'Religious Terrorists'

February 18, 2006

Dear All,

The expression ‘Islamic terrorist’ is an oxymoron, as is any such expression where the first word is a religious adjective and the second word is ‘terrorist’. I am not a follower of a traditional religion, but am devout in my own way. The essence of all true religion is the immutable Law of Love, any deviation from which is insanity, which could be called – in contrast to Divine Will or ‘God’s Will’ – ‘human will’ or ‘Satan’s will’. Note here that ‘Satan’ or ‘evil’ arises from human, not Divine, consciousness, and the insanity in this discussion is the will to harm in the mind of a man/woman subject to the delusion of self-preservation. Our common state is unconsciousness and delusion, both key to insanity. (We all start out this way from birth, and most of us never get past it. And ‘sages’ are never completely free of it.) Conscious beings would agree that a terrorist or any person’s thoughts of harming one’s fellow beings or worse will, in the broadest sense, implicitly disprove any claim they have to be religious.

There have been ‘Christian terrorists’ or those who murder ‘in the name of God’, but such, whether Popes or ‘Christian soldiers’, cannot have found happiness or Self-realization; the karma of killing is something that binds one and prevents soul growth. In Buddhism, forgiveness of the murderer is taught for the sake of the forgiver, not for the sake of the murderer who can only rise through their own consciousness. A murderer’s self-redemption would be a true ‘miracle’ considering the thoughts and actions that brought them to ‘forfeit their humanity’. Perhaps only those that killed in a fit of temper would be capable of Self-realization, such being impossible for anyone in a lifetime of devotion to all the latest New Age ‘methods’. Also, many murderers take pride in their deeds, thus maintaining their self-satisfaction and delusion to the end.

We may wonder why some of us are so easily led by false prophets that we will sacrifice our lives for so much rubbish that has nothing whatever to do with God or anything holy. Some of will believe anything and follow anybody charismatic enough down the road to hell. The reason for this is why we as a race are not safe – we must pay the price for our unawareness – and most of us are figuratively comatose, never to wake in our current lifetime. Serial killers and their victims are named and ‘raised’ – but not born – to be violators and the violated respectively. This is the common mystery. Very few are ready for the truth. That’s OK. We’re all still lovable. I guess it’s like the abrasive Popeye in The French Connection implied: most of us like to figuratively ‘pick our feet in Poughkeepsie and eat cheeseburgers’. OK, but if that’s all, it’s not the Divine Plan, which is revealed to only a courageous few who realize their purpose. As long as we are unaware that we have a purpose, we’re ‘going down’. If I gave any ‘comforting’ hope I’d be a false prophet. Without a spiritual concept, we support, to some degree, the soulless forces that demand conformity for the sake of control and profit. These unconscious forces use us; and the ends of this use are infinitely degenerate, and without a trace of Love, understanding, compassion and the appreciation of the Divine nature of humanity.

Without discerning the immutable and eternal Law of Love we cannot claim to be human, for humanity involves Love and an appreciation of the absolute sanctity of Life. The distance from self to Self is illusively ‘great’, but they must merge as one for us to attain our potential true humanity, our true riches. True poverty is mental and spiritual, not financial. The most impoverished are not necessarily those with the least money; they are those with the greatest indignation:

‘He insulted me, he hurt me, he defeated me, he robbed me’. Those who think such thoughts will not be free from hate. ‘He insulted me, he hurt me, he defeated me, he robbed me’. Those who think not such thoughts will be free from hate. For hate is not conquered by hate: hate is conquered by love. This is a law eternal. Many do not know that we are here in this world to live in harmony. Those who know this do not fight against each other. (Dhammapada Ch. 1)

True poverty is symbolized by the TV news segments’ man who reacts by jumping up and down in the street. Such men should not be given a reason to jump; when they are they attract insane leaders. True poverty is also symbolized by well-dressed, power-crazed puppets who would seem to enjoy the spectacle of jumping men. If we were primarily conscious, such puppets would be allowed to live otherwise. Many point their fingers at one or the other of the leaders of the sides in the conflict, ascribing blame for the chaos and waste to them. The leaders and their supporters on both sides talk about God’s support or the holiness of their cause, but they are all ungodly gangsters or supporters of same. These petty gangsters fight in the world’s street and taunt each other, forcing idle minds to pay attention as if something important was going on. Thrill- and reputation-seeking media representatives fly in to trouble spots and end up sacrificing their lives for a load of rubbish.

