i am worshipping the sun god today

I am worshipping the invincible sun god today…it makes a lot of sense to me…
is there anybody else out there that worships with me…

why do people worship…I don’t get it…

Amenhotep IV. worshipped the sun. His symbol, the ankh (SIC) is in the shape of a man and a cross.

that looks like a man…the ankh…maybe we should worship certain men and women…we already do


And you are not joking, are you?

Amenophis IV. (Amenhotep IV., a.k.a. Echnaton [Achenaton]) was the founder of the first henotheism, a.k.a. monotheism:

The Sun-God was called Aton (Aten). The belief was that he appeared as a sun disk:

Is that what you like to worship, Turtle?

Ra the sun god.

The sun isn’t a god, it’s a star. A star that helps create the conditions of which gods can be born.

what makes a god…just some guy makes up something…like me…I can make up anything…
the sun is the source of our life…that is important to me…it makes sense to worship it…
it doesn’t make any sense to worship the Christian god…why do that

Do you worship animals? tree’s and plants? Atmosphere? The sun/star would kill you if there were no atmosphere. Do you worship water? If you’re going to worship something in the name of “it gives life” you best worship all aspects of why and how there is life.

my god is nature…whatever is

The best thing to worship is nature. Because there is proof of it. In today’s reality people destroy a very real, visible and present Nature to please a very fake, invisible and absent god.


The sun is both giver of life and taker of life. The sun is the source that makes life possible and impossible. We know from science that the sun has shone for about 5 billon years and will shine for about 5, 6, or 7 billion years, if the scientists are right. So, if the scienits are right, you could also ignore the sun. But nonetheless, you worship the sun. Is it because of the fact that we can not be sure that scientists are right? Or are there other reasons? And, if so, which reasons?