Second only to Jesus

Hey the thoughts just struck me -
Jesus was very well-read (he had a scriptural debate with the priests when he was only 12 for example), so he may well have been acquainted with the doctrines of the great thinkers who lived before him like Buddha, Confucius, Socrates etc.
But did he ever mention any of them at all, and say they were great men? Nah!
Instead it was his cousin the hippyish wild man of whom Jesus said “John the baptist is the greatest man who ever lived”…

So, like, what’s the point ?

The point is, Jesus never said “follow Buddha or Confucius or Socrates or Dick van Dyke in Mary Poppins” or anybody else, he said
“I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me” (John 14:6)
Right Dick?
“Right Mick, chim-chim-eney-chim-chim-eney, chim chim cheroo”…

Go preach elsewhere this is a forum for open minds not those who feel self-righteous. Why would a supreme being want us to grovel before them?
Sounds highly selfish and illogical. And from your posts it seems to me that you have not even studied any other religions besides the Judeo-Christians. So before you make asonine statements read up on them.


Satori quote - Why would a supreme being want us to grovel before them? …it seems to me that you have not even studied any other religions besides the Judeo-Christians

Huh? Why should I want to study any religions that don’t have the Son of God in them?
That’d be like studying a book about rock 'n roll that didn’t have Elvis in it, right Elvis?

Oh and Jesus doesn’t want grovellers, he wants mates :wink:
“You’re my friends if you follow me. I don’t call you servants, but I call you friends, for all things that I heard from my Father I have made known to you.” (John 14:14/15)

How close minded. First of all there are people more important to rock and roll than Elvis. Chuck Berry, the Jazz movement, etc. and in the end you all get to the same place i.e. the Beatles, Sabbath, Grunge etc. So ya that statement is nonsense as is your circular argumentums. Learn your history before you make such statements.

You said in another '“I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me” (John 14:6)"

So, this means that Jesus would be the only way no? Then how would people not grovel if that is the only route to your salvation? I expect another circular argument so until you make a real point I will no longer respond to you and I hope others follow suit so you are staring into your own abyss of isolation :slight_smile:


Greeks and Egyptians had entire families in their pantheon of gods. They had sons, daughters, grand-sons, in-laws. Does this make them better ?

Second, so what if it has the Son of God in it ? What relevance does that have, to the study and all ? Are we conducting a taxonomical approach, are keeping evidence of something ? Is Christianity some kind of hereditary baronial benefit ?

I like you Mick, really I do, but you’ve got to polish your act. No offence, man.

From Mucius - so what if it has the Son of God in it ?

That ding was the sound of your credibility cash register ringing empty mate :wink:


I love how you ignore anything but that of what you want to hear and don’t respond to it. The Bible is no more credible than any other holy book.

Satori quote - I love how you ignore anything but that of what you want to hear and don’t respond to it.

Look mate if people raise a single point at a time i’ll answer it, but what they do is fire a shotgun blast of points at me in one longwinded rambling post and I can’t be bothered to read it, I go watch Bad Lad Army or whatever on TV instead.
Remember - “The more the words,the less the meaning,and how does that profit anyone?” (Ecc 6:11)

OK Mr. Listen to my intresting story. I guess you are too simple to understand. That is what I get from your posts. Good job in trying to dismiss my points, bud.

BTW I like how you mentioned there are 66 Holy books in Christianity. So I guess the more the words, the less the meaning, so how does that profit you or the religion?

From Satori - BTW I like how you mentioned there are 66 Holy books in Christianity. So I guess the more the words, the less the meaning, so how does that profit you or the religion?

Each book of the bible is different :slight_smile:
For example it starts with Adam and Eve snogging in the Garden of Eden, then goes through all the other books such as Moses showing Pharoah up blind with the ten plagues, then David decking Goliath, Jesus telling the snooty priests they’re vipers, etc and ends with Johns sci-fi Revelation :slight_smile:

Ahh Ok I see how it is. If it is something you have an extreme amorous relationship with it is ok to be overly wordy. But if it is a real life person any words spoken to you are nonsense. A real humanitarian you are.

A story that must be told over 66 books is definetly over wordy. I don’t care if it is your holy books. Bullfinch’s Mythology of the world can be done in about 1000 pages. Learn2Condense.

Satori quote - A story that must be told over 66 books is definetly over wordy

Nah mate, I mean, if you were an X-Files fan you wouldn’t buy just a few episodes on video, you’d buy the whole full boxed set :wink:
Like I said, there are so many fascinating episodes in the bible that it needs 66 books to cover them all.
Take the Jonah episode for example -
GOD - “Jonah, I want you to be my prophet”
JONAH - “Er… give me time to think about it”
(He then goes away thinking “no way hozay, nasty things happen to prophets, I think i’ll hop on that ship in the harbour and enjoy a peaceful sea cruise instead”)…

This thread makes me laugh. (I’m laughing)

I will agree with you Spoon cept I fear it is cause of mick’s logic :astonished:

Then theres the story of how Moses argued with God -
GOD - “I want you to be my prophet”
MOSES - “Er… I’m honoured of course, but I’m a lousy speaker, better get a Charlton Heston type instead”
GOD - “Look mate, take your brother to speak for you, now get going and kick Pharoahs butt”

Exodus 4 -
“Moses said O Lord, I have never been eloquent…I am slow of speech and tongue…please send someone else to do it…
Then the LORD’s anger burned against Moses and he said -What about your brother, Aaron the Levite? I know he can speak well.You shall speak to him and put words in his mouth; I will help both of you speak and will teach you what to do”…

Please Mick, this is a philosophy site which means constructive arguments, so spare us from your missionary rants…

You walked in the wrong room mate,this is the Religion section, you want the Philosophy section…
Anyway the two overlap to some extent, both with themselves and the Psychology section.
But look, instead of sticking your fingers in your ears here, why don’t you philo types join in the fun of getting to grips with some of the puzzling bits of the bible?
For example like I said, God chose Moses to be a prophet but Moses said “Get somebody else, I’m no good at public speaking”, so God said “Well take your brother to speak for you”.
See, why didn’t God simply pick a dood off the street with a good speaking voice? I dunno…
Furthermore why pick an unknown young country-boy carpenter to be Son of God?
These are all good points for debate :wink:

Maybe to make people think that God can need and make use of people who doubt themselves, thereby giving meaning to the weak, who then subscribe to Christianity for meaning and value?

To make the weak and insignificant appear strong and significant, thereby providing a route to power, glory and priviledge?