Jesus so creul?

Mr Antony told that one of his friends asked the following question:

“ Lord Jesus stated that unless one hates his parents, and children, he cannot be the dear disciple of the Lord”. Is this not the cruel statement of God to hate the old parents and just born baby ?

Swami replied; The old parents look very pure because the qualities in them are just sleeping due to their weakness. Similarly in the just born baby the qualities are in dormant stage which are ready for germination and therefore the baby looks pure. A old demon and a devil baby look pure and innocent because of the weak qualities or thoughts, which are precipitated in those souls for the past millions of lives. Due to the weak external atmosphere, which is their physical body, the qualities are just sleeping and they are not really pure. Can you love a sleeping snake? The real purity lies only in Lord Jesus or any other such human incarnation of Lord. Except the Lord and the liberated souls which are top devotees, all other souls are impure by the qualities. Are you loving your son only when he is a baby? Are you not continuing your love when he grows? Therefore your love is on your son and not on his babyhood. Are you loving all the babies and all the old people in the world equally? Therefore Jesus (Human Incarnation) asks you to cut your bonds with your parents and not your bond with their old age. Similarly you have to cut your bond with son and not your bond with their childhood. Actually you have no bonds with old age or childhood. If you have real bonds with old age and child hood, you should be loving all the old people and children in the world with equal intensity. The old age and childhood is only a pretext to cover your blind bonds with your parents and your son.

The parents and children are not loved by you based on their good qualities and devotion also. Even if they have bad qualities and even if they are not devoted to God, you are loving them blindly because they are related to you by the blood of your body. The blood along with the body is buried or burnt after death. You body is merging with the five elements of this nature after your death. Thus matter of your body enters some other body. Now analyse the meaning of your blood relationship. Jesus gave more importance to devotees than His mother. He told that the devotees are greater than His mother. Sankara left His mother for the sake of God. Prahlada allowed his father to be killed for the sake of the Lord. Buddha left His wife and one year child for the sake of God. Actually God created you and the parental relationships is real in the case of God. The bliss you derive from the Lord is far superior than the momentary happiness you derive from your wife. These relatives cannot protect you accept the Lord. If you analyse, these relationships are proved meaningless, which are illusionary. These bonds are dramatic and are not real. These bonds did not exist before your birth and will not exists after your death. That which did not exist in the past and that which will not exists in the future does not exists in the present also.

Two actors are acting like father and son in a drama. Before and after the drama the father-son bond is unreal. Therefore during the time of drama also they are not really father and son. All the actors were, are and will be the employees of the manager of the drama. This employer-employee relationship with the manager is real and permanent in the case of any actor. Thus the bond with the creator is only real. Jesus always remembered the creator as His father. At the age of 16 He left all His people for the sake of God for a period of 14 years. Your relationship with God is reality and your relationship with your family members is false. Based on this analysis and knowledge you must vote for God, leaving the family. Thus the love for God is based on reason and not based on blind love. Your family members are just equal to any other fellow human being. The dramatic father or dramatic son is as good as any other actor in the drama. Thus you can love your family members as your fellow human beings. You can serve them because they serve you which is just business. From this angle your family members are different from the outsiders. Your real love must be on the Lord in human form like Jesus and on the other devotees who will help you to improve your divine love.

Okay, I may not be a Biblical scholar, but I don’t remember that bit. Do you know what book its from, is it canon or gnostic? Not that I’m disputing the Gnostic gospels because, well, Thomas had a lot of cool things in his quotes of Jesus.

If that is true then it sounds like Jesus really needed to get laid. Honestly, a rabbi speaking out against family values seems quite strange to me.

Believe it or not there are people who wrote about things that Jesus may or may not have done and things that he probably didn’t do. For instance I read a 12 century account of a knight slautering his enemy in battle who breaks his axe and Jesus transubstansiates from the heavens to give him a new axe to continue his killing. Call me a cynic but I don’t think that really happened.


Luke—14:26 to 27 [Mathew: - 11:34 to 38]

“If any one comes to Me and does not hate his father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters, yes, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple’’.

