CUBIC WISDOM, higher then "god"!

I will now Cubicly rant…
Please laugh at least once, this should be fun!

Within a nation there should be equal amounts of four religious rotations:
There should be the atheists, the faithful, the agnostic and the apostate, each 1/4 the population, and thus neither side will dominate and destroy the culture and sanity of the people. Either this way, or perhaps they not consider religious dogma and stupidity at all – in the same way as their un-conditionally loving and – considered to be lowly, pet dogs… The ones that never once said “God is with us” as they killed their brothers.
I evoke a Cubic curse unto ALL THE NATIONS, that if you do not heed my warning, the most zealous of you – those striving after the monotheistic ruler and judge, each of you will have the worst life and the most stupid soul! Your soul will be sucked up your own ass when you die, because your lies are as stupid as shit! Your rulers, the most faithful and zealous, these will be the most destructive and the most retarded directors of your one-corner culture and your decaying, unnatural, queer nation!
The word-god is essentially the word of the most arrogant and the most deluded minds, and the most arrogant and the most deluded minds are a one corner rotation. Their word-god displays their stupidity perfectly. You see, their god never really helps anyone, causes natural desasters, has an anarchy benieth his rule, claims to be perfect, is one sided and narrow mindedly strict, and claims to have created everything that he has stolen. The word-god is an extension of the singularity evil that foolish basterds push upon foolish, less persuasive basterds!
Within a nation there should be four moral rotations, each in equal amount:
Living for others, living for self, denying others, denying self.
This cubic morality is higher then the evil word-god’s singularity morality, in which he tells you to be perfect and live for others. If you totally apply this queer god’s ideas you will deny yourself what you need and you will become fragil, you will be very hurt when you see things around you that don’t fit into your morals, and you will not understand your morally “evil” enemies, thus not be able to make peace with them, AND THEN THE WORD-GOD PROMISES TO KILL THEM ALL IN “THE LAST DAYS”, but these “last days” are actually the end of the human race THAT HE WILL BRING BECAUSE HE IS TOO DAMNED STUPID TO DO ANYTHING ELSE OTHER THEN DESTROY WHAT HE HAS STOLEN FROM NATURE!
Word-gods live on paper and inside of idiots. Word-gods use up YOUR trust and YOUR dreams, and they attempt to monopolize morality that any atheist can practice at any given time. Word-gods are put into your soul only through words and don’t naturally exist in nature. Nobody ever can see, taste or touch the word-god but the word-god is put into the brain in the form of claims, and then the brain lies to the body and makes the body affraid of itself. The word-god lies and says: “I created you”, even though the word-god is too queer to have kids and he destroys families with his stupidity!
Families should have 4 equal rotations of members:
Mother, father, sister, brother. ONLY 4! Each in perfect balance, and the human population on earth is too high! We must fallow the perfect cubic principal instead!
Families should each have 4 equal rotations of everything! 4 is the perfect number.
Mom and dad should each work four times a weak.
School should be attended four times a weak.
Garbage information that is useless should be cut out of the education system, and parents should not over-work themselves or waste money that on things that they don’t need – then overwork to pay it off. You cannot buy a cube, but you can live a cube by nolonger being emotionally singular.
Everybody should have atleast four “best friends” in their life. 2male, 2 female, 2old, 2 young. This means that the person in friendship with these people will get the male and the female side of things, from the youthful to the old in detail, evoking perfect balance and perfect wisdom! Everybody must make at least 4 good friends from the groups I’ve listed! Do not deny the Cube! The Cube is higher then anybody’s false god!
Rotate your foods on a four day basis. Only the wise homeopathic doctors would agree that the body does best when each food is only eaten once every four days. Ofcourse the Cube is correct, it is higher then “god”!
Rotate your hobbies, four of them at least! Do not spend more then half of your spair time on anything! If you spend more then half of your time watching TV or using the PC, get away from that and spend time in nature or with friends instead! This is the only way that you will retain the Cubic spirit that is capable from Shielding you from the evil gods around you! Evil gods are singular and cannot break through a four point rotation! Evil gods tell you to give them your entire life! They do not want you to give equally to four gods, but look at your planet!
