Only the concept of time exists.

While Cellular Automata Theory does have its similarities, it is largely different from Time Slide Theory.

Cellular Automata Theory states that the universe is composed of cells, where each cell has 26 neighboring cells, which influence the state of their adjacent counterparts. I’m not entirely sure what this is based on, but I don’t want to rule anything out.

It continues on to state that “all the laws of physics must result from interactions that are strictly local, therefore forbidding any form of action at a distance.” This is entirely false due to the proven concept of quantum entanglement. Einstein plainly described this as “spooky action at a distance.”

This theory also suggests that “space, time, matter, energy, and motion are all the same thing: the end result of information changing state.” This is obviously similar to what I’ve stated. This theory is also similar in that it “automatically contains an inherent maximum speed limit for which information can be moved from place to place.” This being the speed of light.

My reference: … %2F9907013

I’ll continue with my reponse later. I havn’t got the time right now. Thanks for such a constructive response though. I’ve been trying to organize my thoughts on much of the questions you proposed.

I don’t assume to -know- because I can barely understand the math, and stretch to grasp the concepts. But I believe . . .

Time is just an expression of relative entropy. We personally experience the relative problem of “can’t go back,” which is not necessarily with all other universes. Stranger yet, our universe doesn’t strictly obey the law of determinism. (I can pinpoint my reason for saying this if desired). But we may exist in a deterministic multiverse. This might be the only rule that the multiverse follows. IE: “~(a → ~a)”

With that in mind, absolutely everything you can express to me can and probably already has happened and continues to happen. The only rule is that somewheres it adds up to fit co-operatively together. This rule only fails where we fail to explain our concept. For example: Eternity. Can we really explain eternity?

I guess I’ll accept it if someone has to say this is babble.

Niether I

Time is a measure of movement, thus of becoming. But why is there becoming? Because every potential being is entirely relative to a being in act which attracts it, and that it is through becoming that being in potency meets being in act.

Thus not only being in potency is not being rather a modality of being, the most tenuous at that, but being in potency is not becoming. However, it is through becoming that being in potency attains its end by meeting being in act which is the sole being.

It follows that being in act is anterior to being in potency from the point of view of perfection, which is the inverse of the point of view of becoming (genetic), where being in potency precedes being in act.

I thus conclude that being is anterior to becoming, and that becoming only exists through being, which manifests itself through the present moment, since only the present moment exists, for neither the past nor the future exist.

Imo, the present moment is the victory of act over potency, thus of being over becoming, but it is an ephemeral victory…

Why complicate something very simple ? There is no time or space or anything, just COMBINATIONS.

A very simple example: say that the universe is made of only one number (0 to 9) and there are only three time intervals in the whole lifetime of this universe. How large is it really ?

Well 101010 are all the possible combinations, that is the possible sequences of this one number times the 3 time intervals. Now just extrapolate this to any large number of particles, having any large number of states times any large number of time intervals for any universe.

It would be something like Z to the X times Y, where X is the number of possible states and Y is the number of time intervals. Z is the number of particle states and/or number of particles.

Z^X*Y. This is a universe, with all time and space included. Obviously an insanely huge number, but mathematically and conceptually very simple.

Why indeed?

Motion, the moving object and its destination are all relative to each other. So space, time and motion have no inherently independent existence. Things are always things-in-flux and time is always flux-in-things. There isn’t ‘time’ and ‘phenomena that endure through time’, but only the changing of phenomena.

Even more interesting is the space to time converter or viceversa. Conside that all the combinations Z^X*Y can be equivalent to 2^N so instead of having many particles and states you can have a universe with only one bit of information that can follow a sequence of combinations that contain all the possible combinations of a universe, like a DVD is a stream of bits that design a 2 hour movie. In this case it is a universe with ONE bit having many (huge number!) of time intervals (N).

Or you can convert it to a universe having a given huge number of BITS but that is still because it contains all the possible combinations. So in this case it is a universe with a huge number of bits (or particles if you like) but with only one time interval, hence no time.

2^N=M so a one bit universe with a number of time intervals (N) is equivalent to a universe with a number of bits (M) but only one time interval, hence no time (a frozen universe of combinations). Time can be converted into space and vice versa because they are both arbitrary concepts, only information and combinations exist.

So if you imagine a modified brain eye (technological singularity scenario) that can read in all 40 billion bits of a DVD in parallel, and can execute the movie in parallel and see it all and feel all the experiences in parallel, this brain could see a 2 hour movie in a microsecond. That is if it really executes the movie in parallel. That would require a completely different brain - mind structure, emotion subsystem etc. Or alternatively just read in all the bits in a register and execute the movie at lightning speed using the traditonal mind - emotion system, hence time to space conversion.

The idea is probably not new, the universe is just pure information, the it to bit physics, so all possible combinations of these bits mapped to everything we can imagine is just a small subset of what is possible. The laws of physics seem to select only a very few combinations, but the superset of all combinations is the real size of the universe or any possible universe, so that is true reality, not what we feel with our senses.

The real universe is infinitely much large than the physical one.

So lets take this up to another level. Just how big is our universe then ?

Lets consider something like 10^1000 particles and call that N. Each particle can be in maybe 10^100 different states and call that S.

So S^N are all the possible combinations of all these particles through all their states and call that C. Now lets throw in time, and say that there are maybe 10^1000 time intervals and call that T. So that would be C^T all possible combinations of all particles for all of time. Of course our real universe is only a very small subset of this, but it maybe really isn’t as big as we think.

S=10^100 no. of different states for each particle;

N=10^1000 no. of particles;

C=S^N no. of all possible combinations of states and particles;

T is the number of time intervals, 10^1000;



This number can be converted to 2^X where X is probably really big. So the universe is just a simple number, 2^X.

2^N=M so a one bit universe with a number of time intervals (N) is equivalent to a universe with a number of bits (M) but only one time interval, hence no time (a frozen universe of combinations). Time can be converted into space and vice versa because they are both arbitrary concepts, only information and combinations exist.

The problem is what external space are these bits or particles or numbers occupying ? They must be floating in some other material, or item. It is this item that can create experiences, consciousness, reality and matter as parts of these combinations of bits are grouped as people and life and experiences. Very odd, but makes some sense…

Combinations of what?

Can you expand on the nature of this “item”?

Most issues can be resolved when one stops thinking of time as something that “exists”.
Time is to exist.

Consciousness being the separation of a small piece of temporal flow that observes the rest of it.
Matter being a manifestation of temporality.

Space being possibility.

When you start thinking of time as something….something that then exists within something else or when you think of space as a substance or fabric then you fall into error.

Combinations of what?

Combination of numbers, or bits, or any item - entity that can be distinguished from another. A pure number - item in an abstract mental space. A pure measurement… everything we perceive is a sequence of measurements, numbers and comparisons between said measurements. At least according to the scientific - physics decoding of the world (and also a language with symbols mapping onto the comparisons ?)

2^N=M so a one bit universe with a number of time intervals (N) is equivalent to a universe with a number of bits (M) but only one time interval, hence no time (a frozen universe of combinations). Time can be converted into space and vice versa because they are both arbitrary concepts, only information and combinations exist.

I am not getting into the language - semantics complications of it all, but just trying to show that it seems that if we just view the universe as information - mathematics the entire deal is just a combination of numbers that can eventually be mapped onto any kind of decoding and encoding of this information into any kinds of categories desired; the combinations, group of bits, can be broken up or merged in any way possible.

check out: … p?t=151880

sounds similar …

This is just an extrapolation of a universe as a series of bits just as a DVD contains 40 billion bits and can produce a 2 hour movie. This is the informational content, or measurements of the entire universe, or state space it can occupy. We are a small subset of bits of this number. The laws of physics are just a series of strong filters allowing mostly only the major combinations, but quantum physics kind of tells us that all the combinations are possible and do indeed exist.

The laws of physics seem to be simply the combinations that have the highest probability of being repeated. I think this view could be a better view of the many worlds theory of quantum physics since in a pure combinational view all the combinations exist, only that we find ourselves within a given combination. Odd but somehow related to the many worlds - infinite parallel universe theories …

But then again if all the combinations exist, we simply find ourselves in a quirk combination that seems to follow very strict laws, but these laws don’t really exist they are just a design or pattern or painting superimposed on a subset of the combination of bits.

I have already explained why time does not exist during my previous incarnation as Pinnacle of Reason

Time is change. When we say time changes, what we are really saying is that things have moved. for instance the clock shows time change by moving. in fact you can’t tell time has changed if nothing moved.

So movement is time. but time is not some abstract concept, it’s simply comparing movements against an absolute stationary object.

A wise man once asked a wiser man, “is it possible to step into the same river twice?” The wiser man, upon deliberating for many a slide show, answered, “ah, but I would question the idea of stepping into the same river ONCE.”

Time is a river. We are pebbles floating down the river of time. There is point A, the beginning, and point B, the end. Time is what fills the gap in between the transition periods, and ultimately what prevents A from being joined/merged/at one with B.

Therefore, one could argue that the purpose of time is to prevent the unison of matter and energy into one singular, thus recreating the ‘X’ which was in existence right before the big bang occurred.



two of the primary tenents in kant’s epistemology are his proofs for space and time… for kant, space and time must exist to provide a playground for external events…
