Women Cause War

My pain killers work. But do yours???

If I say things are true about women, and they are true for women, like Kriswest, then what more do you want? Ohhhh, you want me to convince you?

You’re already convinced. All you need to do is experience, and remember. I have no doubt that you’re convinced.

:laughing: :laughing: Hon, i said you are partially right not all the way, just a couple of things does not make a whole.

It all boils down to nesting and genetic survival, not competing. We may be “civilized” but within us, our primal instincts still drive all people into actions and thoughts that are not civilized. In many ways our civilization has forced instincts to show up in abnormal ways.

It seems to me a key point in T’s formula is that women control men, and completely, and men do not control women. I think that’s just silly. These days a woman can buy a gun and equalize physical strength, but for most of our history, if we are to believe him, women have managed to control men and hurl them into the worst possible experiences - war - despite not being in positions of power in the Church, State or Business. So through the mere presence of their bloodlust and their manipulation of men - who must be both stupid and lacking in free will - women are the prime movers of history.

You’d think women would have also gotten men to be the ones who clean around the toilet.

Yours like his is melodramatic and yes his is has truth. women do control and manipulate the male. Buuhh duuh… Gee all species the male is led around by his hormone sniffing head. the fanciest noisest cock gets the hen/s. The females rule the roost though, not the rooster. The Rooster follows the lead hen not the other way around. The human female says “I want a nest” Horny human male will go get her the biggest best darn nest he can anyway he can. The female knows this. Once the nest is set up, the female claims it as her home and the male best wipe his feet. The female cares not if another female’s nest is taken as long as she gets the nest for herself. but this goes for most species on this planet. the cocky little male rooster will brag about his prowess in order to breed. It is all simply genetics and nesting.

LOL, Mo just got owned by a woman, Kriswest. :banana-dance:

Bow down to the superior argument…that would be mine in case you missed it. :banana-linedance:

Looks like this thread got moved because it pissed off the liberal, socialist, and conservative right wing regulars of this website despite evolutionary psychology studying biological behavioral patterns being very observant.

Mo remember that one thing I said about women loving watching men get humiliated, trampled, and even killed off by other dominant men? Well, that applies to philosophy, reasoning, and argument too. So Kriswest taking my side over you demonstrates how you’ve been thoroughly owned here, in this thread. That’s what is so funny! When a woman picks a side…in this case my side…it’s through a relationship of TRUST and CONFIDENCE. Kriswest has trust and confidence in my posts. That’s why she picks me, not you.

If it came down to it, she would “nest” with me over you. It’s because she trusts me more than you, CONFIDENCE.

This is the third time I’m telling you this, but, perhaps it will sink in now that you’re more thoroughly humiliated and embarrassed. It only verifies what I’ve already claimed as true. Women love violence…when not directed at them. If violence is directed according to what women want, even if that means executing other women and children, then a woman can and will agree to this. Women just want men that they can have some control over.

There are reasons for that too. But I’m not going to share these reasons with you, until you get off the ground and wipe yourself off.

Thank you for pointing out the obvious contradictory behavior, Mister Walker. I’m glad somebody else noticed. :slight_smile:

I think i may vomit over here in my corner. Dude, no way nohow nuuh uuh,nope God no hell no would i ever ever ever think about even being with you. You just aint got the cock. No i did not agree with you I said you had some truth. I did not side with you. I sided with truth not you. Your post is wrong about women loving violence , its a crock and very melodramatic. Women love a provider , a partner that won’t leave them hanging with 15 crying brats, a man that can love and care for the nest and provide the nest. She is not at all concerned how it gets done , just get it done. It is the male that chooses violence because he is horny, and wants to prove he can swing his dick in a great big circle. thats it thats all. A man wants to, (even though he thinks he is monogamous), attract more females. That is his choice his own doing, the females don’t care how it all gets done, just do it.