The knowledge is compared to a sword. Bhagavatgita says “Chhitva Jnanasinatmanah”. This means that the ignorance should be cut by the knowledge, which is like a sword. The bonds with wife or husband and children are due to ignorance. Such bonds should break when the Lord in human form competes with them to conduct His test. Lord comes in human form in every human generation to preach and give His direct presence. If the Lord comes in only one human generation, God becomes partial to that human generation because other human generations are not blessed with such opportunity. To see, to touch, to talk and to live with the human incarnation, He comes down as per the prayers of the devotees. The Lord comes to preach and so He will not enter the statues or animals or birds. Veda says “Na tasya pratima asti’’ which means that God will not enter the inert statues.

Gita says “Manusheem tanu masritam” which means that God enters the human body only because the main purpose is to preach the human beings. Gita strongly says that he who worships the inert statues will be born as an inert stone (“Bhootani yanti”). The Christians should be commended on this point who are worshipping the Holy Jesus only, who is the most powerful human incarnation of God. Veda says “Na tat samah” which means that nobody and nothing should be equal to the Lord in human incarnation. One should leave everything and everybody for the sake of the Lord in human form. Only the bond with a new human being can break the bond with the human beings. Such new human being must be very powerful who can be only God in human form.

A new bond existing with formless God or statues cannot break the human bonds. Only the bond with another living being can cut the bond with the living beings. The bond with formless God is impossible. The bond with inert statue has no use. The above statements of Holy Jesus indicate that one should cut the bonds with his family and with the wealth. In Hindu religion also it is said that God (Datta) cuts all the bonds of family and wealth (“Dattam Chinnam”). Even the bond with the body should be cut for the sake of the God. Gita says the same thing as “Mat Gata Pranah”. Holy Jesus says that one has to carry his own cross (death) for the sake of the Lord. This means that one has to invite his own death with his own hands for the sake of God. Holy Jesus did like this as an ideal example for others. This means that you have to cut your bonds not only with your family and wealth but also with your life if necessary.

Hanuman, a top devotee, tore his heart with his own nails for the sake of the Lord and was blessed by the Lord to be immortal. So when the devotee sacrifices his life, his life gets protected forever. The essence of this gospel is that the love is proved only by the practical sacrifice. Veda says “Dhanena Tyage nyke…” which means that sacrifice of money proves the real love.

Money is the fruit of the work. So money is another form of work. If it is inconvenient to sacrifice the money, atleast they should sacrifice the other form of money, which is work for the sake of God. Depending on the money all the family members are attached to you. If money is not there all the family will leave you. You are also giving the money to your family only. Therefore if the bond with money is cut and if the money is sacrificed to God, the family bonds are considered as vanished, even though the family exists externally. The work of God in human form is the propagation of His divine gospel. For doing such divine work the family also stands as an obstacle because most of your energy is diverted for the family only. Therefore you do not have any energy to work for the sake of Lord.

Hence Holy Jesus wants His disciples to leave their families for the sake of God. The propagation work needs both money and work. Generally every body works to maintain his family. In the name of maintenance, several luxuries are introduced, which look like essential needs and thus there is no end for your work to earn the money for the sake of your body and your family. Your blindness increases and you will be putting more and more efforts to work and earn money for the sake of the family bonds. In such a case you can never even see the human form of God. At least you should remove your blindness by the divine knowledge if not the actual bonds. People of very high devotion only can cut the actual bonds. You are giving money to your family but you are giving words to God by prayers and you are giving mind to God through meditation.

You are giving love to your family through your work and money, you are calling the sacrifice of words and sacrifice of mind as love to God and you are fooling the God. Your real love is only with your family and not with the God. Holy Jesus tests your real love to God by these statements. The Christian Pope and fathers and the Hindu Acharya and saints left their families and concentrated completely on the work of God. Such pious souls can only be representatives of God in this world.


You must understand the underlaying reason behind why Jesus told that. I will explain to you the underlying divine knowledge, please go through it and analyse it.

Family Bond-Responsibility To Family-Bond With God

Gita says ‘Eka Bhakthih Vishishyate’ which means that the person having only one bond with the Lord alone is liberated. The liberation itself means destruction of all the bonds in this world. Without full liberation, one cannot have a strong bond with the Lord. Unless one is completely relieved from the world, one cannot join God. The joining report in the new institution is not possible without complete relief from the previous institution. You cannot partially join the new institution. It cannot be a side employment. Ofcourse such partial bond can be treated as the intermediate stage and is better than no bond.

But the aim should not be such partial bond. If you aim at 100 marks, you may get 40 marks and pass. But if you aim at 40 marks only, you will fail. Therefore, let the aim be total liberation from the world and single bond with the God.

The bond consists of three parts. The service in terms of sacrifice of work and fruit of work comprises ninety-nine paise. Love with mind consists of 2/3rd paise. Remembering through words consists of 1/3rd paise. If you take the case of Sankara, he has donated the whole rupee to the Lord. His love for his mother, words to praise mother and service to mother are diverted towards the Lord. He left his mother for the sake of the Lord. He has donated all the one hundred paise to the Lord. He is the top most beloved of the Lord.

He should be our aim. In the beginning stage you cannot divert your work, which is called duty and mental attachment, which is called love to the Lord. At least make a humble beginning by donating the words to the Lord. Go on reading spiritual books and go on chanting his songs. By this you have donated 1/3rd paise to the Lord. Remember that you cannot purchase any item from any shop with 1/3rd paise. Therefore, do not aspire any thing in return from the Lord, for this 1/3rd paise. In the next stage you try to divert your mind towards the Lord, which is 2/3rd paise.
Do your duties to your family members, but without mental attachment. Such mental detachment has several added advantages. If one is mentally detached from the family members, he will not be hurt if they insult him in future. He will not be disturbed when their behaviour is not correct. He will not suffer if death attacks them. Such mental detachment brings full peace and balance of mind. Due to this he will be always energetic with good health. Therefore such mental detachment is needed even for an atheist.

The detached mind cannot keep silent because it is habituated to the attachment. Therefore, attach the mind to the Lord. Such attachment will always give infinite bliss in the life. When you are successful in attaching the mind to the Lord, you are called as devotee. But a devotee can be disturbed. The devotion becomes firm if his intelligence takes a firm decision through knowledge. Therefore, Knowledge gives firm decision to the intelligence (Buddhi) and this makes the devotion of mind (Manas) to be firm. Therefore, Gita started with Buddhi Yoga or Jnana Yoga in the second chapter.

When the mind is fixed on the Lord with the help of the knowledge of the intelligence, the work will naturally change and will follow the mind. The mind is like the king. The words are like his ministers. The intelligence is like his preacher or Guru. The work is like his army. Therefore, with the help of the words the mind should be diverted to the Lord and it is fixed with the help of the intelligence. The words divert the mind, whereas the intelligence fixes the mind. Therefore, when you have donated words and mind to the Lord and when you are strengthened by the spiritual knowledge your duties and responsibilities, which form the work, will naturally be diverted towards the Lord. The work is always inert item and is controlled by the mind and intelligence.

I’ve been googling a bit looking for some sources and all I see is this post over and over again. How many times have you posted the exact same thing?

Anyway. It does make sense when placed into a proper context. There are several moments when Christ will say something radical to get people’s attention and then he’d explain. Like when he said that he could “tear down the temple and rebuild it in three days.” Plus one has to take into account that the average person around the time of Christ only had a vocabulary of 600 words or so, and there was no word for spirit in Aramaic. It must have been interesting to come up with metaphors for ideas like heaven.


I would like to bring to notice the concept of liberation, could you go through the following analysis;

Real Liberation & Salvation

This physical world, which consists of the inert objects like Sun, Moon, Stars
Air, Earth etc., is not the world, which is binding you and this is not
The world from which you have to attain the liberation or salvation
If you get salvation from this physical world it is called the death

Death is not the salvation since even after death you are bound by the bonds
The bonds are not with the physical world but they are with your family members
It is this family that constitutes your entire world from which you must be salvated

The physical world is real and it is unreal for the creator only and not for you
You are a part and parcel of this world and if you say that this world is unreal
You too become unreal, your unreal world is your own family, which is created
By yourself only and why this is unreal?

