Does Spirit Evolve?

In my humble opinion there’s nothing but the material world. There’s no good reason to believe in god or spirits or souls.
I think this kind of posts would make so much more sense if posted on the religious section. Or in a supernatural/mystical section.

Ok so I think all this is very true yet the existence of infinity is not mentioned.And if it was I did not read carefully but

Where are they going if they are not existent are the cycle through another set of time, The illusion of solidity in the material will and only can parallel in the spirit world if both are finite. Because a regeneration of cells or in the spirit cells will cause a cycle that never ends always constantly in battle tryin to find true solidity or existence or non existence how is your theory stopping the cycle or is it merely trying to get deeper into the illusion of control or freedom, i dont explain myself as well as you so please ask what you dont get. I assume you have watched walking life or no?in the end the producer explains his take on infinity.

Right, I’m not sure there’s room for infinity in my universe. I think time is infinite, I’m not sure about space. I think megaform is indefinitely immortal, and I think our souls are indefinitely immortal. They have the potential to be immortal, but they have to evolve sufficiently to be able to preserve themselves at all times, in their general, not absolute state. There is no room for definite immortality in my universe, existence is a continuous struggle, the goal is to hang on to life, to order as long as possible. To be definitely immortal is to be whole, to be whole is to not exist, sometimes we’re more whole than others, but there are parts of us that are not whole, and that keeps us alive, since life can’t be defined without death, life is a response to death, to eliminate death and pain is to eliminate life and pleasure. my universe is a universe of continual successes, and as few failures as possible, there is no rest, no immortality.

Time is the illusion of infinity.Why?Of course.Because well actually for the very same reason you believe in non immortality ,you wish to remain.But to remain is to repeat, and to repeat is failure. What is your take in this?I am truly intrigued by your theory,I want to understand where it stemmed from.Do you remember?

I’d say spirit has to evolve considering that we do, I wouldn’t want to believe my spirit is the same as early humans or that their spirit would be the same as ours. If so then if early man had a modern human spirit one would assume it would develop writing and sophisticated tools far quicker than it did. Indeed we could keep going back in evolution to animals, and I certainly wouldn’t think they have as advanced spirit as us.

It could be that spirit is always very advanced ~ to the max, yet only a portion of it gets used where the instrumentation [creatures dextrousness/abilities] doesn’t allow for more.

Or, that there is some manner of base spirit which does evolve.

Or, that spirit is always relative and peculiar to the case. Thus every spirit is an unchanged single instance of a multifaceted reality map, specific in every way to its form.

Or, there are no instances of spirit in the singular, just expressions of the one in the many.

Now, the goal is to maintain spiritual (ghosts), material (plants) and spiritual material (humans, animals) life/order as long as possible. I don’t think the struggle against chaos will ever end, however, I do think we’ll reach a point, eons from now, when life will be practically or virtually immoral, where we will be able to overcome adversity for all eternity. Life on earth hasn’t reached that point yet, as a natural or artificial disaster could set the evolutionary clock back millions or billions of years. I think we’ll be happier, not entirely eliminating all challeges but evolving to the point where we can fairly easily overcome any challenge, and ward off death and decay for all eternity.

I believe time is infinite, but I’m not sure 'bout space. If there’s an infinite sum of space, then there’s infinite potential for order to evolve, evolution would have no limits. If theres’s a finite sum of space, and I contend there is, then there’s more/less a finite potential for order to evolve, evolution would have limits.

To summarize, basically there’s two strategies for order/life to survive/evolve, one is to collaborate with other lifeforms and assimilate/convert chaos/nonlifeforms into lifeforms, or to that which assists lifeforms (tools, machines, computers, robots), which requires greater sums of spirit/awareness to accomplish (protosapiens, homosapiens, postsapiens), the other suvival/evolutionary strategy number is to compete with other lifeforms and nonlifeforms, which requires less spirit/awareness and more physicality to survive. Basically I’m arguing for suvival/evolutionary strategy one, though conservatism and two/regression has it’s benefits, in the long run, humans ought to increase their spirit/awareness and their hierarchical collaboration with each other, with other lifeforms and nonlifeforms, that our individual survival is only assured through assassination/convertion, and that continued assassination/convertion will lead to the genesis of a God like entity, the size of a billion suns, and we will all be…

