From: … heart.html

“My son in law owns an aerospace company that employs about 250 people. Here in Connecticut river Valley, the birthplace of the machine tool industry, he cannot find qualified machinists, or even young people who want to be machinists, so he has to bring them in from Czech Republic, Poland and Russia. That’s the state of things in formerly industrial New England.”


“Personally, I have NO RESPECT for a man that’s not busting his ass as hard or harder than I do :slight_smile:

I answer:

The bitch says a “real man” works hard, etc. read all of my posts, the Technological Economy doesn’t really need so much hard work anymore, except from the 3rd world country workers that are paid peanuts and produce all the items you consume. And you still have so many corporations and bosses that force people to do mostly useless “hard work” and effort just because, to simulate the need for hard work, but the need isn’t really there anymore, it is all make believe and mostly just there for status and power affirmations and statements, and so much hard work is simply mental as in trying to guess what the boss, client or whoever wants in such a fluff and turdy society and economy, all vague, all undefined. Anyways, I am not a real man, I am a Shrinking Violet, Impotent (sexually, mentally, psychologically, you name it), Anonymous Coward, Pussy Whip, you can’t trust me baby for anything, I hugely suck, am violent and insecure, freeloader, lazy, and all the worst things imaginable. OK ? satisfied now ? Did you finally get back at Mommy and Daddy from being two turds ? Do you do what everyone does, take it out on another for a past wrong doing, like since the boss “had to work hard”, he makes “everyone work hard” since his past was like that ? Or because one American dresses badly, then all Americans dress badly, and so on ? one nigger smokes pot, then all niggers smoke pot ?

The entire idea of hard work and busting your ass is 18th and 19th century fairy tale land, no longer operating today, work is disappearing at an alarming rate through automation, optimization, you name it. Study all my past posts, study them all carefully. Unless the work is set up in such a way that one guy has to do the work of five, which also happens.

On the machinist guy stuff, true, first they hired them a few decades ago and then they all got fired because of economic cycles and also because of the myth of college and theoretical studies and the myth of the information workers will be needed, etc. So everyone thought that there would be the need for only information workers and no longer manual skilled stuff. Well, they were mostly right, but you still need some manual skilled workers, and you still need some information workers, but the future is that no one will be needed anymore unless they really start creating huge amounts of work as I said repeatedly by building skyscrapers, Rockets to Mars, etc.

Anyways, a solution to the machinist scarcity is very simple: anyone studying engineering should be required, obligatorily to put in two hours a day for four years learning and practicing all of that stuff hands on, even how to take apart engines and whatever, just an idea.

So engineers should become machinists?

Makes no sense.

Engineering education and other tech - science is way too top heavy, too much theory that in the end is never barely used, too much useless complex math for most jobs and anyways the high class math and theory is used and needed only in a few rare handful of occasions (done by the best anyways), all the math has been calculated and put in software, etc. And too top heavy and too much thinking and you become like me, a crashed computer program, come on no one wants to end up like me.

Therefore yes, let the engineers study machining, how to bend metal, how to carve metal, how to construct circuits and engines and take them apart and so on and such. Two hours a day everyday for 4 years, then in the companies that need it, they can train others and also do the parts themselves, etc.

Also, this is an example of when you think something is being taken care of when no one is really doing anything, I always thought that the corporations - tech schools - whatever were smart enough to know that the machinists would always be needed and companies trained them or schools, and such, but no one was really doing anything, like you always think something obvious is being taken care of, but no one is in control and it is really left on its own, etc. This may create some good opportunities to those who notice how many things are ignored, not controlled by anyone, not being done by anyone, etc.

I’d say machinists could use some math and engineers could use some hands-on experience.

The Disasters of a Planned Economy

I was looking at some of China on google maps and photos and such. It is “beyond pale”, as someone said, they are really building like there is only tomorrow! You can estimate how much excess real estate inventory they already have by a simple thought experiment: the USA has 300 million people, so just imagine to add four extra floors to all homes in the USA to host 1.5 billion. Now look at their towns and cities, most of their buildings have 4 or more floors, but also thousands upon thousands of various high rises, no way they can pull off the excuse of “population”, it just doesn’t hold, they simply have huge excess capacity with no end in sight. And they have so many smaller towns on the outskirts, probably mostly abandoned. Anyways, I guess they will end up hosting the entire world population for free, they already got the Cheap Rents part licked, that is for sure. And they will also give you a free salary since their money and economy is all make believe anyways (but aren’t all economies a fake ?).

