Interesting reply from:

"Quit making sense; it’s way out of line with the tone of this comment thread. There’s an organization called WWOOF, World Wide Opportunity on Organic Farms. People PAY for the privilege of traveling to farms and working as a dirt farmer for free.

People PAY for the privilege of helping build Cob of Straw Bale houses. Not just free labor; people pay you to allow them to help. There are millionaires milking goats twice a day and pruning grapes; peasant work.

And these crazy bastards think that people don’t want to work. The truth is that people have to be stopped from working by force. They would take over empty lots and garden them if the police wouldn’t come and destroy their work.

Yes, but I think even this is mostly psychological (actually most of these “economic problems” etc. are almost all psychological - cultural): if you decide to do it (a task, a job, an activity), then it is your own will power that is expressing itself against another real or imagined “contrasting will power”, but if they (the boss or government or any someone else) tells you to do it then they are forcing their will power against yours and it becomes WORK, etc.

But even this can be somewhat overcome if the goal is large scale projects that serialize and accumulate the results of labor, working for the “common good”, but in the last 20 or 30 years it has become fashionable for everyone to work against everyone else, to not create common goals and common wealth and large scale projects for the common good, therefore “be your own boss and start your own company” and become the next Bill Gates or the next freckled face punk who created facebook…


Vlad says:

"You need to study some Fascist Theory. Fascism is the Radical Center, the Third Position (think of the high angle of an equilateral triangle). By no means is Fascism just in the middle, a little bit of this and a little bit of that. And to say that is just conservatism is crazy. I mean obviously Capitalism is insufficient and equally obviously Communism is a sham, and a vicious one at that. Fascism rejects both completely in terms of their ideology or approach to life - thus the vertical height. The useful aspects of both it retains - thus its place equal distance from the other angles.

Hitler tried to join Unions but they insisted that he slander Germany which he refused to do. But he made clear that he despised the brutality of the Industrialists and Business Magnates."

I answer:

Vlad must have a lot of free time on his hands (just like millions of others (but not me, I am busy “working hard”), all a result of excess capacity), a lot of free time to waste on all of this theoretical BS. He is a slave to his mind always trying to justify, compare, etc. Hey, Vlad, why don’t you build some thousands of trillions of skyscrapers and 1966 Oldsmobile Ninety Eights ? Or are you like Busty who doesn’t obey his boss, since I am the boss of both of you and you disobey my commands, jackasses… (but at least Busty has a hot young chick for a girlfriend, you are a lost case).

What always fascinates me is how simple reality really is as compared to our never ending complex blocks of texts, theories, ideas, science, calculations etc. After all the thinking, the justifications, the theories, the ideological battles and all, then you just go outside and within a split second distraction get run over by a car and die. So cool! Like after all the high theory, when real people have to interact it all boils down to a simple fight, a simple conflicting will power story, a simple A wants the same thing that B wants, they fight, whoever wins takes the prize, or even simpler A wants C and B wants the opposite of C, just because, because Man is conflictual, contradictory structurally, almost as if A wants C, B will want the opposite of C just because, to have an excuse to fight, to distinguish himself compared to B, etc.

Vlad is probably a black who is just taking this website for a ride, or a white old man who is a queer and would like to have a black boyfriend or something like that…

Oh i have read your posts and what i see is you wishing to enslave people on a very nasty level. You want big brother, just like they have in North Korea. you are kidding yourself if you think it won’t happen. At the borders of north Korea the guards face inwards not outwards. this is what you propose , this is what you are asking for in the long run. When the government doles out and controls as you wish it to, then it gains total control. Power corrupts , absolute power corrupts absolutely. socialism is needed but on a very small scale, other wise it removes human drive ingenuity. If you have the drive and the intelligence you can do anything you desire. Do what you propose and you wear Gov’t issued clothes live in a government issued home with government issued furniture, eating govt issued food and doing whatever the govt’ tells you to do. And if your kid or you complain your gov’t will charge your family the price of a bullet to kill you before you cause a rebellion. If this is such an ideal way to live then why are the guards in North korea worried about people leving? why do they kill those that try to leave the country? this is the socialism you propose in the long run. Sounds good on paper but reality sucks.


But A against B is part of a more general structure of the Universe and namely contrasting will powers, or contrasting elements that are independent from each other. Of course, we come back to the same infinite recursion problems of how are the contrasting - independent entities (or will powers) delimited, where does one start and the other end, are they always subtly connected, are they completely disjoint, are they contrasting but also collaborating to create stability ? but a pure will power particle must have some independent parts, some parts that do not depend on its will power, as in the will power must be a function of some invariants since if all was will power, each will power would have vanishingly small power, and the particle would disintegrate amongst an infinite sea of vanishingly small contrasting will powers. But are will powers simply a proxy for independent parts, for colliding particles and the existence of the will powers become real and effective only the moment the collision occurs and then disappears again ? Is existence only interaction ? Point like instantaneous interactions that come and go, that exist only for a fleeting, vanishingly small moment (probably closer to zero time and zero space, no space and time at all, hence a pure Mathematical Entity, a Pure Information Relationship) ?