…a part of this entity, infact, eventually up to half the contents of the universe could become this entity, whick, like any good evoutionary theory, dosen’t require altruism to work, infact, extreme altruism or egoism would be a cancer upon this entity, Megaform, God or whatever you want to call it. Spirt survives best when working with matter and vice versa, although that which is more spirited and/or more orderly must rule over that which is less spirited and less, whilst still respecting it, lest it is the lowest form of matter and chaos. My theory favours progressive, international collectivist fascism, it is a progressive and cosmological fascism. Justice between the collective shall be the order of the day, conditional love/hate, it’s the opposite species of fascism our friend Satyr espouses. It is progressive, but there is nothing external making it so, we must make it so. Dare I say the Megaform, the progressive, spiritive/materiative, hierarchical omnisymbiosis, or omnisymbiote is the meaning of…

…of existence, let me hear you proclaim it is the meaning of the universe. Life, order, spirit, awareness, the progressive, the collective, collaborating with but presiding over nonlife, chaos, matter, unawareness, the regressive, the individual. God, being and essence don’t yet exist, instead they are a lofty ideal to strive for, one that may never be fully realized and made manifest, but that is part of the fun.

Perhaps in addition to chaotic matter and individuation, the lowest forms of being, we are opposed by dark orderly spirit, or dark collectivization, a higher form of being that only hierarchically collaborates with itself in order to disrupt our burgeoning/formative hierarchical collaboration, a omnisymbiote that favours, not itself, but it’s opposite. Such a force, if it exists, would be the antithesis of my God.

Can you define time? In relevance to your theory,Nothing else

Time is change, or the mental record of change.

Time is the relative speed of change.

By now, I’m sure most of you have figured out I believe (not firmly though) in reincarnation of the soul, however, the soul is not definitely immortal and must continue to evolve or die. I’m not sure how this works, but the process probably works similarly to materitive evolution. In the spirit world, nothing is safe and spirit life must either compete or collaborate with other spirit life or spirit nonlife in order to survive, souls can consume and be consumed.

What and how are the souls consuming?Evolution to connect with one another is always good but not for the sake of progression.That is based on time which is eternally contained within a mental state. A spirit is free it must create fluidity with other spirits by being compassionate.I, like yourself believe that we are some how God not the god but a part of God and that is what he is trying to do with creation,make itself unite by free will, Just like the body or a mental state if you have passion it will consume your soul to whtaever your passion,and thus if your passion lies in the right place you remain infinite. you just are,instead of become becoming or became.Thus God is trying to give himself freewill while maintaing order and chaos as the backbone to freewill by using humans and the spirit.If a spirit has to compete it is not free.Evolution is What?survival of the fittest?Animals already live by that way before we figured it out.What then is the separation?Why the confusion?Why is evolution so natural to us but something about us is unnatural and it combats our spirit and neglects evolution.As children we are prone to being free yet evolution restrains in order to maintain order.

Well, you can return to the primordial, monistic dissolution all you like,where all dichotomies and pluralities have synthesized, and there is only a quantum like nothingness/somethingness, but that is not where I’m headed, at least, not yet. If you want companionship and reassurance on your way to Hades, perhaps you should talk to Abstract. I’m proposing a synthesis between Parmenides and Heraclitus. extreme altruism/egoism = death. If you remain staunchly committed to your Parmenidean paradigm, then I’m affraid there is no place for you in my Omnisymbiote. Perhaps you can construct your own metaphysical kingdom. Feel free to post it here.

eyesinthedark do you have any solid prove of your claim? Or is it just some imagination running wild?

Yes, life is evolving, even now as we speak, into a unified whole. See how pigs, cows, humans, our crops, machines, robots, computers, individuals, and races work together. Well, at this rate, eventually humans, through technology, will psychically link with computers, machines, robots, and animals, and we’ll be like one giant brain.

SO im guessing this applies to you?one brain and your the only one to have understood the telos?Okay I guess you forgot to understand that people will never follow this not only because it is based on one idea, unification not unity.Removal of self and yes i know this is exactly what you are stating and yes i know your ego will not let you have an open mind and yes i know that you probably think my feelings are hurt and you know what they are and at least I am not afraid to accept myself.O yeah and I know this doesn’t matter but hey there is always hope.But in the end your idea is very well thought out.what about independence because even a single minded mind needs independence from something from chaos.what does chaos offer in your theory?Just competition or something more?