God has blue eyes ...

Any comments?

If the eye winks there will be rioting in the streets.

Beautifu! :smiley:

Beautiful, but technically speaking if that were the eye of God his sight would be nill as there is no light coming into the retina, only leaving it as it is light itself.


That was funny, Nick.

I would not recommend applying the same limitations on God that we have.

God would be able to see without any light whatsoever! We require light, not God…

Look up!

You might catch the joke

Now that’s fucking pretty…

and a tad creepy after you look at it long enough…

Sorry I am not seeing it.

blue eyes blue skies.

something tells me that is not a real nebula.

it is a great piece of art though.

these are cool too… they’re in ecuador (i think… i barely passed geography)

Face of God

Robot Attack

sorry, they’re small… i had to print-screen them off of google earth

wow… i love accidentally killing a thread… :confused:

Only a very small percentage of reality has a visible form or a physical shape. I don’t think God exists upon the surface of reality the way a human body does, therefor he would not have a face or eyes.

Exhibit A- Eye of God

Exhibit B- NASA photograph taken by hubble space telescope

Exhibit C- the All-Seeing Eye

See the connection, people? :astonished:



Aww… that sucks.

The ultimate dishonor. Destroy his image again and again, they do, and he was not God. How much moreso have they destroyed the image of anything higher then him which they have ever known?

All i see is the fresh structure of the universe - with much corruption to the side , God is out of sight besides not like we should be concerned about the immortal guy anyway’s :unamused: .

I just love to implement God into everything so…to have it confirmed that he is blue-eyed…well, it makes the world spin alittle faster…

nice photoshop-ing.