But a new Law of Physics may declare that only so much Matter may be delimited as Will Power, may impose only a very limited number of will power particles in the universe, hence this is the explanation of why we are mostly alone in the universe, the Fermi Paradox as understood under the light of the potential catastrophic disintegration of the universe by too many will power particles contrasting each other and deciding to not create any possible stable entity. Imagine a universe having only will power particles, completely saturated with such pure Free Willonium, a monolithic block of Pure Free Willonium. Imagine an extension of your own will power that could control even the design of all your body, the neural circuits of its own mind, it could control and design a new Man Brain for itself and maybe even control the design of its atoms, the Laws of Physics, even the design of its own “will power structure”, creating an infinite number of new analogous structures, or ever different, ever more wild, imagine insanity achieved, all the external reality, the streets, the planets, all and all dependent on your will power (or more correctly will powers).

How many different contrasting will powers would you be made up of ? and how could you even be stable in any possible way, always “changing your mind”, “unresolved internal conflicts”, imagine the limit of the numbers of will powers and the powers that they could have tending towards infinity. Very interesting, very frightening, very cool. And absurd, as is all when you start to think about it a little bit deeper…

By the way Vlad, I am Black, A Nigger, have a nice day…

I like the way you respond: what are you stupid or what ? are you taking me for a ride or what ? (probably, I deserve it as I have been taking myself and all these blogs forums for a ride like forever).

You don’t address anything of what I say, you just say I want a North Korean type of country, or that anything I say directly implies that a country becomes like North Korea. Cool. A very easy way to respond, don’t think about it, don’t debate it, just reply with a standard decades old cliche, anything that is “common good” or socialized, any large scale common project, any honesty in admitting that the technological economy kills jobs structurally means Stalin styled communism.

But that is ok, that is fine, in all debates, everyone replies in non coherent ways, it is all ok, if I say A, you will say B, no one can back up anything, it is all opinions, beliefs, all just a choice, just a waste of time.

Anyways, for the record, I am for a mixed economy, I always say public - private, if someone can make it on his own so much the better, if you can invent a new startup so much the better, all kinds of formulas can be used in an open, free economy, no problem with that. Experiment and use all kinds of economic solutions and structures, as long as they work.

I am saying simply that the real large scale trends of this Technological Economy imply some very different solutions because it generates huge free wealth and excess capacity, hence we can afford free salaries and cheap rents for all. And also as large a private sector economy as can be developed, in fact, with my solution, the private sector and startup economy and be your own boss economy would have a huge boom like no other time in history exactly because so many large scale projects would generate so many new private services and jobs and manufacturing, etc.

My solution is actually a way to save Capitalism especially from itself, my solution is actually the most pro capitalist solution you can possibly find, the most pro private economy you can find (in fact the greens and environmentalist and resource scarcity doomsters are the real anti capitalist, anti consumerist, anti private economy, but not anti rich since their ideology just concentrates ever more wealth in the hands of the already rich. And in fact I can’t stand their (greens and doomsters) guts, hate them with all of your guts, we need to use nature as a tool, it is not a religion). But what we have today is an old fashioned stone age mentality that doesn’t want to distribute the cash generated automatically into large scale projects (the only ones really capable of creating real jobs) but simply let the same old few thousands of rich families that have been hogging up all the cash for decades, keep on hogging up the cash while hundreds of millions of people worldwide remain idle, unemployed and without any goal.

And I say you are forgetting human behaviorisms on a social level. On paper your way looks fine and should work but, reality is that it will lead to a tightly controlled country. Controlled by the very people that you want to take from. Does this country forbid people from leaving? Does this country tell you where to live and what work you are to do?
if you want to be a carpenter does this country say no, you are going to be an educator or street sweeper? Once you demand such release of wealth from the wealthy they will be given much much more cohntrol. They will make demands and those demands will have to be honored or the wealthy will destroy the wealth. Most wealth is tied up only in files not just hard assets. Take those files away and the wealth is gone. Close up plants ,burn them down and not file for insurance etc etc. The wealthy will destroy what they have before surrendering it. So either way, your way will not work. Either the wealthy will control even more or all will go into worse chaos. The latter would be the best for all concerned, even though many will lose.

Money doesn’t run out, it is just a proxy for relationships between people, for rules and regulations between people. That is why the FED can print trillions and just hand it all out to banks, no problem, the system is rich enough to back it all up with its imaginary “work” and jobs that potentially could be expressed by all of the millions of idle people worldwide. That is why the “gold standard” would simply kill off the economy completely, it would create an artificial scarcity (just like all of the Resource Scarcity Doomster wish and want there to be, because by saying that everything is running out, OIL is running out, there are too many people, etc. what they are really saying is that since this is how I “objectively describe reality”, “reality becomes my description”, I will force reality to abide to my description: if everyone believes that this is reality, reality becomes exactly this since reality is defined by the consensus people have on how they interpret it and how they define it, from a description language to a command language). Money, as a proxy for human relationships is infinite, just like “work” could be infinite (but most work today is useless, not needed, is just fluff).

No one is asking for the money from the wealthy, no one wants to take it away from them. That is what you think I want, but it is not, as far as I can see, and as far as I am concerned, they can keep their trillions, it makes no difference, it doesn’t even make a blip on the radar, it is irrelevant how much the rich have. It is not a limited resource, in fact it is the opposite, a Technological Economy creates money automatically, by the boatloads, there is no need to take it away from anyone. But the dominating ideologies (both right and left and green) love to “personalize” economic affairs, love to set people against each other as in who has more, who robbed this, the other guy is a freeloader, etc. never really talking about the structure, the large scale, really “objective structure” of the economy. It is very convenient to talk about people and their behavior and “who has more” then center the discussion on the real large scale structures of the Technological Economy: because if you did, you would have to admit that it kills way more jobs than in creates, it would imply the only possible solution : scott free handouts to all and huge public private projects.

