The Big Letter G

If you had to assume that God did exist, which would you be more likely to believe:

a) God is a nerdy computer programmer holed up in a lab on the outskirts of space.

b) God is the sum total of all the information in the universe, including the dna sequence for all life forms.

c) Other. (please explain your version)

“God”, the most vast life form in the universe, with a tap on all interconnected information of the universe.

The ultimate, living internet, with a brain in the center…


If God were a programmer, then he should be a very pathetic programmer. His program has lot of bugs and worse he didn’t put any comments in his program.

If God were a sum total of all information in the universe, he should be a big junk. For example, 97% of our human genome is “junk DNA”. (Actually, it is not fair to call them junk DNA. We just do not know why they are there when they do not seem to be doing anything)

Hmmm… Sorry kev (Making fun of others’ versions of god, but do not have one for myself? No, I am not an atheist but an agnostic. :slight_smile:

God is an emergent game specialist.