Workerless Society - How Many Exchanges ?


Slut says:

“Yoh… old69, 8man, iesaeff1686c, blgmlesfgl, tegmark et al - and the multitude of warped weird handles just keeps-a-coming - whither goest thou… with your multiple posting personality disorder ??”

I answer:

Hey slut, do you phk alot ? why do you phk alot ? why do you do that to me ? why do you pl*y alot with yourself ? you enjoy and I suffer, your pleasure is my pain, why are you killing me and beating me up like this ? help me mommy, get me out of my misery, please help me, don’t beat the living daylights out of me, an old sad, sad, impotent man, please, help me…all those hot horny sluts doing all those things, and I rage with anger and envy, I hope no one ever becomes like me…

Jesus Christ, I can’t believe what weirdos are on this website, you all have all this deep philosophical theory I furnished y’all to read and study, please study it all very carefully, it will take all your time, please waste your time, I hope you all waste a lot of time so that you finally all have a task to do, and not get bored, Occupy your time by studying all of nameta9’s posts on ilovephilosohpy, please, pretty please…

On parallel universes: not only do they exist, but the very reason they exist (they exist trillion times more deeply and really! deeper and realer! etc.) more than yourself and your pain/pleasure or whatever is exactly because they are metaphysical entities, that are composed of Super Reality, a Hyper Reality (be verbose, please), as they are only mathematical - logical and information relationship entities, a sequence of symbols. And those denote another set of entities ever more abstract, indirect and denoted that means ever more real (a set of symbols then mapped on a set of items like a beach, a mountain, a car spark plug, and then these new items become another set of symbols associated with another more wildly random set of items, in an infinite loop, and infinite recursion), without constraints (without the constraints of our puny ghost like existence based on the identity principle and non contradiction), not even the constraints of existence, not even the constraints of true and false, as these are valid within a very narrow and shallow decoding of our universe by a very primitive, simple and coarse mind, a very rudimentary mind, a simple one transistor mind, while more evolved minds, made up of trillion bit Microprocessors, and wild jet engines shoved in chunks of meat brains, and many other interesting combinations, like wild neutron star chunks with stellar plasma chunks inserted into Processing Matter, as the Matter delimited as an observer becomes the new Brain, as in Brainium, you get the idea…

Boredom leads to the need of excitement, boredom is a cultural artifact we are programmed with.

We are ourselves excess capacity from the outset: we want more than can be achieved, we want always different, we want cheap thrills, a never ending flow of new bits (or at least we can dream about it, or think about, fantasize about it, or talk and write about it, everything but really applying and having and doing in practice because the bandwidth of reality is so much more narrower than our never ending thirst-hunger for it all but that is why communications, the virtual, and TV and all, Information in general is so fashionable today: it discharges the excess capacity our Man brains have been programmed to contain (in terms of desire, inventions, always new information bits, new comparisons, “News” in general, “economic crisis adventures” (invented or real ? who knows ) through cultural artifacts such as time awareness (the need to fill it up somehow), production, always something “new” (therefore “exciting” ? or we just make believe and brainwash ourselves that it is new and exciting ? self autoprogramming mental computer programs…) ) new bits to contain in our mind, manipulate and produce other new bits.

We are too much for ourselves and reality, we are oversized information hogs, oversized novelty desiring machines. Excitement searching machines (even if just slightly or barely ? some football game ?), hence the hire and fire, restructure, always change mentality. A prisoner of inherent excess capacity in terms of information content and processing capacity. Maybe we need to kill our memory, erase it all so we just loop around a few bits over and over again forever and free our minds forever…


Excuse me while I Vomit on the Internet. PLease scroll over the following block of text (actually all of my blocks) unless you have time to waste, but since you all have time to waste and are all useless slobs, please waste all your time reading my BS, drivel and trype. Pretty please, waste all of you time.

So experiences and people and events are like a language, the same person in a situation for you may be perfect, but in a slightly different situation completely invisible or in another slightly different totally in love or whatever. The point is the events and environments and situations and people are all tags of a language, all words so to say, and can change and mix and match, and in your head can be connected in such a way to mean something and a moment after connected in another way to mean something different, and the other person or group can create a different sequence of imaginary symbols with the same input to mean something different still and the two sequences may be not synchronized, and be disjoint, hence misunderstandings, etc.