If you analyse, these bonds did not exist
Before this birth and do not exist after this birth and hence are not existing
During this birth also, Sankara told that temporary is always unreal
Therefore, Gita emphasizes for the detachment from these worldly bonds

Jesus goes one step further and advises you even to hate these family bonds
This is surprising but if you analyse, I should say, He is absolutely correct
If you analyse deeply, these family members deserve your hatred and not love
The reason is that these family members were very vehement enemies to you
In the previous birth you stole their hard earned property and fought with them
Now they have come to collect their wealth from you along with the
Compound interest, they are in the form of wife and children and you are bound

To pay them according to the force of Karma Chakra i.e., associated with Kala Chakra
Payment of loans is Karma Chakra and payment in this birth is Kala Chakra
The same is said “Runanubandha Rupena Pasu Patni Sutalayaah”
The three strongest bonds are with money, wife and children and these three
Are called as “Eeshanaas”, which are the stainless steel chains, which never
Corrode, the secret in the force of these three bonds is only the force of Karma
The Karma is the payment of the loans with interest and for that you have to earn
Therefore, you are forced by Karma to earn the money and that is the spontaneous
Attraction to the money, the Karma is dragging you to earn the money so that
You can pay to your enemies who are surrounding you for the collection of loans

Thus these three bonds are inter related and amalgamated by the force of Karma
These enemies are in the mask of friendship and love with you and you do not
Remember your previous birth, which is again due to the force of karma only
If you remember the previous birth and that enmity you will not repay the loan
Therefore, by the force of Karma Chakra only you do not remember previous birth
These enemies can collect their money only under the mask of love and friendship

These enemies are collecting their money in the form of work and also money
The mother repays the loan by doing work like bathing and clothing the children
Such sacrifice of work by the mother is coming under Karma Sanyasa
The father repays the money by giving his hard earned property to the children
And this repayment of direct wealth comes under Karma Phala Tyaga.

But these enemies are not satisfied with simple repayment of their loans
If a thief steals your money and if you catch him will you leave him
Just by taking your money? You will torture him and then only leave
Similarly, you have stolen their property and you tortured them
Therefore, they have caught the thief in this birth and collect their money
Apart from that they will torture you by dragging you down from the Lord

If you progress in your spiritual path and reach and please the Lord
You are saved permanently and attain eternal happiness here and there
Now these enemies obstruct your spiritual path and drag you back
From that Eternal divine benefit and due to that you will fall in this world-cycle
In this cycle, which is the permanent hell, you are tortured forever
By this, their vengeance is subsided and they stand around you even
In your last minutes so that you will be attracted by them then also

And you will not remember the Lord even in the last minute
This is the reason why all your family members reach you even before your death
They reach you when they hear that you are seriously ill, they are very alert
But you fool! You are not alert about them and remember them only even on the
Death bed! Is your this world not really unreal? You analyse the fact

I say this family world is the most unreal world because these bonds are not only
Unreal according to the analysis of Sankara, but also they are the bonds
Of enmity and so must be hated according to the Holy Jesus
You are thinking the enemy as your friend! How unreal is this bond?
First you come out of this unreal world created by you due to your past deeds

People say often that the world is unreal, yes! It is absolutely unreal
But the world is not this physical world created by the Lord
The unreal world is your family created by yourself due to your past karma

Similarly, your religion is another broader unreal world created by you
Your fellow religious people obstruct you from entering Universal spirituality
Because they are your enemies in the mask of friendship in this birth
You harmed them spiritually in the previous birth and therefore they have come
Now here as your friends belonging to the same religion and revenge upon you
When you come out of these two worlds, which are well and river
You will enter the Universal Spirituality, which is the infinite ocean

You really like these long posts, don’t you?

Hi dattaswami,

Is it possible you’ve misinterpreted the word “hate” here? Or perhaps the context that it is in?

