Wow, you have quite the chip there. Have you ever considered its you and not the system? People get or make jobs everyday. people become wealthier than their parents everyday. have you ever thought that maybe , just maybe there is a tad bit of selfcentered laziness going around? Why find a way to earn, just bitch , complain and run to big brother the government for charity and expect others to pay for it. Your jealousy of the wealthy is just pure laziness, nothing else, you want what they have, but you don’t want to jump through the same hoops to get it… Gates was not born into wealth. That boy found a niche and made it his, he worked for it. I work for a multimillionaire, I don’t begrudge her or her family for having things I do not. I know they have worked hard and long to get there. It takes 7 days a week, no vacations always working to build up a business. So when they finally can kick back after a couple of decades , good for them, they friggin earned it. I respect that. I am paid 13 to 15 dollars an hour for my work. I take care of their animals. I care and am on the job 7 days a week. I am dependable, innovative and I research. I earn every damn penny. That is why I am not minimum wage. I work 20 hours a week on average. I made this job, not them. It started out just cleaning bird cages twice a week, for 50 bucks. I built it by thinking working and caring. Now my employer needs me, others have been laid off even my husband, but not me. this is a lesson for you.
Start with nothing see that niche and build on it. Or would you rather be a slave to big brother and make your children slaves? Because once you start on that welfare teat they own you, that is what they want. The governing bodies want the people dependent upon welfare, charity , freestuff. they want you lazy and not thinking.That is a slave mentality.

Don’t confuse your little “personal experience” with the large scale structures of society that are really operating: we live in a Technological Economy that is hell bent on killing as many jobs as possible and transferring as much wealth as possible to the 1 %. We live in a system that has huge economy of scales and can produce huge quantitites of goods and wealth for everyone.The USA built “too many McMansions” and wanted to create an exchange upon that, it is very easy to build and produce enough for all, the real problem is that you need very little work to do it all, and the USA went in crisis mode as soon as they started to build “less”, they couldn’t find a corresponding exchange mechanism, in short people didn’t know what else to exchange for homes because there isn’t much more you can exchange, but because of a stone age mentality that you “have to deserve it” and “work hard” and such huge BS, the system crashed.

And yes, I hate those who have more than me and who worked “harder” than me, I am envious and want to take it all away from them, they suck, they are my enemy, I have no morality, I love laziness, I love IDLE, I love demolishing all of these stone age ape ideas of “hard work” and such BS, I don’t believe anyone has any value whatsoever, only the value other people, the culture and the system assigns them, just because, for no reason at all, just for fun, to create inequality. I want huge government to give me my free handout, I want the nanny state, I want huge public private projects that accumulate the labor, that creates a sequential addition of labor effort for the entire society, etc.

The constant myth of “Innovation”, “Research”, “New Intrepreneurs”, “Startups”, “Small Businesses”, “Be your own Boss”, “The small Companies will “Hire””, etc. Are they crazy or what ? Why doesn’t anyone ever tell them off, ever punch them all in the face ?

Exactly what is left to “discover” ? How many new “Innovations” are even possible ? Oh, I see, everyone is going to invent the Internet and Web Pages all over again, Windows and the PC all over again, Electricity will be discovered all over again and you will become a billionaire creating another “Apple Inc” or “Facebook” and such BS.

Well then, lets look at how much cash has been thrown down the toilet for Research and Development worldwide in the last 10 years ? Oh about 5 trillion dollars. And what have we achieved ? Facebbok and the IPHONE. Wow, what an achievement ! all that money for a puny web page and a cell phone with a camera and touch screen. How idiotic can you be ? And how many “Jobs” did that create ? Not many, but especially how can they keep on brainwashing millions that that is the “way to go”, the right path for the “economy”, always the same BS, more “Education”, “Innovation” and “Startups” and such. What c*cks !

But especially, if we were to actually do a correct calculation of the GDP meaning “exchanges” between people, items and entitites being exchanged, then the “Information Exchanges” on the Internet would have to be monitized, evaluated money wise; and how much is worth all of these forums and blogs, how much do they contribute to “GDP” ? It should be alot, since so many people dedicate so much time “producing” Information as in the Information Age. But in reality, it is worth a big fat ZERO, it is not connected to real money, it is all just a make believe, instead of creating real things like trillions of skyscrapers and rockets to mars and such, millions of people are just vomiting their BS information on the Internet, go figure, what an idiotic economy. That is because there are simply not enough possible real exchanges that people can perform, they can only exchange so many real valuable things, the rest must become virtual, make believe, etc. But to get people to exchange real things, we need huge public private projects making people build the future and real things.

I will keep on vomiting all my information BS on the cesspool that is the Internet, everyone vomting crap on the Internet instead of building the future…

As in wars, notice how that accumulation of labor is OK and justified, in the case of wars, like WWII no one calculated “the economy” anymore, everything was ok, a real example of how much excess capacity and wealth the system has and had even with an old technology of the 1940s, look at Germany and how they went on for 5 years, the “War Economy”, the accumulation of labor (used to destroy) go figure.

Nothing is ever free. They’re is always some sort of catch or somebody to appease.

We need to cut waste, sacrifice, cut consumerism, “live within our means” LIKE A HOLE IN THE HEAD! This economic system is all about waste, waste is the very nature of this economy, hire and fire, buy and throw away, create and destroy (as in isn’t Capitalism Creative Destruction ?) and so forth. But especially we need to give out free stuff by the boatloads in order for the Production Machine to keep on Running, we need to give out scott free salaries and cheap rents, build thousands of trillions Skyscrapers, 1966 Oldsmobile Ninety Eights, 1967 Chrysler Imperials, Rockets to Mars, Rockets to Venus, Skyscrapers on Venus by the Thousands of Trillions, Split the Sun to grab its energy and be pigs and hogs of the universe so we can keep on having fun like little babies, for our pleasure, and beating the living daylights out of that NEW FALSE RELIGION OF NATURE! We need to achieve our fun and pleasure and may Nature pay the bill…and kill all of these moralistic imperatives, pleasure forever for all, heaven on earth achieved!

We should be proud to be pigs and use nature as a tool, we should be proud to be the BOSS, but all the fairy mairy scaredy cats environmentalists, moralists, doomsters of all kinds, etc. chanting the “hard work” BS and “you have to deserve it” BS, “everything is running out” BS, have brainwsashed everyone that all of this consumerism and free stuff and “waste” is a SIN, what c*cks! What is waste anyways ? If we have fun wasting things than it is GOOD; we must waste as much as possible, we must be the Kings of the Universe!

The funny thing is that in order to keep on letting those few workers who still have a meaningful job work (not a fake “services” job) which are fewer and fewer, we need to give out ever more free salaries to ever more people, just to keep the consumerism and production process engine running. In order to create some jobs, we need to create ten times more freeloaders and layabouts, we need IDLE more than anything else, just park all of those thousands of trillions of new people in front of TVs and let them consume cars and rockets by the thousands of trillions jackasses, just do it jackasses, give us all our free handouts, give us our daily handouts and let the system blossom!

But our ideology and morality of “hard work”, all the linearities we imagine operate like “you have to deserve it”, we need to hire “only if we make a profit”, etc. is actually killing Capitalism and Consumerism, is killing the system, our crappy morality is not letting the system really express itself and let it all hang out and creating an Infinite Resource society, we are killing ourselves by this old fashioned morality of the 18th century…

No way do I want to pay for someone else to do nothing. I accept some socialism but not what you propose, screw that. If you can’t cut it here go somewhere else, leave the country. just quit whining about wanting to make it socialized so that you can have a free ride.

Exactly, I want you to pay me all your money to do bluntly and proudly and boldly nothing at all. I want you to work more and more, do your “hard work” (so you feel good, you are doing your “duty”, you have a “high” value spiritually and metaphysically) and give me all your money, or else, even better, I would just grab it all away from you, bluntly and proudly and boldly ROB it all away from you, so cool, how I hate on those people that “deserve it”, that “worked hard”, how I love it when they chant how they think they “deserve it” because they are special little turds who “worked hard for it” as opposed to all those lazy crappy turds freeloading and watching TV, how egotism and inequality is hidden beyond a curtain of justifications, how people can freely and bluntly hate on others, show their egotism by the excuse that “they worked hard for it” and all.

People are all turds, hate is the name of the game, all should try to rob from all, all should try to deceive all, I love hate, I love a system where nothing is right, etc.

Actually, according to “justice” (equal effort is equal pay?), the guys who built the skyscrapers in DUBAI were paid 200 dollars a month for 12 hours a day work, but no one cared, that is all ok, they didn’t “study”, they didn’t “go to college” so pay them crap, etc.

This economic system is all about freeloading, is all about robbing from others, it is all about laziness and not doing crap. Most people are paid to do absolutely nothing at all, even though they make believe that it is real work like services, and all the wall street poker players and banks and financial entities and so on, millions of people paid to play games and nothing more, etc. it is all about robbing from the poor who “really have to work hard” but are never recognized as “working hard” since they “didn’t go to college” (an easy way out of real work and into the fine line of fluff and make believe office work and politics and such).

The entire ideology of Capitalism with its idea of “investment” means making more money than you put in through “profit”, but profit really means robbing the money from some weaker person somewhere down the line, but Capitalism itself would greatly appreciate giving out free salaries to billions, to all, so that it could continue to build and produce and keep the engines of consumerism running, go figure, talk about contradictions!

The enitre idea of “full employment” is a joke: the system can’t use in any possible meaningful way any more workers, it is already saturated by the boatloads, there are already tens of millions of workers worldwide (since the system is global, is worldwide, the world is now one single country and economy) still being paid that shouldn’t be, but the system keeps on paying them just to keep the economy running. This mathematical idea that “all should work” is such a joke and so ridiculous when applied to a Technological Economy, but everyone keeps on sustaining this idea instead of honestly saying: lets just give handouts, we no longer need anymore people to work, work is obsolete, we need consumers more than anything else, and if we really want people to do something then lets build trillions of skyscrapers, rockets to venus, etc.

But the system is exactly tuned into having fewer and fewer real slaves really working hard for an ever increasing number of freeloaders, that is what this economic system really is, the Technological Economy eliminates all real labor through machines and automation and computers and methods, etc. to let people just goof around, and do nothing and pretend that it is work. But those fewer and fewer slaves will have to do that little work left to do and feel like they are “robbing from all those “entrpreneurs” oh, all working so hard”, etc.

And you too are a freeloader: did you build those trillions of 1966 Oldsmobile Ninety Eights ? did you build those trilllions of skyscrapers I told you too ? Why did you disobey jackass ? I am the boss and I want that, now I will have to crack your skull open! Oh, I see, you didn’t, so you didn’t work hard and you don’t deserve your cash. I can hardly wait for a Communist Dictatorship to take all your money away from you, I want everyone to be my slave and give me all their cash, be honest, be true, let it all hang out, let us all know what you all really want.

I am honest at least…


Guess what ? I was wrong, I am wrong, it is all wrong, ha ha ! I am a troll, the joke is on me, the joke is on you, how I love to be wrong on everything, how I love how large scale theoretical structures collapse in a jiffy, how Our Mind is Always Wrong No Matter What, ha ha !

Erase all I ever said, it is all wrong, it is all a mistake, how cool!

They created 200,000 new jobs in December (in the USA) so that completely contradicts everything I have been saying, so cool! So I was all wrong, all I wrote is all crap, it is all a troll!

So who knows what those 200,000 new jobs are doing! They must be performing new advanced services, increasing the common good, productivity, everything is improving, so those jobs are really all achieving. Only lazy freeloaders like me don’t do crap, because I suck and all similars suck, hate them with all your guts, it is so cool to hate yourself!

But in all truth, there are 100 million workers in the USA so give or take 10 million workers the numbers all cancel out, whether or not they are “productive”, “make believe jobs”, “real” or “whatever”, who cares, it doesn’t even make a blip on the radar of this economic system, the system has loads of jobs, all “hard working folks” achieving the huge improvements we all can see and share. So there, now, go fly a kite APE MAN.

All of our sequential thought constructions are destined to collapse sooner or later, no matter what, everything we say can be right in one moment and wrong the next (or right and wrong at the same time, etc.), it all cancels out, it is all ok, eveything is fine, the system has never been so healthy creating jobs, wealth and making everyone happy, it has never been a better time, we live in the best world imaginable, we are happiness achieved, all has been solved once and for all, so go for it, vote Right Wing…

In two years all of the unemployed will be absorbed (but there is and has never been any unemployment in the USA, only lazy freeloaders who want a free ride and deserve to be fired and layed off) , so take that doomsters and left wing thugs…

From: … imper.html

Just like Kunstler’s large scale narrative of Peak Oil will collapse when they find a substitute, after all oil is just carbon chemistry, afterwards throw away ten years of all of his blogs and ideas, how cool, ten years of his effort all wrong, destroyed in a jiffy, because he made a small mistake: Peak Oil is false and there are no Resource Scarcities at all…


Sometimes, I want to be mad at rich people, except I stop and realize that I actually make decent money, and I have other means through which my income more than doubles over the course of the year. I only have to spend about 25-35 hours a week doing stuff for my job, but I get to live by myself completely independent, my car is paid off, still under warranty and fully insured. I’ll take on average, 3-4 vacations a year. And I get to go to the fanciest grocery store in town to buy the delicious prime filet mignon that I grill all the frikkin time, 22.99 a lb.

I’m actually doing alot better than my parents, I don’t get anything for free. And at my acual job last year, by the time it’s all said and done, I probably made less than 40k, but I get to live amazingly, because I don’t rely on that job to give me my lifestyle. The cast majority of the resources that go through my hands are generated by me and me alone.

My new year’s resolution was to get 5 new passport stamps, and to be holding 10 grand in cash on Dec 31 2012.

4 of those passport stamps are in the bag. Booked the trip yesterday. I’m more than certain that the 10k will end up being more.

double post

This really hits the nail on it head!

Just be honest, jobs are no longer needed, hence just give out free salaries and stop all the fake justifications for not giving all out free handouts, stop forcing people to (look for ?) work (imaginary jobs that will never come to be since they are not needed structurally) when work is no longer needed, available or even worth it. We have millions upon millions of people that would need to work, but what on earth are they supposed to do ? We already have tens of millions upon tens of millions working fake jobs that are not needed, the Capitalists would love to just kick them all out of work since they are not even needed (but are convenient because they receive a salary and keep the consumer economy running)!

Just be honest. There is no more work available, amen, end of story. The idea of millions of new jobs is false, will never happen again, there are not enough new possible real activites that are really worthwhile, that are meaningful, that millions of people can do for 8 hours a day everyday for years on end. It is over, that phase of society is over, end of story. Of course you can invent loads of fake and make believe jobs like banks, finance, subprime loans, APPS for the IPHONES, education (but how much new crappy courses and education can you really use anymore, how much more new education is really needed, and especially for what ? to do exactly what with it ?) and you name it, all kinds of wacky youtube videos, all kinds of information chunks, also thanks to the Internet, but information, as an item the world is being saturated in is becoming worthless, a dime a dozen, and all information has the same value in the end, aside from the fact that it is all free, hence cannot be turned into money easily anyways.

Funny how the replies are all “personal stories” and such, as if the entire idea of general constructions and theories about society are meaningless, so my theory is replied by personal stories that show what actually happens on the ground. OK, I can accept that, but then so must all of our economists and politicians and ideologists too and stop saying that the “economy needs to grow”, “less taxes create jobs”, “more education creates jobs” and all such BS, when the only thing that we can know is the fluke, point like, personal experiences that have no common structure amongst them, that there is no higher generalization of society other than every point like individual experience with no further theory or ideology behind them. Things just are just because, no other theory needed.

Since there will be fewer and fewer jobs, give out more and more free rides and handouts, turn all of the “unemployed” (but who on earth ever decided that “employment” is the natural state of things ?) into freeloaders. This is the “new normal”, no more jobs but free lunches to consume and to keep on buying stuff, this system needs consumerism more than anything else and labor and work less than anything else, get it into all of your thick skulls, jackasses!

So jobs, labor, work is no longer in the cards, it is over, now only pure scott free handouts will be given, nothing wrong with that, it is not a sin, it is ok, don’t be afraid of handouts, don’t be afraid of free stuff, don’t “feel guilty”, don’t “feel wrong”, it is fine, it is natural, it is simply what must be done, it is the right thing to do, don’t get hooked on the “Protestant Work Ethic”, don’t let you mental computer program crash because of this, it just happened, end of story, there is nothing else you can do about it, accept it, accept reality, and stop making excuses not to give the handouts to all, stop saying that the system needs more work, needs people to work etc.: nothing further from the truth, this system needs to hire more people like a hole in the head, the system needs more work and labor like a hole in the head, it really needs more than anything else freeloaders, free riders, and it needs to give out free stuff by the boatloads to keep the consumerism and manufacturing and globalization engine running and running ever faster!