Anyways the “rich” have so much that even if they did give a large chunk of it away, it wouldn’t even make a blip on their radar, they wouldn’t even notice, we are talking about 100 trillion dollars worldwide that doesn’t know what to do at all, do you have any idea how much cash they now have after hogging it up for decades (but it is not their fault, nor did they really ask for it, but the system automatically simply gives the money out to the already rich. They have billions, how on earth can they even spend it ? after you spend 10 million dollars on luxury cars and houses they still have hundreds of millions, and they don’t even probably want that cash or give two ccks and a dck about it anyways (but only as a status symbol, who has more just for fun).

The system is set up automatically to create inequality, you don’t need 10 programmers, you need just one programmer who is very smart and who will work 20 hours a day, same for chip designers, biochemist, researchers, you name it, the system is not out to create jobs, but to eliminate as many as possible and hire only the best, the most “productive” and “competitive” (and rightly so, you would do the same thing) and those who will work the jobs of ten people or 20 hours a day, etc. This myth of job creation is totally false the invisible hand is just really the visible hand of getting as much a bang from a buck as possible and this implies the exact opposite of job creation: job destruction and hiring only the best. It goes without saying that out of a thousand Advance Services Information Workers only about a hundred are the best (oh yes, they deserve it and “worked hard for it” and nature was kind with them furnishing them with a top notch brain, I have seen it, there are people who are very quick and bright in math and chess games etc. nothing you can really do about it, it is pure inequality achieved from the outset, tough luck, oh but they say you can “work hard at it”, well this is false, the smart ones (or workaholics ?) are simply smart (or have no problem working 20 hours a day, etc.) the lesser ones are simply lesser no matter how much effort they put in, that is the nature of things, and the corporations and powers that be know this).

So what are you going to do with the other 900 that are good but not “top” (or workaholics) ? tell them to go fly a kite ? tell them that the invisible hand of the market will hire them ? And especially if the top guns are working their best and their most efficiently, they are actually producing directly or indirectly for everyone given the huge amplifications and economies of scale the Technological Economy has structurally. Now extend this to hundreds of millions worldwide that need jobs and a house, do they all “have to work hard for it”, when the system needs “hard work” like a hole in the head, and the entire idea of “hard work” is totally obsolete and just a puny cultural psychological relic of the 18th century that serves to make the losers feel guilty as in blame the victims ? And anyways the more those few million “top notch workers” work hard, the more they are producing for everyone, they are, and this ideology is creating even greater amplifications and economies of scale, but especially huge profits for the capitalists.

But it is all in vain, you will keep on saying, “it will never work”, vlad will say “blacks rape”, the other guy will say “don’t pay the welfare queens”, etc. etc. But what you say is actually what you want, you want it to be that way, just like everyone wants things to be exactly how they describe it, hence they reinforce the system as it is, they directly, by saying that it is “objectively like this”, really mean “we will make it so that it will always be objectively like this”, hence not a description language, but a “command language”, etc.

Also, all of these debates are based on guessing what the effects of some social rules and politics are on large populations of independent free wills: obviously there is and will never be any way to know, free will really means totally unpredictable, totally without any possible pattern or rule, actually it really means whatever you predict, whatever logic you think will happen or is operating, I will contradict it just because, for fun, just to demonstrate my free will, to show you that I can do anything at all, and especially to demolish your imaginary “objective society” since society is never objective but just a set of quirky, pure subjectivities expressing themselves and contrasting and breaking as many rules and contradicting as many possible discernible patterns as possible: that which will always break any pattern as soon as a pattern becomes apparent.

One thing I think many people are totally unaware of is how the last 100 - 200 years were so extremely exceptional, how they were such a truly one time quirk combination of events that will never repeat again: first the discovery and application Electricity, then of OIL (huge amount of free energy), then the automobile, then airplanes, then TV, then computers, etc. All of that technical progress in such a short time, all of those huge game changers creating all of that new work and “growth” and consumerism, etc. This is where the myth of Innovation, Research and Education “creating jobs” really comes from: the standard economic model thinks that (or pretends ?) we will go through similar cycles all over again, but they are totally insane to think this: how on earth can there ever be another innovation so incredible as the discovery and application of Electricity or OIL or the automobile or jet planes, space travel, you name it!

Of course all of those new inventions and innovations created huge growth and millions of new jobs, but it can’t ever be repeated again, no matter what, no matter how many new tablet designs or freckled face punk facebook web pages you invent. No way jose’, but they keep on insisting in this miracle formula, that there are all of these innovations and game changers and breakthroughs and “killer applications” that will create entire new sectors with millions of jobs. Wishful thinking, no, the only thing you can do is decide how to apply the technology you have, since 90 % of the fairy tale story of technology has been achieved and it is mostly over now, now it is all politics and deciding what to do with what you have.

And what you have to do is build trillions of skyscrapers, rockets to mars and give out free salaries and cheap rents for huge luxury houses (to get the McMansion building economy running up again) to all.

But all of these debates are like debates between lawyers, everyone will always find a way around any other position, everyone will always defend a position, no matter how irrelevant, wrong or crazy, etc. After all the USA invaded Irak on no logical position whatsoever and everyone defended it, Hitler turned an entire nation into insanity and no one said anything, etc. It is all a debate between lawyers, no matter what anyone says, there will always be a perfect response that will contradict the other party perfectly.