Maybe the Chinese government should start paying itself some serious property tax, can you imagine how much cash they could obtain by printing it and giving it to themselves in the form of property taxes and then flooding the world with their cash ? And also, they will fill all those buildings with literally TRILLIONS OF TVS AND COMPUTERS AND CHUNKS OF FURNITURE!. Wow, the have their “Economic Growth” cut out for themselves for a few hundred years. Also they are building developments in Angola and elsewhere, the whole world will become saturated with high rises and skyscrapers: now that is so cool!

At least Spain (and USA) had some market economy still going for it, it eventually had to really deal with the invisible hand of the market and they had to stop building (of course they now have an unknown number of empty apartment buildings and homes, maybe a few million ? unknown for now), but in China there is no feedback loop, no invisible hand of the market that will catch up with them, they will just keep on building until they fill the entire country up with buildings, so cool!

Of course, I fathom most buildings will simply decay and are probably built hastily or whatever, so they build, keep them empty and then they decay all by themselves after a few years, but the cycle can repeat forever.

Anyways I practically already wrote here the future article of The “Disasters of a Planned Economy”. Talk about Real Estate Bubble…

Then again, what else can they do ? you got millions of farmers, uneducated, so the only thing they can do is build and build some more. Give them a function they will be happy. So they got nothing better to do but build skyscrapers and buildings and highways and trains, you name it. So this will keep them employed and busy for years on end, we need thousands of trillions of people, to build trillions of skyscrapers first all across the earth and then on Mars and so on. So you all got your work cut out for you, all HARD WORK BABY, build those skyscrapers with your bare hands, build them by the trillions for 24 hours a day for trillions of years.

Why is Man such a Turd ? Why is he based on such a low class technology like carbon chemistry, DNA and all, so quirky and all wrong, inefficient, hose this technology, change the brain mind, shove wild symbols and chemicals and signals inside new circuits, create a new world a new experience.

On another note, even with millions educated like in the EU and USA there is little work for them all to do, so imagine without education, but anyways, even in the USA and EU, even the educated should get down to HARD WORK, BABY, and build trillions of skyscrapers with your bare hands, etc. Enough brainy stuff, Information Technology, fluff, services and such, now only real hard concrete stuff with real concrete!

From: … ation.html

The USA has 14,000 billion dollars of debt and nothing to be proud of. Two failed wars, nothing to be proud of over those (does anyone even remember Irak ?), Libya, another war that went off the radar screen.

If the USA had said ten years ago, by the end of the decade we will put a man on Mars, and achieved it, they would have had some debts (Mars landing wouldn’t cost more than about 500 billion dollars, so that is ok, it isn’t much), but at least they would have had something to be proud of. Go figure.

Now, the USA is fighting itself on who is going to pay for all the debt, always the poorest slobs as usual.

From: … ticle/6336

JHK writes:

“It also implies a timeout for the kind of rapid technological change that has come to seem normal for us. This necessary timeout is probably the only thing that will prevent us from destroying the planet we call home. We’re suffering profoundly from too much magic.”

Disregarding whether the article is right or wrong (I assume wrong on many aspects, peak oil, end of technology, etc.) I would like to elaborate this particular point: This rapid technological change came from an era of exceptionality, of a really unique one time quirk where all the major discoveries and applications where being made, one after another very rapidly in a very short time. This is and was a true exception in history, cannot be repeated (much less continued) and gave everyone the illusion of never ending “progress”, “technological advancements”, and “constant innovation and changes, etc.” as if they were a law of physics, as if what happened in the last 200 years would continue indefinitely (hence all the extreme predictions like cyborgs, technological singularities, machines becoming smarter than Man, colonization of the solar system, etc.). This was a one time quirk that happens once every thousand years in human history, like the discovery of electricity, you can discover electricity only once, then it is done, over with, you made the discovery, now it is finished, end of story.

So it was in the last 200 years, you discovered the Industrial Revolution, Steam Engine, Internal Combustion Engine, Sewing Machine, Oil, Energy, Skyscrapers, Airplanes, Cars, Jets, Atom Bomb, Atom energy, Relativity, Quantum Mechanics, Rock Music, Counterculture, LSD, Rockets, Microelectronics - Moore’s Law - Chips, Computers, Software, Internet, DNA and a never ending list of other advances and technologies. But this was a one time quirk, an exception, a unique period in time where all of the discoveries where made all of a sudden one after another with all the new companies, economies of scales, etc. associated.

This is why all the economists insist on the idea of “innovation” creating jobs, as if this were a law of physics, as if this were the normal order of things and not the exception, as if the innovations creating new industries like the perfect model of the Microprocessor → Computer → Software → Internet → Facebook could be repeated over and over again every ten years in completely new endeavors and sectors and technologies and create millions of new jobs every decade, etc. Well that is magical thinking, an illusion, not possible, not real, and mostly impossible: what happened from the 1970s to the year 2000 in Electronics was a one time quirky - fluke random sequence of events that will never repeat again, at least not in the near future. Past performance is no guarantee of future performance.

This era is over, done with, we are now just working on the fine details, optimizing what we have, mostly fighting over (politically) what technologies to apply where and when (nuclear yes/no ? high speed trains or jets yes/no ? Rockets to Mars yes/no ? Skyscrapers or town houses yes/no ?). And mostly trying - applying (and inventing new applications of old technologies associated with the inventions of new fake needs like IPHONES and IPADS that are just computers put in a new package) new combinations of old technologies (like formula one cars always changing configurations but not discovering really new science) etc.

There are no really new killer applications and breakthroughs coming up in the future, at least for now, and at least from what I can see. So we are at the end of the line unless you want to manipulate and modify the neural networks of brains and create completely different mind - brain structures which by definition no longer are part of this world as they would experience reality completely differently from us, decode it differently and be completely no longer able to communicate to us in any meaningful way, hence they would live in their own new universe - laws of physics - reality no longer connected with ours, not even by the linear idea of technical progress in time (as being a continuation of our progress and past and part of our story of progress) which implies a common ground and world which no longer would be true from the point of view of a radically modified mind - brain.

America Lays Off


“Are mass layoffs back?” … bedcd6063f

I love it when America lays off people from jobs ! That is so cool ! That is a productive economy at work ! Not like the Eurosclerosis Germany or JAPAN or many others that have to “think twice” to kick out a Mass of Turds that workers generally are. Actually, it is harder and harder to justify keeping almost anyone on a payroll since they are almost All Turds, worthless Freeloaders, that just want cash and don’t want HARD WORK, they don’t want to WORK REALLY HARD FOR THE CASH they are robbing employers. They just want to freeload and hang around and make believe they are working and producing. But guess what ? The companies are going to fire all of you, they are going to lay you off TURD. That is so correct morally and ethically speaking, that is the way a real productive economy operates, keep the workers on the edge, keep them on fire, keep them always worried, let them know and sense constantly, for years on end that they are being given essentially a free salary since what they do is always worthless, is always worth zero, it is always the kind gentle heart of the Employers that just give them that money for free that keeps them alive when they should all just go away and hopefully die or get lost.

Keep up the good job USA, keep firing people, keep them UNDER THE THUMB, let them know WHO THE MAN IS just in case they forget, go for it man, you can do it, go for it!

By firing people constantly you keep them on the ball, they have to always invent and innovate and find new ways for companies to make profits, that is economic - social and scientific progress achieved, and the USA is really capable of this. Just try doing that in France or Sweden, see how hard it is, how much resistance the workers oppose, those freeloaders, layabouts that don’t produce anything but scum off the poor employers and rich, the only ones that are truly and really keeping this world going, since Man is a Turd, must constantly be whipped and knocked into discipline, otherwise they wouldn’t do anything but just sleep all day.

On another note, I saw some footage of the 1969 Rock Festival Woodstock on youtube, two gals and guys were riding horses, there was this song “Long time Coming” playing, really cool. Wow, what a world and place that must have been in that time, who knows what they were thinking and feeling, wow how far we are from that stuff. But the really interesting thing about it is that there were at least 12 references to machines of various types (and a car Porsche), it was more of a celebration of machinery and mechanized agriculture and such than anything else: indeed, the entire Woodstock Generation and stuff was mostly EXCESS CAPACITY ACHIEVED, the Technological Economy bringing free wealth to millions by the use of machines, the consumption economy achieved, that is why the hippies went all for it, finally free with free love, free sex, free everything, and also the machines and technology was at the heart of all the New Rock Music starting from the early 1960s on, like ELECTRIC GUITARS, AMPLIFIERS, the entire deal of electronics and technology once again applied to create new music, new experiences, economies of scale, heck, even LSD was a technology, a new chemical technology that opened the mind (in the prediction of Modified Minds, Instant Singularities, and new designs of neural networks in new brains). Anyways, the entire deal of counterculture, Woodstock and such was mostly a celebration of the success of Technology applied to the economy generating free time and free wealth and making life all Fun and Games available to a young and horny youth. A celebration of consumption and consumerism (even though they made believe that it was “back to nature”, what clowns, they just paid lip service to “nature” (which has always been Man’s Enemy big time and will always be Man’s Enemy notwithstanding this new crappy and fake religion of “nature worshiping” on behalf of greens and environmentalists), it was a celebration of a successful Capitalist and Consumerist and Technological Economy that really made any of that possible, go figure) of the new modern economy generating free wealth for all by the application of Technology and Economies of Scale and such to all productive endeavors. And the USA looked way richer then than now. Strange…

