I have a question for you....Ned.

These were taken from removeing the soul, For refreance as to this argument, please see that thread.


The Watcher wrote:

Ned Wrote:

I am curiouse what purpouse this statement serves, Obviously not to better or further the enlightenment of your species.

I am also curious as to whether or not it was ment as sarcastic humor or your vane attemp to insult me?

In the light of this Humor, as I am going to take it. I have a question’s for you:

God is all powerful and can do anything corect?

Can God make a rock so big that he can’t lift it?

I am genuinly curiouse as to the answer to these question’s.

Well, why don’t you ask him then?

Ah, the paradox of the stone.

Phil. 101.

Turns up around here about once every 3 or 4 months I would say. Maybe less.


this conversation actually arose on the Simpsons between Homer and Ned Flanders…

Homer: “Could Jesus microwave a burritto so hot that even he himself could not eat it?”

Flanders:“Hmm…well I guess he could…but wait no…well thats a tricky one there Homer.”


Well I thought since your knowledge about him seams to be the most outstanding and informative I have seen as of yet. That you had sort of well, a personal relationship with him and maybe he would give you the answer. And then you could perhaps be humble enough share your great wisdom with me.

I would really like to know, But he doesn’t seam to be answering me when I ask him.

God? Are you there? I have a really important question that invovles my pious thought patterns that may never compare to your’s, but please God humor me.

Can you make a rock so big as you would be incapable of lifting it?

Thank-you for such an array of wonderful compliments. It’s good to know that someone appreciates my comments as you obviously do. But alas my wisdom, great as it may be, does not stretch to answering God’s questions for him.

Well, maybe you should get on your knees first.

See that’s another reason I was hopeing you would ask him for me. Your used to getting on your knees before him.

Ned, like most others, posesses an internal psy-creature.

When he reads about god and develops a closer relationship with god, he is affirming and impowering the psy-creature [word-god].

His psy-creature knows nothing other then what Ned already knows, but the way that the psy-creature uses Ned’s body/knowledge is different then the way that Ned would use his body/knowledge.

Ideas of submission to the wordgod, combined with things like asking for forgiveness–have nothing to do with the true essense of the Christ. From my experience, the tyrany was added by human leaders & never existed within the essense of the will of Christ. Still, the guilt and submission issues of the moral code can cause you some real problems in the future! The: “I am peaceful-never-fight-hippy-food-source” gets a person heavily exploited, whilst the dreams of heaven lead to possible suicidal attitudes about your mortal human existence, Ned.

Things that happened in the bible accounts, such as god’s prophet holding the staff above the battle and the Isrealites winning the war [but when the staff was not up, the Isrealites started loosing]–this is what I call ChaosModulation. If the Isrealite God was all-mighty, “he” would not need a human puppet, and would not fail when the human puppet was failing, but more likely–this prophet/puppet was a host for a not-all-mighty being, trying to channel its power and will into the prophet/puppet.

These Isrealite prophets that “god sent” aren’t around anymore, but, for example, a very powerful wisard/shaman at another forum that I have read about–could do things such as control the outcome of a football game. [National football, yeah!] When he lost focus, the football scores started to go “natural” again. This is the same kind of mass ChaosModulation that the Isrealite prophet had used during a battle/war.

Each of these people were intermediaries for non-physical beings. Each one of them was posessed, but each by a different force. It still happens today, but it is rare.

Many Christians don’t realize just what kinds of origins Isrealite religion had, and it was just a new form of magick/spiritism/diety worship that arose baring vast similarities to Paganism and Egyptian religion.

Things such as the massia dieing on the cross, a creator, jugdment of the dead, these were all previously Pagan and Egyptian. These are just a few of a thousand examples that anyone could research if they found the right resources.

God never lived up to his image, because he is not his image.

Original Jewish religion was a form of magick.

“Faith” is needed for prayers to work, because faith is a form of magick that can become very powerful and alter reality. Things like faith and piety are the main forces used in Christian magick.