Women love violence and you know it, Kriswest. You know it, because it sexually arouses you if it occurs. But it does only occur when a woman is worth fighting over. So it doesn’t happen to all women, but, a select minority of sexually attractive or very valuable women. Some women are worth dying for. Others aren’t. The ones that are worth dying for, know that they love violence, and want to see much more men, women, and children die in their name, in their vanity. Women are this shallow. Men aren’t. Men are the ones who dislike war, because we are the ones who fight and die in it. No women, no wars.

Women could stop war and violence on Earth if you really wanted to…but you don’t. So this proves the fact. :smiley:

ROTFLMAO, yea, right. And hetromen love football, a homoerotic sport if ever I saw one.
If a female stands to the side of two males fighting over her, yes she is invested in the outcome, yes there are perverted females who do get turned on by that crap. but the natural one just kicks back waits for the right one to finish , then goes off with him. She wants the most suitable provider for her nest, thats it no more, no drama nothing… prove you are the best and you get the nest.

Why do you keep agreeing with me, Kriswest?

Football is not representative of male violence. And yes, football is for homosexuals. I agree with you about that. Male violence is more about fist fighting, and death is usually involved. If death is not involved, or the threat of death, then it’s not true violence. Most violence has become removed or sterilized in western culture. We are breeding sons into becoming little pussies. This isn’t going to bode well for western history in the end. If you raise an army of pussies and homosexuals, then it’s just a matter of time before your lands are conquered and your women raped. History will demonstrate this fact for me.

Women like you, Kriswest. Maybe you are not the type of woman valuable enough to be fought over??

We are in agreement. You should not continue to pretend like you’re not on my side, and that you don’t fully back me when it’s obvious you do.

I know you agree with me, and the entire forum does know this too. You’re mine, because I have the better arguments, the better philosophy. The truer philosophy.


Posters like Mo_ are jealous that Kriswest is on my side rather than his.

But if your philosophy is dominant, and truest, then women will agree with you, as Kriswest continues to agree with me, especially against her will as if she had a strong will. :wink:

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: At least you got the comic part right in your name :laughing: :laughing:

Laughter is the medicine of the Gods. But then again…so are tears. :confused:

of course, I agree. I can’t see my post as melodramatic, I am challenging an extreme idea: that women control men, end of discussion. I would never argue that women don’t manipulate or that some significant percentage are attracted to violent men or soldiers, etc. It’s his blanket blame of women for war I find ludicrous.

If I post saying women do not manipulate men and have no responsibility for bad things, that’s melodramatic. And loopy.

Sure, but saying ‘women cause war’, period, is just silly.

I’d say it’s because the statement is largely gibberish yeah there’s some truth of course women have had influence in certain wars, but the Idea that people only fight wars because of women is stupid.

Resorting to a battle of the sexes is trite. If women cause war it’s because men are weak. Both sexes are f*cked up. Thesis and antithesis if you’re willing to be honest. Leave your ego out of it.

Trajic, I think you just like being dominated by women. There are men who spend their life fighting and a thought of a woman wouldn’t even cross their mind. It has to do with self-concept, and yours comes from a woman.

Women are not heartless, but mindless. The reason they want wealth is to satiate their need. Women are easily bored and require greater and greater stimulation (hedonism.) They are mentally unstable. This is why they dont marry needy males, because they dont want anyone to touch a slice of the pie but themselves. The ideal situation for a female is to marry a mangina who works 24/7, rarely has sex with her and provides her with an infinite amount of pie and can take a large amount of emotional abuse/turmoil.

This thread of Traji’s, is basically a fail, but he or she has had 3 years to improve their philosophy, so I’m open to their comments. Still, I linger on what gender Traji is, I am not sure. Kris said she wanted the cock, so perhaps Tra-ji is a Tra-ni, post-op (no cocko.)

The reason this thread is rubbish is because Traji more or less posts weak truths and half truths. For example, if Traji would take the time to observe chimpanzee mating behavoirs, he would see that fistfights are not “to the death.” Also, wars are not fought for females, it is something chimpanzees due. Tribe on tribe violence is a seperate mechanism than interpersonal duels over women, which happen often and are nonfatal. Rest assured, in a male only tribe of chimpanzees, violence would surely occur.