At the Pearly Gates: The Main Argument for the Defence

I think that when I die, that will be the end - the after-death, for me, will be like the time before I was a born: a non-existence. However, I acknowledge that I might “wake up” outside the pearly gates of heaven, and find myself at the judgement seat of the almighty. If he lets me speak, this is what I’ll say (I’ll actually say a lot more than this, but this is the main thing that I hope will save me from damnation):

You decided that rather than tell us all personally about yourself, you’d tell one man, and put the onus on him to spread the word. I presume this is because your criterion for partitioning the human race was “faith” - you want the faithful in heaven, and the faithless in hell. (Not the criterion I’d use, but never mind.) So, this is how it works: the faithful expound the case for your religion to the faithless, who then exercise their free will (let’s assume it exists, for argument’s sake) and decide whether or not to believe it.

Here’s the catch: there’s more than one monotheistic religion! I had the jews, then the christians, and then muslims, all in my office on consecutive days explaining to me that theirs was the true religion. Now, here’s the key point of my defence: all three cases that were made were identical in nature. They all cited large numbers of believers, various reports of miracles, lots of lovely buildings, a holy book, a set of rules for living, many works of art, etc. etc. Truth be told, god, I couldn’t choose between them, so I decided to sod the lot of 'em.

[Closing statement] It is a theological fact that at least two of the three cited religions are false. Because the cases they make for themselves are all equally strong and, moreover, equal in nature, it necessarily follows that cases of this sort are NOT strong enough to justify a leap of faith. I therefore consider myself completely justified in not subscribing to your religion while on Earth, and hope that you will re-consider your decision to send me to hell.

If God was “all-mighty” and “perfect”–then he could actuate and cause whatever his perfect desire wanted, and anyone doing his will–instead of him doing it personally, would be “imperfect” and less then what was best.

This is like a father telling his 3 year old son to drive the a truck instead of the father driving the truck.

God is acting like a son-of-a-bitching-idiot when “he” “allows” or even, indirectly causes all un-nessessary, useless and needless “evil” or in-effiency within a process that he supposedly created and aproved of.

But the posession of all-wise, all-mighty attributes also rules out the general stupidities of the creation, or the claim of wrong within the “God”. Much like an electric socket on a house not outputting water/anti-matter/goose-shit (or whatever) it outputs electricity.

If God is evil, he will create evil. If God is good, he will create good.
But since both came from one supposed sorce, that had 1 perfect will–odds are higher that this one source had no will at all.

General theory of a multiverse and evolving biocosm make more sense to me then “God-created-the-universe”.

Instead of God “punishing” your soul for evil, he could “repair” it instead, because who and what you are is a system and a structure.

Human stupidity and human limit made killing practical, but it is absolute nonsense to claim that an all-wise, all-mighty “God” killed-or-sent-to-hell anyone.

In best estimate to your reflection about “when I die”:
If there was a “life after death”–or rather, to be accurate:
“Part of life that couldn’t die”
This part of the whole would most likely be less “powerful” then the whole, but at the same time it would be more “free”–because all mortality limits that would have normally killed the body–these limits would be gone.

Theoretically, the wave portions of the particles that made up your general human consciousness–would reach an “infinite” wavespeed when the particle lost all vibration. You would exist in wave form purely, and you would be a sort of “energy”. Perhaps a form of self-preserving information existing within subatomic wave programming.

You would not have to answer to “God” during the death,
you would be in a “new-born” state, and inexperienced with all of the ways of this sort of existence. Your main weakness here would be inexperience, therefor you would need to be as vigilant and observant as possible. Find a safe place, and watch from a distance!

But if the NDE reports were actually a sort of flux, both “mind extending” and “mind destroying”–one after the other, then all I’ve said is useless, and physical life is the only real life.

One step at a time:
Whilst alive you still have your “soul”, and your “soul” is already being used by your body. If you do die, you will gain NOTHING, and only loose.

Again you fall into the trap of creating cause and effect kinds of explanations, reasons why, mechanisms, reasonings for why god would or would not do this or that, or be this or that etc. Anything conceivable could be or not be. Any kind of monster could be god, any kind of weird crazy item could be god. He could just send everyone to hell for the fun of it, he could be a goddess or a multiple item. Any insane thing could be the hidden layer of the universe, nothing can limit possibilities. In this sense just draw a picture of god, a painting as explanations, invent anything and say this is the supernatural world. Anything could be.

Religion is based on that 1% or 1 chance in a trillion that it may be true. If I said “I am the Christ” would you believe me ? You would probably think I am a nutcase like so many others. You would not have faith in me. How would you be different then from those who didn’t believe the christ in the bible ? Didn’t they want signs, miracles something to decrease the probability that he was false ? What were they guilty of, not believing the first guy who comes along saying my kingdom is not of this world ? Would you believe that if I said it ?

It is a game of poker with reality. Are there hidden layers of reality ? Like the movies “Vanilla Sky” or “The Truman Show”. In one case the guy was in a dream in another the guy was on a stage, both unaware of the ultimate nature of “REALITY”. Instead of saying god watches down why not say we are all on a stage and a mind is watching us, like the Truman Show. Said like that it sounds less true. Then again if you told Karl Marx in 1848 that reality allows the buiding of Atom bombs and supercomputers because there are hidden layers of reality that science must discover, would he have believed that ?



“65. And the Lamb of God sayeth, Fleshly Lust and Pure Spirit are the same and two sides of the same coin, they reinforce each other and feed off each other. 66. Every moment is eternity, only thoughts produce noise and disrupt the pure void of eternity and timeless emptiness; 67. shut off all your thoughts as they are meaningless and insignificant, don’t think at all, empty mind; 68. throw away all your language and science and contructs, free your mind and be nothing; 69. and the little children were amazed and awed by such a great revelation and sayeth HOLY BE THOU! HOLY BE THOU!”

Invent your own bible, be your own Boss. BE GOD. BE ME.

The position of the theists is that god gave man a free will, hence we can’t trace human evildoing back to him.

Same here :slight_smile:

Yes, but this isn’t what the abrahamic theists say, and it’s them who I’m addressing.

I like your thoughts on the nature of the possible afterlife.


I’m responding to the religious lot on “their own turf.” You’re right that a trap’s been fallen into, but I jumped down there in order to tackle the theists on the said turf.

That’s quite a nice biblical passage (although I can’t see how it leads to a god).


1945 LUKE:1-3

“1.And the Lamb of God, sayeth, God exists and doesn’t exist, existence itself exists and doesn’t exist, the windows into the future bring the past, time is an illusion, you have killed God but I am risen. 2. Everything is unbareable, astonishing, impossible to conceive. 3. And the girls were astonished and breathless by such an incredible thought, and were left in ecstasy for days to come”


So , we burn the jewish half of the Bible or the Catholic?

then explain your birth , or is it Death , incarnation?
Human , Homunculus?

sense when did ecstasy arrive from such words , and wouldn’t that make them lesbians due to the ecstasy isn’t written too happen with the lamb of God .

Cursed Bible!

Beware that the idea of hidden layers of reality can been found also in very sophisticated theories like :

Freud - psychoanalysis, in this case we are controlled by a hidden mind in ourselves without ever being aware of it.

Marxism - in this case we behave according to economic rules and ideologies where the haves unknowingly have organized a system to constantly rip off the have nots. Neither are aware because it is so engrained and hidden, this would be dialectical materialism, anyways a very abstract theory.

Obviously both theories have some truth to them but they are far from having all the truth. The point is that even science is constantly trying to uncover other hidden layers, mechanisms etc.
Interesting to see the connections between these ideas and religions.