One contradiction I can't wrap my head around, help me out!

This one is a question for the followers of Christ. Scythekain quoted Deuteronomy a few minutes ago, and reminded me of another quote.

“If a man have a stubborn and rebellious son … Then shall his father and his mother … bring him out unto the elders of his city … And all the men of his city shall stone him with stones, that he die.”
Deuteronomy 21:18-21

This isn’t the only “stone 'em to death” quote, just the first one that came to mind. I really don’t understand how that lines up with “You shall not murder”. Can someone clear this up?

Your friend

Murder is killing in your own name. Killing in God’s name is a different thing entirely.

But don’t take it from me. I’m an atheist. I just read the Bible a lot.

christians view that quote from the old testament, which was the old law, and then the new law is the new testament and is some kind of higher order which jesus was talking about.

And so, that is how they reconsile it. But it is still one of many glaring contradictions if the god of the old testament is the same god as that of the new testament.

However, some may explain it away saying the translation may be messed up, or that that bible quote represents “cultural” laws of the time. Or some brave christians may even say the bible isn’t perfect.

Bringham Young, a mormon leader said that the bible is the word of the lord, the word of satan and the word of man.

So, there are many ways to get around this sort of thing, if you are a believer.


I don’t agree. The idea that the God of the OT is different to the God of the NT is an early church heresy and is not accepted as Christian. God kills people in the OT and sometimes uses people to do his will. In the NT he has not changed and sometimes kills people and uses others to carry it out. Where is the contradiction?

So, Jesus is higher then God, even though Jesus was a mortal human?

Next thing you know, there’s going to be a newer testimate that has even less supid shit in it, made by normal people and common sense. :laughing:

Superstition blames God for natural desasters.

If someone got struck by lightning today, would you think God did it, or not?

Superstition was just a step in the process of human understanding.
“God did it” was replaced by physical mechanics.

I don’t think that God killed as many people as the OT claims.

that’s what they are saying.

There is glaring contradictions to most things in life of course, it is just funny when people seem to pretend that they don’t exist in what they believe.

Bible litteralists are funny. I love it.

Maybe, maybe not. It might depend on whether they were cursing God at the time.

If using physical mechanics to explain the latest earthquake/hurricane makes you feel better then go ahead. Maybe it will help next time you get caught up in a tornado.

Do you have any other startling revelations for us? I can hardly wait…

Literalism in these things requires strong, dogmatic faith. Or whymsical, self-satisfying, un-wise faith… Or, overly-protected, unquestioned and biased faith.

No, I shouldn’t make a list of perturbed faith-forms.


No sweat bub, you obviously missed the following stunning post of mine, so here’s a re-run just for you (hey I’m giving you all a free christianity tuition course here, i’ve posted 36 of my equally-stunning articles in this forum so far!)

People wonder why the Old Testament was so harsh. The answer is that God has never changed, but the way he had to package himself to get his message across HAS changed, he had to talk in harsh primitive OT terms to earlier harsh primitive peoples in their own “language” like a strict headteacher to get their attention.
“The law brought us to Christ like a schoolmaster,but now through Christ we are not under that schoolmaster” (Gal 3:22-25)
(Likewise, when Ryker in Star Trek joined Klingon vessel Pagh on an exchange visit as 1st Officer he had to punch and throw stroppy Klingon 2nd Officer Klag across the bridge to get the attention and respect of him and the rest of the crew )
When God felt the time was right to package himself in a softer way to more advanced peoples, he gave us Jesus who came not to abolish the OT wholesale, but to show us how to apply its rules with enlightened goodnatured commonsense.
Jesus said - “It was said ‘eye for eye,tooth for tooth’ but I say turn the other cheek” (Matt 5:38/39)
And people quickly realised - “The covenant of Jesus is superior to the old one” (Heb 8:6-13)
Remember, Jesus saves, not the OT :wink:
Right Spock?

Oh? Well, awesome Mick . . . stunning and amazing. Where do I go to be babtised? I guess I’m sold.

So, God had to overlook that whole ten commandments thing, “though shalt not kill” in order to speak to the people. I guess, God can give laws that say, don’t kill, and then tell you to kill at other times.

Huh, Interesting.

Your God sure is amazing . . .

Stunning Mick, Stunning!!

So, what do we disregard concernign the OT? Everything? Nothing (that doesn’t work in the real world these days)? Whatever we choose ?

nah, keep it all. God never changes, so it is his law to kill at times, and sometimes not kill. Just do what you think god is telling you at the time.

stonning is a great way for society to function, especially if we are living in a primitive time . . . and it looks like we are b/c of all the explotation, wars etc in our time . . . so yeah, keep all that wholesome stonning practices.

God can’t speak for himself right now for some reason, and so he needs Mick to speak for him . . . so yeah, Mick knows.

Hi sirswedishmike,

Christians would not say Jesus was greater than God. Christians would say that Jesus was/is God.

well it actually depends on their view of the trinity idea.

Some Christians believe the Trinity is one and the same in purpose, but actually 3 distinct beings, or else, who else was Jesus talking with when he addressed the father? Was he talking to himself?

Other Christians belive the trinity is one literally and God just takes different forms, and him addressing the father is some sort of dialogue with himself out loud for whatever reason.

That is my understanding anyway of how Christians view these ideas.

They’d say that indirectly, yes.
They devout their time to Jesus’s ideas, more then they spend their time singing praises and burning animal fat.

Hello sirswedishmike,

Your first example is what the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (Mormons) would say, “One in purpose.”

Your second idea is what the LDS and the J.W.'s believe, known as sabelism or modalism. Both of these concepts are heretical in light of historic Christian doctrine and the two examples listed above would not fit with the term “Christian”.


You know, this is starting to sound obsessive-perfectionist on the church’s side. Really. Seeing the three as individuals, or the three as different parts of the one, doesn’t really underplay unity in any way, it just underplays individuality and appearance.

…right? And who should really give a shit about physical appearance? Especially when they are talking about spirituality, which has nothing to do with appearance…

The whole thing isn’t even “spiritual”, it’s like dogma-obsession…

Every situation is different mate, call it a test, with God sitting watching to see if we flunk. For example Hitler fired rockets at London, so we had to do D-Day to stop him, only God knows if we dun the right thing…
Even Jesus’s right-hand man Peter carried a sword and used it on the high priests flunky when they came to arrest Jesus. Jesus told him off but the fact remains he still allowed him to carry it…

HIGH PRIESTS FLUNKY - “Jesus of Nazareth alias the Son of God, I have a warrant here for your arrest, you have the right to remain silent…”
PETER (lashing out with his sword) - “You little sh*t!”
FLUNKEY - “Aargh me ear! Me ear!”

“Then Simon Peter, who had a sword, drew it and struck the high priest’s servant, cutting off his right ear” (John 18:10)

For the lack of time I skimmed through messages and maybe I missed someone saying it but to answer your question.
That was the old law before Christ.