Marriage advice by the Bible!

Dr.Phil is good also.
^ Canadia divorce rates facts.
^ More to read here.


Human romance & sexual relationships tend to become territorial. This means one person would try to fight to make sure another did not take their partner away. Besides this, when humans get very emotional about things they become unstable and vulnerable.


But within the higher species, there can be seen other patterns and deep differences. Gelleousy and lust aren’t exactly needed to form a good partnership, and the offspring are not born in an under-developed state the way that human babies are. Besides this, hereditary memory protects the child from the infinite dangers of ignorance.

The genetic exchange and power of heterosis is also not limited to a single combination applied to a new organism’s initiation. Genetic upgrades, or system merge/upgrade/exchange can happen between adults, and youthful new attributes are added each time. The bodies of these higher species are more of an “open circut”, and their system can accept new information more easily.

Besides all of this, intimate interactions are also psychic. Exchanges of deep information and understandings that words could not do justice to – are shared. Instead of a simple and faulty production of a single new generation, there is a system merge/system upgrade of the adult organism.

Not that these are carbon based, but I’ve scimmed over a very small amount of facts.

One of the main issues of the being is finding enough pleodimensional energy to grow a more advanced body out of. This kind of energy is usually only emitted by something like a human brain, and is not very easy to digest.


Elmo is strait. Who’s car is that?


It was 5am and I was psychotic when I made the fisrt reply.

14 years is a long time, man. Long time.

You then talk about a wholistic form of respect.
Is respect better then love?
Is respect a form of honor?
Is honor the highest social justice?
Is justice the finest order?
Is order the meaning of life?