How Christianity was the catalyst of the Holocaust

I’ve been having discussions with some apologists regarding Adolf Hitler christian faith and the backing of the Protestant and Catholic faiths to his murderous acts against the Jews. Before I became a Deist, I was a christian. After much study and research I discovered what the majority of church goers and fundamentalists don’t want to accept, “nothing it’s what it seems”. I rejected the Bible as God’s word and christianity as the true faith. The amount of evidence accumulated thru the past ages is their worst enemy. A history of torture, murder and deception. You’ll be the judge. I already know the sad truth. Here is some sad evidence that proves my decision.

How Christianity was the catalyst of the Holocaust:

Hitler’s anti-Semitism grew out of his Christian education.  Austria and Germany were majorly Christian during his time and they held the belief that Jews were an inferior status to Aryan Christians.  The Christians blamed the Jews for the killing of Jesus.  Jewish hatred did not actually spring from Hitler, it came from the preaching of Catholic priests and Protestant ministers throughout Germany for hundreds of years.  The Protestant leader, Martin Luther, himself, held a livid hatred for Jews and their Jewish religion.  In his book, “On the Jews and their Lies,” Luther set the standard for Jewish hatred in Protestant Germany up until World War 2. Adolf Hitler expressed a great admiration for Martin Luther constantly quoting his works and beliefs.

Now, you must remember before Hitler rose to Chancellor of Germany the country was in a deep economic depression due to the Versailles treaty. Â The Versailles treaty demanded that Germans made financial reparations for the previous war and Germany simply was not self sufficient enough in order to pay the debt. Hitler was the leader that raised Germany out of the depression and brought them back to a world recognized power. Â Due to his annulment of the financial woes of the Germanic people he became their redeemer and they anointed him as the leader of the German Reich Christian Church in 1933. Â This placed him in power of the German Christian Socialist movement which legislates their political and religious agendas. It united all denominations, mainly the Protestant/Catholic and Lutheran people to instill faith in a national Christianity.

I ask the question:

How many Christians, Romanca Catholics and Protestants know about their religion’s invovement with Nazi germany?
Please make your comments on the subject, Thanks, Eddie

I’m not sure what your point is; how is religious involvement in events that momentous stange? If you’re trying to blame Christianity, though, I don’t think you’ve built much of a case. Economic stress in a divided culture was the catalyst of the Holocaust. Anti-Semiticism was rooted in culture, not in religion, and the cultural tensions that had existed since before the Roman Empire’s collapse led to Hitler’s reign focusing as it did on terrorizing Jews.

Hi, Alun, let me give you a little background, I’m 57 years old and I always have a passion for history, religion, sciences, like astronomy, paleontology, medicine, to name a few. I’m not a person that likes to state things philosophically, I’m blunt and to the point. I argue only with evidence to back up my statements, like if I’m a lawyer in a court of law.

According to the evidence accumulated thru history religion is nothing else than man’s interpretation of our existence. Religion is theory, like evolution. Humans don’t have enough evidence to say: “for sure this is the truth”. We try, the best we can, to explain whom we are and the world-universe that surrounds us.

Anti-judaism started before Christianity and before AD. Philistines Persians, Egiptians, Babylonians and other ancient civilizations dominated at different times in history the Jewish tribes. It took the Hebrews a lot to be able to have a country of their own before the CE. Finally in the year 70 AD, the Romans tired of rebellion in the land of Judea destroyed Jerusalem and eventually the last stronghold Masada. The Jewish Diaspora strated before the Romans:

Antisemitism is nothing new and Christendom is just the CE version of that old hatred.

When you finished studying the evidence, if you’re not convinced. I have some more. Thanks, Eddie

Hi, Alun, let me give you a little background, I’m 57 years old and I always have a passion for history, religion, sciences, like astronomy, paleontology, medicine, to name a few. I’m not a person that likes to state things philosophically, I’m blunt and to the point. I argue only with evidence to back up my statements, like if I’m a lawyer in a court of law.

According to the evidence accumulated thru history religion is nothing else than man’s interpretation of our existence. Religion is theory, like evolution. Humans don’t have enough evidence to say: “for sure this is the truth”. We try, the best we can, to explain whom we are and the world-universe that surrounds us.