On another note, I got tired of thinking of work in terms of aggregation of effort, of a sequence of activities that add up and construct something like Skyscrapers and Rockets to Mars, etc. The truth is work is just a ritual, just a behavior of people towards each other and themselves, just activities that don’t add up to anything, don’t create a result, shouldn’t create a result (otherwise there would no longer be any work left for anyone, it would “run out”), work is mostly a process, a repetitive process done over and over again with different combination of elements, new companies, new endeavors but that really doesn’t add up to anything much, nay, doesn’t have to add up to anything since this idea of work adding up is just another one of those linearities our mind is in love with, another one of those simple cause and effect models are mind loves to superimpose on reality believing in our mental models when these are always wrong and fake and make believe. There are no models, out mind is always wrong, end of story. AMEN.

From: … thing.html

As in Give Them a Problem they will be satisfied. As opposed to or as complementary to Give Them a Function they will be satisfied, as the function is always a Problem Solving mode device, as in the risk you take in trying to solve the problem or not is in the reward of the absence of Pain or something like that.

All is a risk, all is a bet, all is a Function, all is a Problem Solving mode, but our mind - experience needs problems to execute functions that play the emotional game of winning or losing (play the game and take your chance with the risk or reward outcome), but we should prefer to be bored, or give up from the outset…

From: … thing.html

“I recommend, if one is sincerely serious about finding Truth, to seek it, long for it, be receptive when It answers or reveals Itself to you.”

I (a non existent internet entity that just generates blocks of text) answer:


Hey San Jose Mommy, Did you phk ? Did your HOT and HORNY teenage girl slut phk ? Because if you all did, you sinned and god will beat the living daylights out of you, just like he will beat the living daylights out of everyone. He must hate your guts and everyone elses guts so much because you phk. Also, if you did, why did you do that to me ? Why did you punish me ? Didn’t I say that no one shall phk from now on, since I can’t ? Isn’t that clear ? You beat me up doing that, you did something very bad to me, you killed me because I am Jealous, Envious, Angry with Rage (because I am a Pussy Whip, Impotent (in all manners, sexual, psychological, physical, you name it) and a Shrinking Violet, Anonymous Coward) that you dare do that. Ok ? Got the message ?

Hey Bustin J, what is it with you anti-religious stuff ? Are you crazy or what ? And why did you substitute the good old fashioned craporola of Krist and God and Heaven and Hell and the Fundamentalist or Catholic or Muslim or Jewish Crap and Bull Sh*t with another religion, this time worshiping “Nature” ? Don’t you understand that we should kill Nature and beat the living daylights out of it ? Isn’t that clear ? Don’t you know that we must destroy it all and change it all and manipulate it completely by building trillions of skyscrapers, Atom energy, Mind over Matter, Rockets to Mars, Giant Cadillacs, Pollution of all kinds, wild chemicals, and all such nice and beautiful and spiritual items that are not made up of Carbon Chemistry, that avoid Carbon atoms, since CARBON ATOMS ARE THE MARK OF THE BEAST ? Is that now clear to you ?

You are completely crazy with this religious paranoia of the guy having glue in his mind, wow, and I though that there was something wrong with me, go figure…

From: … thing.html

We exist in as much as we are a measurement, a reciprocal measurement of another entity measuring us (or we imagine another entity measuring us) as in measurement is information, is the ability to interact with a chunk of new information that comes from the outside and the reciprocal action - reaction, and ever expanding set of actions and reactions, like a wave in a pound of measurements, awareness of others (or other sensations, thoughts, other people or their imagined minds and states and such) reciprocal information exchanges, reciprocal information relationships, that are always instantaneous, but how are they decomposed ? what makes up many, where is the start and end of a chunk of information ? where is the group of items representing an information placed ? what is measuring the very existence of information (as in who is keeping score), the delimitation, how is the barrier maintained, how does information not get confused and become a big blob of undistinguished goo, how is it mathematically delimited, and why not just add other items to create a new information item ?

