Calling demons into children: LIVE TAPE … l+miracles
You saw it here first.
Cunvoltions are a sure sign of fresh and deep possession.
It works best if – earlier on in life – you possess them, as the spirit’s will gets most deeply integrated if it effects someone early in life.

Ofcourse they think it’s “God’s holy spirit”… Hahahah.
Sick basterds…

Darn, getting runtime errors. Oh well i have seen equivelent before. they are sick.

I watched part of it. These guys are clearly just clownin’. Frat boys.

No. That’s real possession!

I have convulsed more after a night of tequila. I think those kids were just trying to impress the americans with some breakdancing. Probably got an iPod for their trouble.

Call me a sceptic, I know.

i, as a rule, am strictly opposed to televangelists.

Appalling until you reflect on 1 Corinthians 1:26 “Not many of you were wise by human standards…But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise…”

Child abuse.

km - Is it child abuse if they all got an iPod? Everyone looked like they were having fun, to me.

I’ve heard the same justification from paedophiles.

Yeah, but these kids were just squirming around for the cameras. Smiling. Is it worse than when I was told, at age eleven, that I had to take dancing lessons? I got out of it by joining the Boy Scouts (my parents wanted me to get involved in something). And, if I knew then what I know now, I would have taken the dance class. What did they do to these kids? Not very much, as far as I can see. Victims of pedophilia are not having fun.

I love televangelists. There’s one, can’t think of his name, that just says “send me money”. I think he promises that you will also get rich. It doesn’t even have anything to do with religion, or salvation, or anything else. It’s just a televised chain letter or something. Brilliant stuff. Oh - Tilton. The guy’s name is Tilton. Brilliant guy. Talks in tongues. He’s lousy at that, but it works for him. I think he’s actually speaking some Polynesian dialect.


That – was nasty…

If this is part of an evangelical mission then this is only the beginning of the psychological abuse these kids will go through. It’s not a one off doing tricks for the camera.

These kids will be ‘recruited’, brainwashed and turned into zombies before they have developed their critical faculties.

What’s the difference between this and voodoo? Would you be upset if Africans were picking white American children off the streets, teaching them about voodoo and filming them being possessed? Why is it OK for poor black kids to be treated like this yet if the it was black ‘preachers’ with white kids there’d be an uproar?

Unfortunately, I may not have time to respond further I just wanted to state that IMO, doing this to children is psychological child abuse.

Wait till they have developed the critical faculties to ask, critique and argue or is this the reason they go after young kids?

I’d have thought Christianity had moved beyond such ritual defenestration of spirits. But, as km pointed out – these manifestations, alongside voodoo or shamanic trance states, fill a niche in human curiosity, the inherited need for religious gesticulation.

How does one become a priest? Does the diploma come with God’s phone number?

So I guess demons are racist too.

km - why is this different because they are poor black kids? What race is not regularly brainwashed by religion? By their own race? This is not racial - it’s religious. This is faux liberalism.

White americans dominating black africans? Who would have thought it possible? Rich white americans dominating poor white americans? Equally unbelievable.

Faust, this is not about skin colour. This is about 1) different cultures and 2) the power balance.

  1. Different cultures: To dump xtian voodoo on another culture is classic cultural imperialism. It’s sole aim is cultural genocide. Haven’t we done enough of that? For Christ’s sake – literally – leave other cultures alone.

  2. Power balance: The powerful are those with the most power (knowledge and money). In this case (and in most – though not exclusively) it’s the white xtians. The powerless are the poor and the ignorant (in this case, it black Africans)

When the power balance is skewed as it is here, it becomes exploitation. The other side don’t have the power (knowledge / money) to resist.

Just because these kids are hypnotising themselves into a trance (‘having fun” as you put it) doesn’t mean they are doing it out of free choice any more than some of them are prostituting themselves or selling kidneys. This is manipulation, exploitation and imperialism in the name of Christ. Let these Jim Jones / Koresh idiots offer their white voodoo to people in their own culture and to people who are not quite as desperate or ignorant.

This is not harmless dancing, this is potentially psychologically damaging. It is even more dangerous considering the level of superstition in these countries. What if these kids (or their parents) believe they have been possessed by the devil? How could that effect a child’s development?

PS I hate religious brainwashing of all kinds (black and white). I think religion/superstition should be keep out of a child’s life until he/she reaches 18 or so. By then, the critical faculties have been pretty well developed and there’s no foundation of brainwashed ideas to begin with.

Well, km, I just get a different impression from this video. It just doesn’t look like these kids are in anything like a trance. Maybe I’m wrong about that. But to me, it just looks like they’re just wiggling around some. I see smiles.

I also do not see this imperialist connection - that is, I do not know what difference it makes if they are brainwashed by christianity or by some more familiar (to them) superstition or religion. I’m not sure that I can know that christianity is automatically worse for them than whatever the local religion is - which might be christianity. Some of these poor black africans are christians, I believe.

I am also not so sure that exploitation exists only when the gap between the powerful and the weak reaches “km’s distance” - or whatever you claim here. Or that exploitation is a dirty word. I think you are making some assumptions about the poor black folks here. Do they have cable TV? I’m not sure you can tell from the video. But these kids have parents, one might assume, who allowed this. I have seen white middle class parents allow the same to happen to their kids right here un the US. I guess it doesn’t really happen unless it happens on the internet, though.

Sorry faust but this has crossed the line of ridiculousness and I’d prefer bail out here.

[sarcasm] How silly of me to assume that children in Ethiopia – one of the poorest counties in Africa and heavily reliant on food aid – are poor. How silly for me to question the power balance between the white adults and the children or the knowledge and money of the xtians to the ignorance and poverty of the Ethiopians.

Yes faust they could have cable TV’s for all I know. They could have been dropped off in black limos too. They could all be rich black American kids flown over and dressed up to take part in the video. [/sarcasm]

But for some reason you didn’t want to accept what was the most likely ‘assumption’: that they were poor and ignorant children being brainwashed into doing something they knew little about.

See you in mundane and rant. I’m not coming back here, ever. :imp:
EDIT: Well maybe not ever… a few days.