Why in His image?

Today I don’t want to have discussions about God. My beliefs do not matter now. Let’s all presume, that bible is truth. Let’s all believe for a moment, that God created earth 6000 years ago. Let’s do it in the name of philosophy, which won’t be harmed in any way if we do it.
So, now I’m ready to ask my question. Why did He create us in his image?
And I have an answer, which could be produced by me, but it wasn’t. The answer is He did it for us to appreciate his work. Now, woul you agree with the statement?

So that we would be able to understand who we are.


How would it be possible to have been created as anything else? We are manifestations of God.

he is our manifestations.

Suppose the bible is totally true?

Well, He created us for the same reason as parents have kids. He wants to create life, nerture it, protect it, love it. He is our “father in heaven”. Parents love their children and make sure to bring them up in the right way. God is allwise so he wont fail when He trains his kids to be good people and to love him/eachother.

Wait A minute! He just killed everybody in the flood! He didn’t protect Abel even thought he saw Cane was gunnu kill him! He cursed humanily with old age, sickness, death, and even cursed the ground so that it didn’t produce food properly. He cursed Eve so that she had birth pains and birth difficulty.

Okay, let’s reconsider the true meaning of this “bible truth”. God obviously didn’t love people at all, He killed them off left and right, and He only created two of them – from then on He spent the bulk of His time judging them, killing them and telling them what to do.

We where creates so that God could kill us, watch us die, and judge us for the sins that we couldn’t stop ourselves from comitting.

Because, without thumbs we wouldn’t be able to pick stuff up.

That was the funniest post ever.

I enjoy your idea. Obviously, He, who knows the future, and who created Everything, created us as a toy of some sort. And, surely, no love. But no hate either. I imagine He should be above love or hate, if he created it all. All He can do is to accept his creation. But bible talks about him loving... if He knows what will happen, is tere is a point in love or hate? if He created it knowing Everything will happen is there is a point of all this? He might be really bored being the only "supercreature"... 
Also, I believe, knowing of future would not allow God have consciousness, like humans do. Also, time would be different for Him. As far as he is infinite, the time would not matter at all. So, no actual consciousness, time, or at least perception of it, is different... would such being need a toy?

yes sir.

but our parents created us,isn’t God a false “entity” made by adults?.

create,nurture,protect,love,human emotions and intincts,if “he” desires these things,then why is “he” here? i thought God was perfect?.

that’s nice,and likewise of any Human,no purpose of existence,we are both inferior to eachother.

as long as they don’t bring God into the child’s Life,everything should be just fine.

then explain the crusades,the civil war,ww2. interesting way to show your “love” for someone.

that’s what you can expect from a Homunculus “God”,feeding on the lives of Humanity,hiding in the shadows of religous belief and his “righteousness”,the light they see in haven on that majestic throne,is a flse one,that belongs burnt out.

Angels go to hell,Homunculus go to heaven,it’s the conspiracy behind revelation,they wait for humanity to self-destruct as dr.gene ray has predicted.

though the story of adam and eve is false,that fact remains true for christians to know.

let’s try to consider “Biblical Truth”

some God.

a tool to create imperfect philosopher’s stone’s,from humans.

just a plan,a conspiracy,a lie,a false God.that’s just life.

above love and hate,or below,let’s say,MINDLESS.
there is a point of love and hate,but this God Homunculus cannot control the human emotions “he” created.
the point is he wants to be fed humans,dead and alive,he is the God that the murderer cannot explain,yet turn to the false bible God.
a Homunculus is indeed gifted with “super-powers” that’s what makes killing humans so easy for them,some turn into chimeras like the one’s mentioned in REVELATIONS,the scorpion-like creatures,yes CHIMERAS.

an empty being,eating off the life of mortals-God.
time wouldn’t be different for him,he is the God of time,the tyrant living off humans from his element,time.
time doesnt matter,he needs to eat humans,to produce philosopher’s stone’s,where he trascends to his son “Christ” with the false superhuman powers that came from the stones.
like i said,the toy is us,we are the food and the fun of this immature Homunculus.

If god didn’t love us why would he create us, what would be the point of that.
Thats how we know he does’ love us…

God dosent make mistakes like humans, so if you had a child i would gather it was for love, or a mistake.

we were not created by a perfect God. God doesn’t love you. God doesn’t care about you. God wont save you. God wont talk to you. God wont protect you. God isn’t there. God is dead.

Firstly, God doesn’t need anything. If he wanted to have fun with something he could have made something WAY more amusing then a couple of lame, slow-assed humans.
But if God didn’t love anyone, why would he save or miraculusly heal anybody?
And if God didn’t hate anybody, then why did it say that God had rage and destroyed certain people [during bible “acounts”]?
And if God is perfect, then he can’t feel bored, because boredom is allot like the physical weakness that comes with lack of human exersize, we are imperfect so our minds or bodies get weak/crazey if we never use them – and this is relative to extreme boredom, but God can’t feel bored.
God created time, so he is beyond time and time doesn’t apply, so His will can be done instantly and he can never be slowed down or stopped by anything…

So why is he quietly sitting on his ass and not doing anything, and then having will/morals at the same time? Because God isn’t there.

Non-action + all-mighty, these cancel each other out [because they are two opposite concepts combined into one being].

I don’t quite like these words. These are better.

I’m sure that bible god is not more real than Zeus or Allah. And, have you noticed, how god changed along with humanity. When we get tired of one god, we create another. So, actually, god exists in our subconscience as a symbol… Symbol of ourselves. Yes, we ourselves are what people usually recognize as lord god or whatever. We are god. This shows that the bible was righ with “in his image” doctrine. Only it is god, who was created in our image. And he wants to be like us, not we want to be like him.

I think he made us in his image not by “choice” but by definition. When you create something you truly care about it somehow contains a part of you.

(Homer voice: )

That’s where your wrong flanders!
God created humans to destroy pegans, indians and nature!

And all his plans are succeeding…praise the Lord!


(Homer voice):
And God helped us win worldwar2 too!
Holyspirit tipped every bullet! Jesus was helping the bombs hit their targets. God’s always there helping people to destroy evil.

I think that those who are using God’s seemingly merciless actions as proof of his non-existence, or of his non-benevolence are not really thinking the issue through correctly.

It is downright silly to apply our morals to any divinity. We are on a totally different plane of existence. If I kill a human, I’m doing something wrong, but that’s because we are both equals in that relationship.

I don’t bat an eye when I kill a mouse, and I have killed literally thousands of them, because I think that their deaths are meaningful. Does the mouse understand why I am killing it? Most certainly not. They cannot understand my motivations, so I seem to be some cruel divinity that takes great joy in slaughtering them for no reason.

And a mouse is a lot more like us than we would be like a divinity. Even bacteria are closer to us than we are to an omnipotent being.

So, why did God create us? Perhaps because he wanted certain traits to develop, traits that he knew were desirable, but when applied all at once, are meaningless. Look at Angels. They are perfect beings, but since they started our perfect, they are also static beings. Attaining perfection, however, allows for the generation of perfection-within-imperfection. Certainly a more interesting and dynamic system. Think of the elevation of Enoch to Metatron. That is the end-goal, only on a universal level.

Think of it as a directed evolution of sorts. God occasionally culls the herd so that the overall quality of humanity is increased. This is a loving act, if you want to think of it that way, since all of humanity benefits. When you are farming, you need to remove weeds as well as infected plants, lest the whole crop be ruined.

Wow! You can read my mind…

i hope by evil your reffering to the domesticated word animals.