The law of conservation of experience, it doesn’t matter if you do something with a lot of different items (like building things by hand) or just shuffle 2 or 3 bits all day long, the experiences are always equivalent, there is no richer or poorer life according to how many different items and manipulations there are, it is all the same, the experience is simply the organism living without further meannings we try to apply.

Hey Kramp, why did you kill tzatza and cash and marlin ? why don’t you kill the APE, I am sick and tired of him telling me to shove a jet engine in my brain to enter another universe.

Generalized will power and opposition to will powers, it doesn’t matter what face is behind a will power, it only matters that it is an opposition to yours…the euro downgrading is simple, it is just one will power against another, one stronger power deciding against a weaker, simple, a one transistor circuit, nothing further to analyze…

Narrow Bandwidth Life

There is really not much you can do practically. You can go to the movies, go eat out, buy some crap, watch TV, take some trips to BRAZIL or JAPAN (but the enitre world is the same Standard International building styles (see street view google map), boxes, or some pseudo suburbs, some midrises, some highrises, end of story) and a few other things (play sports) but that is it. So then what ? Well that is where Information comes in: it expands the bandwidth of life which deals us a very low bandwidth life naturally, there is not much you are supposed to do in life, probably mostly sleep like other animals. But this Information, and further the language, thoughts, fights, and all of the “Drama” between people make it more lively, more interesting, etc.

But we are at a crossroad today: even Information, video games, movies and internet crap is no longer enough (we get bored fast, eveything becomes old fast): we know that we must go forward but we are afraid. And what are we afraid of ? Of directly manipulating our mind, our brain structure, changing the very circuits that force us “to do something”, that “get us bored”, or that “get us unsatisfied” change all of our logic and memory structures (messing them up as much as possible, make it go wild, break it, make it so that you can’t go back to where you started, irreversible transitions or phase transitions or transformations). And this is where the Instant Singularity comes in: design new brains, design all kinds of wild combinations as wicked as possible, let little childen design schematics and block diagrams of new brains that will then have new experiences (and enter new universe with new laws of physics and where Matter undegoes new Experiences). Dump this stone age contraption natural evolution dealt us, and tell Nature to go take a hike.

But alas, we will never know what we want (or I will never know), first I want A, then not A, but then again maybe B, etc. And every new path, every new transition point, decision point brings forth new things to want and not want, always changing ideas, judgment, evaluations, always going back and forth and up and down and everywhere and anywhere, always new actions and reactions. We will never know what we want, indecision, confusion, change, but I wanted that ? no, maybe that, but I will change my mind ? no, I am now this and so on forever. So what gives ? I will always be confused and never know what I want and always know what I want and always change my mind and never change my mind…

Good logic doesn’t kill instinct, it optimizes it.

“become unconscious and free”, well, we would be free from control, but we are hard wired to try to do the opposite of that. We’re hard wired to try to control ourselves more and more, and be controlled by our feelings and our ideas, instead of letting everything go and becoming unconscious.

Impotency Achieved

We are (or I am or they or it ? whatever) 100 % impotent, totally, in all ways, sexually, psychologically, spiritually, you name it. Total failures, total losers. Sore losers. Be a sore loser. No problem can ever be solved, give up all real fast, there are no solutions for any possible problem, end of story. Because of all the information we receive and all of the imaginary battle grounds (ever changing battle grounds) we can’t do absolutely anything about it, we cannot even touch it, or modify the path all those ever changing and new battle grounds follow. Of all of those battles, contradictions, contentions (do you want the right or left to win ? do you want the war in Irak ? do you want more or less taxes ? do you want the green economy or keep on “wasting” gas ? especially do you want “this specific person in jail or to lose” (we love personalizations of contentions, we love to fight people figures) you name it) you cannot do absolutely anything about them, you can’t do nothing about where they go, total 100 % impotency achieved no matter what, they are 100 % independent of your will power, so much so, that it is totally useless even knowing about the battle or following any of all of this information and news BS.

It is all so far away and so detached from anything you can do, and so much of an indirection, denotation, etc. that it is incredible that people waste so much energy and time and emotions and feelings over all of this imaginary, non existent, abstract BS. Who gives two ccks and a dck about Iran, Irak or Afghanistan ? what are they even ? two countries far away that have nothing at all to do with me. And why should I follow any news about them and get all worked up when my power to change or influence or interact with such remote abstract entities is a big fat zero ? So as usual, you better free your mind instead and not think about all of this BS, better no news about anything at all, it is all worthless drivel.

