Satan in christianity

I was talking to a few mormon friends lately.
I told them I have a disagreement on doctrine.
I explained that satan is just a single fallen angel. He/it is not a god. He has no real power on his own.
There are so many angels that are supposed to exist. If he has a empire as a governer, he’d have
the power of his nation in a way, but evil beings tend to not cooperate or come together.
These people think satan is so powerful and dangerous and constantly after everyone.
I disagreed and satan may even be dead by now, due to civil war in heaven.

Satan stands for the natural temptations to ignore reality for sake of desires, wants, and lusts. Thus Satan “comes before” the savior (else what need would there be for a savior).

Satan is metaphorically depicted as a being, but in reality has always stood for the “spirit” (aka “behavior”) of natural corruption, error temptations, and disintegration unto death.

The Savior is the “being” (again in spirit) that attempts to get Man to adhere more directly to Reality (aka “God”). The “battle” is between the Savior and Satan. The Savior is persuades toward God and Satan persuades away from God.

By analogy: One thought comes to mind that “all things are relative” and that thought haunts you continually. But then another thought comes to mind that “things are not actually merely relative, but often seem that way”. The two thoughts, in effect, struggle within your own mind and direct your will. The first is saying, “There is no Truth (aka “God”)”. The second is saying, “Actually there is absolute Truth, it just isn’t as easy to see.” You don’t know which is really true until you realize that if the first is true, neither can be true. But if the second is true, then one is true and the other isn’t (Enlightenment).

And that is always happening throughout all of Mankind. So I can’t disagree with what you said that they told you.

I’m talking about bible literalists.
If satan was symbolic, it could be said to be a wide variety of things.
There is probably over 10 unique ways to interpret satan metaphorically.
Maybe way more than 10.
You’re giving your side of the story, how it fits into your beliefs. At least, that is how it appears to me.

I’m talking about those who understand the story.
If Satan wasn’t symbolic, it could be said to be a wide variety of beings.
There is probably over 10 unique ways to describe Satan literally.
Maybe way more than 10.
You’re giving your side of the story, how it fits into your beliefs. At least, that is how it appears to me.


A remarkable re-telling of Milton’s Paradise Lost. Have you though about writing?

Thank you for this post. Gave me a lot to think about.