But an old fashioned, guilt complex, morality complex mentality is trying to repress that which this Technological Economy is screaming to do, and namely free salaries to all so that they can consume and buy stuff like crazy, huge public private projects like skyscrapers and rockets so all of the excess capacity of the system can finally be discharged etc.

And then, even if you don’t believe in any of this theory, even if you think it is just an excuse for freeloaders to get a free ride, who cares, just ask for it, you may be lucky enough and get a free ride also! who on earth wants to work ? are you all crazy ? are you all repressed thugs that want other people to suffer instead of enjoying free rides and watching TV all day long as in an automatic life ? or do you all want to “feel important” and “productive” and “that you are doing you duty” (see how religion messed up everything in our mind with all of these guilt complexes and perverted sense of “duty”), why are you all so crappy and ugly, just ask for something good and nice, the system can hardly wait to give it out, is just kicking and screaming to give it all out, but all the old economic theories and ideologies keep on repressing the natural outcome of a Technological Economy, keep on making believe we still live in the 18th century, etc. they still keep on making believe that 100 years of Research and Development and Technology meant nothing at all for work and labor, that all of those automations, computers and optimizations had no effect whatsoever on the amount of work the economic system needed: how can they be so blind and stupid ? all of that research did exactly what it should have done, the scientists and engineers did their “job” more than well, an excellent job of eliminating as much labor and work as possible but an old fashioned stone age ape mentality wants to make believe that “nothing has changed” and we all still have to work, as if we are all still working the lands like in rural India, Africa or China.

Funny how all of the environmentalists and greens and doomsters also have a similar mentality of “people needing to work” and not noticing that that linearity is over, finished, not operating anymore, how they try to repress the Technological Economy and what it really means aka free rides, free stuff, ever more consumerism and nature under our control, etc. with all of the Resource Scarcity myths, and “There are Too Many People” crap, etc. Don’t build this don’t do that, don’t build Atomic Energy plants, etc. all against any kind of progress. They too are essentially reactionary, stone age, Right Wing Thugs.

I saw a news on Tunisia, there are hundreds of thousands of young people with “no jobs”, nothing to do, they pray for Allah and Islam, they are potential terrorists, have nothing to lose, etc. (imagine all of the other countries with much larger idle populations) Instead of letting them build homes and cars and skyscrapers by the boatloads the “profit motive”, all the false “economic theories” want them idle: they should be doing something all day long instead of eventually blowing themselves up and the whole world. I find it amazing that the whole world still exists and people don’t just kill each other off and blow themselves and all up.

Give them free salaries and start huge public private projects building things, keeping their minds occupied, or at least park them all in front of TV all day, give them all free stuff and give them real goals like rockets to mars, etc.

And why do the economists who really know what is going on don’t say this ? because they would have to say, “Sorry, the system will no longer produce jobs, but will produce less and less jobs, so just all of you people go away, tough luck, who cares: there are only a few slots available, if you are the lucky (but they will always find a more elegant way of saying it, by saying more “educated”, “innovative”, “or more competitive”, or whatever) one good for you, you can survive, else just go away roll over and die (not starve to death, funny how the “food stamps” program in the USA kind of tries to hide this, hmmm…)”. Obviously, this means that the “social contract” is broken forever, it can’t be fixed up again, but would the people just passively accept this ? No, they would say, give us our free salary or else how on earth are we going to live !

If you were a young person in Tunisia would you just sit and pray? Or would you leave the area to find something better?

You rant against those that prefer to change their existance rather than become slaves to the system. Do you not comprehend that once the Government gives you handouts you are their property? You live where they dictate , you do what they dictate, If they say jump for your money , you need to do it or you might actually be cut off. They want you, your kids , your family accepting handouts. Lazy fat dependents rarely rebel. A country on welfare is ideal to leaders. They have a freedom to be the masters. Indepence breeds restlessness, innovation , thoughts, freedoms. You sound like a salesman for the government. How much are they giving you to recruit?

No different from what private corporate bosses do and want, it is all the same, it doesn’t matter what the hierarchy is made up of, there is never any freedom essentially…

But go on, be your own boss, how many people do you think can really end up being their own boss ? Anyways I have said this before many times, there is no difference between public or private enterprises, government or private corporations, power relationships are always power relationships, status relationships are always present no matter what, read all of my old posts, study them very carefully, you will learn…

Existentialism ?