Anti-judaism started before Christianity and before AD. Philistines Persians, Egiptians, Babylonians and other ancient civilizations dominated at different times in history the Jewish tribes. It took the Hebrews a lot to be able to have a country of their own before the CE. Finally in the year 70 AD, the Romans tired of rebellion in the land of Judea destroyed Jerusalem and eventually the last stronghold Masada. The Jewish Diaspora started before the Romans:

Antisemitism is nothing new and Christendom is just the CE version of that old hatred.

When you finished studying the evidence, if you’re not convinced. I have some more. Thanks, Eddie

Hitler’s anti-Semitism grew out of his Christian education.

This is incorrect. To be sure there have been anti-semitic Christians. But I think Hitlers anti-semitism is more accurately traced to his acceptance of social darwinism. His book, “My struggle”, is an allusion to the survival of the fittest and the generation of a master race through selection.

Acceptance of darwinian evolution as applied to the human race will inevitably lead to a lack of compassion for the weak and the outcasts in society, whether they happen to be Jews, Gypsies, or mentally handicapped. Christianity actually pushes society in the opposite direction, promoting the value of all human life, whatever they contribute to society.

Therefore hitlers program of hate borrowed more from modern secularism than religious thought. In fact many scientists today have proposed a eugenics program to control overpopulation and increase the fitness of the human race. Yet these scientists, including the nobel prize winner, Francis Crick, are athiests.

Well, you can have your own personal opinion about Adolf Hitler’s antisemitism. I’m going to quote and you can compare and come with your own conclusion, either way I quote on what is written and if you want to rebut my posting you better come up with some verifiable written quotes:

Compare with Martin Luther’s The jews and their lies Part 2:

Well, you can have your own personal opinion about Adolf Hitler’s antisemitism. I’m going to quote and you can compare and come with your own conclusion, either way I quote on what is written and if you want to rebut my posting you better come up with some verifiable written quotes:

Compare with Martin Luther’s The jews and their lies Part 2:

Well, you can have your own personal opinion about Adolf Hitler’s antisemitism. I’m going to quote and you can compare and come with your own conclusion, either way I quote on what is written and if you want to rebut my posting you better come up with some verifiable written quotes:

Compare with Martin Luther’s The jews and their lies Part 2:

I think the problem with your theory is that Hitler’s views and thought process are not recognizable as Christian. Therefore, although, he may have seen his plan as “doing the Lord’s work”, it does not mean that Christianity had any culpability in his actions.

For example, if some deranged individual shoots up a preschool and claims that “God” told them to do it, do we blame God? Some might! But usually we take their claims with a pinch of salt and assume that mental illness rather than the God of the universe may have had some role in directing their actions.

That is not to say that some ideas are not dangerous. However, my point is that the secular theory of social darwinism is much more dangerous to society than Christianity, and is a more reasonable explaination for Hitlers actions than his claims of doing God’s work.

Hello F(r)iends,

  1. Lawyers argue only the evidence that supports their case
  2. Lawyers manipulate the evidence to support their case.
  3. It is the lawyers job to win/defend their case/cause.

Do you really want to associate yourself with lawyers?

BY YOUR LOGIC: If Christianity was the catalyst of the Holocaust, then Judaism was a catalyst for all of man’s misery. Judaism was one of the first genocidal religions of the world. Look straight to the source: The Old Testament.


In summary, “god” gave the land to the Israelites, but for some reason, “god” couldn’t do this in a peaceful way so “god” destroyed the walls of Jericho so that everyone, young or old, could be slaughtered like the cockroaches that they are… because “god” said so. With the people believing that “god” was on their side and whatever they did was justified because “god” said so, they were free to slaughter those pesky Hittites, those darn Canaanites, the awful Perizzites, the terrible Amorites, and the horrible Jebusites. I mean, how dare they exist and threatten the chosen people, the master race. But do you think that was the end of it? Nope. The genocides continued…

The Destruction of Ai

Nothing like the Massacre of 12,000 just for some land.

It could be argued that Judaism has taught us that as long as we claim that it is our destiny to secure some land, that if we claim we are “the chosen ones”, the ‘master race’ that we can pretty much get away with genocide, murder, plunder, all in the name of some god. If you want to put the Holocaust on something other than the Nazis by blaming a religion, then look to the source: Judaism. Christianity may have been a party to anti-Jewish sentiment, but Judaism has been a party to religious wars for a much longer period. Would you like to make an argument that Judaism was the catalyst for most religious wars to date?


How much evidence is enough to show that Christendom which the Roman Catholic Church and the Protestant Church are part, it’s need it to prove that Adolf Hitler was receiving their approval ?

Didn’t you see the link that I posted before ?

Adolf Hitler was not acting alone, besides his henchmen, the churches and their members of those churches were devoted christians. Millions of those christians died in his name and Nazi Germany. Other were accused of being war criminals. We’re not talking a one man war, millions were part of christian denominations as mentioned above. There is a saying:
“a picture is worth a thousand words”. Here I’m sending you more than a “thousand words”.

How much evidence is enough to show that Christendom which the Roman Catholic Church and the Protestant Church are part, it’s need it to prove that Adolf Hitler was receiving their approval ?

Didn’t you see the link that I posted before ?

Adolf Hitler was not acting alone, besides his henchmen, the churches and their members of those churches were devoted christians. Millions of those christians died in his name and Nazi Germany. Other were accused of being war criminals. We’re not talking a one man war, millions were part of christian denominations as mentioned above. There is a saying:
“a picture is worth a thousand words”. Here I’m sending you more than a “thousand words”.

Apparently more than you provided.


Are you aware that Hitler exterminated several priests and ministers in gas chambers and by other means? I repeat that Hitler was a social darwinist with a plan to create a “better” race of people. This is a secular concept sadly still promoted by a number of atheists, especially geneticists. He didn’t get his ideas from the bible, from the Lutheran or Catholic church, or from any Christian education.

You are attempting to blame Christian thought for a secular experiment of the vilest kind. Not only does it fly in the face of the teachings of Christ, but it was condemned by many (but admitedly not all) Christian ministers, many of whom paid with their life for speaking out.

Maybe your predetermined anti-Christian views are clouding your view of this particular subject. Maybe you could tell me what is the real reason for your distaste for Christianity? I doubt it started with this particular subject.

Hi, Ned my distaste for religion in general and specially Chritianity didn’t start with Adolf Hitler and Christian Nazi Germany, like I already proved to you with the last sites showing the christian Catholic and Protestant clerics saluting Nazi style and shacking hands with the “monster”. It really started almost 1800 years ago:

I don’t doubt it !!..But the religion institutions, Catholic and Protestant bent over and play politics with Adolf Hitler here watched again !!

Today’s Christianity is, inevitably, the Christianity that the Roman empire chose. Every Christian in the world worships what the Roman empire decided s/he should worship

Hi, Ned my distaste for religion in general and specially Chritianity didn’t start with Adolf Hitler and Christian Nazi Germany, like I already proved to you with the last sites showing the christian Catholic and Protestant clerics saluting Nazi style and shacking hands with the “monster”. It really started almost 1800 years ago:

I don’t doubt it !!..But the religion institutions, Catholic and Protestant bent over and play politics with Adolf Hitler here watched again !!

Today’s Christianity is, inevitably, the Christianity that the Roman empire chose. Every Christian in the world worships what the Roman empire decided s/he should worship

Now you’re beginning to sound like a broken record. Do you have anything else to say other than your misguided opinion that Christianity is to blame for the holocaust? I fear that we are just going over the same ground.

Blaming religious leaders (who are now long dead by the way) for standing by while Hitler killed Jews is one thing. But that is quite a different argument to seeing the Christian thought process behind Hitler’s actions.

Are you serious?

You know, you’re right, just look at this webpages once in a while. I already have my opinion and you have yours.

Yeah, it’s just a shame that your opinion is verging on the ridiculous.

Is it at all possible that Lutheran Christianity provided maybe not a direct link to the Holocaust but provided a backdrop which allowed the Holocaust to happen? I have noted that Lutheran Ethics because it says man is fundamentally evil and cannot save himself through works is a morally fatalistic. Combined with this Luther believed in pre-destination where our salvation is set in stone. He wrote: "The human doctrine of free will and of our spiritual powers is futile. The matter (salvation) does not depend on our will but on God’s will and election.". Surely such a mindset could produce morally anomie whereby what we do, no matter how terrible does not matter because salvation is not dependent on works. Could it be that such a moral mindset allowed the Holocaust to happen? If man is incapable of resisting depravity by himself then committing depraved acts matters nothing. If we combine this with Luther’s own anti-semitism, is it possible to argue that Germany was the so influenced by this way of thinking that the Holocaust is a reflection of such ethics conclusion?