And you are always within a simulation of winning or losing, an emotional roller coaster, where your rage and happiness (but it could also be very shallow, it doesn’t have to be extreme feelings) are constantly being pushed up and down according to who or what is winning.

Is the stock market going up ? do I want it to go up or down ? if I want it to go up “then I win” when it goes up, etc. Is oil “finishing” ? if it does “I win” (if I wanted it to finish), hence I won my little imaginary battle and so on. Actually the “News”, all new information is always framed within an imaginary battle ground of contrasting forces, it is always some form of A versus B, and you have to take sides (do I want A to win or A to happen versus B ? are things going in the direction that I would like them to ? if yes I “feel good”, “I win”, “I have achieved”, if no “I feel bad”, etc.), you automatically take sides no matter what since our mind is a simple one transistor circuit (and we love to imagine how “right” we are, how are positions are all “so correct” and so “special” and how we can “figure the correct way to go” as opposed to all the other slobs, we like “to feel smart” and assign ourselves as smart, correct, the winners and so on), we are designed to fight, to be within the stage of a battle ground (it doesn’t even matter if it is real or fake or make believe or whatever), and after you take sides you break the symmetry of a constant emotional and feeling state to put it in an agitation state of winning - losing - following the game - taking sides, the same old emotional roller coaster, etc.

At least in sports, the battle ground is clearly simply a game, no other consequences and we take sides for fun (sometimes it gets violent and bad anyways, go figure), but in politics, economy, society we take sides thinking that there are “deeper” metaphysical, spiritual reasons, it is supposed to be deeper, what the “common rules of society must be” is so much more important (but is it ? who gives two ccks and a dck!).

But that is also because we need a constant emotional stimulation, since a steady state - a state where no battle is going on is “boring”, so we need new information to fight a new battle (but we don’t fight anything, we just follow the game as spectators hoping a given side wins and “commenting” the game “showing off” how correct we are and how our side must win). It is all based on changing your emotional and feelings state into something that is not neutral or steady and into something that is activated and going up and down and following an input information that is associated with given feelings of feeling good or bad according to “the information coming in”. What an idiotic machine our Man Brain is.

We need a constant new battle ground, and if there is no news to create it, we create it in our own mind, we create new targets to reach (but mos t of the targets are external things that we hope will happen and are independent of our will power), we invent new imaginary targets both in our personal life and in the external social world like will that building get finished ? (if it does I win), will that person do this and that (if they do this I win, etc.), will I get that raise ? Does person A do that or this, whatever etc. So we break a steady state, a neutral state, an indifferent state of feelings to activate good/bad states and involvement.

And every new news fragment becomes the next battle ground, we don’t even notice how many times we change the battle grounds, how what seemed so important yesterday is invisible today, like the Irak war is no longer on the radar, but it was oh, so important for a few years, now the sinking ship is the new battle ground (what did the captain do ? what a c*ck, and everyone likes to feel so superior to the situation) and what happened to the oil spill in the gulf of mexico ? it is off the radar, the battle ground has changed, it no longer creates a new emotional roller coaster.

And we have the never ending “Economic Crisis Adventure”: I read an old 10 years old magazine where they were talking about the then “Economic Crisis” and how the “Economy had to grow more” and such BS. In other words, we have always had (or do we need to create a battle ground ?) an economic crisis. And in the same magazine they were talking about grading system corporations have in order to fire some “non performing” workers, and the managers were saying that they have to invent and force inequality between people, find inequality between people even when there is no apparent inequality.

Like today Italy and Greece are in “Economic Crisis” mode, but I remember that these countries have been in crisis mode for decades, for Italy, after some 15 years of real economic growth from the 1960s to the 1970s, the economy there was always in “crisis mode”, go figure, and yet their level of wealth remains sky high compared to at least a hundred other countries and it will take 100 years for entire continents to reach their puny level of “middle class” wealth, so what gives ? maybe growth is a limited concept from the outset ? maybe a country cannot grow past a certain point structurally ?

And this comparison with Germany and such, well inequality exists, some areas are economically stronger than others, after all Germany fought the entire WWII against the whole world all by themselves, they have always been an economic powerhouse, so what is it with this idea that every country must be as economically as strong as Germany ? doesn’t make sense, you cannot eliminate inequality from the outset, and you can’t make believe that every country or area must become a first class economic region.

