Surely the hole will be all we know, and won’t know there is solid space outside it. So the question about particles would still come up.

This post started out addressing the dilemma of - The Meaning of Life (a tired and truly dead question but facsinating evermore) - this disucssion seems to have moved onto the “origin of the universe”…all this talk of clouds and heavne hell and god reminded me that there is a story everyone here would benefit from reading - one that fictionally-dramatises the universe before conception, during and after…Take a vreif read here

Italo Calvino - Nothing and not much:

If I tell you I remember it - began Qfwfg - you will object that in the nothingness, nothing can remember anything, nor be remembered by anything, which is one reason why you won’t be able to believe so much as a word of what I am about to tell you. Tough arguments to knock down, I admit. All I can tell you is that, the moment there was something, there being nothing else, that something was the universe, and since it hadn’t been there before, there was a before when it wasn’t and an afterwards when it was, from that momment on, I’m saying, time began, and with time memory, and with memory someone who remembered, that is to say myself, or that something that later I would understand was myself…

I would type the whole story but I implore you to find it and read…it really fleshes out the ideas regaridng the nature of the universe, nothingness and somethingness.

“Everything in existence carried some original defect within itself: being, to her mind, was a depressing, vulgar degeneration of non-being.”

“One of the many advantages of being was that it allowed us, from the climax of our achieved fullness, to indulge in a moment’s regret for the nothingness we had lost, a moment’s melancholy contemplation of the negative fullness of the void.”

I mean that we would be bubbles in the solidity. Not that space would be the hole. So the Solidity would be considered to be the nothingness, and the bubbles would seem to be unnatural.

Ok, do you mean

a: each human would be a hole in solid space?
b: Humanity itself is the hole in the solid space
c: the universe is a buble in a much bigger solid universe.

I think the overall thing you may be trying to say is that, We are looking for the creation of the universe in the wrong place. Kinda like a mega-verse with universes inside. We are looking at the pea instead of the pod and indeed the stem?

Maybe its just me, but i’m sure this would go better in Mundane Babble.

I must admit to being sparse with my English, probably due to lazyness. Here is my full explenation…

Ok… People often ask… “How did the particles get there?”… “Where did God come from?”

They never ask… “How did the space around the particles get there?”… “Where did the space around God come from?”

We automatically presume that the space is nothingness, and that it should be the only thing that exists. I tried to turn this inside-out by suggesting that the opposite could have been true in an alternate universe.

We could have been an intelligent bubble, inside a liquified universe.

By turning the problem inside out, I am trying to influence the reader to ignore the particles that were originally there in the first place, they are irrellivent. They are none intelligent, they are a foundation of a material, the space is just as important, and the vibrations in space are also just as important.

Life = Particles, Vacuum, and vibrations.

So from this point we have an origin of life…

The particles floated in the vacuum, and were moved by the vibrations in space. The vibrations in space = gravity. Particles are threaded on the vibrating threads like pearls on a necklace. Particles collide creating an oppostion in two forces, in two directions. This then builds up in all directions. The particles stop the thread from vibrating at the point that they collide, similar to placing your fingers on the strings of a guitar. If you threaded the strings of a guitar with beads they would move in the opposite direction to the wave of the plucking of the strings. The beads would stop at the point at which the finger is squashing the note of the guitar. The reason that they would stop is not due to hitting the finger pressed down on the note, but due to the fact that there are no vibrations happening there.

This is how the planets were originally created. This is why gravity occurs. Gravity is a force pushing from outside of the planet Earth, and not a force pulling inwards from the planet. Ok… so… Black Holes…

Black holes are not holes at all… they are the squashed strings. They are strings that are completely squashed flat. All matter has to head towards the total lack of vibrations. So this looks totally like a Black Hole explenation. There is very little difference.

So Pinchoism explains everthing in the universe. I can explain almost any situation using my uiniverse, and I don’t end up with oddities, like some of the oddities that scientists are faced with today.

The best part of Pinchoism is that…

Pinchoism is Billions to one… 5000000000000000/1 that it is FALSE.

God = 5000000000000000/1 that it is TRUE.

I can PROVE these odds.

Well thanks Pincho, this was my laugh of the day… Where do I sign up…?

Well, you could try explaining what you find funny, because your humour must be based on disbelief, which is usually what we find funny. You should not disbelieve the truth, and find it funny. Therfore you must have some questions to ask me.

You have a theory here, but I feel your theory is far more complex than others out there. Ocams Razor in that sense would discount your theory. For one, what reason do you believe Earth is special? Why is gravity just things being pushed towards earth rather than a universal law of all matter? You are un-justifiably making the same mistake that the Ptolemaic model of the universe made… What reason do you have to give Earth these special characteristics? It would seem to me this is more complicated than having a model where there is a set of laws that govern all of the universe…

Oh sorry did I give that impression?

I shall further describe my gravity theory.

Take particles as beaded onto long invisible strings. Take all planets as the particles that have collided to form clumps…(Not Just Earth)

Now imagine a beach, and the sand is pushed onto the beach, but it is pushed onto all beaches in all directions. Say England and France, both opposite, but both having sand pushed towards them…

Same thing with planets. I say that the planets are like a 3D beach. They have particles moved towards them by the vibrating strings. (Like a wave in the sea)

There would be a point between the planets where there is a push in both directions. Towards both planets. I am trying to understand what this might cause, and I am considering this mid point to be possibly anti-gravity. So I looked at NASA records to see if anything had happened to flight paths of space vehicles at the mid point between planets, and I found that NASA did indeed have records of their ships going off course at these points. NASA would have to make corrections to the flight paths of their ships. This delighted me, although not proof.


That is the worst typo I have ever seen, Tank. I guess you meant to say Platonic? But that. That is finger wandering of the third degree.

That is excellent advice. The head loses heat rapidly, and to compensate the body will distribute more blood flow to the head, thereby lowering it in other areas of the body, especially appendages.

Also, don’t eat if you are cold either. High stomach and intestinal activity requires more blood, again lowering the levels in the appendages.

Yes, my siggy is taken from that.

We are building a religion, we are building it bigger…

We are facing the truth, we are facing it more clearly?

Unlikely, if we’re reading this thread… :unamused:

But my odds are over a billion to one that I am wrong, so my theory is probably the best that has ever been written. The odds are well in my favour.

We live around 1980. My theory only works if we live around 1980. The odds of this, both forwards, and backwards in time are immense.

I think I saw this movie on Sci Fi last year. It sucked, but I watched it twice anyway.

I found this thread to be pretty funny until the point it dawned on me pincho was actually serious. At that point it became hysterical.
Thank you!

Tell me more about the spiders, Pincho.

You might be on to something because when I was a child I remember killing a spider that had a tiny micro-chip in its abdomen.

I thought it must of ate it somehow, but now that you suggest they are spies, it’s all starting to make sense to me.

oh no… detrop is a spy for the SPIDERS… :astonished: