Which is First?

Agreed, it’s conjecture, but I figure the natural progression from desire to curiosity to study isn’t an outlandish notion.

I think we are on the same page, actually. Similar approach, but from different starting points. Epistemology just seems like a rough starting point to me because it seems like the most speculative. Hume alone really did a number on me, personally.

Now this I would love to know more about…

i think the philosophy of philosophy is first, kind of like what we’re doing here, you have to know what it is you’re doing before you do it, lol.

This raises a point about what is meant by “first”.

Chronologically in one’s lifetime, questions of ethics are going to come first. After that, it’s whatever you think is most relevant to such questions.

And once you’ve waded through them all, you can then decide which are more “fundamental” than the others, which leads to this:

I gave my version just as everyone else has, and we’re still no closer to any objective truth lol.

Maybe we could group together same-answers from different people and call that “their truth”.

This is why I found Faust’s response to my initial post interesting. I became interested in philosophy because of ethics, but immediately took to epistemology first in my own studies. I’m not exactly sure why that was the case, but it seems this approach isn’t all too uncommon.

From that perspective, it isn’t so much like digging a hole. The hole has been dug – that is what prompts our desire to understand it. So, perhaps it is more like examining a hole to see how it was dug before concentrating on why it was dug or what to do with it. In the same sense, I felt compelled to look at how we know in order to refine my understanding of what we claim to “know” and why.

Makes sense.

To be clear, what I meant by the hole analogy is that all you can do is start where you are. For me, that was ethics - and I bet it’s ethics for many, or even most. It’s the least abstract, and the most relevant to daily life (for most, I think). Therefore, it’s also what gets returned to again and again. It can even provide a litmus test of sorts for the quality of one’s views on epistemology, ontology, etc.

Maybe I can try to compare phenomenology perceived/interpreted by me and my preferences/attitudes.

Phenomenology <== vs
==> Awareness based study (I sometime call it “Perspective logic”)

P: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phenomenol … losophy%29 <== vs
==> A: Focusing awareness phpbb/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=168136
“Perspective Logic” phpbb/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=169433

Phenomenology, in Husserl’s conception, is primarily concerned with the systematic reflection on and analysis of the structures of consciousness, and the phenomena which appear in acts of consciousness. <== vs
==> Awareness based study is mostly done with the perspective of information processing, and underlying geometry of focuses of awareness.

P: intentionality (often described as “aboutness”), the notion that consciousness is always consciousness of something. <== vs
==> A: Awareness can be focusless. It may focus on some area, direction, thing, etc.

P: though they have different structures and different ways of being “about” the object, an object is still constituted as the same identical object; <== vs
==> A: To the awareness, everything is considered as information. I don’t care so much IF there is real object or not. It appears as if there are physical (and possibly other) objects, but I simply treat/process information. Maybe it can be called infomationalism.

P: Husserl’s method entails the suspension of judgment while relying on the intuitive grasp of knowledge, free of presuppositions and intellectualizing. <== vs
==> A: For the awareness, everything is temporary/impermanent. All evaluation is conditional/limited/temporary and useful/practical only within the specific conditional perspective. There is no presupposition of permanent/absolute judgment.

P: The phenomenological method serves to momentarily erase the world of speculation by returning the subject to his or her primordial experience of the matter, whether the object of inquiry is a feeling, an idea, or a perception. <== vs
==> A: Awareness based approach goes even further, erasing all permanent/absolute flavored speculation/presumption (as much as possible) by seeing things in simple (in basic principle) yet complex (in structures and combination) information processing model.

P: According to Husserl the suspension of belief in what we ordinarily take for granted or infer by conjecture diminishes the power of what we customarily embrace as objective reality. <== vs
==> A: According to me, taking things for granted and embracing objective reality is s#%@# and i%$#@% (auto-censored to respect the taste of sensitive members).

P: According to Safranski (1998, 72), “[Husserl and his followers’] great ambition was to disregard anything that had until then been thought or said about consciousness or the world [while] on the lookout for a new way of letting the things [they investigated] approach them, without covering them up with what they already knew.” <== vs
==> A: I don’t have much ambition in this. I just have the personal and highly selfish desire to think and see things in the way I want. I do think it can be used by some other people, but I’m very sure that it cannot be used by very many people, at the same time.

The sense of first used in the list is “of primacy” - not chronologically first.

For me it’s both. In case it wasn’t clear.

Though that’s just my thoughts at the moment. I’ve never really considered the question before.

Historically ontology came first. That it has been overtaken by epistemology is a symptom of the modernity.

Historically, ethics came first, in the canon of Western Philosophy. Plato set the tone for epistemology (and everything else) being subservient to ethics.

Ther is no first, no begining to everything, everything has always been…IDK

Yeah, this is exactly were I think I was confused in my original response. Ethics came first chronologically. That is [largely] what peaked my interest in philosophy, but not really where I began in terms of study. In fact, my views have evolved so drastically over the years that I don’t feel I ever really understood the concepts, let alone moral/ethical theory, to begin with. I think I’ve just begun to grasp the ideas with some confidence – and I still don’t feel like I know shit…

Experiencing occurs from birth whether we are conscious of it or not. Children unconsciously departmentalisation their experiences, and adults moreso because they are more “aware”; philosophers especially are experts at this. As soon as any departmentalisation occurs “things” are posited. Therefore, the study of experience is the preconception upon which all other studies lie. Studies needs “things” to study, and experience is the prerequisite for “things” to come into being.

How does ethics come first? Ethics means nothing until experience has been studied and the conclusion has been made that “this particular phenomenon I see here is ethics”.

The pre-socratic philosophers were primarily interested in the problem of the one and the many which is ontological.

Yeah, I know, Felix. Some of them were, sure. But we don’t know that we have a representative sample of most of them.

We may not have a representative sample of ethicists or epistemologists either, but based on the historical record we do have, ontology came first when men departed from religion and began philosophical speculation.

Well you could say that religion was a sort of result of philosophical thinking, not exactly the best, not exactly called, but i think it resulted as a result of the same brain functioning…

I don;t consider the Presocratics as part of the canon, Felix. Feel free to do so, if you wish.

I think the basic desire is similar.
The aversion toward uncertainty/ambiguity pushed some to have seemingly “right” explanation/theory/narrative so that they can have the sense of certainty/stability(in the sense of permanence).

Some of us are more difficult/picky about the standard/precision/consistency of the storyline, while others can be happy with (nearly) anything told.