It is as if all the states of the USA must become like Silicon Valley, now what sense does that make ? how is that possible ? so Alabama and Kentucky must all become like San Francisco and silicon valley and startups etc. otherwise they are failed economic entities, etc. How idiotic can you get ?

Hey vlad, be your own queer, you don’t need another body, jackass. What a jackass always fighting this imaginary battle against niggers, how crazy can you be ?

Information Particles

Compare the extension and size and the amount of Matter Information occupies with regards to the external macro world. While the macro world with all of its cars, streets, trees whatever are the words, the tags, the categories, the entities information works upon, detaches from, denotes from to create a sequence of abstract symbols that become independent of the material world and can have any possible space and time occupied to express itself (but information as such is independent of space and time and can theoretically, in the limit, occupy zero space and time, as information is a pure mathematical and abstract entity, it is a pure Information Relationship, a formula so to say, a relationship independent of the substrate the information is grounded upon) occupies space and time and is made up of so much irrelevant noise compared to the tags they create (a rock is made up of millions of details and atoms, but it ends up being just a 4 letter word and used just as a pure mathematical entity, a relationship within our language and thought processing system), information is invisible, occupies in theory no space and no time. What a contrast.

But that is why we (our or mine or its ? as usual ? Man Brain) are so much excess capacity ourselves because we are information machines containing a never ending probably infinite amount of information chunks, potential information relationships etc. while the material substrate of it all is heavy and limited.

The limits of matter as it tends to information, the conversion of matter to information, the new Einstein formula for the “information to mass matter converter” or the “matter and mass energy to information converter” …


When you finally get something the value of that something becomes zero, we are always a contradictory machine, or sometimes the value may become even greater the more we have the same thing (you can extend the example to all possible items and narratives and entities), so maybe you bought that new car and the next day you are totally indifferent about it (or maybe angry, even worse off than before you had it, anything as the mind will find a million ways to self torture itself, etc.), but then maybe you will become ever more attached and end up thinking about it always more until it becomes the only possible thing that exists, a total obsession (you are hoping to lose it so you have an excuse to mourn and self torture yourself with regret, and hoping that the past would come back knowing it will never and so crying to yourself, etc. you get the idea).

But even better, you can switch back and forth between something being 100 % important to zero importance in a jiffy (or forget and remember something, or forget to remember, or make up false memories, or make up anything you want, it is all a lie), or create associations, cause and effects in you mind that something is important and valuable exactly because you cannot get it, or maybe only because you can get it and all of the intermediate steps. You will always want that that is impossible to get only to fantasize it, and make it become this impossibly metaphysically high entity when it is only a pure turd, like everything, nothing has value, all is zero, a pure turd. Amen.

Every new configuration of bits our mind is merged in creates a new environment, a new box against which to compare all other boxes we remember (and especially all of the older and previous Information Relationships, imagined or remembered feelings/pains/pleasures or whatever), the comparison, the new reference system, the new situation as compared to the previous or older or even that of 10 years ago, etc. You worked in place A, now you work in place B and you compare, and the new B becomes the new reference system against which to compare all, every new event is a new world, a new reference system, all of the previous ones are nulled, on longer applicable, only applicable as remembered.

Every new event is a new starting point for random actions and reactions, you never know, it never knows, nothing knows, not even after the fact, not even knowing knows.

The sequence of events as the sequence of new reference systems, ever changing and all the values meanings changing, and so on, you take a trip to BRAZIL and then compare all to that, but since there are an infinite number of possible new reference systems, new trips, and even more so, there are infinite number of possible comparisons you can make between the last trip and any other place - situation, compare BRAZIL to JAPAN or to San Francisco or to whatever you remember (and remember memory is vague, flawed, or did we just make up all of those memories, etc.) there are an infinite number of relative reference systems ( the new wife compared to the old ? and so on) then reference systems are inherently relative, all is a comparison and relative, there are no absolutes, only quirks, random, chance, fluke and arbitrary, nothing solid here, it all can be changed.

