Reporting Death Threat


Now that’s backpedaling.

Nope, not that.

It’s more like this…

I come here because I like to think about myself and the world that I live in. The part where the two intersect. And a lot more than folks who don’t come into places like this do. I have come to see it in a particular way. As a nihilist. Just as you have come to see it as you do. If only always “here and now”. But then we bump into folks who think about it in ways that are very, very, very different from the way we do.

We try to explain to them the way we think about it because we really are convinced that this is the most reasonable manner in which to think about it. But they don’t or won’t come around. Then we react to that. And some can become quite enraged when, after repeatedly explaining to others how they think about it, others still don’t “get it”. How could they not when it is all so fucking clear?!

Then we have spectacles like KTS vs. ILP, the pontificating Kids, the sterile objectivists and, well, death threats.

And threads like this.

I can’t help but be fascinated in wondering what it must be like inside the heads of, well, some of them. To think in a way that seems [to me] so alien. Even surreal. But then [of course] dasein [and its dilemma] kicks in and I recognize just how futile it will be trying to figure that out. Then I have to settle for the part about it all being “entertaining”.

But, sure, maybe some day I really will understand them. And maybe some day they will really understand me. :-k

I ask that Carleas responds to this, or another mod.

Yea I saw that post too. Are you surprised or figured as a gimme that he deleted it. I have to say gimme.

I will not report this, as I don’t believe the threats to be serious, nor do I believe this request to be made in a good faith apprehension of imminent harm. Idiotic doesn’t know who you are or where you live. Even if he were angry enough to kill, he doesn’t know your name much less your location, and there’s reason to believe he’s about as far from you as one human can get from another on the surface of the earth. And neither the words “I’m going to kill you,” nor various embellishments on them, are enough by themselves to constitute a death threat.

You are, of course, welcome to report them yourself if you disagree.

Idiotic, don’t threaten people with violence or otherwise. It’s definitely a warnable and/or bannable offense, it’s not philosophy and does nothing for your position nor to change anyone’s mind, and it is neither cool nor funny. Block Ben and stop talking to him if you can’t keep your cool in response.

I understand. I never did those things because they were cool or funny. I did them because I was lost in myself and fighting for my life. I’ve won. I was always willing to face the consequences for my actions because it was worth doing so to unravel the thread and see the truth. I have no need to block Ben because I have no fear of ever losing my cool again. I have always known full well that those things speak against me and I struggled to overcome them even as I fought against the world around me as they struggled against the same things. I completely respect your words and the full weight of saying them.

I’m not trying to live a lie or anything like that. I have always valued authenticity over cheap crap. I respect your warning and I expect you to hold to it if it comes to it. It is why I am here and in this place instead of first trying to make a difference in the world around me. Here, I could learn the lessons without causing undue harm to any other person. There is no going back to ignorance, so I have not caused anything that would not have been otherwise. We all will be stuck in insecurity until such a time as we can all rise above it together.

I have only ever killed people in my thoughts and have only ever been killed in my thoughts; thus far. I see no reason to change that for any reason and there is no longer any need for me to kill people in my thoughts because try as they might, they will never be able to kill me again. You will find me earning trust in the long-term, so please watch and be vigilant and don’t let me be anything I don’t wish to be. For all of our sakes.

Okay, its over, please dear god, someone lock this thread.



You’re crazy but in a good way. You accept Your split love hate relationship, that is why this whole thing is merely an exercise in farce. Have You ever lived under a real threat against Your very existence? Such farce does disservice to those to whom life has become a terror, and the suggestion to paranoids is , just because You are one, does not mean they are not out to get You. Meaningless, and irrelevant chatter, or a truly broken mind. I hope it’s the former. But if it’s the latter, do not worry, You are in good company.

Justice prevailed.

Idioms remember,

It’s OK if you have no personal integrity. All you need to do is threaten someone’s life. Problem solved.

The christian way.

Be merry, Idioms!


The funniest thing is, this problem WAS solved the Christian way. It just verified everything they had tried and failed to teach to people. Ben, you have a lot of serious problems and I’m not the only one saying so.

I have thought for a long time that there was something wrong with me when there wasn’t; and I have literally been held in the insecurities that you pretend at. I don’t mean to put you to shame or to ruin your game. I’m just being me. And you’re going to have to face that fact and the truth about your self that it brings out. Why do you feel the need to act the way you do and think it’s ok? I never thought what I was doing was okay; it didn’t even register on that level until after the fact and I examined it in full. I was just reacting instinctively and letting go of my filters completely and it felt really good to get that pressure off that I’ve been building up inside.

And what you need to realize is that that pressure has been building up inside every single good and loving person in this world, because of spoiled kids who just don’t get it anymore because they weren’t all raised by the hard-knock; don’t think anything bad is truly ever going to happen to them because they can get out of anything, or so they think. I have had to truly question my self after every thing I’ve done. I no longer have to do that.

A good amount of people are under the assumption that you need help, Ben; that you need psychological help. Of course you know you don’t; you’re just fine. But, the fact is that through pretending these things for too long, you’re actually going to be those things and people will deal with you as they should. It is a matter of cause and effect; action and reaction.

I’ve stepped out to the other side of the chaos. I’m a free man. To me, that was worth everything. If you fight for it against your self, you might do the same and feel the same as me and I’m telling you, it’s worth it. The sight is really beautiful. All I’ve ever wanted to do was share it with other people from the minute I first got a decent look at it; shortly after my accidental OD of valium and anti-depressants when I was 20 years old.

In one moment, God revealed to me his master plan and I couldn’t remember a single damn thing of it, but it revealed itself to me over time as I earned it. I didn’t even have solid affirmation of anything; I just didn’t want to be where I was mentally anymore so I began to want to get out of it and fight against it. As I have said: it was truly a fight for my life.

And you, with your ‘games’ added to that. I’m sorry for my reaction, but I can admit that it wasn’t what I wanted to be. I’ve put the hard work in to change that, and I dragged more than a few people along for the ride. You’re making a big deal over nothing. I never had a desire to kill anyone; I just had to get my anger out on people who deserved it full well before I could start showing my love and killing people kindly with that.

As it stands, my love is now more fierce than anyones hatred could ever be; and I aim to prove that, next. Any one of you can join me if you want; but it doesn’t matter. It’s like allowing vampires to live and breathe again after being dead for so long; and to be sustained by real things again. I’m probably going to die a lot sooner than I would have if not for all of the things in my life, but I overcame them all; I hold no hard feelings for it; as any victor should that triumphs over their enemies. I still refused to kill my enemies completely; even the ones inside my own head; for that was not the peace I wanted. I also had to threaten them with killing my self and meaning every word of it for them to calm down.

It’s been a highly metaphysical ride, my friend; and it’s not always just about you.


Warm regards,


Or to paraphrase Blaise Pascal:

I have made this post longer than usual, because I lacked the time to make it shorter.

Maybe someone should have threatened to kill him.


There appears to be problems developing in the ILP social utopia.

shakes head

Not really it’s just this one weirdo acting out.

It only takes one bad sheep to infect the rest of the herd.

The good shepherds should know this.

Must keep the utopia blossoming…

Yeah but we’re not a herd. We’re a pack. We just eat the bad sheep and shit them out.