Create your own religion, now!

Inventing your own religion, instead of joining one, is much like a man getting up and planting his own feild of food to cultivate and harvest, instead of taking from a gigantic old farm of pregrown potatoes, fertilized in a swell of mineral depleated bullshit.
You all know what I’m talkin’ 'bout!

Once we make our own religion, suddenly we aren’t trying to fit into a commandment, we are trying to actually make something that works, and making use of our most powerful/valuable metal abilities – which are our own thought creation processes.

Doing as your told is like eating puke, and indepedance is far better.

Once we make our own beliefs, we automatically take responsability and become far more capable of change.

The illusion is that joining an group and letting anyone do anything for you is easier and better, when infact it is more often worse.

Justice and education and medacine, all became organizations, and these jobs are no longer ours fully. Our inexperiance in these areas can and will lead to deficiency/underdevelopment of person.

Now, apply that to a religion, because a religion is your biggest most life-shaping belief.

The last thing that we really need is some kinda holy-book, because God’s dildo of mental masterbation wont make our physical problems go away.

Denile of reality, is allot like emotional repression. It preserves the problem, but misapplication of reality is even worse.

Things like shame, and our “needing” to wear clothing, is an example of a bandade being put over a part of our mind that cannot handle a part of our reality.

If we don’t face our weakness and insecurity, it will just become a retardation.

Yes, look at you! How would you feel infront of a croud of people if you had to talk or were naked? This sort of issue has been avoided for too long, and allot of people have a problem with self and reality.

We’d sooner feel ashamed of our greatest gift, then show it in a non-selfconscious mannor. Why? All just a shitload of fear and insecurity.

Face your fears of God now, because those are even worst then fear of man.

Man is less theoretically powerful, and more easily understood, and even though a big group of men is as scarry as hell – God is going to send your ass to hell forever if you don’t do what he likes.

Yeeah, so face that big fucker. Question “Him”. Don’t just try to defend God! How about God defends you for once! He’s obviously got more power, love, intelligence, and resources then you.

No, wait, maybe we should feel sorry for him and defend him, and give to him, despite the fact that He needs nothing and is invincible?


Ok, don’t give the food to your kids, feed your pet rock.
The fact that the rock doesn’t need your gift, is no excuse as to you ever denying the sacrifice that it deserves?

God shit out this fucked up world full of problems, then he farted out a set of domgatic commandments, and scared/secuded us into fallowing then, right up the ass of submission and death!

That’s right! You heard me!
And God heard me even better then you, because he’s reading my mind and watching me close, to make sure that I don’t fuck up.

Wait, I’m still fucking up.

Okay then, thanks again God.

[Yes, I needed to say all that.]


that was fine! I’m probably going to like you in the long run, especially because of sarcastic sentences like that:

The only thing I find you should think about is how close you are to a religious standpoint,a vision of man as something superior to the mere animal,something which should and could be succesfully overcome, with a great effort, a creature which would finally,after so many centuries of domination and submission know and control itself.

The control of self, the mastery of self, in order to accept a certain pattern of behaviour- how far do you think this is from the teachings of the most important and respected religions?

Do you think a true Christian won’t have a lot of difficulties in this world to keep his faith and still live a worthy life among his “fellow men”?

And what about the Buddhist? Do you think his task is easy? What do you think it is his final aim?

We question God, we deny Him, we say “fuck Him”, and yet with our constant preoccupation about him, we just give His idea a more powerful objection which helps to make it more defendable and even more feasible to the believer.

but your post is indeed fine!

hey…man… you stole my thread topic… poopface :angry:

he may have to defend Himself on that one. As all His mouthpieces around today are preoccupied with their own agendas and molesting little boys.

I wish He would wake up and take care of business. At least we have the freedom to speak our minds though.

I don’t think that it is easy.

Religions have something in them, that is very unnatural… No animals have religion. This unnatural, is somehow the realization of some part of our physical being needing to be controlled, judged and limited/silanced.

Trying to become superhuman, or holy, without the help from genetic engineering.

Try as they may, it’s a good idea, but maybe a few will see my point:
Despite how holy you’d like to become, you and all of the other life on earth was never designed to be holy, and it never was, and most of your problems lay within your outdated and linear instincts, and your extreme physical weakness/dependency.
And then the true Christians realize this indirectly, and they call their flesh sinful… So many realizations of inferiority, leading to attempts at reform and evolution of the organism, that can only be partially, mentally actuated.

If you believed what I believed, you would think that only an eventual restructuring of the human species could bring you any real forms of holiness and immortality. Good effort, but it’s mostly impossible right now. Just don’t resist it once the oppertunity presents itself in some future year.

That’s right, and thanks for reacting!
It’s not like I appreciated your good idea, and desided to extend the idea.
I’m such a fucking poop face. A shit headed cunt.
Next time you do something good, I’ll try not to copy or apply it in my own way/life.

This is of interest.

What reason do we have for God?

Once we take away our desire for God, and our feelings about God, what reason do we have left for God?

No one has ever explained and proven God, but they did often use God to prove what they did not and could not understand. If we are going to prepetually add a sugar coating to the unknown and superior forces within the universe, wont our optamism lead us to eventual frustration and vanity? Or does it give us the strenght to carry on?

If, in fact, it does give us strength to carry on, is this a protein supliment or a psycological sugar-pill? Where is our strength going, so that we need more from God, in order to “carry on”? God’s reason and source, is our own vast social need/instinct. When we have problems, we want to go to some sort of person that is smarter and more powerful then us, for help.

If I were to realize that God is untrue, and realize how factually wrong all sorts of religions were, I would not be so stupid as to want them to all be removed from society. Why? Well, they are allot like fossil fuel.

Despite the bad side-effects, large things have been built upon them, and if they were ever taken away, something better and harder to do would have to take their place. [hydrogen fuel or nuclear power?]

Facts may be eventually, always more useful and healthy then lies, but the painful process of realization and understanding is far to hard and complex to ever waste time on, because we have vital mental energy that we need to use on the appealing things we see on the TV, so that adds can sub-consciously program us, and then we can be compelled to consume products, which will impower the people who were influencing is and causing us to consume in the first place.

That’s right! And religion is even better then a capitolist corporation right now. True, each takes time and money, but religion has far more truth in it, and it gives us a deeper meaning/feeling then consuming pepsi.

Which brings me to my next point, I want to see Jesus drinking pepsi on national television now, or soon.

Seeing a can of pepsi, then wanting it, and eventually becoming dependent on the small high that we get from the flavors, sugars and cafine, is not even half as “good” as hearing about a God, then wanting God, then needing God for the strength to cary on, and God helps give our life meaning.

If our meaningless did not have a heavenly father in it, perhaps we would make the mastake of adding our socially inept physical, human father back into that area in our life, and instead of praying to God each day, we could phone our dad and tell him about our problems, and how much we love him and need guidance.

So, as these religious organizations continue to advertise their unneeded product that controls entire lives, and shapes culture into a submissive acceptance/tolerance of their influance, I can’t help but agree with all of it.

Thanks again God. You really helped give my life meaning, despite the fact that you never talked to me or gave me anything, but I guess a bandade hurts less then stitches.

heh, when i use words like ‘poopface’ you can generally assume im not being entirely serious.

yeah i cant figure out what you think about that, do you believe in God or not? me personally, no.

cause i wanna know if you meant to create a religion in order to do better for God, or to do better for yourself (or mabye to you thats one in the same).

This is what scares me about religion though, in my opinion they are all terribly wrong because they do not provide their followers with any truth, all they give them is false hope that eventually when they die they will be saved and know everything about God. Well thats not gonna happen, and unless people try harder they are never going to obtain one single modicum of ‘truth’ from this life.

I dont wanna be a Buddhist…but really it makes perfect sense…how does one achieve truth, enlightenment? you have to detach yourself completely from the superficial world we live in before you can even begin, and that is what Buddhist do, they change their lives in a very extreme way. that would require to much commitment for me to handle, though im worried if i dont do something extreme like that then truth will never be attainable.

still working on it…

What I believe in wont change facts or the truth, it will just effect the way that I apply what I know.

Truth, when we try to go out and find it, this is a sign that we have lost our sense of what it is, but we have always had it; the problem is merely understanding and application.

People can’t count the cells in their bodies, but counting these cells is unnessisary and a waste of time for the individual.

Do you think that you are the first to try to find “truth”? And what if there was one who was far more intelligent and capable then you, and odds are that one of he also tried to find truth with even greater effort then you – and then what happened?..

What always happened to him?..

What keeps on happening to him?

I tell you, that we already have truth. We have the greatest truth we could ever own at this current place in time, but because we were born with it, we don’t think anything of it, and we squander and forget about it, becuase there are no pain neurves attached to it.