I know, I understand, it would be like “giving up”, like “declaring defeat”, a scott free pure FREE RIDE, HANDOUT, a FREE LUNCH just doesn’t click with our stone age mental computer program. But most of all, most people would think “Now What ?”, they wouldn’t have “Anything to Do” (as if they are actually doing much anyways in most jobs today), they have been programmed (since the stone ages, but actually during the stone ages they just did “what was necessary”, much smarter than us forcing ourselves to do a lot of make believe effort that leads to nothing, go figure) to always “Do Something”, to always have a “Goal” a “Target”, etc. Well, guess what ? The era of work labor, targets and goals are over forever, it will never come back again, it is no longer in the cards, just suck it up and get used to it, this is the “New Normal”. The Technological Economy eliminates way more (real) jobs than it creates, just say it, admit it, don’t hide the facts anymore.

We should really “Give Up”, that is exactly what we would should do, “Declare Defeat”, that is the right thing to do, don’t worry, it’s ok, there is nothing wrong with that, you will be ok, it is not a sin, god won’t punish you. And in fact the best thing to do is to park thousands of trillions of new people that will be born (because we will really need them all to build our thousands of trillions of skyscrapers, rockets and cadillacs) in front of TVs and let them watch TV for 24 hours a day for trillions of years. That is perfection achieved, an automatic life, all problems solved, you have achieved all, you can’t get much better, it can never get much better than this. Of course all the environmentalist and greenies and alternative lifestyle thugs are against TV, they are still fighting that same battle since the 1950s, go figure, what c*cks! But TV is the solution not the problem.

You better get used to being bored, to not having anything to do anymore, to not having any goals anymore, to not achieving your “career”, to not being equal to all the other turds anymore, to not thinking that you are a special little turd who “worked hard” to have more than Mrs Jones next door, who is a layabout, welfare queen, etc.

And yet, when real projects and real goals, real targets and real large scale efforts are proposed, in short REAL WORK FOR REAL ACHIEVEMENTS, everyone runs away, everyone criticizes them, everyone calls them socialism and bad and killing nature and Resources are Running Out and we can’t do them, the crappy democratic process of everyone against everyone would block all the projects (that is why we would need an Iron Fist Communist Dictatorship) etc. But at the same time, they all chant and think that they will be “their own little bosses”, they will work hard “to achieve their own little puny goals” against others, to compare themselves against others instead of taking on the real big dog which is nature and real large scale projects that really mean something and really are achieving.

Obama should declare:


In fact, Excess Capacity is really what this Technological Economy is all about: we have such huge economies of scale, so many millions of people idle worldwide, and so much free money that we could start hundreds of huge large scale projects and at the same time give out scott free handouts to hundreds of millions without any problem at all. Instead all of the excess capacity that can express itself (since the economic system must repress as much excess capacity from expressing itself as possible by keeping hundreds of millions of potential workers (so many young kids all across the planet) idle or else we would be saturated with goods and cash in banks, go figure) is simply converted into trillions of dollars that the same old few thousands of rich families worldwide hog up, not even wanting all that cash but simply because the system automatically is set up to make that excess capacity expressed in cash accumulate in the hands of the top 1 %.

And ironically, it is actually very hard for them to spend so much cash, trillions upon trillions of dollars: just think, how on earth can you really spend all that cash ? it is really insane! Once those families buy their new house and their Cadillac, well now what ? what else can they possibly spend it on ? another house and an Oldsmobile ninety eight, but then there is still way too much cash to know what to do with, so they just play global poker games with finance, stock markets, banks, speculation and all, and call it “Advanced Services”, while any real large scale projects are considered bad, socialism and the welfare state.

There won’t be any more real jobs in the future, unless you simply invent them: we could write down all the Internet web pages with paper and pencil (or in Europe on Paper and Pen), write all the contents of Computers on paper, millions of people writing things on paper, that would create a lot of work.

