"Mental" Illness: The Future of Treatment

Well excuse me, this is a philosophy forum, it is for the investigation even of opposing views, now you can add your stupidity to his, but it does not change the facts.

I have just as much right to my say as anyone, so you can piss off as well.

Neither you nor I make the rules here, one of which is to stay on topic as much as possible.
This is NOT a federal public forum. It is privately owned and managed.

I am on topic, I don’t care if you agree or not.

And when the public is invited to a forum, it is public, or can’t you even reason that much?

In case you have not noticed, there are private areas of this forum. Duh.

I think the rule is about trolling. I could be wrong. I did ask, not demand.

The term “ad hom” refers to addressing the person making statements rather than the topic of the discussion. Look back at how often you initiate an ad hom exchange. Then discuss it with a moderator, not me.


Then why are you opening your mouth? As you say, it is the mods choice.

And read back very carefully, who initiated the personal attack, and who was not addressing the ideas?

Oh, my word! Is there nothing immune…

Thanks for your concern and for all who have offered good, helpful ideas.
Moderators, please close this thread. It’s done or done in.

wait a minute…i am not through…there is trolling going on here and it is not appropriate for this topic…

Thanks, Turtle. How many incarnations does Satyr have? This dude sounds just like him.

ir—whoever it is we will show him that people with a mental illness can stand up and not put up with their junk…i have a mental illness also and i am sick of this kind of shit…thank you


Mental illness is now being referred to by community assistance programs as “behavioral health”. This new wording will just be another form of “political correctness” until something real is done to help MIs. I’ve recently heard that the government is going to help MI by treating it as equal to so-called “physical” illnesses in terms of reimbusement for doctors, hospitals and meds. I hope it’s true. Usually such help, if it goes against the grain of social “wisdom”, is seen as just another tax & spend project. It may be that Rosyln (SIC) Carter’s concern could some day become a reality. In the current political climate, it’s not a matter of national concern.


I have a different view of the future of mental health:

The most prevalent form of schizoid psychology is when one believes that they themselves determine what their purpose in life is. Such a belief is the most primitive kind of self-referential fallacy possible.

Therefore, when you erect an educational system that instills psychosis into the populace as a matter of course, then a psychotic society will be the only result.

And, conversely, to teach children that they have a job, a function, which is biologically determined, then, and only then, can one turn the tide of aberrant human psychology and human madness towards their fellow man.

This is the type of response I hoped and suspected you were capable of. Have you read Eric From’s (SIC) "The Sane Society? Only problem there–I think Fromm sold out in his later years. Pragmatist Dewey preached “Learn by doing.” Somewhere along the line it became learn by imitating. The educational system in the USA sucks, big time. And for reasons you describe. Sorry, but I still can’t see biology as deterministic.
Biochemistry is, for me at least, deterministic only on the level of drives to produce functional organs and adaptable organisms. Epigenetics constantly tests biochemical attempts to do this…

Well, if I am to maintain my thesis, I have to put my money where my mouth is. That is why the discoveries in Geometry have been important to me. I learned about language, about reasoning itself. I have had this vision, that we have a job to do, and there is a right way to do it, since I was in diapers. I pursue it as a hobby. Life is very distracting.

trolling can be a sign of sickness…if you do it too much then you may be disordered…