Yes, I figured you weren’t serious.
I overreacted just for the hell of it; no good reason for what I said.

what happened to that man is he never found that truth, he continued to fail and struggle for the answer. which is what i suppose you were trying to say.

but i dont think that we’ve found the truth. the world we live in is illusory, a dream, we are trapped in the human condition. so how can we ever aspire to find the truth.

that makes me sad, really sad.

i still have hope though (im still young and stupid), not that I will find the ‘ultimate truth’, but that i have great potential, that i can mediate all of the worlds strife with MY answer (still workin on it). although i can never achieve ‘ultimate truth’, i can still achieve ‘human truth’.

why not have great aspirations? its either that or you end your stupid meaningless life, and that never changed anything did it?

and Dan~, do you believe in God or not? or are you not sure?

If you have to create a new religion, use the bible. It is so convoluted and contradictory that you can make it say anything you want, even make it deny itself. Why do you think EVE can’t eat from the TREE OF KNOWLEDGE OF GOOD AND EVIL ? because books are made from trees and the bible is a book and the bible is a tree explaining good and evil, so god doesn’t even want us to read the bible unless we want to commit the original sin all over again.

Sadness is often an expectation, that sets you up at a theoretical state of loss. You have no less then yesterday, just a bit more within the mind – and we would call it “experience”.

And to those who say “I have found the truth!”… what gage do they have, and what inside of them was able to measure and validate this truth? Satisfaction is all that they have found, and then – in an imperialistic and judgmental way, they claimed it to be a universal and ultimate truth.

We have always had the truth, and once we have become numbed by dreams and desires that wish to control and change this truth, we wonder if we can ever find it somewere? But surely, we must work hard to create this truth, that has never existed in an inanimate and blind world.

Perhaps this hope, could be called an awareness of good potential within life on earth; an obvious sign of sanity.

“Still working on it”?
Please tell me, where, and in what way? Maybe a PM?
Do you write your thoughts down somewhere for perminent storage?

Some would hate the evils so much in their life, that they would wish to end their life; destroy the whole, only on account of the part, much like a warrior who kills more civilians then soldiers. Suicide has always been a mad and confused fighter.

I’m curious as to what your aspiration would be, if you let go of your aspirations towards good, and also let go of your fear/hate of evil? Would a goal ever be greater then a more complete understanding of both friend and foe?

Well… Due to life experience and potential of reality, I’d have to say that it is most reasonable to believe in a God, believe in supernatural forces that can effect physical reality in some way, and also to see the fault in religion.

Why can’t I complain about God, critisize Him, have no faith in Him, and believe in His misunderstood existence, all at the same time?

Perhaps when I critisize God, I am merely pointing out all of our stupidity about a misunderstood concept? And won’t this lead us on the painful path of better understanding?
A critical question is simply a test of logical integrity.

You do know that this form of holy vs the devil is merely a misunderstanding of both sides; it’s a craving for good, and an aversion/hatered of “evil”.

We can easily see this:

The [true?] Christian wishes to compinsate for the great evils on earth, by becoming a great good. He has such a strong desire for good, and a hate for bad, that he needs God to help him survive the great evils and constant attrition of Satan.

Why would carnal man be so detestable to the [true?] Christian? Because the [true?] Christian wishes to overcome the carnal man within himself, and once he has subjigated this resister, he definately does not want to see another that is controlling instead of controlled.

The [true?] Christian wanted humans to be holy in such a strong fasion, that he couldn’t help but believe that the original and prepetual meaning of life and humanity – was to finally get beyond and better then selfishness and hate, up to a heavenly state of no more suffering or death.

The [true?] Christian wishes to turn earth into a heaven, and wishes to turn self into a heavenly civilian, and he is willing to try to become this new kind of person, within the old, unholy system. Even before he gets to heaven, he wants it here and now in every way.

If I ever said that Christianity was wrong or bad, I was simply talking about specific faults existent in some of the whole.

First off, faith is always doubt, because if you were 100 % sure of your salvation as many fundies think, you would not need faith, it would be clear as the sun that you are saved so there would be no “mystery of faith”. The Son of Man doesn’t want that, since he told me.

It is necessary to have wisdom and be led by the Spirit of God to correctly observe and interpret the Scriptures.

Eve was so innocent that she didn’t even notice how strange it was for a serpent to talk to her. Even a 3 year old child today would run off terrified if an animal talked, let alone eat the fruit of the tree suggested, but they were innocent to the extreme. They couldn’t even conceive of any bad, and did not even know there was good and bad, let alone lies and obedience and rebellion and all these much more complex cynical and evil concepts you think they had, but in fact the bible endorses. How could they have possibly distinguished half truths and all the sophisticated lies of the snake ? So god punishes extreme innocence to make man become evil and cynical. And in fact the bible is the tree of knowledge of good and bad and destroys our childlike innocence, hence they are evil books and god really wants us to not read, endorse or follow them along with the koran and all other evil books.