The greatest poverty, of course, is that of the puppetmasters, who can only thrive when there are puppets, of which there is an endless supply. The puppetmasters live only for money and power, without regard for human life, and most of us, including our so-called ‘leaders’, serve them directly or indirectly. Neither the puppetmasters nor their servants are to be blamed; all are merely symptoms of unconsciousness. In a conscious world we would all be different.

In summary: ‘Grey skies are gonna clear up! Put on a happy face!’ I come from a long line of nuts, and I’m proud of it. I’m proud of being banned from a ‘philosophy’ website that called me ‘nutty’. (At least I’ve got some flavour, hehe.) Most members of that discriminatory website would appear to support the thoughts of philosophers living in the last 400 years, but are probably aware that the word ‘philosopher’ (lover of wisdom) was coined by Pythagoras in 600 BC. Pythagoras is the one who said ‘Number is All’. I get a sense that many have considered Pythagoras to be a ‘nut’ also, so I feel in good company.



Hi Luxin

I think I’m going to like you. You’re not afraid to be open to the experience. I distinguish between Christianity and Christendom or man made Christianity. So I can see there being a Christendomese terrorist but there can be no such thing as a Christian terrorist. I don’t know of a similar linguistic distinction for Islam.

There are reasons for our collective gullibility and perhaps we can discuss that at some point. As you know admitting our susceptibility to all sorts of false prophets is politically incorrect so it may not be so easy.

You recognize “divine plan” and I am interested to read how you see it.

It seems that you respect “love” I’ve found that to be rather unusual in these times when the word is used in such shallow and trite ways to make the value of the word virtually meaningless. I’m glad to read someone who seems to respect the scope of the word.

I appreciate your perception that all this puppetry is unconscious and realization that from this perspective, since we are as we are, everything is as it is. I agree with you that a conscious world would be completely different. When Jesus said “forgive them for they know not what they do, he was referring to consciousness.”

After reading you, I get the impression that your banning is an indication of sincere attempts at understanding; a very politically incorrect thing to do and you were lucky not to be boiled in oil.

I’ve come to agree that the great ones will be considered nuts and earn the wrath of the “Great Beast” referred to in Plato’s Republic.

Hmmm…Maybe I’m conversing with a real “black sheep.” The black sheep is of course an actualizing nut within a colony of sheep that is not so willing to be led to slaughter.

All the best

not to open a can of worms…
but have you read the quran? The hadith?

“true religion” is the oxymoron.

There is no true religion.

yes… there have been a few. One only need to read the newspapers to see the disparity of “terrorists” though. Not all religions treat agression in the same way.

In the quran if you are attacked, mohammed urges the reader to fight back until the offender dies or stops their attacks (which as we can see, an attack could be construed as a cartoon.)

Jesus told us to turn the other cheek and to become friends with our enemies. There are rare statements of violence that can be taken out of context (and have been by the likes of manson and koresh, again minorities of christian thought.) to construe violence towards your enemies.

Literal judaism isn’t much better on the issue of enemies and violence. God commands Joshua to slaughter masses of people, because apparently he’s the jewish real estate agent.

I agree with this statement. And like I’ve shown above so did jesus. Only by forgiving can we escape the need for revenge. Mohammed disagreed though, (and why it’s important to study the quran to realize this!) and felt we should:

doing good for the cause of allah is to murder the infidel. 2:193 is really what we are dealing with… they feel the cartoons are persecution, and they will fight us with violence until we desist…

Some will believe anything. Most are born into belief.