Earth, Wind, Water, Fire. These are your four elements. Do you worship them, or do they make of the entire universe?
Solids, Gasses, Liquids, Energies. You see how perfect these four are? Between them exists all reality.
Stupid “god” says for you to only do or be one thing, when four is actually needed for you to ever exist!
“God” did not create nature because “god” knows nothing about the cube! “God” spends all of his time telling you how great he is and how bad you are. “God” is a complete idiot for neglecting his “children” that he stole from mother nature, as he tried to make them all unnatural, one-corner queers!
God says there is life after death, but he is stupid because he only says that there is one or two.
There actually are:
Alive, Dead, Existed, Nonexistent.
“Alive” is when your body is functional, “Dead” is when you cannot do anything, but “Existent” is not stopped by death. Death stops action, you can nolonger give or take, but you still exist! Did god tell you that? Or was he too damned stupid to know??? Maybe he was looking at his “glory” in a mirror before it broke, and he was so busy thinging about only one thing at a time that he forgot that the most natural exists only within or as the four???
Nobody can stop the Cube! God cannot destroy the universe, all he can do is try to refine it as he destroys it. The same is true with humans! Humans cannot destroy all of nature, but if they do destroy it it is because they try to refine it. They turn nature into stupid products and pollution! They think a stack of paper is more useful then a tree, when they do not get any oxygen from paper and the oxygen levels on earth continue to drop! Did they forget that they need to breath, or are their one corner minds just too damned stupid to even think about the four directional Karma that they constantly bumble around in???
Four corner Karma operates like this:
Events effect four fields. Cause, Effect, Everything and Nothing.
There are four classes of action:
Good, Evil/agression, Nutral, Nothing.
Spend your days doing an equal rotation of each of these, 25% each!
Spend 1/4 of your time breaking rules and destroying your enemies/problems.
Spend 1/4 of your time fallowing rules and giving to others/upbuilding others.
Spend 1/4 of your time doing nothing but rest and meditation.
Spend 1/4 of your time doing things that are meaningless and don’t really matter in the big picture.
We must spend equal time giving, taking, wasting and concerving.
We must spend equal time building, destroying, resting and observing structure.
Let me crush and put an end to the stupid word-god. Are you affraid of the word-god? The word-god cannot hurt me, for I am Cubic! The word-god knows nothing about Cubic-wisdom, and his morals are sick and twisted.
Some word-gods say never to have sex, for example. I will now give you the Cubic truth!
You must do each in equal rotation:
[Sexually] Give, Take, Deny and Insight [the desire].
Cubic holy men only have sex during one day out of every four. They realize that the universe and all sources of life must recharge and rotate.
Do animals in nature become perverts sometimes, and other times become totally asexual in their entire life? Or do they each rotate a cycle?
You must rotate by four, like the four seasons of nature.
You must not supress or cultivate your desire singularily, instead you must do each equally so that you are at perfect rotation.
This also applies to all romance & quality time between people, for the most part.
These are the Cubic virtues:
Strength, Weakness, Love and Hate.
Aversion, Attraction, Creativity, Nutrality.
You have each of these, and can see each of these all around you.
Help them rotate properly!
Most people don’t spend 1/4 of their emotion hating evil, and they don’t spend 1/4 loving good. They do not rotate perfectly.
When you are with the Cubic man or woman, he or she will relate to any emotion, and realize that all of these emotions must rotate. But if one rotates too much, the Cube is lost! If you loose your Cube, get it back! If you become Cubeless you will become either too good or too bad, and you will become either too smart or too stupid! Many people around you are all Cubeless, and this is why nature is being destroyed! Denile of the Cube brings imbalance and singularity evil!
Stupid critics can misapply what I say. Did I tell you to be a stupid idiot? You can stick a fork up your butt instead of using it to eat potatoes, but is that right? So don’t put what I say or what the Cube is in the wrong place, or it will be your fault that you are so stupid and you will completely miss my Cubic wisdom!