Now, go on, say that “on the paper it looks good but it will never work” (what you really mean is that you and millions of others will never make it work, don’t want to make it work and will always do everything they can to not make it work, will say that “objective reality” works according to your (or anyone’s else random ideology) ideology, etc.).

About the “External Reality”, or “Objective Reality”, etc. well, none of this really exists: the only thing that exists is the reciprocal conflict between will powers describing and forcing reality to abide to each will power’s model. There is no external objective reality, only the reciprocal reality as perceived between two conflicting will powers, two (or more) people interacting and defining and creating a consensus on how to describe and interact in the common space called reality or society.

The only reality that exists is a reciprocally defined and compared model of reality between two minds, the Information Relationship, the Interaction, the reciprocal definition and interaction between two minds with the imaginary “external reality” as a stage.

When you realize that there is nothing absolute, no real rule or law, nothing at all but simply the quirky decisions of a quirky brain deciding what it wants to do, how it wants to interact, etc. and how all of these quirky, flukey brains interact, especially since we all know that Our Minds are Always Wrong, then you see why people need God and Religions and some kind of stable objective rules or structures to guide their choices and lives: it is just too much of a letdown and too violent to finally be aware that all depends on another random punk, his punky, useless, valueless values and minds and brains, his decisions, his choices which are also based on absolutely nothing at all.

Another reason why we need an Iron Fist Communist Dictatorship run by a Machine, a Computer that will decide for Man given that man is imperfect, is a pure punk, is a turd that can’t decide for himself…

Anyways, the choice is digital, either you demand scott free handouts and rockets to mars or you will fall into the trap your enemy sets up like when the OWSers and other unemployed etc. chant that they don’t want the welfare state, or handouts, they want jobs: this is exactly what they want you to say, so that you create a condition that must be satisfied before they give you free money, but since that condition can never be satisfied, or they can play around with it, they can do anything they want as soon as conditions are set up to get money, you will never win, the 1 % will keep on getting richer, the 99 % poorer, all against all.

Also the green thugs are doing everything to kill our science fiction future which should have already been here: they are against modifying food genetically, they say it is dangerous, well who gives two ccks and a dck! everything is risky and dangerous, if you don’t want to modify the environment then just roll over and die, who cares what the risks are, we must move forward, same with atomic energy, all the fuss about the JAPAN accident, well, who cares! some people die, who cares, it is in the natural order of things, things work and sometimes don’t, but we must go forward, build trillions of atom energy plants (it makes no difference if there are accidents and millions die, it is irrelevant), rockets to mars, fake food, you get the idea, manipulate nature to death, don’t protect nature religiously, green thugs, tree huggers. Scaredy cat, pua, pa pa pa , you mairs, you fairys, pua pa pa pa …chickens, pua pa pa



What if the Green Thugs are Right ?

Here’s the deal: so lets imagine that the green, resource scarcity myth thugs are correct, oil is running out, finished, food is running out, we are at least 6 billion too many people that should just get lost in space, nature is suffering (and god will punish us for this, their god of “nature”, since theirs is a pure religion even though they don’t notice this), consumerism is bad, TV is bad, cars are bad, etc. So what would be the “natural” solution to all of this ? well you would have to simply stop the economy, stop all manufacturing, all endeavors, but especially, more than anything else, by golly give out scott free handouts, free salaries and a cheap rent to at least make people survive, keep them still, don’t let them go out and use cars and work and buy stuff, etc. But the green thugs (who are way more reactionary and right wing than the capitalists who at least create consumerism and products, they just want everyone to starve to death) also say “you can’t give out free lunches, free rides, free money, free handouts”, etc. you have “to work hard for it” (always punishment mode ideology, in fact their model is everyone working the land with their bare hands and starving to death anyways like in rural China, Africa and India where the poor there can hardly wait to work in the manufacturing sweatshops 12 hours a day for a hundred dollars a month, go figure how wonderful “working the land” and “being close to nature must be”!).

Obviously their ideology and mode of thinking and operating, their politics simply brings everyone against everyone else, brings people to hate on each other (in fact they love to say that there are too many people, the population explosion (which by the way is no longer even true, population is barely growing anymore, we now have negative population growth in scores of countries)) since you can’t have work, since any work punishes nature, but at the same time you can’t have free salaries because this is “morally and ethically incorrect” (nature doesn’t like free salaries, you have to “work hard for it”).

If they were logical at all, the very first thing they would always ask for is free salaries and cheap rents, and park people in front of TVs all day so they don’t use up resources (oh, but even Electricity is bad, shut down all the energy production).

But even if they are right, technology has all the solutions, free salaries, disconnect brains from bodies and put them inside TVs so they have an automatic life, or just kill off a few billions, we can live with the bare minimum in every way by not eating and just getting fed by tubes, you get the idea.

But what they really want or what their ideology really implies is that people have to struggle against each other, fight against each other, a war of all against all in the name of protecting “Nature” that huge motherphkr that should be instead beaten to death, that should be modified extremely (what fake food ? we need fake brains and minds, self manipulating brains and minds, self manipulating neural circuits that completely change instantly, we become another person and life and experience in a jiffy by just changing all the bits in our minds, etc. extremely manipulated brains, etc.), we should invent completely new atom types, forms of matter, we should live in the most artificial and fake world we can possible build, beat the crap out of nature, split the Sun, huge monolithic slabs of pleasurium (only pleasure for every entity in the slab, etc.). Hate the greens, sustainability, resource scarcity scaredy cats with all of your guts.