The passage that you’ve taken from Luke has Jesus explaining discipleship, or what it takes for someone to be his disciple. When he says that one must hate their parents and their children and their siblings, I don’t think that he means to hate them and discipleship will be conferred, but rather our love for those people must not rival our love for God.

It’s the concept of loving God more than you love your family. I don’t hate my family, but neither can I be a disciple of Christ if I care more for them than for God. This seems harsh, but when one considers Jesus’ words about feeding the poor and clothing the naked and visiting the jailed, we can see that one of the ways that we love God is the way we love others.

So, the message is this: You cannot hold on to your family, they belong to God only, and so you must cling tightly to God. Your love for God should be so great, that in comparison you would appear to hate your neighbor/family.

Nick Lowe Lyrics - Cruel To Be Kind

Oh, I can’t take another heartache,
Though you say you’re my friend, I’m at my wits’ end!
You say you’re love is bona fide,
But that don’t coincide with the things that you do
And when I ask you to be nice, you say

You’ve gotta be
Cruel to be kind in the right measure,
Cruel to be kind it’s a very good sign,
Cruel to be kind means that I love you,
Baby, you’ve gotta be cruel to be kind.

Well I do my best to understand dear,
But you still mystify, and I want to know why.
I pick myself up off the ground
To have you knock me back down again and again!
And when I ask you to explain, you say

You’ve gotta be
Cruel to be kind in the right measure,
Cruel to be kind it’s a very good sign,
Cruel to be kind means that I love you,
Baby, you’ve gotta be cruel to be kind.

Well I do my best to understand dear,
But you still mystify, and I want to know why.
I pick myself up off the ground
To have you knock me back down again and again!
And when I ask you to explain, you say

You’ve gotta be
Cruel to be kind in the right measure,
Cruel to be kind it’s a very good sign,
Cruel to be kind means that I love you,
Baby, you’ve gotta be cruel to be kind…

Dear Manifested,
The avatar. I love Japanese girls, I love them much, just like so many others. Girls are so lovable and valuable. [Xept 4 the bad bad bitchez]

Dear dattaswami,
“Honor thi father and thi mother”. “Respect your elders”. “Children must be obediant to parents”.
^These sort of biblical notions in Jewish culture were not being attacked by the Christ, – but instead the word “hate” here was used as a comparative opposite, “dislike” compared to “like”, and the true message here was that you must love what is right more then your own family, though you can and still should love your family.

An example of what Jesus was truly saying – would be if a man’s father was crule and abusive, but then this person did not copy his father’s ways, and instead loved the truth/love/right-way-of-life more then his families general mentality.

Jesus didn’t curse his rideculers on his day of arrest. Jesus blessed children, and washed his apostles feat the night when they were argueing amoungst themselves about who was most “righteous”.

How could someone mix this up with hate and cruelty? Subtle minds have constantly added contradictions and stupidities to the bible. Ignore these, and put your own common-sense above the abused word “truth”.


Until and unless, one breaks the bonds with self, wife, money and children, Nishkama cannot be achieved. If our relative is suffering in front of our eyes, anybody (bonded soul) can resist from asking god to save him/her. Let us be practical. The bond with the money is the root of all the bonds. Liberation is not we get after death. It is to be obtained when alive, which is called Jeevan Mukti.

abowloforanges, after reading the above you may be wondering how can Jesus tell one to hate his father , mother and other relatives. Please you refer the reply Real Liberation and Salvation posted in this thread above also.

When you cut all your bonds of love on all the things and on all the people in this world, it is called ‘Vairaagyam’. But this stage is not sufficient. The reason for this stage should be the love formed on the Lord. Due to this new bond on the Lord, all the old bonds must be cut. If the new bond does not exist and simply the old bonds are cut, that is only salvation. A stone is also having salvation because it does not have any bond on any thing or any body in this world.

