The Decline and Fall of the American Empire

Really, Gobbo, saying “all you need is knowledge” is bullshit. That’s a cop-out. I may KNOW that the transmission on my car is going out, but without action what does that knowledge do for me? You avoid answering my question. What do YOU suggest we (the American people) do to fix our country? You claim to have the “knowledge”, so put it to practical use. Where’s the game plan?

I’m just old enough to have seen a few cycles of this thinking pass through the years, where all seems lost and then things rebound. If there is overall decline, it is not linear as your OP may suggest. If anything, the graph would look sort of like a telephone cord. It cycles down a little but, loops up, but perhaps not up enough that it has regained all its losses from the down spiral.

The very title of the post is seemingly an attempt to analogize the US with the Roman Empire. When looking at the Roman Empire from our vantage point thousands of years later, it looks like a catastrophic decline in civilization. But it took 600 years to peak and the next 400 to fall, depending on what historian you talk to. One thousand years of relative success? And the US is in year 234? That’s good enough for me.

And when we “fall”, what will that fall actually look like? Again, you distill 1000 years of Roman history and it looks so awful when it “fell”. But what did it feel like to a person living at the time? I’d venture to guess that the average person kept on doing what they were doing farming their fields and supporting their family, with some inconvenience here and there but maybe some benefits to boot. The loss of culture and technology eroded slowly over many years afterward but started to pick up again. From the standpoint of history it looks far more debilitating than it may actually have been to the people living at the time.

All this is speculative, but so is the OP. I think you have a lot of concepts to define before we can really discuss with some thoroughness, The terms I see are:

fallen socially
fallen economically
fallen spritutally
fallen psychologically
yelling out for help

I can’t remember the last time I heard an american say that everything here is fine. Gobbo must know more americans than I do.


This is the most sophomoric response I receive when talking about this type of stuff. The sniveling, infant tantrums that demand me to just lay out some grand plan that will solve everything. I hear it SO much it’s become entirely cliched.

Instead of just getting in gear and doing something you’ll waste all this time on a forum trying to play devil’s advocate when it’s apparent to anyone with a working brain what I’m saying is near 100% correct. Your country is fucked because the majority of you are lazy, eat horribly, and know nothing about who runs your country. That is a FACT.

Here’s your ‘game plan.’

Stop watching television, as it’s a military brainwashing device.
Stop watching the MSM, as the ENTIRE thing is a corporate brainwashing tool.
Demand your skies stop being sprayed with chemicals designed for apathy and subservience.
Stop eating the chemicals introduced by Rumsfeld-esque people that are soft-kill weapons.
Read. Just in a general sense.
Exercise. You’re pretty much useless if you’re some fat fuck.

Learn the occult symbols used in your media: their origins and effects.
Learn the meta-governmental geopolitical think-tanks that run the world, and who belongs to what: Club of Rome, The Royal Institute of International Affairs, The Trilateral Commission, CPAC, etc.
Learn about the history of the Anglo-American Establishment – Carol Quiggley is the best resource for that.
Learn about how the Bush’s are Nazis, and the Clintons are murderer sociopaths.

That’s not a bad little summary. If the majority of Americans did those things – fuck, even like half of them — your country would not be in the state it is right now.

I see you’re still good at saying clever things that get us nowhere.

It must be the contrails, Gobbo.

So just to check, Colbert, you’re essentially just here to make jokes right?

Just making sure.

When you want to join the big boys table you let me know. It’s too bad that we all age, but not all of us mature.

The lizard men made me say that.

Interesting. You can’t even break out of it.

Let me ask you something: does my belief in possible aliens in our world justify your apathy?

Nevermind. You’re one of the people I was referring to before. You’ll be cracking jokes when they kick your teeth out, genuinely happy. In a way I envy people like you, where life is just one big night at the bar and you never have to grow up or face the music.

What apathy? I go to a bar maybe once every couple of weeks. I don’t smoke no dope no more, and I never claimed that everything was fine in the US.

I think the best way I can counter your “claims” is to give you a reading comprehension test.

Of course, shift the blame to the faceless person online.

You’re not apathetic at all.


That’s not hypocritical. I don’t live in your shitty, in control of the world country. You do. So do something instead of joking around.

You see the irony in coming into this thread to come up with reasons why you shouldn’t alter your life – the lifestyle that is gotten your country to where it is.