They say parkinsons disease is bad, you lose your memories, etc. Actually we need to lose all of our memories, that is the solution, not the problem, we don’t have to wait for universe size brains where our memories fall off the edge of the observable universe and into a void and we finally become free of our past, we can create mechanisms and drugs and circuits that erase all our past and substitute it with anything we want in a jiffy. In short, we must save ourselves from ourselves. We are our only enemy, therefore kill ourselves to save oursleves from ourselves.

Hey krswst (always maternal mode ?) you are a lady therefore a slut. Do you phk alot ? do you ply with yourself alot ? why did you do that to me ? why did you punish me like that ? I get angry and envious, please stop killing me, stop punishing me, your pleasure is my pain, as in painium, please mommy kill me, get me out of my misery as I am an old nigger, old impotent man while all those sluts enjoy pleasure and beat me up like this… I am so envious and jealous with rage, hysterical (and why should a chunk of matter be envious of another chunk of matter ?) it is a miracle that I am still alive, I should have been dead a long time ago, I am doing overtime, go figure. Hey vlad, get yourself a black dildo old ugly queer (probably jewish too) nigger, you will never have a handsome young black boyfriend faggot, queer. I am an old sad, sad man (who maybe read too many books or thought too much), with an ever bigger hole in his heart, hate me with all of your guts, I use the internet to vomit my information BS into this worldwide cesspool, this worldwide arena of broken dreams and failed entities, worldwide arena for self psychoanalysis, everything is always a failure, a loss. Everything we do is an attempt to win, if even just barely, or imagine and think we are winning something, but it is all destined to fail, all losers and failures vomiting on the internet.

Just like the earth is a ball of matter that pl*yed with itself and created a mind, created you that is reading, how can a subset be aware of the set that created it ? how can a set create a subset that observes itself ?

But all of the above is 100 % wrong, it is all a troll! ha, ha the joke is on me, ha ha the joke is on you ! All I wrote is 100 % wrong, it is totally unrelated to what I wanted to say, I didn’t say any of that, I lied, I didn’t want to say anything at all, someone else wrote all of that BS in place of me (unresolved internal conflicts ?), what I wanted to say has nothing at all to do with what I said, it is 100 % wrong, I am 100 % right and totally wrong, all of my blocks of text are pure total contradiction, ignore them throw it all away, be crazy, insane, deceive, BEWARE OF THE MARK OF THE BEAST…


Every moment is a completely different universe, is completely different, could be the exact opposite of what you expect, every moment, every 10 ^ -30 seconds there is a new configuration of matter which means that we are in a completely new universe, a 100 % completely new big bang has occurred, all the rules have change, all your old memories never were, that world never was, all the old neural circuits that you have programmed could react in completely undefined and totally, 100 % unpredictable ways. There is no stability, zero stability, therefore no external world, no world at all, only some vague expectations that could be totally contradicted, you could be totally surprised by how everything (your ideas, desires, values, what you liked or didn’t (substituted now ? you were a green now you are pro machines ? you loved vlad now you hate him ?) emotions, old reactions that no longer follow the old rules, whatever) is changed, 100 % changed, by just changing one bit of the configuration of the entire universe, everything is 100 % changed, you are 100 % changed, and the next moment changed back to where you were or what you were, but maybe to another thing totally different, and so on…

The mind brain is constantly changing every picosecond, every neural circuit and memory and imagined stability is just being copied all over again, with slight differences, making slight “mistakes” but exactly because there are slight mistakes does everything change in a jiffy in our mind. We are not defined, stable, an individual, we are a constant process going nowhere, unpredictable. We have no identity. We must save ourselves from ourselves, I must save myself from myself.

But all of the above is trash, wrong, throw it away, I wanted to say something 1000 % different from what I said, it is all false, don’t pay attention, make mistakes, get it all wrong, put words in my mouth, make a mess, be wrong.


All of the permutations of possible concept: how does a chunk of matter imagine to know or think to know what another chunk of matter thinks about him or how he is judged ? and if the chunk makes mistakes in the judgment, or has a partial cue of information upon which to make judgment ? and what if the reciprocal chunks of matter are always wrong, as in “Our Minds are Always Wrong no Matter What”, and always guess wrong, reciprocally wrong forever, always guessing the wrong slot, but never being aware of it like when two friends get lost in a large department store and never find each other again because they will forever go in the wrong aisle, synchronized in mismatch, always making the wrong turn forever, and the mistake goes on forever, but they are unaware of it, hence they conclude that the friend “went away”, but is still there. Another example of a limit to an Observable Universe, always perfectly synchronized mismatch.

And if the minds judging each other are always wrong about what the other mind is judging (although there is no easy way to find out (no need to find out, it will always be wrong by definition, from the outset) as all comparisons and measurements are always wrong since they depend on other wrong and fake and deceiving measurements (on other minds ?), as all is a right out lie), and if they both deceive each other by not only lying to each other, but especially, each mind lying to itself and forgetting the judgment it just made, and making mistakes forever, forever mismatched judgments of minds within itself and amongst themselves. But judgments are all a lie anyways, are always fake, are always a mistake, don’t even exist, as in the other mind doesn’t even exist, as the other mind is always an imagined entity (until it strikes back physically, like a punch in the face, but that was not that mind executing that will power, but the wind that threw a chunk of matter in your face) there are no other minds, not even your own, minds are just an infinite regression of lies to itself, forever lying to itself and lying to other minds, as in brainium, all entities are brains, hence minds, judging, lying and making mistakes. Perfectly synchronized mismatched reality structures…

The hole in my soul will just will get bigger and bigger, never to be filled, no matter how many cool sounding blocks of texts I write…

Who Sets the Controls at the heart of the Sun ?

