Why doesn't it clarify?

I’m sorry I’m new to this forum and I’m going to be delighted to hear what all of you have to say… But to start off,

Why doesn’t the bible clarify on salvation? If this salvation is so important it should have been nailed down I’d think. But yet there seem to be seperate views on this matter. Maybe someone can answer this question, if it can be answered that is.

if you want the right answer i suspect you’d need to ask god or jesus… try a priest…

Obviously. So this is an unanswerable question?

Asking a question like that is like asking: what does heaven look like? (Because if you’re going to give your soul to God and think about the life hereafter being more important than the life you’re living now, wouldn’t you want to know what’s coming?) The lack of clarity probably comes from the roots of Christianity originally as a mystery religion; leading the seeker to ask such questions as what is salvation, sin, and all that other stuff that Jews were never told about by God…

ask the wrong people and you cant get the right answer, like i said, try a priest…

if your goin to ask a question then you should ask someone who knows the answer, your bets bet would be a priest…

i didnt write the bible nor do i know jesus so i dont know the answer too your question. sighs is it really that hard to think logically ?

Sigh…is it really that hard to not state the obvious?

Possibly think of it this way, is it logical to not answer my question? If you don’t know why say anything at all?

If you had a question about another religion would you rather me tell you to go ask a person who studies that religion better than myself? Isn’t this a philosophy forum?? If it isn’t I guess I need to leave.

No…it really wouldn’t. I don’t think most theist have mixed perceptions of what heaven will look like since it’s in the bible.

I’ve just met you sage, but you’re already giving me the impression that you think you know it all and are quick to make extemperanous assumptions.

I’m not sure but in my opinion…If it ‘was’ clarified one way or another, it would be abused wouldn’t it? If you knew you couldn’t lose your salvation, you’d do anything and everything…but then you wouldn’t really love God…and you’d never be saved in the first place… But then again…if we have free will, why couldn’t we choose him, want him, at a particular point, and then later discard him when we wanted to? I think many Christians do that anyhow…

This just seems to get really confusing, I’m not sure why it wasn’t clarified more…that’s a good point. I’ve got connections with expert theologians so when I find out I’ll post it on here, if it’s not helpful I won’t.