Is God necessary?

According to Voltaire, if there is no God, then it is necessary to invent one.
I am not concerned about what, who, where God is but why God?

Its what you call the cheap effect. An excuse for those who made a God and a slap in the face of those who have found God.

Its a nifty double edged sword.

Why God? Well… maybe you should stop asking that question because its been answered at length!

Again we’re back to the question of whether to believe Jesus or not.
He said “nobody’s seen God but me…nobody’s been to heaven and back except me…I only say what my Father tells me to say…I’m not from this world…”
As to why we need a God,he’s THERE whether we need him or not…
Jesus said “My Father is always working”, which can mean something that our weak human minds can’t grasp…
Here’s a re-run of my speculation on the subject -

Jesus said nobody has seen God except him, thats why he couldn’t stop telling everybody how mindblowingly awesome God was.
A theory of mine to illustrate that awesomeness is to speculate that God creates everything over and over again millisecond by millisecond like individual frames in a film, which run together and create the illusion of smooth continuity.
Think about it, in one millisecond God creates each individual atom in the universe, that includes the atoms in us and everything else on earth, and the atoms that make up the earth itself, and all the other planets, and the stars…
Then in the next millisecond he does it all over again…and again…and again…


A man asked Mr. K. whether there is a God. Mr. K. said: “I advise you to consider whether, depending on the answer, your behaviour would change. If it would not change, then we can drop the question. If it would change, then I can at least be of help to the extent that I can say, you have already decided: you need a God.”

I’d say that his words are truer than they first appear. How many times have you seen it argued that a belief in God in necessary for morality?

Voltaire is right in that humans desire moral guidelines, they figure if they are being watched by an all-powerful being then they should behave.

I hope humanity sees what a plague God can become if you let it tho.

None of that makes any sense, sorry. People will behave the way they want regardless…it’s still your own choice. How is God a plague? It’s the people that miss use God that become the plague, “Fred Phelps”.

If you truly believe this statement you made than I’ll give you forever to tell me how a Christian who follows the bible can be a henderance on them or on others. I believe that’s all point of view and opinionated isnt’ it?

Because he spreads and kills not only people…but ideas.

They certainly aid it. But those who blindly follow do no justice to themselves either.

Because they often believe the hype and that which is associated with the bible to be entirely truthful. This belief can stifle ideas (points to Western Civilization from roughly 1200-late 1700’s), cause self-righteousness (points to the Crusades and even the current homosexual issues in the U.S.) and can shelter people’s views of other religions or ideas as such because they simply believe the bible.

Yes it is. But as you have seen here I gave reasoning behind my P.O.V. which explains my idealogy. I did not say it was the utter Truth but rather that it is what I feel.

you didnt just point to the crusades? that tells me you dont know anything about them right there.

You need a real history lesson on the Crusades, not some bald faced lie that keeps getting farted out by all the lie fed liberals.

Ok, Mr. All-Knowing Astral explain to me my own miseducation as to how the Crusades were not a religious war over holy land. The early Crusades were indeed about holy war then they dwindled out oever time to items of less consequence. Both sides commited atrocities. So, tell me what you think.