On “Climate Change” : I hope it changes wildy and breaks everything up, this way man is finally punished by nature, but even more importantly we must pollute ever more, try to change it as fast as possible and on purpose just for fun, to punish man as a turd.

We need an Iron Fist Communist Dictatorship governed by Computers, make the computers do the thinking and the choices for the greater good of the Machine, as man is just an infinitely programmable machine that must abide to the program the Super Computer governing the thousands of trillions of people decided was necessary: funny how it is exactly what I decided, namely trillions of skyscrapers, rockets to mars, trillions of 1966 Oldsmobile Ninety Eights, etc.

Man with his conflicts and will powers and the democratic process and greenies and scaredy cats is totally unreliable, only a Computer can and should decide, long live Big Brother in the form of the Computer deciding for all!

ON a side note, the technical governments in Italy, Greece, etc are the best governments those countries have ever had, they take the best ideas from left or right and apply them, that is the way to go, objectively, not totally subjective fights like all the other “democracies”…

The reason why the greenies, tree huggers, environmentalists, sustainability thugs never talk about free salaries and free money to all and free super luxury McMansions to all is because most of them are rich spoiled brats, or at least middle class “high maintenance” thugs who have never had to think that millions need a house and a job therefore are forced to manipulate and “rape” the environment and nature. This also demonstrates clearly how they are extremely class based, against the working class, mostly reactionary right wing thugs disguised as Nature loving.

Little spoiled brats that never worked a day in their lives, that found this quaint hobby protecting that huge motherphkr that is nature and jumping on any accident, any “bad news”, anything the real productive manufacturers want to do to create jobs, against the suburbs and McMansions and cars when we need the entire planet covered with steel and cement and cars and skyscrapers and malls etc.

Spoiled brats, mommy’s little girlys (as most are ladies, go figure), this nice hobby, don’t build high speed trains, atomic energy plants and this and that, etc.

Are you writing a book or are you just waxing off the top of your head? Stop for right now do some real reading of your posts in a calm and objective unbiased manner. Seriously slow down and think about what you have written ,savor it toss it around and think, cuz i don’t see that you have done so. you are way too passionate. take a step back. think about it


Like when you want to remember something, anything, but you are never really sure (images, events, stories, or similar) not concepts and logic, those are easy since they are digital, abstract, symbolic, non existent, a ghost of a ghost. But images, they are impossible to remember, we always make up the memory, we just design a new memory, and so on. So then how do we know if it is true ? We don’t and will never know: every time we look at something, we see it (or do we ?) but just the moment after we can’t remember it ever exactly (or I can’t, or someone can’t or it can’t or whatever can’t, and are they all the same item or different items?), but exactly compared to what ? we can’t even compare it to know if it is true, we might as well just assign truth or a memory or what history was, even the digital parts after all are vague, a concept is not really a clear cut concept ever, nothing is clear cut, everything is a momentary invention, a momentary lapse of reason, if reason ever existed.

We can’t know or predict anything, or assign anything, not even after the fact, not even if it is history, not even if you look at it straight in the eye, no matter how precise, even after the facts (during the facts, no matter what flow of bits as sense organ inputs or thoughts or whatever your brain captures), not even if you know it, the laws of physics could have never guessed a sequence of events, not even themselves, not even god knows himself, not even the principle of non contradiction and the identity principle know themselves, even they are lost forever, false, they aren’t true or real not even after the fact, not even if the entire universe says yes it is true, no matter what, ever more limits, ever more impossibilities, go for it man, just do it. Not even knowing knows what “know” is ! knowing is shattered into a trillion bits and pieces, but as usually, this is all false and a contradiction, I really hope you don’t understand anything of it all (of what me, a jackass writes), the less you understand the closer you are to truth.

All of what I said is 100 % wrong, but not only wrong, wronger than wrong, not even unrelated, more than unrelated, more than 100 % disjoint, 1000 % disjoint, but not even this means what I mean, what I mean is infinitely beyond anything of what I mean which is crystal clear, as the sun, but it is all a joke, all false, a troll, joke on me, the joker…




I read that big pickups sold a lot in the USA in 2011, the ford F 150 more than 400,000, same for others, these are big engine V6, horsepower beasts, in most of the rest of the world they would be considered really big, etc. Figure that 1.2L 60 hp cars are even considered too small in the USA, while in most of the rest of the world, they are considered already medium sized and pretty good, and effectively, they are more than enough for most needs. So what gives ? If oil is running out, if resources are running out, if unemployment is “so high” in the USA, if there are all of these “economic problems”, etc what gives ? how come they keep on buying so many ? Because the Resource Scarcity crowd is simply WRONG: none of what they say corresponds to truth, they would like what they say to be true, but it isn’t. In fact, there really is no truth, it is all a subtle equilibrium of equally contrasting forces that never makes one force dominate over another, for every force operating against buying cars, there are equally the same number and the same strength of forces operating to buy them, etc. For every bad news about unemployment and the economy, there is an equally and contrasting good news about it, so it cancels out mostly, it just goes up and down (like the stock market, and if there was a real trend you could predict the stock market and win the game, but that is why the trends will never be right and will always change everyday) and back and forth like the stock market, never confirming any specific clear trend, always letting the opposing parties conflict about “How to interpret” reality, when in all truth, there simply is no interpretation, no trend, it doesn’t go any place at all, it goes where the wind brings it, no matter how many models, explanations and ideologies you try to apply to it all, it will always be false, or at most partially true, but even better just sounds cool and sounds true and most of all “sounds logical” and “makes sense” when all things social and economic are totally outside of any logic and making sense because governed by an unending set of totally unpredictable free will jokers killing any possible logic.