If you think you’re except for some reason then I would like to know why. Unless what you’re saying is that only going to the bar a couple nights a week and not smoking dope is the recipe for not being enslaved.

Do something here on this message board?

This might be news, but I like living in this country (although I have little bad to say about Canada). I like living in the seat of an empire, I like exploiting other peoples of the world and I like that countries such as yours, which are mere client states, and always have been since their inception, get all riled up at “daddy” even as he hands them the keys to a brand new car. It make me feel important and grown up by comparison.

Perhaps, Gobbo, you receive such “sophomoric” responses because all you ever spout is KNOWING about this stuff, how we need KNOWLEDGE, with nary an action in sight. I’ve said this to you before – knowledge is NOT enough. Knowledge is where the process of change begins. You wander about here and ILO bitching about how you shouldn’t have to explain the things you already know to people, how you shouldn’t have to answer questions, people should just be researching this stuff and finding out for themselves, and I can dig that. I get it. My question to you is – what are YOU doing with the knowledge you possess? Anything? Something tells me your immediate response will be something along the lines of me not knowing your or your life, and of COURSE you try to change things with your knowledge – and that works in reverse as well. Just because you don’t see what people are doing doesn’t mean they’re not doing anything – for example –

I don’t even own one. I don’t watch it on the internet, either, like some people who claim to abhor television, but can’t seem to help but go and find all those “great, quality shows” online and watch them. :wink:

How much good has your “demanding” done? I mean, considering how long you’ve possessed this knowledge, you must’ve contacted someone to talk to them about this – and I don’t just mean bitching about it to other people who also possess this knowledge, I mean contacting someone who actually CAN stop it, and demanding they do so. Work well for you, has it? Any promise of it working in the future?

Tell that to the mother who has $1000 to take care of herself and her 3 children for an entire month – that means pay all the bills, put gas in the car, buy food and other necessities, etc. Tell her she should go out and buy the organic eggs that cost twice as much for half the quantity. Myself, I buy organic as much as possible, but I’ve only got myself to worry about.

I do. I was reading at a post-highschool level when I was nine years old. I have the documentation to prove it. Well technically, I think my mom has all that stuff, but that’s not the point. What should we read? Stories about how things could’ve or would’ve played out, rather than how they did or will, a la’

I exercise on a daily basis, in the form of dance. Granted, it’s been a long time since I’ve danced seriously and so I’m not in the best shape at the moment, but that’s also besides the point.

And we arrive here. You know the truth, and anyone who doesn’t hasn’t researched it. The problem is, plenty of people have researched your fun little conspiracy theories, and still think they’re mostly bullshit.

Now don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying they are bullshit. Honestly, I don’t know much at all about any conspiracy theory, beyond a bit of fluff and nonsense I heard about 9/11 shortly after it happened that was so obviously off-base I was embarrassed for the people who had made the film I saw. So call me ignorant if you’d like. I’ll give you the “typical, ignorant American” response – fuck off.

Happy Valentine’s Day :slight_smile:


You’re controlled by England, just like we are. That you’re so grossly ignorant of this stuff is my point. I could care less about you being short-sighted with regards to geopolitical logic. It’s the massive, comical levels of ignorance that Americans display that really get to me.


You’re right. Knowing stuff is useless, and the books I’ve read and you haven’t are wrong because you say so.

Really, Gobbo? Way to react emotionally. Really letting that brilliance shine, buddy.

Anyways this thread should serve as an educational resource.

By EVERY OBJECTIVE STANDARD OF MEASUREMENT the US is sliding into an economical nightmare, and socially, a complete, draconian police state hellscape.

Enter: 2 Americans. Notice the subtleties in which they push everything back onto me, some random person online who is simply pointing out the objective fact stated above.

Blurred: is at the maximum she could be doing, because action is useless and most knowledge about conspiracy stuff that is de-facto false because she watched one movie 10 years ago and based everything on it. That is ridiculous and stupid. Obviously you’re going to be buttfucked by tyranny.

Faust: Actually thinks America is an independent country, which means it makes sense that he knows nothing about the fiat system of commerce you (once again, since 1912) use. Without even knowing the economical paradigm your country operates in, obviously you’re going to be buttfucked by tyranny.

Americans… an interesting bunch.

I just wanna go on record as saying that I love America’s Hat. Great beer! :smiley: