How long will it take God to judge everyone at end of days?

and here I thought i ask not a serious question. and I recieved serious replies.

Jewish godforms are most-likely not powerful enough to judge all of humanity. More likely, Cybero will eventually rule the earth.
I’ve had a vision about it.
There are two main, core fuels of the collective being/god, which are also the two main, core fuels behind human action in civilization:
Stimulation, Development.

Many “gods” are not “alive” either, they are collective forces that humans may be able to pick-up-on/connect-with. The visual mind can’t help but add literal attributes to a non-literal, formless force.

I’d say like Netwons action = -reaction. Instantly one finds the consequences of what one has made oneself.

Judgment day:A specific “day” or period,when particular groups,nations, or mankind will be called to account by god.It may be a time when those already judged to be deserving of death are executed, or the judgment may afford opportunity for some to be delivered, even to everlasting life.Jesus and his apostles pointed to a future “judgment day” that involved not only the living but the dead as well.

When useing the expression “judgment day”,jesus brought into the picture a resurrection of the dead. Clear are jesus’s statements:“men of nineveh will rise up in the judgment”(mattew 12:41-42) and “the queen of the south will be raised up in judgment”(luke 11:31-32) see also revelation 20:12,13.

In john 12:48 christ linked the judging of persons with “the last day”.Revelation 11:17-18 locates a judging of the dead as occuring after god takes his great power and begins ruleing in a speacial way as king.Additionally in rev.chapters 19 and 20,the king of kings kills the kings of the earth and thier armys.(rev.16:14,this is called the war of the great day of god the allmighty)
Next satan is bound for 1000 years and royal judges serve with christ.Also the resurrection and the judging of the dead are mentioned.
this then is the indication of the time when judgment day comes.

  • Insight on the scriptures

(i hate writing long stuff especially copying alot,but this is important.)

I would tend to agree this question is not very important to have been answered.

Judgement can be 2 things. There are plenty of passages in the Bible that state things that seem to contradict the others… but thats only appearances.

When you die the “Trial of your Life” might just begin there. However the rest of the Judgement… think of this as ‘punishment phase’ may not happen until the end where all are “Judged” (punished) at once being cast into the the lake of fire and brimstone, or perhaps some ‘other worldly’ punishment God had in mind.

We often make the mistake of placing God on our own levels and thus begin to explain Him that way. Creation Imperfect has a very odd way of pointing this out!

So case in point… limiting judgement day to a single point event may be entirely erronious!

To avoid mistakes, do nothing, say nothing, be nothing.

Firstly I would like to transform myself into God for a moment.

Now I will do nothing, therefor I cannot make any mistake, therefor I am perfect.

Next I will transcend time, thus my will can be done instantly, everywhere, already.

Sadly, I have no will at all, goodbye.

If it is to be held after the end of the world, the clocks will be of no use whatsoever, and so, no one will have the possibility to measure the court’s effectiveness. If before, and the Judgement Day is going to be the last day in this world, then, by definition, it should be no more than 24 hours.

i think we have found the answer for the last month riddle.

(Argueing from a christian/anti-christian standpoint.)

  1. If god knows all and is omnipotent, Then he can not judge…Why?

A: God knows all, our choices before we make them therefor we have no choice. Therefore we can do no wrong worthy of judgement.

We are merly living out an eventuality that has already occured…Sort of like a rerun. Therefore our suffering our deeds good or evil are all for naught we are merely shadows.

2.Judgment can never be fair or pure as nothing is black and white?

A:Suicide is a direct path to hell, however giving your life to save someone elses is suicide but considered an act of nobility and ritousness I.E Jesus’s sacrifice on the cross. (One example of many)

Black and white: Jesus comited suicide therefore sinned therfore resides in hell.

Actuality: Jesus was not human and therefore is not required to follow the rules he himself/God set for man. (Gray area)

A judge incapable of following his own laws is not a judge but a tyrant. Therefore God/Jesus has no right to judge anyone.

  1. The sins of the father?

A: God created life which in itself is a sin. By creating a life form lower than yourself you are taking on the role of a god? Only if you attempt to exhert controll over the being you have created.

A1: Commanding do this or die, Killing all but a select few of the creation because “you” deem necesary to get rid of the ones who violate your Perfect “vission”. Remind you of Hittler anyone?