But how many items, and when and how do they interact between themselves, but are they one or separate ? and what define the boundary, what is separate and unity, distinguished and a monolithic slab of digits, and so on, what delimits, what is the new delimitation, why just put random items in a bag and consider it one as opposed to many ? and how does the electron know how to stay put and be one monolithic slab of Mass Energy ? why does it agree to be a certain delimitation, and how many measurements are needed to keep the electron stable with itself, so it knows how to stay put in one place in one moment of time ?

On another note, what makes everyone think that working and jobs is the normal order of things ? Why on earth do “we need jobs” in the first place ? Exactly who defined a civilization according to a constant activity, 8 hours a day that is supposed to be a “job”, “work”, or something that is doing something for someone else ? How many activities do we really need ? isn’t “jobs” just mostly a make believe ? Isn’t it just a power structure ?

So the entire idea of “creating jobs”, a “healthy economy” and such is flawed from the outset because it does not correspond to any reality, it is a make believe organization of society that we think should operate always. Actually the more unemployment and the fewer jobs, the better, the more successful the economy is becoming since all the talk of innovation, research and development, computers, optimization, automation, technology applied to all productive endeavors has the very simple and only goal of eliminating or streamlining effort for the achievement of any target, therefore jobs, so the less work the more successful the economy is, the healthier, the better, the more productive.

Oh, I forgot, since we have to impose inequality and impose the fact that “you have to deserve it” and you “have to make a living”, then if you “don’t work”, you don’t get any free salaries and cheap rents, as that goes against a fairy tale model of society someone randomly and quirkily and flukely imposed on us all.

In mathematics, zero is wrong, it should be eliminated, if there are no numbers, then you can’t put a place holder for something representing no numbers, zero is a metaphysical item, it is something that is going outside of the language of numbers, therefore all of our mathematics is wrong, that is why the infinities appear in quantum electrodynamics.

From: … thing.html

Bustin J says:

“We phk like crazy, she comes 10 ten times like wild animals, etc. there are millions that phk like crazy, look at adultism and other p*rn websytes, all having wild fun, but most of all we do it to punish you, to torture you, so you can get ever more angry with Rage, Violence, jealousy, you can become ever more Impotent, Small, a Shrinking Violet, a Failure, ever more crushed, you name it, so there, that is our fun, now go on torture yourself ever more since you will never have any, go on, nut case”.

I answer:

Where does the mathematics of pain and pleasure exist ? Who or what is keeping score ? why is what happens at point A important for point B (or what happens at point B) (a point being a delimitation in space and/or time and or any other single one bit digit distinguishing itself from another (but who is doing the distinction, where does this distinction exist, and where is “where” itself, and furthermore where is “exist” itself, or instead of where is it “when” or is it some other category not linked to space (where) and time (when) but a third, then fourth, then trillionth and so on)).

And why do you put words in my mouth ? Why are you signing in with my handle and writing things so it looks like I am writing them ? Or are you a sock puppet ? And why is Vlad and soak (or asoka) the same person acting like a sock puppet ? Why does everyone put false words in the mouths of everyone else so as to confuse identities (nay all anonymous cowards with no identities, therefore no responsibility, all abstract internet entities with no substance, not made up of matter but Reciprocal Information Relationships, therefore essentially dead, the dead making believe they are alive) ?

So stop putting words in my mouth San Jose Mommy, and Alexandra and Bustin J, I would never say all of those dirty things you try to make me say, I would never write 99 % of the huge crap you all sign in and make me say. You all use my handle as to let out your real selves, to be finally free to show what you really all are, and namely you all want to kill, hate, punish, you are all crazy.

From: … thing.html

HOT and HORNY and Disgusting slut of Alexandra that is always ph*king and enjoying here brains out and all while making me rage with envy, hate, insanity of hate and violence and hysterically angry and wild with anger, grief, sense of failure, depression, you name it found some spelling errors in my previous block of text: So now I have to post it again, now don’t blame me for double posting San Jose Mommy, don’t beat the living daylights out of me because of that slut, please have mercy on my wicked soul condemned to HELL forever, please… (but a universe without GOD is even more terrifying since you can always hope that the mercy of GOD will take us all out of hell, if even for just a few seconds every one trillion years, instead a universe without GOD would have no mercy, it would just blindly punish us forever, for no reason, as it would be a blind force that is dead and not aware of our suffering, go figure)


Well, I explained that the entire idea of work, labor, jobs, economic health, “a healthy economy”, a “functioning economy” are truly undefined, are make believe, are not defined in any meaningful way, the entire “science” of economy and such other “sciences” like law, psychology, sociology are all false sciences, fake sciences, have no inherent laws within them, but are mostly cultural expressions, cultural choices, we invent some laws or some logic or some rules of engagement and then make believe that they are hard laws of reality just like the laws of physics and pretend to call it a science. Nothing further from the truth.

The item making up the entity being studied can’t study itself and find out its own laws since said item will just invent them and then make believe that they are laws. So, it is like an electron that wants to “study itself”, that can’t be done, the electron can be studied by something outside of itself, by Man - an aggregated ensemble of billions of electrons, protons and neutrons acting like one and discovering the “laws of physics”. But then isn’t that the same as economics, the item studying itself is made up of itself ? Then science doesn’t exist at all and is just an invention and make believe in all cases ? Hmmm, very strange.

Anyways, the entire idea of “an economy generates jobs” is false, especially when you have so many non-linearities like random free wills always changing the rules of the game in the form of powerful global decisions through corporations, political choices, financial entities and technology being applied to the economy therefore always changing the rules, etc.

So is the idea that X number of jobs will or should be created etc. How can the number of jobs or what jobs be defined and imagined from the outset ? In what sense is it normal to have a “working population” of 100 million in the USA ? Why is that normal ? What defines normal ? probably, with all the technology applied seriously, you wouldn’t need more than about 30 million jobs tops to run and produce all the real necessities of the USA. Jobs are created through a simple action and reaction of forces interacting and sometimes needing other people to increase profits, end of story. Then you have millions of jobs that are defined culturally, artistically, as a pure political - bureaucratic choice, like schools, universities, military, tourism etc.

Now I didn’t say anything of what you read, I never said anything at all, it is always someone else putting words in my mouth.

But I was enjoying my absence from these blogs and forums.

From: … thing.html

Another unidentified fake sock puppet (multiple identities, ever changing identities, putting words in other people’s mouths and such like the banfabian guy is fabian himself go figure, maybe all posters here are simply all the multiple identities of JHK himself ?) “progress,conserve” wrote last week:

"It’s funny how one or two or three guys can give an entire, usually thoughtful, website like this a “funny look.”
Fab does it with needless invective.
Others do it with unfounded charges of racism and free floating hate against “Western Culture.”

It’s easy to screw up a discussion thread and hard to fix it.

At least you’re trying something new, banfab - let’s hope it works."

I answer:

Now I hope the website has an even more funny look after my two cents added…


Zero is a metaphysical concept, should not exist, a non number should not be part of the number system, all our mathematics and science and logic are flawed, it is amazing that any of it works at all, since this huge mathematical blunder has been going on for so long and no one noticed !

Zero means the absence of a number, but then why not invent any other symbol as an absence of a number or quantity, the number system winds down and vanishes to zero but then the concept tries to make believe it is still there even though it is not, a quantity or number, symbolized as zero is still there when nothing is there, only a place holder, an imaginary entity with fake, imaginary properties.

Interesting enough a non number can be any symbol at all like =)= and can keep on going in any direction according to any rules and any inventions and still be valid (like negative numbers, another logical mistake, another logical blunder, or imaginary numbers, the square root of a negative number and such), valid metaphysically, and as such demonstrates that there are more metaphysical items than particles in the universe, just associate each particle to a new kind of zero and so on.

But then even 2 is metaphysical compared to 1, since who or what distinguishes 2 from 1, the space between the numbers ? the act of counting ? and many other extrapolations, go on invent it all, go on, it never ends, the universe is saturated with metaphysical entities and mysteries and absurdities, all false, all lies, all wrong. AMEN.

3, 2, 1, 0, )=)=), ETT$, yhhh , eedd : multdimensional number systems, nay, symbol systems, nay logic systems, nay, language systems, nay decoding systems according to fluke neural circuits in modified wicked brains, NAY NAY NAY

From: … thing.html

Cash says:

“One thing he said struck me: he did not understand why it would be considered wrong for a govt official to give jobs to his family and friends as it’s his duty to take care of them if he can. Nepotism in other words. Or, as we might see it, corruption. Forget merit and all that and giving everyone a fair shot at govt jobs or contracts.”

I answer:

The guy was right, there are so few areas and so few real justifications for inequality, for treating or giving more to someone else in a Technological Economy that has mostly done away with the concept of merit: maybe only about 100,000 people worldwide in all productive endeavors MERIT more than anyone else because of real talents or skills or whatever, the rest is just make believe power relationships, power structures, arbitrary choices of who gets ahead only because who gets ahead is the friend of someone else powerful and such. At least the guy isn’t a hypocrit and says things as they are: if you are the boss, you choose your friends without making believe that “objective” measurements are operating.

