I'm outta here

Bye everybody, I was hoping for some adult discussion in this forum but it just ain’t happening, there’s too much silly stuff like “Mick go die in a fire”, or “Mick you’re a fucking moron” etc, hardly stuff of the “great thinkers” calibre :wink:
So I’m off to look for another forum…

Toodles, sorry you couldn’t find comfortable accomodations, We’ll leave the light on for you.

please don’t leave, I enjoy your posts. Let’s talk about Jesus Christ. What preparations did he have for his mission?

Bye, bye.

So long Mick…I will miss making you look silly…will have to go pick on Club 29 now…see ya mate…take care :smiley:

Ha Ha Ha (thats evil laughter by the way) one christian down…lots more to go…my Master will be pleased. :evilfun:

Mick remember that big list of insults you displayed so proudly? Well it just got bigger for the next site you go to.

In other words, it ain’t us, Mick, it’s you.

You can’t go yet !!! You…you never talked to me…

I had such plans… :cry:

keep it real, hommie.

funny, that’s how I feel too…

besides I like his Joseph “dirty harry” smith. That shit was funny.

We’ll stalk his christian ass Scythe… Where he goes, so shall we follow. Novelty rubber-chicken crosses in hand.

Somebody comes into a philosophy forum and preaches faith and gets mad at the retaliation. :laughing:

IN reply of this post the only thing I will add is the Gobbos new avatar is scerry.

MB and Tab,

Don’t fret. There are plenty more where he came from… :astonished: Remember, it’s not his fault. He was just doing his job. I will admit, he seemed to be enjoying it a bit much.

I know! Go after Sage! He’s the one who pried the lid off this can of worms! :laughing:

Best I could come up with. We can arrange the legs to make it look like a cross though.

What other prostelyzer enjoyed their work so much?

What other prostelyzer was able to put a smile on the mouth of an agnostic? (or atheist in tab’s case)

Hey Mick,

I hope you find what you are looking for. A side question though, "Who was it that Jesus talked to? Believers only? Just a thought…


[size=75]phew![/size] 8-[

Well even though I didn’t agree with many things you said or the ways you debated, I respect your drive and faith. At least you took a stand for something, nobody can live happily in a neutral position all their life philosophically.

=D> Keep it up, just don’t be so sean hannity acting next time.[/i]

Nobody can live philosophically happy with the blindfolds on either.

I’m a bit off on why Mick leveled the charge of immaturity, too. Anyone know what he’s talking about? (examples that is)


why’s that?