I believe in a different God...

I believe in a different God…

to me it is insane that all the working out and third party utility of maths and principles which goes into the universe, has nothing doing that!

And we exist without there being any external representation of that existence/experience?

The god of the bible and of any other religion are not the kind of thing I estimate the true God to be. My one true God would be like this…

  1. is greater than infinite. it makes utility of the infinite and finite alike in composing existence, and so like reality itself is greater than any thing/s comprising it.
  2. is not male nor female
  3. has no bodily form
  4. has no causality ~ being that which first manifest causality itself ~ or the principles which yielded it.
  5. Doesn’t write books.


#1 If God is infinity, how is such managed?

he’s something which has utility of both the infinite and finite, just as reality itself has to deal with that. with or without God reality contains both and has to work them both, ergo here, ‘God’ is the thing doing that. …as opposed to nothing doing it.

So your God is formless yet able to create multiple infinities(represented as separate entities) like an artist using multiple tools to create similar, yet separate pieces of art?

Yes. Indeed reality has to do that with or without a god. My complain is that reality doesn’t have anything doing that – without a ‘God’ or something that does it. Same with the something from nothing issue.

There is no reality without God.

What is the difference between that God and the Abramic God?

So do I…Some things are very godly…


Back to a midcentury television show, “What’s My Line?”–will the real God please stand up. :smiley:

Its so obvious, some just dont get it. Apes to Men . Evolutionary spiral, keeps the idea of upward progression a matter of principle. Men wamt to get better, kids are thought ethical conduct to gain understanding how tobdo that. Ideas are born.

Then science comea along and destroys the ideas relating tp extra categorical ideas. Iseas are categorical including ethical ideas. All of a sudden the bible is mam’s creation. God jad nothing to do with i He did not even inspire the writing of it.

What great jump that is on Man loosing faith in God, there by
loosing faith in himself as being god’s Creation. Therefore if he isn’t necessarily of god whose is he? Why does he desires to het better?

He suffers nausea, anxiery, madness, and eternal isolation as anresult, and remembers that a very long time ago,these were written by man, as states belonging to the underworld, to hell.

Therefore this awful, faithless world describes hell, aa the faithless world of the longest time ofnliving without thencieties ofnfaith, love and charity. IT DESCRIBES men of anlomg lost worls of possibility to gain how to gain entrance
Into this different world, which for better description might be called The City Of God.

So whose creation is this City? Of men or god? Does it matter? Can men become God like, and believe that he is capable of doing good, amd become as imitators of the vieties god possesses?

We know imitation is akin to impressipns and representations of a world that we cannot see, of energy and minute particles on one hand, and immensities which need probabolity fumctions to approximate wjhether they still exist.or are merely phantoms of photons traveling maddeningly fast, mere reflections of.once existing things.

Hence real things are within an extremely narrow conditional horizon, and our existence is ansecondary derivative of interpretation of that extremely minor condition

But even as that is a minute reality, itnisnonly that what is. Nothing else exists , really, because evweythong elae is a phantom, either reducing into the limits ofnthe non reduciable
or, lungimg forward into the infinitely all encompassing absolute possibility of non existance.

However, such non existence, at some critical point nullifies it’s self, and becomes anti matter, the negation of it’s self.
At this point It is and ian’t It’self any lomger, or it is longer, amd longerthan it’self, encompassing both.

When It is and is not any longer It’self it can live in both worlds
at whixh point both existence and it’s negation are somehow intermingled. The mind and the brain are no longer distinguished, Being amd Nothingness have no basis of describing one in terms ofnthe other.

God is the last stage, of the project Creation, itnis where non existence fully integrates into Itself, Himself. This process is repetitive, infinotely so, with no beginning or end, and it’s infonite and repetitive mode forms the praxis from the process of it’self. Itbis what is, there is no thing left,becausenthe thin shell of existence narrows tonan infinitely thom shell where there is noore room for reality to exist and there, in this anti world, lives the idea of God. This living Idea is God,

This scenario on a probability field ranging from zero to
99999999999999-…? Is far more probable then it’s antithesis.

So God has to exist, It hasnto be created, even if He does not exist. Even of He does.not exist, He does, incessantly, determimately , it fills the plenum of non existence with His own negation, resulting in the vast Integration of the One, in himself, and through Himself.

Our concepts of God evolve. God does not evolve but is always The I Am.

What is/are the basis of that assertion?

it is possibly the same thing at heart, i have heard a nun talking about God as a kind of infinite spatial entity, akin to an emptiness thats at the same time full. Yet if you strip away the things which do not pertain to the infinite, that’s not then the same thing. The abrahamic god is male and there is no divine femenine fundamentally, yet infinity is if anything more like the feminine [spatial, spread out] than the masculine [local/consice]. In alchemy divinity is androgenous as were early depictions of jesus, so my God possibly wears a dress lol. It is also an inquisative entity which wants to grow and learn, even with all the info in the universe at its disposal [and possibly more [if we consider info in our heads is not the same as info in physical terms. So info in the mind of divinity may also be like that]]. Perhaps being alive is spirit being on the outside, whereas the spirit itself is internal to manifest existence. the two appear to me as akin to polar opposites, and this makes me think that that is why our spirits connect to our physical forms ~ they are different facets of the same thing. this making us and everything into part of that also!!

how is that like the Abrahamic God?

our concepts do, but the bible doesn’t evolve. It used to, prior to christ.
What would be the point in a God that doesn’t change nor indeed have many facets [god/esses], what would that entity make a universe for if there was no point. There must i think, have been a desire to exist in existential form, to have the many facets realised in form, no?

‘God’ seems to be something which does create e.g. The universe/s, amd is magical, but the notion seems also far removed from ‘a god’ with personhood and what have you.

Perhaps we are God’s personhood, accumulatively a symbiosis.

indeed, and that everything is. :slight_smile: a divine communism one could say.

I though every possible variety of God had just about been covered. The last thing we need is another one.

Yet god has still not return… Where did he go if he hasn’t returned all this time?

So man prophets and prophecies yet even still so many errors.

My belief is that God’s Mind is the Aether releasing Electricity/Light, which in turn creates Matter. So the Laws of Electricity/Light are God’s Laws and comprising 7 principles, Immutable, supreme and absolute.

Neglecting or ignoring the influence of electricity (and thus God) in every of our thought/action, causes degeneration - mentally, spiritually and physically

Basic. If God is not the constant that holds all creations together, what else is there? In the conservation of energy, energy is not lost; it merely changes its form. I’d say God is this energy. We are temporal beings attempting to describe what timelessness could entail.
Human history contains an evolution of enlightenment. We are no longer pagans praying to the sun or believing that the energy/essences of all things other than us are gods to be entreated for our own, personal sense of security. Instead, we have evolved to see God as part of all that exists and us as a part of each other. We can now see God as the creator, preserver of all that exists.