think you really do believe your own hype… [-X


The following is a poem written by Judge Roy Moore from Alabama. Judge Moore was sued by the ACLU for displaying the Ten Commandments in his courtroom foyer. He has been stripped of his judgeship and now they are trying to strip his right to practice law in Alabama. The judge’s poem sums it up quite well.

America the Beautiful,
or so you used to be.
Land of the Pilgrims’ pride;
I’m glad they’ll never see.

Babies piled in dumpsters,
Abortion on demand,
Oh, sweet land of liberty;
your house is on the sand.

Our children wander aimlessly
poisoned by cocaine,
Choosing to indulge their lusts,
when God has said abstain.

From sea to shining sea,
our Nation turns away
From the teaching of God’s love
and a need to always pray.

We’ve kept God in our temples,
how callous we have grown.
When earth is but His footstool,
and Heaven is His throne.

We’ve voted in a government
that’s rotting at the core,
Appointing Godless Judges
who throw reason out the door,

Too soft to place a killer
in a well deserved tomb,
But brave enough to kill a baby
before he leaves the womb.

You think that God’s not angry,
that our land’s a moral slum?
How much longer will He wait
before His judgment comes?

How are we to face our God,
from Whom we cannot hide?
What then is left for us to do,
but stem this evil tide?

If we who are His children,
will humbly turn and pray;
Seek His holy face
and mend our evil way:

Then God will hear from Heaven
and forgive us of our sins,
He’ll heal our sickly land
and those who live within.

But, America the Beautiful,
if you don’t - then you will see,
A sad but Holy God
withdraw His hand from Thee.

~Judge Roy Moore ~

The True Philsopher I
After in a comptemplation in a dark room.
I felt my senses of fear has cease.
Now back into reality I see Sodom itself in the world
The world is doom to self-destruct
like a time bomb
Its a matter of time.
That I aslo will not waste my time in useless forums.
All that I have understand by you all are gibberish.

You talk so much without doing anything
You think so much you refuse to act
What a simple life that we are going to live
Work sleep sex work kids work.
Until one renounce his life.

scyth,you are shockingly good reading lately! :smiley: i’m learning stuff off your posts. this poem and it’s effect stand behind my views.

dan, i just hate it when the bible is twisted. adultery is cheating on your wife. i belive fornication was sex without marrage. look it up.

I at this point have a huge beef with people disproving religion entirely on orthodox churches and crap. they are as empty as a book of bar-codes.

you,like dan~,seem to have a huge beef with something religious,true,but you dont seem to present it properly in ILP,just many little odd topics.
it is dis-unity of thought.

Just as you claim that I have dis-unity of thought,
you have a disunity of action.
Like you and the other users, you like to babble a lot, doing nothing really significant. Contemplation the life as plato states that every one should be. But actions speaks louder.

dan, I believe adultery is generally accepted to mean having sex with someone besides a married partner and breaking the trust of the married partners. i.e. ‘Voluntary sexual intercourse between a married person and a partner other than the lawful spouse.’

scythe, that judge disrupted the integrity of the judicial system by bringing his religious beliefs into the courtroom and flaunting them as the standard. The standard of America is freedom, and that includes the freedom not to be Christian. To order or expect someone to conform to your own beliefs beyond the point of maintaining equality of freedom is very much a sin.

“thou shall not commit adultery”

I guess it would help if you had a little common sence toward the issue. I think this is talking about extra marital affairs. Why you wouldn’t assume this, and think it’s against sex all together is profound to who you really are.

Jesus said that if you lust after your neighbors wife, you have already commited adultry. This is because if the circumstances were right, you’d do it. If you wouldn’t do it,… maybe your not exactly commitng adultry in your heart.

Referance my philosophy to understand God,… “Sex viewed as an expression of love inhibits you from viewing a stranger as a sexual object,… because you don’t have marital love for them.”

with all due respect,you are also posting on this forum. were is the significance of what you are doing? i mean even on this forum.if you’ve posted something interesting,i’d like to read it. i seek amusement.

you might wanna show me some links here.

*your reply was ambiguous.

