
Athiests are not unbelievers of God, they merely fear him enough to pretend!

Please quit.

You’re firing off useless opinions without much thought or knowledge.

And two of your posts actually made sense…what’s the difference?

Thanks Dan, couldn’t have said it better. It could be mick…in disguise…

side with the buffoon if you want to.

Lol…he’s a buffoon? You made a useless argument in this post…so who is the real buffoon? Tell me if there is a argument with this post of yours and I’ll gladly discuss it, for now it’s just nonsense.

Club…how did you come to exist?

sexual intercourse genius.

I believe I came into existence because of God. Any further questions? Where I like to eat, hobbies, that sort of thing?

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

so…you are not an athiest…why couldn’t it be fear that refuses to admit we are pwerless…why couldn’t it be fear that keeps us feeling like we actually have an ounce of control???

Beep! wrong answer.
if God made you come into existence, show me your jesus-power ranger suit :unamused: unlikely and very homosexual.

Self-hypnosis, and formats of denile – are a complex subject. The amount of reasons and emotions which can cause someone to feel powerless, or not admit a feeling of powerlessness… these things would take a long time to list.

Most atheism is not about fear, it’s about materialism and disgust with spiritual stupidity/dogma. “Atheist” culture has allot to do with “critical thinking”, but, I’m just talking about the avangelitical atheists.

Polytheism, which is a sort of theism, goes like this:

“Higher beings exist…”

Poof, pretty simple. Not much to do with fear or love, just a realization of much potentiality for the existence of higher beings.

Fearing is powerless. We fear because we know were not omnipotent.

Wait donnie, :laughing: , he was probably talking about the origin of the universe, which he calls “God”. Club29 needs a universe to exist in, you see.

I am asking if the very fear you speak of could cause athieism?

Thank you, figured he’d figure that out for himself, I guess I was wrong.

I’m not sure how to answer your question correctly. I don’t believe I’ve ever heard fearing can cause atheism… An atheist would have more to fear than a theist, this is why most atheist are humanist.

:laughing: :sunglasses:

Wouldn’t it be possible that we would choose man over God because it is easier. Isn’t there less to fear in familiarity. We all have a lot of experience at being human.