Anways, so much corruption and so much breaking the rules of the game in the developed world (therefore so many lawyers) exists only because so much cash is hanging around, so many billions of dollars of free cash is hanging all around and everyone who has some power wants to simply grab some, they know the fairy tale of merit and “hard work” don’t make any sense anymore in today’s economy, an EXCESS CAPACITY ECONOMY generating trillions of dollars of free money and wealth, just look at all the trillions the rich and corporations have stashed away, not even knowing what to do with them.

From: … thing.html

paranoid poster writes:

"We’re all being monitored by sophisticated computer software, that flags what it considers suspicious behavior further up the chain of control. Anders would certainty would have been flagged. As is EVERYONE posting on this blog. "

I answer:

So then, given the huge amount of crap insanity I write just for the fun of it, because I am bored, then their computers should be flying red flags all over the place for “Me” ? Really ? No way dude, no one controls anything at all, they can’t even control the most suspectful terrorists on earth, nay, they don’t even know where or who he is, let alone control them, etc.

After 4 months they can’t get “Gadaffi”, after 10 years they can’t win Afganistan, and so many other examples. No, no one controls or knows anything at all, this is just some kind of magical thinking, that “they” (whoever they are, but they don’t exist, it is a figment of the imagination, a conspiracy theory thing) have all this power, they “know”, no not so, no one knows anything.

This is due to many imagining so much power and knowledge and organization in the hands of the powers that be because they got computers and such. Are you kidding me ? Even reading one sentence of anyone here, or anyplace else, even following just one random person anywhere could be red flagged as suspicious, a red flag, anything at all. No way, Jose’, in fact the real problem is that there is no way to know the real intentions of anyone: it is one thing writing all the crap you can think of on the internet or talking about it on telephones, it is a completely different ball game actually doing those things in real life, etc.

Heck, no one controls people who buy guns in most of the USA, go figure…
(aside from the fact that the anti-gun control guys would say that the killing in Norway could have been avoided if some kids had guns with them, so if everyone is armed and has guns, no one would shoot the first shot and such, but Norway and most of Europe is not in love with guns as the USA, so they are defenseless)…

I’ll start looking at the backview mirror in my car, or start observing everyone I see, to verify they are not secret Men In Black of the CIA or whatever following all my footsteps, wow, talk about paranoia, and I though there was something wrong with me…

Just read of another kamikaze in Afganistan killing ten. Why don’t we just carpet bomb the whole country back to the stone age ? Why not just kill and bomb them all, all 30 million slobs in that failed country and get it over with ?


The hardest thing to do is nothing. But that is what should be done and what we all should do, simply do nothing, now you can be lazy freely, now you can finally be as lazy as you want without any guilt complexes, protestant work ethic and such, just give up, roll over and die, or do nothing at all, total void, absolutely nothing at all, you better like being bored, watch TV, write some crap on this blog and such but essentially try doing as much nothing as possible, try doing less and less of nothing, try being a total void, try no activity as hard and as much as possible, you can do it, man, go man go, do it. Why ? because there are NO SOLUTIONS to any problems, the fact that there is no cause and effect mechanism that can change the way things play out, they play out anyways, independent of anything you do, no one is in control really, no one, no matter how powerful you think they are (their power is always nearly zero although everyone thinks they have all of this power and even if they have all the cash in the world), their is no action and reaction that they or anyone at all can do that can drive the way things play out in any particular direction (aside from the fact that there are essentially 7 billion different directions, all contrasting, all opposite of each other, that anyone wants for the things to play out as).

What is even more interesting is that no matter how perfect your analysis or decoding of reality, no matter how correct it is in all possible reasons and logic, no matter how scientific and correct and logical your models of economy and cause and effect mechanisms (such as you know that less taxes will surely just kill more jobs, so taxes should increase and we scientifically need free salaries and cheap rents if the desired direction we want for the economy is “more growth” and “less poverty” and such), there is no concrete decision, no concrete choice, nothing that can be done to make the economy go in that desired direction, no matter what. It is as if we have a perfect model of everything, we know everything, we can even imagine all kinds of choices and effects and causes and effects that “should” bring forth a certain result, but nothing will ever work, knowing the causes and effects doesn’t mean we can manipulate it, in fact we can’t manipulate anything at all, we should just learn to give up real fast, end of story. Any choice we make, any direction we try to make the economy go (or anything else for that matter), no matter what, whether right wing or left wing choices, it doesn’t matter, the result will be in no way related to what we wanted, will be completely independent of what we desired, will contradict any and all of our models completely and totally, we are doomed to fail no matter what, the model is totally disconnected from any concrete activity, any concrete manipulation we can imagine, it will go in any direction it wants, all by itself no matter how we push it and try to manipulate it, no matter how we force it, it will be a circus of unintended consequences, a joke on the model, a joke on all of us.