Time is simply reciprocal change, if all is still there is no time, time is generated the moment something changes compared to something else, like reciprocal frequencies that are all perfectly synchronized therefore not changing and no change can be perceived but as soon as one frequency skips a bit or changes just one moment, as soon as one bit of the flow of bits changes, time is created, events create time, the fourth dimension of time is produced, constructed and made. Like a matrix of dots each perfectly still, if one dot moves compared to its neighbors then that dot creates local time amongst the neighbors, but if the change stops at the those surrounding points and doesn’t propagate, time is only local, and valid only in the local space, if it propagates then the space in which that time (generated by the event) is valid is extended, and so on. Time is locally instantaneous mismatched frequencies, we are a time device as all of our body and mind is just a huge number of frequencies comparing themselves to an “external world”, creating time constantly by constantly changing all the mismatched frequencies, events generate time, time is not external, etc.

But most of all, all we do is occupy time, our activity must simply occupy time, we are bored items, boredom must be overcome by occupying as much time as possible with some duties, targets, tasks, endeavors and try to get as verbose as possible and repeat as much as possible so as to occupy as much time (especially the time of all the other clowns reading all this BS, since they all have loads of time thanks to the Excess Capacity of the Technological Economy handing it over to them for free). How much of our creations and constructions are simply due to the need to occupy time in some way ? I always think that as soon as we start to manipulate our Mind Brain, we will directly manipulate the feelings and pain/pleasures sections directly, no longer making them depend on some externalities, on some indirections, we enter pleasure loops or something like that, it will be fun to watch how all of our symbols, indirections therefore values, religions, metaphysics, whatever, all of our struggles with “contrasting will powers” and “what other people think of you” and all such crap, the very existence of “other minds” disintegrates all in a jiffy and finally demonstrates what it really is all about and what it all really was: a ghost, a fluke, an error, a false construction of reality based on making the feeling/pain/pleasure section of the Man Brain depend on external events and designs and things, just like those that want to make giving out money “depend on people working”, on external events, which really means external independent “contrasting (or making believe to collaborate, but only to hose you later) will powers” when free money should be given to all without any strings attached or conditions imposed as has been up to now due to a stone age APE MAN mentality.

I am worried about the killer, Vlad Kramp, he isn’t here anymore. Maybe he really did kill himself as I told him, sorry, he shouldn’t have taken the BS written here by me so seriously (anyone who takes the information I (or anyone else) vomit on the internet seriously is sick in the head, straight from the mouth of an APE). Oh well, it just happened. Things happen. Hey vlad, did you get that d*ldo ? you queer, you fagot, you old ugly nigger queer and fagot, you mair, you fairy, shpack a lach, shpeck a lek, lek a shpeck a shpek a lech a lek…


Blogs that generate sub blogs, vomit your information on the internet, keep on vomiting on the internet, all are welcome…

Like trying to make something prettier by creating ever larger complex blocks of text, when it is all useless since either something is pretty instantly, automatically, with no strings attached, or it isn’t, it is digital, no amount of text will change the first judgment, the feel for it, whatever. But that contradicts the block of text that says:

“There is no stability, zero stability, therefore no external world, no world at all, only some vague expectations that could be totally contradicted, you could be totally surprised by how everything (your ideas, desires, values, what you liked or didn’t (substituted now ? you were a green now you are pro machines ? you loved vlad now you hate him ?) emotions, old reactions that no longer follow the old rules, whatever) is changed, 100 % changed, by just changing one bit of the configuration of the entire universe, everything is 100 % changed, you are 100 % changed, and the next moment changed back to where you were or what you were, but maybe to another thing totally different, and so on…”

Oh, but that was all wrong…

Study it all very carefully all over again, study all of nameta9’s post on ilovephilosophy for years on end, this will occupy your time, and you can extend upon on it, you can develop all the ideas further and insert new ones, be a good little boy and girl…


Just like JHK says he wants them to drill, drill for oil because he is sure they won’t find anymore, I can hardly wait for the most Right Wing Thug to win the USA elections: I hope he is the most extreme free market thug possible, I would love to see him slash everything dramatically, cut off all unemployment (lazy welfare queens and freeloaders, hate them with all your guts, they have to deserve it, “work hard”, there is all of this “opportunity” out there available, what are they waiting for to “be their own boss and open their own company” ? there are thousands of new possible companies they can decide to open and ways to be their own boss, hire people and strike it rich! they all just want to stay at home and watch TV!), cut off the food stamps program (let them starve to death lazy slobs) completely erase the Obamacare (and hike the price of healthcare a hundred times, after all the doctors studied years and paid so much cash for their degree! where is any justice ?), fire millions of government workers, they are useless thugs, freeloaders, fire as many lazy slobs as possible, be fierce, how I would love them to be extremely fierce, beat the living daylights out of all these lazy slobs, go for it man, do it man, do it. I want to see people beat up each other, hate on each other, I want to see fights, I want to see the strong win and crush the weak, so cool! Such a great entertainment, so emotional too, so much fun! see so much suffering, finally justice on earth is achieved, the lazy slobs turds are punished and pain must be inflicted with no regards!