But in the modern age, realism, materialism and atheism have “switched off” a person’s “crazey ideas”, and along with it, human “crazey abilities” have also been sort of “switched off”. Instead of casting magick and reprogramming matter/energy with his belief and bias, the realist and the atheist supress magick and fuel realism with their bias. Even though atheists and realists have no belief in supernatural power, have no faith, and have no magick power–the atheis and realists ARE FAR MORE RESISTENT TO MAGICK. This is because their powers are diverted into making everything “normal”.

Also, some faithful Christians are more suseptable to magick and astral beings, because they do not have their realist anti-magick barrier up.

All religion originated from magick and deathist obsession. It then mixed with state and society, gaining social order and becoming more of a control device/business.

Even if most people don’t know jack-shit about anything, doesn’t mean I have to. I have studied the subject for a long time, and I am beginning to understand the exact way that subatomic quantu is reprogrammed, but this will take much time to learn.

Disbelief in me, and belief in someting else instead, will only result in a different state of being which will have a different effect upon general principals of magick.

Chaotens atleast realized that world view and belief are tools that change reality, therefor they can paradigm shift from realism to superstition, do evoke or repress magick. Most people just are stick with one paradigm/belief and that’s it.

As usual and forever, I am mostly correct.

Yes. I agree.

This Human evolution chose to evolve Scientificaly with principals and theories based on the Physical.

Whereas the one before chose to evolve in a way on principals based on completely the opposite.

Ever wonder why the races that studied Chaos modulation and such just disapeared without a trace when Humans started to change their roles in evolution?
These were races who were left over from it and had not evolved enough to ascend or leave yet. Or tried to follow the old evolutionary path, And succeded or evolved completely.

Example, the Sumarian’s( who were a great civilization with extream metaphysical abilities then one day all of a sudden…Poof they were gone no bodies no dead, just ruins and the burried skelletons of those who had died before this, or rather the bodies of those who had been sacrificed, The bodies of the Sumarians were never found, at least not any with conclusive proof as such).

Atlantian’s (though they destroyed themselves or at least most of their civiliztion with their experimentation of this knowledge), Etc

And there are several other Races.

But you obviously need some practice…

Does this question really stump people still?

No, He can’t.

That’s true Ned I probably do. Unfortunately My Race is older than your suposed belief and we prefer not to bow before inferior being’s. It’s just not logical. Humble yes. But I have seen nothing with which to say I should humble myself before this being. No great actions or sacrifices of self. And dont even use Yeshuah as an example. He almost destroyed this realm trying to open that gate to your Heaven. The humans thought it was God’s anger. He actualy succeded. But we closed it including The crack that was there before which alowed him acces to that source of metaphysical power. Unfortunantly his body was already at a point of metaphysical physical ratio that the physical wounds had no effect on his body after he died and so raised himself up. Notice the only wounds left were on his hands and feet. Those he left the rest he heled so the body could function. I am guessing it took the 3 days for this procedure to complete. And I have no doubt that there were metaphysical beings presant at his “resurection” as he would need somewhere to draw the energy from.

You have no clue what the real God is like, the one you pretend to worship. If you actualy met him, you may change your mind. But you wont because he doesnt care for you Humans or about your well being and even if he did his “Gate” has been sealed. Why do you think the “Miricles” Stoped after this incident? Man no longer had the power of God’s Holy Spirit. Which in itself is a race of creatures used as a marker for the souls that serve him. This way when you “die” You would have a guid to take you through the gate that Jesus was suposed to open. Who himself was possesed by one of these probably the leader or Spirit in charge. That creature is still around, However the road to heaven is now much longer and keeps with the natural order of the physical without violateing any laws and causeing paradoxes which would tear this deminsion apart. And it also no longer has the power to feed it’s energy requirment’s so it’s basicaly just a parasite that gives the illusion of power or spiritual “High” if you will. Instead of giving it induces a druglike effect and drains the energy from your body while possessing the coporial form. Eventualy you get a being that is almost no longer Human and those around revere him/her as a holy insperation and they usualy become very p[owerful over the physical.

