What is God's language?

I wanted to save this topic for the sabbath, but I just can’t help it. :confused:

Some say it is mathemathics, and others says it is jewish?

Do we need to learn Jewish when we get to heaven?
Or learn mathemathics to create the form of God?

Jewish = Hebrew?

If god/heaven exists, I suspect it’ll be a Doctor-Who-like situtation language-wise, where everyone hears everyone else in their own native language. So don’t worry about having to learn anything :wink:


j/k. When it comes to something like this I like to think of it much like Kevin Smith’s Dogma. Where if there is a god and he speaks he/she will make our head blow up from hearing its words.

Best guess:

“God” (the real one…?) communicates by means of instant transfer of knowledge in any format. “He” rebuilds your brain if “he” wants to teach you something.

Jewish godform was a mutant ghost or something, which spoke like a human did.

Once again, Dan says some wierd shit.

God speaks in the language he is thought to speak in, whether it’s English or symbolism or binary, etc.

You’re talking about a fantom, right?

Question -

He makes perfect sense to me.

This, however, says nothing at all. It doesn’t even mention who is doing the thinking. I could tell you that God speaks in a language that only I understand, because, well, I think he does. And that he just told me he is a bad god and will cease to exist tomorrow. And that he is appointing me his heir. And a lot of truly weird shit.

When I communicated with a certain metaphysical being, I asked him some questions about “how”, and I learned a few things.

I will not say who I was “talking” to, but he did not “know” english. At the same time, he could “sound” like he was talking to me with words. How?

Well here is an example:

Do you need to know C++ before you can play a PC game on a computer. Running an .exe is different then creating and “understanding” an .exe.

The mechanics of communication are tools used by will and emotion. Empathy can become telepathy.
If emotion and will are given in and of themselves, then knowledge comes forth from wtihin, in order to make the emotion and the will relative to logic & the material world.

I wish I could explain it more clearly, but I tried. :wink:

Parts of the human brain used to communicate with & think similar to the spirit or astral consciousness are:
Delta brain-wave algorythms & left-brain, “abstract” thought + emotion.
Alpha brain-wave algorythms and right-brain literalisms fail when a person tries to use them to understand or communicate with a spirit being.

So, during “inspired writings”, whichever spiritualist godforms are contacted – tend to give wacky visions and symbolic, dream like, psycodelic information to the “inspired writer”. What really ****s it up is when people start to try to use their right brain on “inspired writings”. Then they start to take it all literally.

Dan~ Tell me if this is in any way analogous. It is possible that we have more than five senses (but maybe not quite six)? That we can know things that we cannot attribute to any of these five? We sometimes may call this ESP. But is it really extra-sensory? Could we have vestigial senses? Or one that is still nascent? Is it possible that we have not assigned language to this information? That we need to translate this information into symbols and in doing so quite naturally attribute it to one or more of the five senses?

Know where I’m going with this, even if I haven’t gotten there?

God’s language is vibrations.

One or more of the five senses must always be the expression format of the sixth, which is a complex interporatation of the mechanics of the outer or inner world in energy form.

All of our reality is subject to wave patterns, behaviors, shapes and vibrations.

Most ESP is the decryption of motion on an atomic or subatomic level.

:smiley: yep.
Expression to the conscious mind must always be symbolic and relative to the 5 physical senses.

I already understand. :slight_smile:

Most likely…

That is why God’s word has been described as the universal ohm. It contains within it all the vibrations of the universe.


Say this instead:

White noise contains more virbations then a vowel.


The ohm sound as we can produce it, can include the entire body in its resonance from the head and sinus cavities down into the diaphram and the gut.

The hissss is produced by the tongue and you know the defense of narrowmindedness it represents in sacred texts. Its scope of vibration is then very limited and without a greater context

Of course in modern times this narrowmindedness is considered either good or bad depending upon perspective. The philosophical debate was well argued by Charlie and Snoopy over many a cold brew but to no avail as of yet. If I hear of something I will be sure to report.

Okay, enough.
“Ohm” is not a universal frequency spectrum.


It is as best WE, as a microcosmos, can produce i. The intervals of the music of the spheres manifest within the great octave or ohm but perhaps you are right and enough is enough.

the om sound is created by herman hesse, while the hesss sound is created by my vacuum cleaner.

Faust, you’re going to tell me that when Dan talks about communicating with metaphysical beings, you know exactly what he’s talking about? He says a great deal of very insightful things, but I would say he goes off into the area of objective/subjective confusion sometimes with the spiritual stuff. No offense to you, Dan.

Anyway, about what I said: I mean that God, as we know can know him anyway, is a subjective concept, which doesn’t make it any less real to you than if it were a tangible object. Your idea of God (or his non-exsistence) is just a true to yourself as you think it is.

TheQuestion - you were speaking figuratively, and not specifically about language and communication. Okay. My mistake.