“More gold for the cheap electronics entertainment”

We need to fill the earth with chips and electronics, we are already selling a billion cell phones a year, that is great, we need trillions (and we are getting close) of capacitors and resistors SMD types, all kinds of chips. As they are constantly put in the earth, as they become land fill after land fill, they will start to become the next material to undergo Natural Evolution. Lightning will strike and every now and then make some chips live shortly, they will mix and match probabilistically and after thousands of years and so many devices, self autonomous new life forms made solely of electronics will start to live and become alive. After all, it is all a question of how Matter is configured and how the configuration is a starting point for another potential possibility, as a completely undetermined and random path of configurations of matter one after another. The number of possible ways Matter can be configured, mixed and matched is astronomical, but by creating so many chips, microprocessors, memories, and so many different designs, we are setting the stage for the next path of Natural Evolution, only that it won’t be based on (that huge turd of) Carbon Chemistry, but on electronics. Pure chance will combine these chips into new forms of DNA like functionalities (or even completely new kinds of functionalities our minds cannot comprehend), new forms of self evolving lifeforms. Completely new and incredible potential “Experiences Matter may Undergo”.

I talked about superconductivity a while back: I think someone (ibedent ?) knows something about it, anyways, I remember in the 1980s Cray wanted to make a supercomputer with GaAs but had to throw in the towl: that is an example of what I mean when I say our technological evolution was a one time quirk: only silicon chips and technology ended up really delivering all of the integration and speed, they tried a large number of alternatives, none ever worked, and I am sure that none will ever work: in this case Nature gives out a free lunch (through Silicon Technology and Moore’s law) only once in a blue moon and only very fleetingly, but the Standard Economic Model keeps on imagining that we will have all of these new cycles of Innovation, Discovery, etc just like we had in Silicon Microprocessors and Moore’s law: just look at Battery technology and how there is no free lunch there, or Fusion Energy (they thought it would have been as easy as Fission etc.).

This expectation of the future will be like the past is flawed. Now only random evolution by pure probability (not by the mind and logic) will bring forth new combinations and configurations of matter and will bring it to new heights.



"Maybe we have reverse engineered evolution. Maybe on some distant planet silicon and electricity evolved microprocessors that then started evolving to the point of being able to manipulate carbon atoms and design us. Then we were thrown on other planets and after many generations rediscovered digital electronics and chips etc. So the cycle may be first silicon itself evolved into computers directly, then these computers got so smart as to design biological matter and then we rediscovered our roots by reinventing chips.

Interesting idea; a silicon planet with metals and all kinds of heavy elements that slowly evolves into a cpu that slowly evolves into a superbrain that manipulates carbon atoms. Maybe bacteria are their computers! It sounds far out but if you look at it from the “end result” , a CPU is effectively much much simpler than a bacteria. It could be possible if evolution goes from simpler to more complex items.

So maybe evolution started on other planets with other elements and other processes we can’t even imagine…

Why call that “spontaneous generation” and call carbon molecules that synthesize into amino acids that automatically evolve into DNA and cells and bacteria and man “evolution” ? Is it just an “aesthetical” choice ? Fundamentally we are always talking about physical systems that “spontaneously” evolve into complex forms and processes. Why should this be allowed and apply only to carbon molecules ? A silicon planet could have storms and electricity and germanium that “evolve” into a full blown 8080 CPU and then a pentium and then a trillion bit CPU etc…

Or maybe the strange new processes occur in a superfluid ocean where self organized vortices grow larger and larger with turbulence and then become intelligent and manipulate carbon atoms and then decide to design US humans. Then they threw us around the galaxy and here we are. "


Hey vlad, did you get that black d*ldo I told you to get, you queer, fagot, you old ugly fagot, you queer, you mair, you fairy, shlak a lak, shlech a lech a lech, shpech alech, shlech a shpech a shlek a lek, shpak a lak…

How’s that for a one liner ph*ktards ? satisfied ? where is tzatza when you need him (this blog has become boring, all these long complex blocks of text, get tzatza back party poopers)

But the parallel universes are actually always 100% completely visible, especially when they are 100 % far away and invisible, not related, not even logically, because we can assign them visible and easily touchable as metaphysical entities can be any way you want, break the rules, break logic. Notice that all things scientific have an algorithm to viualize their “distance” so to say, either in space or time, logically, it is all far away, a denotation, a number may tell us the distance, but we can break and fool logic, fool ourselves (itself or myself ?), save ourselves from ourselves, all is won, all is achieved, it is done and over, I have won all…

shlak a lak, shlak a shpak, shlak a lak ashpak a lak, shlak a lak shpak a lakk, shppAAk a LAAk, shlaka alak, a shapka a alakk…SHPAAK A LAK , SHPAKA K A SHPAK A LAK, SHPAAK A LAAK, SHLAAK A LAAK A SHPAAK A LAAK. SHPAAKA A SHLAAK A SHPAAK A LAAK…