If one leaves the family and the house by taking Sanyasa, all that is a waste, if he has not taken the Sanyasa for the sake of the Lord. The new bond with the Lord (Bhakthi) should be the reason for the detachment from all the other bonds (Vairaagyam). Only Vairaagyam is useless without Bhakthi. If Bhakthi is achieved, Variraagyam is automatic. There is no need of any effort for attaining the Vairaagyam. If you have tasted the divine nectar (Amrutham), you will automatically discard the other drinks. Without tasting the divine nectar, you cannot leave the drinks. Even if you leave the drinks without tasting the divine nectar, you will go to the drinks after some time with very high vigor. Therefore Vairaagyam without Bhakthi is not only waste but is also impossible.

Just see this example. A young man loved a girl for the past one month. The parents are not agreeing for the marriage. But the young man cuts all his bonds, which were developed, with his parents for the past twenty-five years due to this one-month-old new bond! The million births old bonds are cut by a single new bond developed with the Lord in human form in this birth. Swami Vivekananda could cut all the family bonds for the sake of the divine work of His Satguru (Rama Krishan Paramahamsa). Similarly Gopikas could cut all the family bonds for the sake of the Lord in human form (Krishna). A small atom bomb can destroy huge mountains.

Narada wrote that one should love the Lord as a lover loves his or her darling (Jaara Vatcha). He also gave the example of Gopikas in the next Sutra (Yathaa Vraja Gopikanaam). Such love involves the practical sacrifice. The lover is leaving his or her parents practically to go along with his or her darling. Even if the parents threaten stating that they will not give the property if he/she marries his/her lover, the boy or the girl is prepared to leave all the property for the sake of his or her lover. When the parents manage to kill him or her, she or he is committing suicide. Therefore for the sake of the lover one can cut all the family bonds, bond with wealth and money and even the bond with the life.

When you can do these things in the case of the lover, how can I believe that they are impossible things in the case of the Lord? This means that you don’t have that much real love on the Lord. Holy Jesus told that one should cut the bond even with his life for the sake of the Lord. If something is impossible, that should be impossible every where. The new love is called ‘Saayujyam’ and ‘Kaivalyam’. Saayujyam means becoming close to the Lord. Kaivalyam means becoming one with the Lord. Kaivalyam does not mean merging in the Lord physically. Whatever the devotee says, the Lord will say the same. Whatever the devotee wishes the Lord wishes the same. This is vice-versa also. Such oneness is called Kaivalyam.

Dan~ and to all involved and interested in this discussion;

I know every will get astonished by Jesus statement. Let us analyse the concept completely in all possible direction.

There are two distinct fields in spirituality: Please have patience in reading till up to the end

(1) Pravrutti

(2) Nivrutti

Pravrutti: In this people desire the welfare of their body and family. They love their bodies and their families only. Their real love is not on the God but only on their body and family. When that welfare is disturbed and when it is not possible to rectify it by worldly means, then only they look at God. When you get fever and it is not subsided by the medicines you used, then you are approaching a doctor. Thus God is only an instrument to achieve the welfare of their body and family. They pretend real love on God, which is not real. When you go to the doctor you respect him too much. That respect is not real. That respect is only apparent and the aim of that respect is only that he will cure carefully your disease. These people do not bother about tomorrow. They don’t bother about the hell after death and about the next birth. Their aim is only the temporary happiness confined to this birth only. They worship God for this purpose, which is not true love at all. God also acts accordingly. He postpones all your bad results to the next births like pro-notes with increased interest. He brings the good results from future births with reduced values like the pre-matured deposits.

The Lord will not save these people in the hell. They will go to the heaven and when the results of their good deeds are finished, they are thrown back to the earth. In the future births, which are full of difficulties only, these people weep scolding the Lord. But the Lord keeps silent, because He acted according to their prayers only in the previous birth. In this field one can worship the Lord with single face, who is Vishnu, the embodiment of Sattvam quality. With this quality God will help you when you worship. But this quality always requires justice and logic. Therefore, within the rules of the cycle of justice God helps you. He will never harm you for your worship. In this field God in human form is not necessary. God will protect the justice by His power. In this field the aim of the people is not God. Their aim is only protection of justice and their families. Lord Krishna did not fight directly in the war because in this field His power is sufficient to protect the justice. Arjuna was charged with His power and Arjuna fought with the enemies. In this field the devotees can worship formless God or statues and can get apparent and temporary protection in this world.

