Is satan a snake or a bull?

Who is satan and who is God?
Who is good and who is evil?
Are we not both evil and good?

Can satan have a son?
if he has no love how can he have a wife or a son
If souls are immortal there is no need for an heir of his own

So is satan an angel
a snake
or a big minotaur bulllike with curvy horns

Believe it or not, the truth is that Satan is actually a two-headed sloth that shoots flames out of his ass.

Satan is just another fallen angel. The common association with evil and animals that are made to represent them by association or myth gets in the way a lot.

If you saw a demon it would look just like another human and you would not know any better unless they decided to reveal it to you.

Satans possesion of the body of a snake in the Garden of eden has made poor representation of the species since. For 2 reasons…

#1 is being for the story alone. Snakes are generally considered bad(evil). Some cultures worship them.

#2 is from God placing enmity between the woman and her children against snakes. They shall bruise your head and you shall bruise their heels.

Satan is characterized by many things. So long as you keep in mind they are characterizations you will do just fine.

This is… interesting. It has pictures and everything! You’ll be able to see what Satan looks like here.

PS. If the link doesn’t work here just google the address.

As funny as the idea is, Bush is not the Anti-Christ. There are very specific qualifications. Bush does not meet those qualifications. Also the Anti-Christ will be generally liked and respected. Is this a quality you would give to Bushboy?

There are many other things to point out why he is not but just from that one line we can tell Bush is not the one.

The current incarnation of the Judeo-Christian Devil has a few points of origin. First of all Satan is Lucifer, the fallen angel in early texts. But the Devil has gained the appearence of other gods from Babylonian to Greek mythology.

Many fertility cults were deemed “Satanic” such as those Marduk, Baal, and Dionysus. This is where the image of the devil gained horns, cloven feet, and a pitch fork. These are are symbols of fertility.

It has been long common for someone to make connections with Characters that have very similar traits across all the religions. While I can’t deny that there may be truth to your claim, I dont know if I would take wholesale stock in all the understandings by that same token. You should have continued because the post you made has very very interesting implications. And not just the ones I just spoke of either! Coincidence? I am inclinded to think not. Take that for what ever its worth.

Satan is satan, snake is a snake, bull is a bull. Is God a lamb or is a lamb God? Obvious absurdity! Come on, everyone should know that spade is spade, so let us not have that kind of mess here.

evil is evil , good is good
Satan is satan, God is God
man is a man ,So why does man have different names?

People have different names, but so does God, Satan, and even there are different names for what’s good and what’s bad. Surprised, really?

this is what I mean if every assumes your opinions are true.
That in this world:

God , or god of gods, has different names in this world
and is worshipped differently. If a christian group keeps on expanding and repeating and slave to old thoughts there will be new thoughts, therefore making his own sect more seperated and a new sect forms and believes in a new system, and after a time period it happens again.

The founder of a sect has a fresh sets of belief, but once the founder is dead, the followers of many generations will then blindly follow the traditional beliefs until there arise a philosopher who is free from the bondage of that system and creates a new system.

If we understand why people believe what they believe, we open doors.
For philosophers understand this, I think, but not priests or monks for they have their name brands. Perhaps same goes to those philosophers who claims their are marxist, atheist, republicans, democratics, akido, karate, etc…

So I ask, who is not ?