I can agree that knowledge, any knowledge will not lead to anything. That it is indeed better to be void of ALL knowledge, especially the knowledge of holy books, bible koran, which god explicitly forbids. That it is better to be just like the most innocent child (almost as innocent as EVE). But even this sentence is self contradictory, since it contains knowledge. So there you go again; “knowledge is evil”, but after reading this sentence you acquired some further knowledge. By the time you read the sentence the crime has already been comitted. The bible is a total mental trap.

this freedom is another creation of the same sort of conception…

still in high school working on going to college and not fuckin up my senior year. to busy getting faded everyday to write shit down.

but i need to chill out when i get to college. damn…hopefully ill be able to and Ill have more of an opportunity to focus my philosophical studies, ill get into it once i get into the right courses, ones that interest me.

right now i get fucked up everyday and in my spare time do half a homework assignment, and now ive been posting on this forum. forum seems to be the most productive thing ive done in awhile.

I think that the equivalent of communion in my religion would be a chip and some salsa. That’s good body and blood of God.
Mmmm… sacrilicious.

I hope you don’t actually think that we can free ourselves by making something new up and convincing ourself that it’s true in the same way that traditional religion does.

 Even if you have the freedom to believe that Barbara Streisand created humanity, doing so won't help you do anything.

 Except maybe appreciate her disco album.

What do the holy books talk about ? they talk about human behavior, human drama, struggles between right and wrong, they don’t talk about MATTER or science if only very indirectly as clouds, storms and the wrath of god. These holy books are SCIENTIFIC theories of everything if you still didn’t notice. They are pornographically SUBJECTIVE EMOTIONAL ACCOUNTS of human experience totally not LUKEWARM. So where is the environment ? where is matter ? where are the photons of science ? A photon is infinitely complex, god is a one line instruction as someone said “if good goto heaven else hell”. So matter is infinitely complex and can evolve into thinking beings, god just assigns things from his pure free will , his pure action.

Why do we have these theories of everything that assign a thinking mind that creates the world ? because the minds that invented this could only conceive of something their own minds could understand, and for their own minds to understand it, it must have been exactly as a human mind with decision-will-action so cause and effect is simply an action from the will of a mind and this is totally understandable for a primitive mind.

Any indirect explanantion using words or symbols or anything outside a mind becomes vague, no longer completely understandable. So the god, the Son of Man, the Christ is a mind that our minds completely understand and not some abstract formula or experiment or indirection.


I need a central figure for my religion. Someone that would make a good bobble-head… any suggestions? They can be real or made up. As long as the message is there it doesn’t really matter.

when brain chemicals like dopamine spew onto your brain, they “feel good”. they do not contain the robotic message “affirmative/the current state is optimal”, they just “feel good”.

you can actually say that its “good”. all the crap about ‘no such thing as objective good and evil’ doesnt apply to what you know exists in your own head and in everyone elses head. you can objectively say that there is a “good” thing in everyones brain, and its very possible to make sure that everyone has as much of this thing as possible.

in fact, its easy to believe that if there is some divine purpose to existence, it would center around this indescribable good thing, only because it is the one thing we can all agree is a worthwhile goal to accomplish. we may all have different ways of going about obtaining the one thing we all know is good, but we know how to negatively interefere with another person’s pursuit of happiness, and we know how to help them along.

and we know that if the decision we make regarding another person’s unique pursuit of happiness has any bearing on the divine purpose of the universe, our best guess would have to be that the divine purpose is to create as much of the good thing as possible, and not to create the bad thing. couple this with the possibility of realizing the importance of the law of diminishing marginal utility, and you just proved your way into being a “christian mystic”.

now simply replace “divine purpose” with “worldly purpose” and define worldly purpose as “creating the most of the only thing in the world thats good (happiness)” and you have quasi-proven your way into becoming a decent human being who isnt a drain on society and doesnt even believe in divine fairy tales.

i believe its a “good thing” to not be a drain on society. holding this belief causes society to be slightly better. and if everyone held it, society would be perfect. thats why you should believe it, and not for any other reason.

people seem to confuse religion with organized religion. organized religion is a manipulative tool of the government, and as soon as someone tells you to trust them and refuses to provide supporting evidence, that is when you should assassinate them (unless they actually believe what they are saying, in which case just pity them).

believing pretty sounding things that make society better and make you feel better about yourself and the things youve accomplished is not the same as being catholic.