It doesn’t help that we are programmed from birth to believe in god.

right, but we don’t need belief in completely unjustified claims to follow such a path.

We are each inborn with the natural ability to love others. We learn who to hate.

How about he attacked me, and murdered 3,000 of my people. I will protect my kit and kin from further destruction. If I murder your mother, then attempt to murder your child, do you really believe you do not have the right to kill me to protect yourself.

Sorry, chap, but the world has a whole bunch of bad guys who want you and me dead.

Time will tell, and will probably prove me correct.

:sunglasses: Ditto, I just purchased Danish cheese today and have been antiCAIR for quite a while now. The pricks to lie, but this is condoned.

Keep fighting the good fight.

March 14, 2006

Hi Nick,

I’ve been smiling, and thrilled for weeks now that you ‘got it’. Of course, you’ve been ‘getting it’ before I came along. I’ve been into music for a while, and haven’t been able to respond till now. You said ‘I distinguish between Christianity and Christendom or man made Christianity.’ What a wonderful distinction! I see Christendom is dictionarily defined as:

  1. Christians collectively 2) the Christian world 3) Obs. Christianity

‘Man made Christianity’. Sigh. Hilarious laughter. Sigh. More hilarious laughter. Ohhhh. Coughs … This is what it’s all about (happiness).javascript:emoticon(‘:lol:’)

Of course you’re talking about false religion. Most so-called religion is the avoidance of religion. The key to understanding false religion are the words ‘belief’ or ‘conviction’. True religion will replace rituals with Reason, and beliefs with knowledge. Pardon the seeming pedantry; just clarifying my own thoughts here.

One of the signs of a false prophet is likely their likely reluctance to broach the subject of false prophecy. All subjects must be discussed if we are to progress; dangers to the soul attend nonanalytical acceptance. With blind acceptance, the false prophet – whether they know what they represent or not – is confirmed in their position and they are allowed to bask in their false security until they and their supporters are all humbled by the inescapable workings of truth. ‘If the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch.’ (Matthew 15.14) False prophets are not just so-called ‘spiritual leaders’. They, and their supporters, who seemingly ‘legitimize’ false prophecy, are found in every sphere of life. Porn stars serve as ‘false prophets of sex’… And the existence of any system or person not based on or devoted to truth and love cannot be sustained to the point of fulfillment or Self-realization, because their existence is contrary to Nature or Reason itself. Blah blah blah. Hehehehe…

I wrote a piece called ‘Divine Plan Basics’. You can find it at:

humancafe.com/discus/message … 20051255pm

or click through:
The New PeoplesBook Forums; and
GOD’S WILL 2/ What is it? - continued
(it’s in the middle, dated August 9, 2005)

or I can email it to you (original .rtf file has ‘The Sphere of One’ logo I use).

Love is the confirmation that Life exists.

Yeah, right on, alleged Jesus. ‘Jesus’ is everybody, and your man-made religion statement is proof that ‘he’ is your essence. He’s smiling at you – ‘Jesus loves you’ == you love yourself – coz any such person knows that most people aren’t gonna get it. The false prophets knew a religion wasn’t gonna ‘fly’ unless there was a character with real humanity at the ‘heart’ of it that they could crucify and make the masses feel sorry for. Jesus wept. (John 11:35). It’s much more likely that ‘Jesus’ laughed. (All the way to southern France, as some believe.)

Bah, bah, black sheep, have you any wool?
Yes sir, yes sir, three bags full.

Consciousness is only recommended for those who can handle realizing how far they’re missing the mark. I wish sweet dreams to the rest.

Thanks, Nick – all the best to you too.



Islamic terrorists exist, so we say that they exist.
People who are sensitive about facts that are true, obviosuly are making the truth personal. This becomes lies and singularity.