After, my last post, I love all the responses.

Heres something intelligent and simple to understand.

Isn’t thats the commandment afterwards, of thou shall not commit adultery. If what you are saying is true, why would it appear twice?

To drift,
I found that you are cool, because I felt this sense that you love christianity so much. With all the respect I found myself very ignorant, but I speak the truth, but I don’t know why I refuse to ack therefore I seek.

One thing I am not interest is reading things I already know, Things that are interesting to read is learning how to forget what I know.

the question of this thread is hard to understand,and it’s perpose.
there are many underlying reasons to create a thread like this,which of coarse are personal.

i’ve kept this quiet for quite a while but:i see people supposeing the orthodox churches are the epitome of christianity. i refute the churches as the true followers of christ. i’m not going to elaborate an expos[A] on them now,but i will if i feel it is appropreat. my point is:you cannot say god screwed up or does not exist if some religious body who claims to support him screws up,in the past or whatever. and dissproveing the possiblilty of a true or correct religion because so many others failed is quite judgemental.

i brought this up because i find find it extremely hard to find the point at hand in this thread,and stay on it’s topic. however the purpose of this thread seemed somewhat appropreat to discuss this.

all too often i see people finding main stream religions that fail or screw up in some way, then after i while they assume all religion is crap.
and they base thier arguements against religion and even god himself on the grounds of certain religious organization’s failure(s).

i find that very unfair!

If God didn’t want us to have sex, he wouldn’t have given all life on earth a pussy/penis.

Claiming that God is antisexual is a miss-application of common sense, and the bible never said sex as a sin.

Adultory is when people cheat on each-other and “break hearts” – which is a way of causing great suffering – which God said not to do.

The real “evil” of the bible is moral adamance and the eventaul arrogance that comes from claims of perfection.

When a religion or a lord claims to be perfect, he insights arrogance in his fallowers. But if he said that he was lacking in greatness, they would want to help him become great – by bettering his teachings without arrogance.

[For example] Islam is not a religion of terror, but terrorist groups are adding their evils to the good book, because the good book has a weakness and a soft spot – & that weakness is arrogance and moral adamance.

As Jesus once showed – when washing the feet of his apostles, – the master should be more humble then the slave, and the lord must be more willing to listen then the fallower.

This statement has a way of attracting critic, and also a way of destracting one from learning.

Roy Moore makes Christianity and God look good. Roy Moore wants true justice. Roy Moore is a great man. I liked that poem.

As usual, it is the evidence that the bible is not [to blame for human] good or evil, but it all depends on the application of all knoledge, which is the fault of the human that is acting.

Posting at a forum can be both good and bad.
Consider it a learning experience.

Before we can do, we must be. Before we can be, we must understand. Before we can understand, we must see. Before we can see, we must have no fear, expectation or judgment.
There is some good guidance.

Does not something to be a being must come into being? If god is a being, he then had not exist for he did not come into being. There would be a time that no gods existed. Since atoms are attracted through accidental colison, somehow if god does exist, he must be accidental.

What is the nature or divine beings as we classified it as God like?
said Cicero. ^

What is before judgment, what is before that , what is before everything afterwards. Eventually, once the revolution of a circle is completed, the ideas shall be return in the starting point. Damn I’m good.

The Bible repeats itself many times–especially with important ideas–the commandments are even repeated in 1-10 format. It wasn’t all written at once. Many different historical contexts and writers contributed to it, so the Bible is a conglomerate of many expressions of the same idea from different viewpoints. Because different sections aren’t written from the same context, they can’t be safely read from the same perspective either.

If Roy Moore wants ‘true justice’ he should become a preacher instead of a juror: the role of a judge is to maintain and enforce laws, not impose his/her own faith on other people.

Roy Moore suffers from the kind of arrogance you’re talking about.

IF this is true, you have taught me a great lesson. I would blame the media, and these gospel or bible movies, for giving these false truths.
Therefore, I cannot accept anything what is true , of what the bible said, because you said history has repeated itself, writings changed. These teachings of the bible are like parents guiding a child. But what guides a parent?

a parent guides themselves.