That is why people need religions, to hinge themselves on something solid, but it is destined to fail because god wanted it this way, wanted a vague impossible world for his turdy and pukey creation of Man Brain…

As in always changing emotions and feelings about something, the constant change, the constant jumping around all over the place, the feelings, decision on what to feel is never clear, vague, doesn’t know what to feel or what it wants, ever changing vague, right and wrong, A or B and A and B and so on, nothing knows what it wants because nothing and everything is always changing his mind forever…


Please scroll over the following block of text.

Every configuration of bits (complete environment a Man Brain obtains and is instantaneously experiencing from a set of signals from its sense organs (and also the complete set of internal sensations, and all of the simultaneous comparisons operating in parallel with its memory and all the rest)) can transit, navigate, follow a path to any other possible configuration no matter how far away, different, completely different according to how it randomly is pushed there by a mix of external forces and internal will power forces, by a path of new events and configurations setting the stage for another new configuration and event set and paths and so on. Of course the intermediate steps to go from configuration A (trip in BRAZIL ? or more concretely walking down some random street in BRAZIL) to configuration M (a small visit to the local cemetery in NJ ?) may be many separate steps, maybe 10 maybe a trillion or maybe even just one, and the path may be completely random intermediate configurations or it could be, as we usually expect a smooth transition from one situation to the next according to logic, cause and effect and the laws of physics: but there can be trillions of paths that go from point A to point M, and for any point A and any point M there are trillions of possible paths. But we use our Will Power to try to guide the trip, the transformation, the travel from A to M, and we are constrained by the laws of physics that limit which paths can be taken, and at what speed, etc.

But since there is a path that can bring you from any configuration to any other no matter how far out and improbable, a new modified Man Brain knows that there is a path that can bring you from any configuration to any other, so then it simply assigns the configuration it wants on the fly without following any paths like we must follow because we are constrained by our body, and the laws of physics and the contrasting set of other will powers and forces interdicting our desire to reach a given configuration. Or it may desire to follow a very quirky random path visiting many intermediate configurations that furnish a very random set of experiences and sensations, or even a smooth path, and anything else, and it may decide to make some will powers oppose it (but may force itself to always win the confrontation ? or does it want to play the guessing game ? or does it want to see if it can win by itself and accepts any new paths that are imposed because it chose to play closer to how our reality works ?). Of course this modified brain must be carefully designed with a very precise simulator of reality and maybe it can be done in a few decades, but then again does it matter how precise the information set is when all you really want is an experience ? and so the precision can be also very low but the Information Relationship creating the equivalent Experience is just enough for that Man Brain to have exactly the experience it wants, especially when you modify the variable C (of being convinced that something is real) in the mental computer program from our everyday 70 % to 95 % even if a set of signals are totally false (and maybe 100 % unrelated ?, an experience that is independent of the set of signals representing it ? hmm…).

Like when one thinks that a set of behaviors and actions and activities and choices mean so many different things (other people performing them or yourself or a group or an interaction between so many people performing them, etc. cross information groups are communicating to each other, etc.) when they are all disjoint, or you are completely misunderstanding what they mean (but the information itself may misunderstand itself and so on in an infinite recursion. Regrets, self torture ? always and ever (never ?), you will always have a deeper and deeper guilt complex and you will never be ok, oh you should have done this or that, oh what a mistake, just that one decision could have changed everything, oh, how I want to go back to that one decision point or action point or behavior in that circumstance (but as Buddhism teaches, you may go back change your path only to get into a worse path and even worse and more regretful and even more guilt complex plagued reality, etc.) and more importantly the idea of having made a mistake in the past implies that there is an external reality operating: nothing further from the truth, reality is just an instantaneous configuration of bits with our memory of the past conditioning, falsifying and inhibiting (opposing resistance to) the possible new configurations that could be activated, memory as an interdiction towards new configurations of bits), but maybe all is always misunderstanding all, all signals falsify and create a fake language and narrative that means something completely different and again even that meaning becomes another narrative meaning something completely different forever until you get lost forever…

Wow, what a boatload of drivel, trype and self delusion…

From: … more-22636

“Thus bankers, by loaning out the money they create for nothing, gain a mortgage on future production of real world goods and services.”

Or are trying to force the world to produce many more goods and services than the world needs or can even absorb, are trying to force and make believe the economy is much richer than it is, but especially, much richer than it can possibly be structurally. In order to compensate the trillions and trillions of dollars of debt and fake money the banks created you would need so much real work and goods and services that there is no way that is is realistically possible.