Nivrutti: In this field people want God only. Their aim is the permanent association with the God and not the temporary results in this world. They never care for the worldly justice. They don’t care for their body or family bonds. Their concentration is always on God. Here the justice is also crossed. Prahlada did not care for his father’s death. God came directly and fought with the enemy in his case. Gopikas left every body and every thing for the sake of Lord Krishna. He liberated them in this world itself. God in human form was required by Gopikas and not by Arjuna. Gopikas wanted to see, touch, talk and live with the God. The Lord came in the human form as Krishna for the sake of Gopikas only. Arjuna wanted only the power of God to protect justice by getting back the kingdom. Therefore, Arjuna worshipped statues like Siva Lingam and energetic body like Siva. Lord Krishna was an instrument for Arjuna in achieving his kingdom. The aim of Arjuna was kingdom and not Krishna. But in the case of Gopikas the aim was Krishna and not anything else or anybody else. They crossed even the traditional justice and ran to Brindavanam to dance with Krishna. They were unable to live for even one minute without Krishna. In this field of Nivrutti the Lord comes down in human form and donates Himself to the devotees. Such human form is called as Datta. In this field the Lord has all the three aspects of Brahma, Vishnu and Rudra. He shows Sattvam of Vishnu, Rajas of Brahma and Tamas of Rudra. In this field He gives troubles when you worship Him. Troubling a devotee unnecessarily is Rajas and Tamas. In this field only the real love on God is proved. When God troubles you after your worship and if you are unable to leave Him still then that is real love. Thus single face Datta (Vishnu) is for Pravrutti and three-faced Datta is for Nivrutti.

God acts according to the field you choose. In Nivrutti only He protects you from hell and takes you to His eternal abode. In this field only He attracts the evil effects of His real devotees and undergoes sufferings to save His devotees. Here the attitude of God is not logic and justice but only pure love. But real devotees oppose this. Therefore, He undergoes the bad results without their knowledge. The God circulates the information regarding Pravrutti and Nivrutti to everybody so that nobody can blame Him later on for their ignorance. Except the motto of information He is not having an intention to attract the people into Nivrutti. He is not benefited in any way by doing so. All the benefit is only for the devotee. The person following the Pravrutti always scolds the Nivrutti. The reason is that he is unable to catch God directly in Nivrutti and therefore, discourages that field with jealousy. When he is unable to succeed in that field he does not want anybody to succeed in that field. He wants to close that field and wants that his field only to remain. Such psychological jealousy is not good because God will punish him. Even though he is incapable he should appreciate others and in such case God will help him to come to Nivrutti. In nutshell God helps in Pravrutti with sympathy only and such help is only in the apparent and temporary rearrangement of your good and bad results. In Nivrutti the fruit is permanent and real and God really loves the devotees.

If you are unable to follow Nivrutti, please be in Pravrutti at least and never become an atheist. You try constantly to follow the Nivrutti. You might have not reached the goal, but you have left your station. Only a person who is always limited to Pravrutti should worry. The attitude towards Pravrutti or Nivrutti comes from the accumulated Sadhana done in several previous births. Such a person turns spontaneously towards Nivrutti and the association of Satguru is only accidental. In the pearl shell one raindrop fallen becomes the pearl. Even if 100 drops fall on mud pond, all the drops become mud water only. Therefore, the deservingness of the devotee due to previous Sadhana is the most important factor and not the close or long association with Satguru.

One may sit on the seashore for several hours but he has only a small tumbler in his hand. He can take only a tumbler of water even after sitting for several hours on the seashore. A fellow may come with a pot but he takes a full pot of water in 5 minutes. The Satguru rains His divine knowledge on all the people impartially so that He should not be blamed later on. The knowledge is essential like the rain, but more essential is the deservingness of the devotee that developed based on his sincere spiritual efforts for the past several births continuously (Purva Janma Samskara).