Is praying for help..really asking to become a robot??

I have been wondering about this lately…

When I get stumped on a problem…and I pray for help…am I a child asking for help…or a rebel wanting to become a robot again?

Who should be thanked for the answer? The questioner or the answerer?
Or both?

Can we grow…if we don’t try to overcome problems on our own? Can we grow if all the answers are just given to us anytime we ask?

Any thoughts?

Aww you’ve been a robot before?

lucky bastard…

I think it should be a little bit of both. Work hard and ask for help in prayer as well.

Praying for help is a way to relieve stress by shifting some of your burden into supossedly divine, all powerful hands. Its nice to have someone to talk to, especially when that someone can do anything.

It isn’t weak to pray, its just not particularly helpful, save for the previously mentioned stress relief. Does it really accomplish anything outside of yourself? No.

Robot ? No. Praying in its diverse and unbridled form bears similarity to a mathematical function, analogy which I myself find is particularly beautiful. Through function I understand a synthesis of different emotional phases - the action of methodizing your diverse internal shifts into a common one.
One’s inner representation of himself is the definition domain for the function, which he attempts to transgress into the superior conscience to which he is praying. The functional relation’s specific is the act of praying itself.

Praying is first of all expression of the will to gain a higher level of knowledge, through an unmediated representation. In this sense, praying distances itself from rational cognition in that it is intuitive, rather than discursive.

The old man living in a lost village in Russia, kneeling in a desolated church and humbly imploring his God to have mercy on his poor, wretched sole, may be less of a sclave than the ruler of a powerful nation.

Praying is a ridiculous exercise. It is up to oneself to get through whatever troubles they are presently in. There is no God or supernatural beings out there guiding us and helping us through tough times. As soon as people get it through their heads that life is full of ineradicatable pain, misery and suffering the better. Praying is for the weak, it gives them comfort that some transcendent “thing” is out there looking after them, when in actual fact there is nothing there.

Conclusion; Religion helps the all too many make their existence bearable.

I believe there is a difference between praying and realization.
You are right on one thing you are a slave to tradition.

Praying is like checking TSB’s on fords database, when you are trying to fix one of their creations and are stumped. I think that is a better analogy.

I think of praying as trying to understand oneself better. I suppose some form of prayer might be attempting to give up free will–i.e. wanting some supernatural power to give specific instructions or take the wheel for awhile–but prayer isn’t limited to that. I think it depends a lot on the religion/faith of the person praying.

i understand where your getting when you say:

in fact there are important ANSWERS already found,yet laughed at and mistreated (like youth).
here is some INFO from one of my good friends:

any furthur questions i would enjoy answering to you with.
but here is one of my own,do you think your already the robot you have been CUBICly made to be?
and another:
can you handle your ANDROID SLAVERY from singularity brotherhood?

Praying seems to be an early attempt at meditation. One attempts to gain a better understanding of reality through a connection with a diety. Its an irrational attempt to rationalize the world. Though it is connected with meditiation. You see one calming his/herself down in a quiet evironment attempt to gain knowledge. Their attempt is honorable, but I think personally their method is the problem.

Yah, I wish I was a robot; that way I could upgrade my system and store backup copies of myself.

Judus, do you talk to your dog/cat or car also?

Dear christler, please forgive me for my daily sins. I’m sorry for my failings. I am having troubbles in my life and I need your guidance and support.
(nothing happens, but he feels better afterwards)

You may actually find that talking to a real person, instead of God, will help more, but at the same time, so many people are full-of-shit that talking to yourself can really help sometimes… it all depends.

But please try to get over the whole Adam, Eve, God, Satan shit.
“Sin” exists within all life, as does suffering, and it is not the fault of any satan or adam/eve, and God wont save or help you.
We need some real answers and some real solutions.

Who has them? Lets go rob them and take their solutions! I am with you.