Add in optimizations and the Technological Economy killing jobs structurally and you have a recipe for insanity and disaster.

Another reason why the only solution is free salaries and homes: since the banks created free money, then they must distribute all the free money, freely, since the machine is crashing, is a logical contradiction, can’t work any other way any more.

Like when you think someone did something for a given reason while the reason was completely different or there was no reason at all. Constant misunderstandings, constant guessing games, you would never have imagined the real reason for him doing that, etc. Always a surprise, and do “real reasons” even exist ? aren’t all reasons hiding other reasons and new reasons and aren’t the reason being invented on the spot, or are some been going on for decades ? etc. I forgot what I forgot but remembered what I forgot but forgot if I remembered what I forgot to remember.
And everyone thinks that there are all different reasons for the same things, but everything is hiding everything, no synchronization here, everything a total mismatch, an embarrassing mismatch and total misunderstanding of all with all ?

And when you see an item, and then see it slightly differently again, and see it yet differently again in a never ending change of perception, ideas or reason ? all change, vague, and rock solid clear and true…

Please scroll over the following block of text. But please waste your time boys and girls you all got your “work” cut out for you today…study it all carefully, JHK will test you on it…

Isn’t it interesting, when you talk to someone who is talking about something, and they are concentrated on that “something”, it is almost as if they are talking to the “something” or themselves, or their capacity to reason, the narrative that they are talking about becomes the real person to whom which they are talking to so to say, they are actually showing off their capacity to reason, as if the person in front is invisible or just a tag or just a design used as an excuse to express a sequence of symbols, a block of text, as if we were all just blocks of potential texts walking around and mixing and matching threads of logic, interacting threads of logic, with a sprinkle of free will possibly “contradicting” some logical threads (but the logical contradiction is always a proxy for a deeper urge to simply beat the other person up, as in man is a fight, or maybe not that extreme, but simply to contradict and approve and mix and match in a never ending vague game of guessing and “we are the same”, or no “we are different on this” and so on, always changing ideas, subjects, issues, a game of interactions, and actions and reactions, the “Human Relationship Game”). But even more interesting is that if the same block of text is output from a pretty face, then it seems to be “more interesting”, it acquires a completely new property; you get confused between the pretty face and the text, but at that point maybe you don’t really care about the text anymore, you are “thinking about” something else, and so on. And how many indirections and thinking about other things can be going on, how many levels away and deep, and lost forever ? and reciprocally thinking of something else, two people or more all talking, distractedly but all thinking of many other things, subtle confusions and mix and matches and changes of perceptions and so on.

And just one bit, one small mistake, one change in perception and the other person can be digitally put in a category, can be extremely simplified as good or bad, no turning back, nothing you did in the past will ever change the final judgment, that subtle phase transition that that one bit mistake provoked, etc.

As in when you see another person and that person remains a mystery that kind of ticks you off until he finally opens his mouth and says something and you can finally possibly classify or determine or define what and where in the never ending sea of logical threads he stands, it is comforting to know that you can know where the person is in the “Debate Space”, in the “Information Space”; the space of possible configurations. But it is cool to see so many anonymous thugs in large cities, all mystery, not talking to you or not saying anything, and that is why you feel lost and threatened and so on. A total mystery until some cue, any clue is hinted so that you try to guess what is going on his mind…

Like when you think about some very complex issue, situation for years and plan and consider and then finally when you reach a decision point you just do something random and throw away years of pondering and meditation and planning. Like when you wanted that car for years, but then, just when you can have it, or just because, from one second to the next, you don’t want it anymore, you completely forget your obsession, nay, you hate it you torture yourself for having “wasted so much time” on that object of desire, and so forth.

All vague, all change, all weird, no stability here, all odd actions and reactions, always changing perceptions, radical changes in a moment, and the same old “what was I thinking ?” game, when you were never thinking anything because there is no thinking to do, we are just a chain reaction fooling itself into thinking that “it has control”. Constant regrets and torments for an imagined future when there is no future, not even imagined, only wild random pure chance that not even the laws of physics and god himself know what is going on.

