Religion in the 21st Century

I know that people like us are considered by the religious world, as “immorals”. I know because I was part of that religious lie. Religion is fed to us from society since the time we’re born. No matter what part of the world a person lives or if parents are religious or not the whole system is religious oriented. Those of us that we live in the Western world, sort of speak, we’re bombarded since childhood with religious overtones, Christmas, Easter, Jesus and the constant propaganda that the Bible is god’s word and the most published book in the world ( that’s true but so is toilet paper). I challenged many, many religious bibliolaters to prove with unbias extra archeological or historical data the “miracles” mentioned in the “holy writ”. I’m still waiting !!..The stories of Exodus,Joshua and the sun stood still, Samson killed 1000 soldiers without being unharmed or the weak bone shattered into pieces. I can go on and on to no avail. No logical answers but : “For God nothing is impossible”

Today as archeological, paleontological discoveries and techniques are getting better we find that the story of Adam and Eve came from pure myth borrowed from the Sumerians and other civilizations. We found other species of humans, like the Neanderthals and Flores man that didn’t belong to our human family. Mitochondrial DNA testing has proven these facts. The religious fan comes with all kind of nonsense excuses too many to enumerate to avoid admitting they were wrong, like what they did to Copernicus, Galileo, Giordano Bruno, centuries ago. To late for an aging and decrepit John Paul II to ask for forgiveness after almost 2000 years of church crimes against humanity before going to his grave. Like the Roman Catholic Church mentor, Emperor Constantine the Great did before his total conversion to christianity, just before his death, he got baptized, wow !!..isn’t it that hypocritical !!..Regarding the Muslim world, I think the news speak for themselves of the constant danger that those fanatics present for our already troubled world. They belong on another planet. Maybe Mars ?.. where they all can be closer to their maniacal god Allah and their 72 virgins. For sure martyrdom wouldn’t be necessary, the poison atmosphere over there will do it for them. I rest my case because the other worldy religions, like Hinduism, Buddhism, etc, are not as “dangerous”, sort of speak than what I just mentioned.

“False advertising” is illegal. The state should take legal action against the disproven and false religions claims, but it is a democracy and religion is too popular to be destroyed.