April 8, 2006

Dear scythekain,

I have not read the Koran; it seems I haven’t missed all that much. Thank you for bringing 2:191-195 to my attention; unlike similar exoterically violent esoteric passages in the Bible, it seems one can only take this as literal encouragement to murder ‘unbelievers’. The definition in 2:189 of righteousness as guarding against evil is false; true righteousness does not consider evil as worthy of attention. I had a good chuckle from the vague and glib sounding 2:190: “and do not exceed the limits, surely Allah does not love those who exceed the limits”. It’s humorous because to react to evil (with anything other than Love) is to become evil, and in retaliatory feeling and action the slightest irritation can potentially lead to murder; irritation and murder lie on the same continuum of unconsciousness. Only a conscious and loving mind is aware of a limit, and that ‘limit’ is no retaliation at all. It seems that the unfortunates who believe they should ‘fight for Allah’ may be at great risk of not being loved by him; I use lower case ‘him’ because the Koranic words under discussion do not reflect a concept of love for and spiritual oneness with all, but seem to be the words of a ‘religious’ bigot more concerned with the protection of mosques than the potential souls of his followers. In traditional religion, there may be no clearer indicator of false religion than Koran 2:191-195, despite all the beauty and Truth that may shine elsewhere in the Koran. Perhaps there is an esoteric interpretation regarding the suppression of one’s own foolishness through consciousness, but regardless, the death knells of Islam are clearly ringing, as they have rung for ancient religions now long dead. Only Truth never dies; the words of Truth in Islam will be incorporated in the doctrine of its false successor religion, which will then have its undoubtedly doomed opportunity to inspire humanity.

With regard to traditional religion, I understand your statement, “true religion is the oxymoron”, because no traditional religion is true. There is Truth at the heart of all of them, but the inconsistent and confused words of false prophets, such as Paul of Tarsus who wrote Corinthians etc., leads to indescribable confusion and suffering of those gullible enough to believe they are the ‘words of God’ or Reason. It is blind acceptance of misconception by the many that creates a false religion. But seeking within false doctrines provides clues to the truth, which as Democritus said, has been (figuratively) buried at the bottom of the sea by Nature; it’s like the white dot at the centre of the black section of the Taiji. True religion has always been like an ‘underground movement’ of Reason or the Truths of Life known only to a few – because the masses don’t want Truth, just cheeseburgers, as Popeye Doyle implied. It’s interesting that the word and number conscious Kabalists and Sufis of old have known what true religion is and have existed apparently within but with a considered detachment from the falseness of Judaism and Islam respectively. Those who bear Truth are ‘hidden in plain view’. Certainly there is a protection in being or at least seeming one with others. The false division, bigotry and degeneration of false religion begins with the insistence on a separate identity, with churches, books, manner of dress, rules and restrictions, etc. Thus do all false religions and their followers become targets of each others’ intolerance and fanaticism; it seems like a Divine punishment for their pride, exclusivity, and pretenses of spirituality. Only that which seeks oneness is sustained by Nature.

True religion does not require churches or “holy books”. The seed of Truth and Love exists within every one of us. Wherever a human being is, there is a church or temple of God or Love called the body, and within, a Book of Life, “sealed with seven seals” [actually nine] which “no man was found worthy to open and to read” (Revelations 5:1-4). The inspired know that when a man or woman stands in front of them, there stands God. And to irrationally judge or harm this manifestation of God is to do exactly the same thing to oneself. The Law of Love is the only way, as it is the Law of Life; it is insanity to see things otherwise. The insane see life as divided, full of battles, strife and worry; they imagine life is all about themself against the world, like the paranoid man I saw loping down the street cursing the demons that were seemingly chasing him. Such ‘demons’ are real and distressing phenomena to some people, and the problem of their existence only falls to true religion; Catholicism’s exorcism may only provide temporary relief to the sufferer. We are crazy enough without ‘holy men’ deluding us into believing our fellow beings are evil because they don’t believe the doctrine we believe in.

I love Albert Einstein’s definition of ‘religious’ in his “I have found no better expression than ‘religious’ for confidence in the rational nature of reality, insofar as it is accessible to human reason. Whenever this feeling is absent, science degenerates into uninspired empiricism.”