Like when you want to be in another person’s shoes, you imagine that his condition is so much better when in all truth, he is probably even more unhappy then yourself, but you would never know, you just project what you imagine his advantage is in your fantasizing. Like when you want something, but what you really want is the memory of something, so that you can confirm that you had that something (a trip to BRAZIL for example) so you can think that you have achieved, you have obtained what your will power wanted, you want that chunk of memory confirming reality, and better if confirmed by other independent people, but mostly you need a memory confirmation to activate the circuit that has “I am happy”, I did this", or “I have had this”, or “I have this”, and so on. As if there is something “keeping score”, as if the score will last and is even important. Nothing and no one is keeping score, scores don’t exist, numbers don’t exist, all is a ghost. But we delimit all events within time and by making events pass time we always win and achieve: the goal is to pass time, find ways to be unaware of time, else if you were aware of every second, each second would become longer and longer and we would live an eternity and get bored to death.

why does a chunk of matter need to know what another chunk of matter is feeling or doing, why do we need to be confirmed, why are we always monitoring how much pain/pleasure another chunk of matter is obtaining, why do we talk and communicate to another independent will power chunked of matter ? to be sure that something has something in common with us ? to feel part of ? but part of what ? part of our own imagination ? our envy ? jealousy, or what ? A chunk of matter wants other chunks to be similar to itself so as to feel confirmed and comfortable and defined, hinged upon something solid, so all the talk, communication, importance of cell phones and Internet, you name it.

It all goes back to the problem of absolutes and relatives, we want absolutes but the Universe is all relative, hence undefined, not clear, vague, dangerous, iffy, at all times, and our very structure of mind, our very will power, the very structure of Matter and Mass Energy is trying to guess itself, is playing jokes on itself, is playing an obscene guessing game with itself, and always guessing wrong, always being dead wrong on everything. Matter is always telling lies to itself because only lies exist in the Universe, it is impossible to tell itself anything else…

Wow, what a boatload of drivel, trype and self delusion…


Like p*rn, interesting to see the image to instinct converter, why it is so intriguing, maybe because it activates the circuit in between parallel to serial, parallel sense organ inputs associated to a sequential logical path (along with morality, rules, laws, other emotions/feelings whatever). So do we “fall in love” with our instinct, with the image of the pretty, or with ourselves, are we intrigued by how instinct is captured by picture, or something around there. And does a pretty face that talks associate and denote and indirection and symbol to something else ? is the indirections adding up, is everything mixed, along with will power challenges and games, a never ending recursion of guessing games, never to be sure of any outcome not even after 100 years (being sure brings boredom). Why women must be stupid (or pretend to be ?)…

Like every moment everything must be reconstructed from scratch, every new configuration of bits (in mind and in external reality ?) must be reproduced, a completely new creation, a new big bang, every instant a new universe, who knows what is next…

On the variable C (being convinced of the reality of something variable)



“Therefore no stretching of space or black hole travels are necessary to travel in time, only the creation of the equivalent information relationships. It is just as real, as real isn’t defined, real is just how much you are convinced that it is real and since you can never be convinced 100 % of something and not even 0 %, the variable C (convinced) is a number greater than zero and less than 100, then any number is equivalent and equally true.”

“So there, give me my nobel prize. C, “the degree of being convinced variable” is the real secret, this variable defines reality, you can change it, just assign it, it is done and true. I went to 1950 NJ, and then to 2400 Mars, and they told me this, that is how I learned it. You can also travel in space, as all locations are just a different configuration, so even the speed of light is exceeded. Now go to the other galaxy and come back, and go to 5 trillion years in the past and future, have fun.”

What is the next action reaction between two people encountering, it is the quirk sum of what they remembered of the person, or what they imagine; sometimes a person generates always the same reactions and activates always the same circuits, sometimes it is completely random, sometimes a person is just a standard set of memorized reactions having a standard meaning and region of interaction, a given delimited interaction space only for that person.

It will be discovered that the real nature of the universe is purely metaphysical: like how will the universe end, what is its large scale structure ? cyclical or just a big bang and then it withers away ? So what difference does it make ? a set of frequencies that interact and match and mismatch to create reality then nothing else.

So either picture, you end up looking at the whole only metaphysically, nothing else you can do with it, but meditate it from a metaphysical point of view, which mean simply what it means to “us”, that is this very arbitrary, random and fluke design of Man Brain…

Better Nothing or Something ? Better Nothing. Is this all there is to life ? Yes, limit your desires, limit life to a few bits, you will be happier, kill thoughts and memory. Amen.