Of course, it is all wrong, I am a clown, I admit it: if even one millimeter of what I said would be applied it would all go haywire, the mental computer programs would crash in a jiffy, how I love to be wrong, to see all my large scale theoretical structures collapse in a jiffy, how it would reveal how wrong I was on everything by just trying to apply one bit, what a failure…




We should just be honest instead of playing “make believe”: instead of keeping on pretending we live in and acting in this comic book version of the economy where we make believe that “the economy generates jobs”, there “will be jobs for all” and such huge BS, just admit that it doesn’t work like that anymore, in fact it hasn’t been working like that for decades, but we kept on extending and pretending that that was the “natural state of things” when all we were doing was making believe the jobs were there by creating make believe jobs, make believe new “innovations” (especially make believe competition by hire, fire, restructure, open and close factories and and all hogging up profits by all of this) just to keep on changing everything to not change anything at all, etc.

And calling it a “healthy economy”: what a boatload of crap !

We must get out of this stone age mentality and start targeting the future, we must become honest and call a spade a spade, and stop making believe we still live in the 18th century. We could start by sending a Man to Mars by the year 2020 and a complete worldwide mass transportation BUS system with millions of high quality luxury BUSES having Rolls Royce suspension systems (the advances of technology can be used by all and appreciated by all)…

Interesting reply from:

"Quit making sense; it’s way out of line with the tone of this comment thread. There’s an organization called WWOOF, World Wide Opportunity on Organic Farms. People PAY for the privilege of traveling to farms and working as a dirt farmer for free.

People PAY for the privilege of helping build Cob of Straw Bale houses. Not just free labor; people pay you to allow them to help. There are millionaires milking goats twice a day and pruning grapes; peasant work.

And these crazy bastards think that people don’t want to work. The truth is that people have to be stopped from working by force. They would take over empty lots and garden them if the police wouldn’t come and destroy their work.

Yes, but I think even this is mostly psychological (actually most of these “economic problems” etc. are almost all psychological - cultural): if you decide to do it (a task, a job, an activity), then it is your own will power that is expressing itself against another real or imagined “contrasting will power”, but if they (the boss or government or any someone else) tells you to do it then they are forcing their will power against yours and it becomes WORK, etc.

But even this can be somewhat overcome if the goal is large scale projects that serialize and accumulate the results of labor, working for the “common good”, but in the last 20 or 30 years it has become fashionable for everyone to work against everyone else, to not create common goals and common wealth and large scale projects for the common good, therefore “be your own boss and start your own company” and become the next Bill Gates or the next freckled face punk who created facebook…


Vlad says:

"You need to study some Fascist Theory. Fascism is the Radical Center, the Third Position (think of the high angle of an equilateral triangle). By no means is Fascism just in the middle, a little bit of this and a little bit of that. And to say that is just conservatism is crazy. I mean obviously Capitalism is insufficient and equally obviously Communism is a sham, and a vicious one at that. Fascism rejects both completely in terms of their ideology or approach to life - thus the vertical height. The useful aspects of both it retains - thus its place equal distance from the other angles.

Hitler tried to join Unions but they insisted that he slander Germany which he refused to do. But he made clear that he despised the brutality of the Industrialists and Business Magnates."

I answer:

Vlad must have a lot of free time on his hands (just like millions of others (but not me, I am busy “working hard”), all a result of excess capacity), a lot of free time to waste on all of this theoretical BS. He is a slave to his mind always trying to justify, compare, etc. Hey, Vlad, why don’t you build some thousands of trillions of skyscrapers and 1966 Oldsmobile Ninety Eights ? Or are you like Busty who doesn’t obey his boss, since I am the boss of both of you and you disobey my commands, jackasses… (but at least Busty has a hot young chick for a girlfriend, you are a lost case).

What always fascinates me is how simple reality really is as compared to our never ending complex blocks of texts, theories, ideas, science, calculations etc. After all the thinking, the justifications, the theories, the ideological battles and all, then you just go outside and within a split second distraction get run over by a car and die. So cool! Like after all the high theory, when real people have to interact it all boils down to a simple fight, a simple conflicting will power story, a simple A wants the same thing that B wants, they fight, whoever wins takes the prize, or even simpler A wants C and B wants the opposite of C, just because, because Man is conflictual, contradictory structurally, almost as if A wants C, B will want the opposite of C just because, to have an excuse to fight, to distinguish himself compared to B, etc.

Vlad is probably a black who is just taking this website for a ride, or a white old man who is a queer and would like to have a black boyfriend or something like that…