And why is this ? Whether you want to know it or not, whether it is even important to know it or not, and even knowing or not doesn’t change anything, but anywho’s the “why is this ?” is simply because the system we are trying to manipulate (we decoded it in all possible ways, we have thousands of perfect decodings of the system no doubt) is chaotic, random, is full of quirks, is full of conflicts, large and small, is totally random, unpredictable, is saturated with the free wills of individuals which means that what they do and how they act is essentially outside of any rules and nay, even the laws of physics, is just an instantaneous interaction of random forces, some lose, some win, end of story, it is just an extension of the three body problem, it is a problem without any solution, an equation that has no solution, end of story.

So, there are no solutions, there is no effort you can do, no job you can do, and in fact the “jobs” thing is really funny: there has never been an era where jobs are so totally irrelevant and meaningless as today, exactly the moment (and this has been a long moment that started a few decades ago) that the Technological Economy was doing away with the entire concept of jobs, efforts that bring results, meritocracy, you have to deserve it, “hard work” and such by automation, optimization, agriculture mechanization, technology and transportation and electronics bringing forth huge economies of scale, huge amplifications of effects, huge excess productive capacity in all possible endeavors, all of a sudden the myth of “hard work” and “more effort”, and the “workaholics” myth, and the “more education”, the “skill sets” myth, in short the myth of meritocracy and inequality justifying your “job” and such became popular, became the dominant economic model, exactly when all of this was becoming no longer applicable, obsolete, no longer connected or relevant in any way to the economy.

In fact we need, less meritocracy, we need less “you have to deserve it” and more forced equality through free salaries and cheap rents in order to discharge the huge pent up, excess productive capacity manufacturing has worldwide, not the myth of “hard work” and meritocracy, we need the exact opposite.

I heard some banks in the EU and USA want to get rid of a few thousand workers, but those workers are not only an independent variable of what the banks do, they are a totally irrelevant variable, their work was worth zero whether they are in those banks or not, the entire idea of “work being necessary” to get “results”, effort brings results, in this service economy is a joke, those workers weren’t needed in the first place, they were there just as a place holder, just because the dominant economic forces have such a huge amount of cash that they truly don’t know what to do with it so they hire a few slobs just to get rid of some, just because, only to hose them when they feel like it, just for fun, because they are bored.

The effect the bank workers on result today is mostly the same effect that pebble down the street has on your TV set: zero, not related, not connected, irrelevant. The bank and so many other economic entities operate only according to power relationships, only according to some kinds of economic relationships, some kinds of monopoly, or status relationships, just because they are set up to make huge amounts of money automatically, as in automatic for the people, but especially automatic to those lucky enough to gain from some monopolistic type of relationship, like Apple selling like crazy because they are “fashionable” (not because those simple computers that are the iphones and ipads actually do anything new or better), same for Mercedes and BMW, and IBM and so forth and so on. They operate not because of the “effort” of their workers (which is, even when needed a dime a dozen like in the foxconn factories) but mostly because of a certain relationship that guarantees them a steady income just because, because they brainwashed most people through their marketing or because they have relationships amongst strong economic forces that “help each other” etc.

So then why did I write this block of text ? If nothing has any effect, if there is no investment that can give you any return anymore, then why write all of this garbage I wrote ? just because, because writing it or not is the equivalent of doing nothing, has no effect on anything, is useless, nay what I wrote is probably all false, or just to piss off some horny gal on this site (as I am ph*k denied) and such, just to be a creep, I creep myself out constantly, etc.
In fact, often by doing something you get mostly negative results, you lose instead of gaining, actually doing nothing is the most productive thing you can do, an economy with everything exactly dead is the richest possible.

Because the brain - mind can’t get over the fact that it must DO NOTHING, it is too used to, programmed too deeply to put “effort” in something with the hope of some “result” (but we make up all kinds of imaginary results with imaginary rituals and efforts anyways, we will make believe we gain and achieve even when there is no gain anyways (or gaining is arbitrarily defined, it can be assigned infinite just because, so I gained infinitely by writing this block of text, and such all fun and games)), but doing nothing or something is the same, it is all equivalent, the mind brain decides to disjoint them and make them opposites and make them define each other reciprocally, but none of it is true or false (other inventions) it is all a make believe world anyways, and doing nothing is actually doing everything, is achieving infinity constantly, or doing or not doing is equal, or undefined, or make up anything you want.