Can we control what we think ? (and why we ? the generalized chunks of matter that resemble my man brain ? people are all chunks of matter in this philosophy), no we are driven by random, the mind can’t control what it thinks. Self delusion, lie to yourself, and yet the more you lie to yourself and you know it is lying, the more you delude yourself and feel rage and angry and a sore loser and a pissed of loser, and a failure (this is the new normal) the truer that lie becomes, the more valid, reality is directly proportional to the self delusion, to the intensity of the lie: you can’t do anything else but lie to yourself always. If you can’t get from combination of bits A to C, then associate (a one to one correspondence) that combination to one where you can perform the previously impossible path ( a simpler path F to Y , a projection, a mkae believe, but then you may not ever be able to do the simpler F to Y, but the original A to C and you hose yourself again, go figure) making believe that it is A to C.

And what reaction can you expect from the encounter with another person (chunked out matter carved into a man brain) ? any reaction, the reaction is unknown not only to that other person, but also your own, you may become indifferent or angry or run away or anything, the other person doesn’t know what reaction to have as all is always a test, a guess, combinations of bits in brains colliding and not knowing at all what the resulting new combinations will be.

But most likely, near indifference, nothing at all, very little excitement or change, just boredom, no really new thing to guess here. Encounters are mostly huge letdowns because our expectations are always too high maintenance, we are excess expectations aside from excess capacity from the outset. Be letdown, accept total letdown and free your mind. And many people create simply repetitive patterns in their everyday encouters, simplify life, a comforting repetition where everything is perfectly planned, but any slight change may become allarming a threat ?

And notice how words (or thought paths, pictures, behaviors, whatever) become alive, sometimes as you talk about things, the words become more and more real strangely, they become associated with deeper past feelings/emotions/pain/pleasures even though they are independent and probably have nothing to do with anything at all. That is why we can write the same drivel over and over again and it always looks new, even if it is exactly the same, it is always 100 % new because our man brain and universe has transitioned into a slightly new combination of bits creating a 100 % new creation, new big bang, new universe, infinitely different from anything before, completely new feelings, go for it man, it is all false, man, repeat.

There is a large impedance mismatch (use complex words, make the concepts vague, make it fancy and hard to understand so that it looks deeper than what it really is) between what we expect, how we imagine something to play it (and how the other person, group or machine or whatever imagines and plans how something will play out) and what really happens on the ground: what happens is always random, a fluke, you would never have expected that outcome, etc.

That is cool,our fantasizing is always just theory and pretty pictures, reality bites back, shows us who the boss is, contradicts us for fun, and all our expectations and plans and what we hope is thrown down the toilet where it belongs: so go on, plan something new, it will never play out like you expect, and even if it did, you would keep on planning new games until you lose, since what we really are all after is the loss, we want to mourn, we want to complain, we want to be unhappy as that defines our steady state (and so we have an excuse to fight back and beat someone up, as an imaginary detached abstract will power opposed our desires) it will never be ok, even if you won all everyday for a trillion years, the last second, the very last one and only loss will cancel all your wins because reality is simply the very present instantaneous configuration of bits and what it means, etc.

Life is not only not worth analyzing, it is not worth living, we must change how Matter undergoes Experience by changing the Observer, the design of the observer, shove it down the toilet and use the very toilet as a new brain, as in brainium, all could be a potential brain…


From: … ent-108055

Why was I so happy when I was a little boy (and why should anyone give a sh*t ?) ? I could draw my cars and play in the backyard in the suburbs while mommy cooked, I could imagine my science fiction world (back then science was the future, now it is a sin) and I always played around with fake new brains decoding the world in wild fun ways, colorful ways even when I was five years old, go figure. And no one wanted to play with me, they didn’t like my games. And I didn’t like other people, they all sucked for me and still do, why on earth are they different from me !!! why and how is this even possible ??? how I hate all their guts and the world’s gut for being not how I want it!!! go figure…

What happend along the way ? how did I become this sad, sad huge piece of turd ? how did I degrade in time ? who knows…eat, drink and be merry, life is a bitch and god doesn’t exist…

"Overpopulation and balkanization lowers the quality of life.


This is another CFN “truism” that never gets challenged. I am here to challenge it. "

That should have been eat, drink and be merry, life is a bitch and then you die…

I have been always challenging the overpopulation myth, for me we can easily handle thousands of trillions of new skyscraper builders and oldsmobile builders…