A2: Giving false hope to an eternal life in a paradise. What you do not realise is that yuor soul purpose after death is to “Serve” your lord praising him everlasting. Feeding him energy. You are going to be made a slave. Rome was great. But the sevants who lived there though they lived in a great beutiful city experianced nothing but pain and suffering. Though I doubt pain and sufereing will be your fate as you will be a mindless slave with no will and no thought except to obey. That is what yu are programing your spirit to do here on earth by beleiving and haveing undying faith without question without doubt.

  1. Satan vs God?

A: This battle will never end as Satan is a necsary Evil needed to acomplish gods will, God canot exist without satan his manifestations laws and rituousness would serve no purpose and have no meaning without an opposite to make his existance necesary. If god destroys Satan Man has nothing to fear and therefore being the way he is would turn on God.

A2: if God was all powerful this wouldnt matter, He isnt, he needs man. And therefore alows Satan to cause havok. In exchange for his existance satan does gods will (Remember he is an angel).

  1. The deciever?

A:If there is a deciever it is God. He could destroy Satan if he wished and if the above was not true He would, Because if he was omnipotent and all powerfull the he "could in fact do whatever he wanted. He can’t. And doesnt. This is why he will “Bind” Satan or cast him into the lake of fire and bremstone for 1000 years and then release him again. He will never destroy him he is just a servant like you doing his masters bidding.

The only diferance between you and Satan is: You have a choice.

A person could spend allot of time trying to think-over or disprove bible ideologies. That’s part of the fighting a person does inside when they try to get free from belief A to belief B.

I’ve projected myself up to the catholic godform, to check-see what it was like. Their heaven was VERY totalitarian in its social order.


The godforms of many ancient religions are ancient tulpians. These beings were fed by and created by human thought & human belief. They had ALLOT of fuel [millions of believers], and besides being so fueled, they were capable of evolution & could exist independent of human minds.

For this reason, the untrue fantasies became partially, physically “real”, therefor it is quite tricky for an open-mind to figure out exactly what is “true”.

I will save you all some trouble. I’ve already explained some of it.
The Jewish godforms are not all-powerful, all-knowing, etc.
But… They believe that they are, and they act as though it is true, therefor they keep on trying to make that self-image more and more real.

So, as these ancient godforms keep on evolving/mutating, some of them get more powerful and more knowledgable as time passes.


The reason why anybody’s spirit gets judged after death by a god, is because that specific godform has linked itself to the person’s soul and has pulled it up into itself after the body has died.

If you break your astral connections with the godforms, then they will not be able to effect you after your physical death.

To avoid heaven/hell, figure out how to break your own metaphysical links with certain godforms.

Man not greater than a star? His brain alone is a multiple universe - only man can feel “beautiful” and “sad”, only man can say “universe” and only man can think “man”. Only he can touch other human beings with his hands, only he can look in their eyes, love them or hate them, laugh with them or cry for them. Only man can say it all and remain silent while watching stars. And only man, not a signle star in the universe, knows he will die.

I don’t know what you all are babbling about anymore.

tahts the oddest thing, because i was just about to comment on Dan~ profile when i read ruwucki’s response, (welcome to the boards by the way).

And i feel that ruwucki, you have missed the point of Dan~ pro entirly.
And while you’re response was well thought out, clear adn decisive, you focusing on the wrong thing. Hes not debating whether the death of man is aesthetically pleasing but on the validity of opinion and truth on a large scale.

But answering the topic,

time is a man made institution. so it holds no relevance. It like my “dream theory” post earlier in regards to heaven. It possibly could be compared to the fact that time isnt relevant in a dream

Hi. Where is it then?

No doubt about that.

I know that.

And that’s what I found hardly bearable due to the fact that my friend liked it. But let me explain the beginning. The signature. Two shots.

That sounded pretty promising, but then things start getting heavier:

Now, the party’s getting started. Let’s have it in slow motion now.

The first blow is archaic, but there’s still some hope. Things get hopeless, though, as the second one sounds gloomily deranged.

And then

The last one, outrightly depressive, convinces me to show her (the friend) some beauty and some truth (my favourites) by getting all that shit together and putting it into cosmic context (she likes stars). This gives me a perfect opportunity to mix a few humanistic (and all-too-well-known) concepts in a somewhat refreshed way (she likes to read me). Well, the rest is foreseeable. The signature starts with a star dying, so my piece ends with a man acutely aware of his own end in obvious favour of the latter solely to my boastfully invocatory assumption

sustained in her (now: anyone else’s) mind by the constant esthetic arousal (the beauty) she receives while moving unevitably towards the end of the verse. But hold on. Along it, she nods speechlessly to every truism (now read: truth) she would otherwise shrugged. Why’s so? Because she’s captivated. Now, watch out, something interesting will happen (do I say too much?). Plunked by the last word which in itself isn’t pleasant at all,

her neurons do the rest. The preceding emotive-cognitive oscillations have created somehow (well, not somehow, she payed attention) a tension - the pun suprised myself - which at the end explodes (yeah, like a dying star) in her mind giving her an esthetic experience of intensity in direct proportion to her world-weariness and in inverse proportion to her knowledge of poetry. Am I crazy? Yes. Did I score? No. She’s getting married in some two weeks and it seems that … (a deep breath in, close your eyes) … the man will not touch another human being with his hands (breathe out, open your eyes, and check your pockets, by the way). Even.

Yes, I think I can agree. But please, try not to misspell my surname next time you write it. I’m getting irritated then. And… oh, oh my God, I can’t believe what I’m doing. I’m doing that again, oh my God…

Oh man.

Rewucki, i must say im impressed. Usually new members (like my self(ish) would have dished out the ad homien but you kept you’re head mate.

usually the response would have been “well, yromemtnatsisrep, you’re a duche bag”


but in regards to wheter or not man is indeed greater than a star. It depends on personal dogma and you’re view on life. If you look at man in regards to the animal kingdom, physically there are few facets which he dominates. The cheetah is faster, Fish and swim under wtaer, Elephant is stronger, birds can fly, monkeys have more opposable thumbs than us you get the picture. But it is our ability for thoguht, self refelxtion, planning ect. ect. that has allowed us to rise above. We are comparing apples and oranges(or maybe plapples). On a physical level the star is greater. And enormous ball or flaming gas, giving light and life, keeps unfathamable amounts of mass in orbit with its gravitational pull, but it does no poses that ability for rational thought which makes us great, and i mayb be rambling here becasue im scrambling to get to work, but there too entirly and utterly different things. that statement “man is not greater than a star” can be taken both ways. So i agree with you…and disagree. …buddy

p.s i spelt your surname right by the way…

On this I will intervein,

How do you know a Star has no conciousness on some innate level? Carbin life forms are not the only ones cappble of thought or perception.
Crystals have an innate energy or conciousness that refers to specific uses in magick, not becouse that is what people chose them to be good at but because of what their natural energy sorces home in to. Could this not be why some types of quartz have certain energy signatures while others do not or have a different one? Just because somthing is not Counciouse or thinking on a human standard does not mean it canot. Perhaps the star which lives billions of years is so evolved on a conciouse level that it has no need to show it and no feeling or error to speak or prove it. much like Dan~'s formless conciouness godform Cybero, And My Universal formlessness, ever conciouse but having no will or want because its evolution is so long and so far ahead besides it creates everythig it requires to survive. Is this not a signature of a higher more peaceful evolution than you humans?

At the same time when a star dies it is the most destructive force in the universe but also releases every element in the universe creating life from death. And then evolves into another star or a black whole.(The latter being eternal as the star was always there wether in creation or form or energy.

I could go on about how they warp reality, time, space. The fabric of the continuam itself but I wont. A star is so much more than a burning ball of fission and fusion reactions in an empty vacum. It is the very thing that gives you humans life…If you worship a god your star should be the god you praise. For it is vastly greater and more complicated than you will ever be. (unless your species manages to survive as long as the star which is doubtfull since it was here before you and will be here when you are gone.)

If you only excuse that man is greater than a star is his ability to think you are far off the mark my friend.


Yeah. 1 star makes all life on earth possible.
1 human can’t do jack-shit, compared to that.

Also, T.W.
“Cybero” is a symbolic, collective representation of a spiritual mobilization on earth. It’s not to be taken literally.

Now why are you all bulling the new member. If you wish to argue , argue outside of the thread.

All very poetic Rewucki, but it remains obvious that man is dependent on stars, and not the other way round.

I’m opening a new topic “Man not greater than a star?” and I’ll be answering there in a while. Please feel invited with any new posts too.