There are 2 or 3 of these evolved beings right now in possesion of human host that spearhead the war of christ against evil and Satan. I am sure you could name them. And they are all in high athority over many people and billions of dollars with almost unlimited resorces. They are also all part of the protestant faith. (Christianity)

I’ve been pondering the main “powers” that ancient RomanCatholics used during their “holy” Xian magick.

Piety and faith seem to be the main personal forces.

Faith is belief, and belief changes reality (bias sceintific experiments turning out different for no explainable reason is an example of this).

Piety is strange… It’s a twisted form of “purity”. Anti-carnal, it opresses and tries to destroy natural desires, even the most powerful or vital desires such as sexual instinct. Also, it seeks to control or destroy even the believer [rather die then sin kind of mentality]. This actuall has allot to do with absolute control over the body. I am not suprised, now that I think of it–that these ancient “holy” spirits were so tyranical over the “sinful flesh”. The strongest human desires were the biggest threats to absolute control over the host.

So, theoretically, the paity and faith made the host body totally under control and well-focused with it’s powers. Then things such as exorsism were possible & done more often in that age/era, within the church.

“Miracles” are still possible, but they are just as much spiritism now as they were in Jewish times [IMO]. Pentacostals are an example, and also, the temple-men of Mormon faith have been said to practice some forms of occult.

On the opposite side of the scale, satanic magick appeals strongly to the most powerful carnal desires [correct me if I’m wrong].

The “God” vs “Satan” conflicts–show signs of sharp conflicts in methodology of human host control.

Nowonder they were enemies.

Yeah, it’s surprising how occult like ancient religion was.
I just had another idea/realization.

Besides dream interporatation, rituals, blood sacrifice, prayer and worship–Jews burnt animal fat as sacrifice to YHWH at their alter/temple.

…Why would their god want them to[size=67] burncast [/size][offer up] healthy animals at a special area? If burning of a page released an energy program stored upon matter… Hmmm, I wonder how powerful it would be if an entire body was somehow programmed and burncasted?

Blood and fat were highlighted during the sacrifice. These are the main energy sources of the body. I suppose YHWH may have wanted more energy.

I don’t want to sound sick–but maybe YHWH was onto something. Maybe “he” knew of the most powerful form of burncasting, in which blood and fat were used from a large mammal such as a bull to impower the “spell” or diety it was focused into?

These beings probably don’t care all-that-much about their host body.


From what I’ve read, clergy had even shorter life-spans then doctors and lawyers. It’s not about impowering and healing the host, it’s about feeding off of it. Whether “angel” or “demon”, they both appear to be parasitic.

  1. Yes sex magic and blood magic are both part of that belief. They most satanist are more like humanitarians than anything else.

  2. Yes a person inscribed and prepared unpoluted by carnal sins would be a perfect sacrifice for burncasting. Hence your virgin sacrifices.

  3. The miricles I was refering to were things such as parting the red sea and the great cone or wall of fire also the bringing down of the walls. Major miricles that require massive amounts of metaphysical energy and reserection would fall under this. Though it is borderline lower cast as all your doing is repairing the body to a functional state and reinserting the conciouness while empowerying the cell with the energy and metaphysical essance to reanimate.

  4. angels and demons are a different species. The Holy ghost is like a wraith and has no physical form(whith which can be seen by the naked eye) more of a concious mist that encompises every nerve and cell of the host. though the host is ultimately in controll the spirit is like a sweet voice in the back of the head so to speak. and eventualy becomes in control of the host completly.

Whereas angels and demons have a metaphysical/physical coporial form. I posted this in a graphic detailed explanation somweher on here.

Who ever said that God could do the completely illogical? lol.

Read God, Freedom, and Evil by Alvin Plantinga, the father of reformed epistemology.

Always good to see another reader of Plantinga.

That is a very weird statement. Are you saying that you are not human? If not, then how would you describe your “race”.

Yes I do. The bible tells me a lot about him.

Why did “God” need people to do things for “him” if “he” is “all-mighty”, and why does he act so mad and surprised when people “sin”–even though “he” created them and can predict what they would do/understand them even better then we predict and understand ourselves?

Is this “the” “god”, or a mafia-like spiritual scam?