Homosexual poison, lies, secular tricks.

Dan’s second look at sex-culture, homosexuality, spirituality, human meaning.

“High rates of psychiatric disorders and suicide attempts among homosexuals.”
“50% higher divorce rates among same-sex marriages.”

catholiceducation.org/articl … o0095.html

Why is that?

Some people would say:
It’s unnatural, unhealthy, twisted, etc. Of course people who are homo-baning will be messed up.
That’s one opinion.

What does Dan~ think?
Well, all sex forms are basically stress. Cravings for anything result in an increase of stress-rates. During the teen years kids have got education, [maybe] jobs, sexual cravings have just started up, it’s too much all at once, so suicide rates go up at that time. I think that humans have pretty high stress-rates in industrial cities because of all of the over-stimulation, so they need to relax with bong and beer, or something similar, anything for relief.
Most “mental disorders” or suicides are generally stress-based, so if there tends to be more dysfunction within homo situations, I’ll guess that being homo is harder and more stressful then being hetero. Simple as that. So, if somebody is fruity, they should also remember to be extra-careful with their nerves Go on walks every day. Meditate. Have family time. Etc.

Seeing Past the Propaganda”
If they knew how to control or change their desires, would they want to exercise that option?
Article about change recorded as possible.


There was a talk-show I remember far back, about a woman who was married for many years, then left her husband and kids, as she says: “I realized I was a lesbian”. Why did it take her that long to figure it out? Wasn’t she “just born that way”? Is personality and preference developed, or genetic?

The audience at the show tended to ask about how often they screwed, and if they liked to screw. Of course it was yes. I don’t think it was about sex.

If they have any attraction at all to the opposite sex, then they DO QUALIFY as BISEXUAL. “Homosexuality” (by the real definition of the word) is very rare. But what if we ignored modern “psychology”? [Modern psychology is just an extension of the morality of the secular world, anyways.] What if sexual actions are caused by something which has no distinct gender? What if we said that, much like a fetish, attraction to a male or female of any form or figure – is actually an attraction to personality, which symbolically hints towards itself within visible shapes and actions? The way a man relates to someone, behaves and exists – is different then the way in which a woman relates to someone, behaves and exists.

When she said: “I later realized I was a lesbian”, I think she misjudged herself, due to her national philosophy. What if she instead said: “I’m a bisexual now, as a byproduct of how much I like love, personality, mannerism and behavior of the female.” Would that make sense? And what if sexual arousal had within it all cravings [which are stress forms] which pertained to the need for companionship, understanding, an assistance towards that person’s main goals? Lust is a misguided byproduct of the lack of love and fulfillment. Porno just reminds people of their loneliness or their need for love in life. The more extreme sexual positions just psychologically strike harder against the already existing [and very misunderstood] spiritual needs. The spiritual needs are so misunderstood that the craving for them is relieved through action. If the body did not have need, the body would not have want.

The act of bringing up some good quality children – requires many years of hard work, patience, wisdom, honor, etc. This is the definitive of human reproductive “success”. Complete ignorance towards the needs for patience, wisdom, honor, harmony, cooperation, devotion, etc., will make for the lacking, which causes the craving, which causes the searching, and the will to take it, which is the aggression

Why is it that some monks, after attaining spiritual fulfillment – naturally become asexual, without suppressing their desires? Their spiritual fulfillment leaves no more spiritual lacking and spiritual craving/desperation, therefor no or less sexual craving. If love isn’t spirituality, what is?

All throughout religious history, [there were times when] celibacy was practiced as an outward display of holiness. They thought that forcing the symptom of an invisible condition – would bring about the holy state. This is an example of the deep spiritual ignorance of humanity. All moral suppression – treats the symptom, not the cause! What do most medicines do today? They suppress the symptom, and they don’t fulfill the needs which were the cause of the problem!

The real issue [which all actions or problems are just a symptom of]
Is the fulfillment and satisfaction of the way which humanity was meant to be.
Call it “god”, or call it “nature”. Call it “true-love”, or call it “enlightenment”. Call it “the ultimate meaning of man”, or call it “the truth”, but there are some big existential needs which humanity needs to find if they want their inner problems to be finally solved.

What they need is invisible. They look everywhere for it, but they cannot see it.
If they found it, where would they put it, other then deep within their mind and heart?
Perhaps they should look inside the vault which was built for the storage of such treasures? [Instead of digging through the dirt of the material world, they should look into the souls of each other.]

The will of one’s creator can be found only deep within the ultimate meaning of the creation.

I’ve been outlining what this ‘spiritual treasure’ is, in my texts, but I’m not done writing that yet.
Thanks for reading so far.

