Is the Religion Meister a Chrisitian Fundie?

I guess he tought I wanted to start a CHRISTIAN religion on his forum, But when I didn’t, his seal of approval was instantly removed and he banished me BECAUSE I HAVE A DIFFERENT RELIGION.

Have the other forums also people who have their dogmas and defend the forum from original new things?

And most of all ,

Not that I go back there but for the info of future humans.

No, he is not a christian, some sort of Empirical Magician… right now, there is still a Christian embargo on the forum, closest thing you can get to Christianity is a couple of gnostics and ‘spiritualists’ and a guy who believes in god minus anything that makes god a god. Every other major religion avoids the section like the plague.

He is a very newly elected moderator, they just passed a vote that pretty much stipulates he has to ban like, half the remaining people there in order to make it function… which like, I think means you. I recommend just not posting there, its about as religious as a fern… I mostly focus such topics off site on most stable forums that have a clue, or via emails.

You didn’t have a thesis to present. You merely asked a question. He answered it.
We used to have a forum specifically for questions. Now they use the sandbox.

If you want to start a religion and have the slightest idea of how, there wouldn’t be anything Dan could do to stop you anyway. And the implication is that he wouldn’t try to stop you.

You’re freaking over nothing.

Thanks Contraman.
So… what kinds of forums do you post your religious discussions on? I was so happy with this forum yesterday night I even made a thread about it and duplicated that thread in all the excitement. I was encouraged by Dans response. And then BAM he kicks my thread without even messaging me or making mention of it in the thread he fucked with.

Shit. That is worse than cool.

But James S Saint, no. I had already started my religion in the very thread. You havent read. It was beginning to catch on and I was very happy. But then Dan the Voodooman stepped in and FUCKED my mood up.

YOU are at ill loss, compadre.

Forums that would outright ban you for lack of good taste…

No… just go and google a specific saint from a religion that wrote on philosophy, one out of four will come up with a forum… I also just wiki them, then do a search…

I pissed of George Feuerstein so much he dedicated the rest of his life to the Anti-War movement. He seemed like a generically nice guy, wish sometimes I hadn’t. I’m much more restrained these days, just show up to learn their position, and relative neurological placement of the functions inherent in their ideas. I dont usually bother to debate unless its a wahabbi extremist site, or western Non-Dualism… if I could get those two sides to fight it out to the death, I would love it. Everyone else, I am very polite and probe for specific info, join the mailing list, and move on. I got like a hundred million emails now, all from newsletters and discussions. The stuff with Catholics are direct email only, very active community, everyone gets mass mailed and no one knows who is posting what anymore.

I moved it to sand box because it seemed to fit there.
It was not my intention to upset you.

Where exactly did you start your religion??