Excellent post Dan~

Ditto. One of the few truly thought-provoking things I have read in a long time. Please do continue.

First of all, I want to point out the word some. Secondly, let me draw you an analogy: Some people really like meat. Yet, for one reason or another - the reason does not matter - they become vegitarians. Great. Now they live without meat, perhaps even, after a while, they lose most or even all of their cravings for meat. Great again. This, however, first, does not make them natural vegitarians - just like the monks are not naturally a-sexual, and second, it has absolutly nothing to do with some type of spiritual fulfillment. In both cases, and the analogy is quite solid, the mind has overcome bodily temptation. But, have you ever stopped to consider that the body has an intelligence of its own?

. . . . Why not?

“If love isn’t spirituality, what is?” Dan wrote. Subject-object dichotomy, my friend. Try getting beyond that, through love…

However, closer to transcendence, I would argue, is two bodies in harmony with one another, speaking the language that transcends, language!

Totally not what I was expecting from you, totally good stuff. A question that comes to mind- suppose that homosexuality has this air of suicide and stress around it because it’s more stressful than heterosexuality. This is no doubt in part to the fact that homosexuality isn’t accepted.
The question that brings to mind is, where is the line of shared responsibility between the community changing to make things more comfortable for the homosexual, and the homosexual managing his lifestyle with the understand that it won’t be accepted by the community? That seems to be the key to everything.

Most cultural morals are “dogma”, in that these morals are simply believed in because others also believe, and there isn’t much reason undernieth thy commands.

Hardly anyone is “homosexual”. Most persons who are labeled “homo” are bisexual, in that they can feel attraction to either gender.

If what I’ve read at another psychology area is true, most often, “homosexuality” is a form of emotional regression. Being attracted to parents and same-sex is a short stage of development towards sexual maturaty, and if that development is stunted/suppressed, things happen…

And – stunded or suppressed people tend to be less healthy, also.

There’s two ways I could respond to the emotions topic…

Chemicals go off in your brain, no big deal, you’re some flipped out chimp.

Emotion – like thought – is motion, energy, etc. Knowledge can come in the form of emotion. It is beyond anything specific. It fuels the will to live, and the will to dream. It sparks creativity, and creativity brings one closer to the creator.

Thou art divine, and any less is blasphemy.

The problem with subjectivity is that it always cuts both ways. If the dogma that represses the homosexual only has it’s strength because many people believe it, then the dogma that the homosexual uses to promote his normalcy can only be weaker, since fewer people believe it. If there’s no right, there’s no right.
I agree with your assessment of homosexuality as being bisexuality, and a developmental issue. Though, I think it’s often also a reaction to environment that can change. Think of people who become ‘bisexual’ in prison because they have no outlet for their urges. Would all those guys really have had sex with men in the free world? On another level, there are guys who are free, but are convinced they don’t have what it takes to land a woman- so they accept gay sex because it’s easier to get for whatever reason. A sort of socially-enforced ‘prison gay’. That sort of bi-sexuality could obviously be treated, I should think. Don’t know about the developmental sorts.

I suspect that once all of the frustration, misjudgment and suppression leave, almost anything can clear up and get healthy inside.

Also, if “objective” is “objective”, why did “science” have false theories in the passed?

“Objectivity” is the dogma of naturalist-empiricism, atheism, secular-constructed-science-philosophy, etc.

An idea is an idea.

If people weren’t so imperialistic, they wouldn’t mind what someone else did in their personal life, as they would feel that they had no right to judge and expect something from the other’s freedoms.

 Then why bother with all this talk? If that's truly the way you feel, then 

“Homosexuals should be allowed to do whatever they want” is functionally equivalent to
“Homosexuality is immoral and unnatural, and should be treated”
is equivalent to “God hates fags”
is equivalent to “Homosexuality is a ham sandwich”.

None of it matters. You can’t attack objectivity now, and then immediately re-employ it to tell me how people ‘ought’ to behave once it’s ‘abandoned’. Then there is no ‘ought’.

Objectivity can always be attacked, by a pragmatist if no one else.

And I’ve yet to find the individual who finds all subjective views to be inconsequential. Even the nihilist attributes value to his own view that nothing matters.

Where value exists comparisons can be made.

So nothing you’ve claimed follows from Dan’s statement.

I may be wrong, but I think I agree with you. I can’t base my agreement on any sociologically significant data, but my experience has been that when I’ve questioned gays about the attractiveness of females, they’ve always produced a figure for me. Some gays find men 60 percent more attractive then women. For others, the figure is much higher. This leads me to believe that most are at least somewhat bisexual.

But that’s just from choosing to share a drink with, rather than ostracizing, an individual. My system may be flawed.