Definition of God?

All meaning is “beyond definition,” but that doesn’t make definitions useless or of no value. God, like any other word, is used to signify meaning and the word itself (which you might think of as a sign) can certainly be defined in various ways. It is possible to define God just as it is possible to define spirit, love, trust, confidence, etc. These words are not the things in themselves they signify, they are just our way of trying to share and express meaning.

It begins becoming possible by first understanding what the word means in the first place.
THEN trying to explain it in an unambiguous and comprehensive manner.

There is probably no such thing as a “completely unambiguous” explanation; there is only the sufficiently unambiguous.

What a word means can’t be expressed in an analytic fashion but by using other words. That is insufficient for replicating the full dimension of meaning(s) that we personally experience.

Yeah but a completely ambiguous word is meaningless. So if God is completely indefinable, then the word means nothing. But some people affirm god in a non-specific way. They never say what they mean by God. Because of the traditional and psychological connotations of the word God can produce a reverent mood. Politicians use the word God in this sense to produce the feeling in their listeners that they are serious and morally trustworthy.

I can’t make any sense of this – not to say it is either meaningless or completely ambiguous, but – what would a completely ambiguous word be like and why is it completely ambiguous? Completely indefinable? Same thing. I think that’s bologna. All words forge meaning. That is why they are used. It’s impossible for them to be meaningless.

The refusal to define or specify God so as not to emphasize such an analysis does not entail that God is a meaningless or indefinable word. ?

EDIT: My connection to ILP is intermittently failing. I’ve been experimenting and I’m not having any problems with other sites. Is there something wrong with the site right now? About every other refresh I get an error and I won’t get a successful refresh for about 1-2 minutes sometimes.

I want someone to define pain. Oh wait, you can’t do it without using a word that is synonymous for it, or blue, or consciousness. In fact, the whole point is that it’s what is called “simple” that you can’t define it, really. You can only define complex things. But Al-Kindi has an interesting take on this as well. :open_mouth:

I suspect you are too immersed in the trees to see the ocean.

Ambiguous” refers to a word, phrase, or sentence that could have had a multiplicity of intended meanings, not being able to discern which was intended at the time.

Metaphor is a common source for ambiguity.
Did he mix a metaphor intentionally? Was their relevant meaning in saying, “ocean” rather than, “can’t see the forest for the trees”?

An ambiguous word definition;
“Affectology” == Current systems.
Does that mean “contemporary systems in use”? Or systems involving electrical current? Or current as a generic flow of any kind?
And what kind of systems? Government? Physical? Emotional? Mental?

“God” == The Creator.
Does that mean the original creator of the universe? Or any creator of a world, such as a social engineering group?
Perhaps it means any creator of anything…?
And creator to what degree or extent?
Is it referring to creating out of nothingness? Or creating an order from a chaotic state? Or perhaps just creating one thing from another?

“Total ambiguity” refers to so many possible meanings that almost anything could have been meant and thus no meaning is discernible. Thus the word, or its use, was “meaningless” = “undefined”. The “refusal to define” can render a word meaningless. But that says nothing of the intended meaning or the existence of the entity or concept involved.


I would say you are missing my point.

Yes, thanks, but we have been talking about whether the word God can be defined by the individual himself. We are not talking about whether God can be an ambiguous word. Yes, of course, God can be used ambiguously, but that doesn’t entail that the word itself is inherently ambiguous, i.e. (or) indefinable.

Basically, where the confusion begins is with Felix’s statement: Yeah but a completely ambiguous word is meaningless.

This needs to be clarified. When we find that the ambiguity of a statement rests on a particular word, is it accurate to say then that the particular word is meaningless? No. That a word was not used in a sufficiently clear manner does not make the word itself meaningless. And how anybody reasons that a word is indefinable is…beyond me. It seems impossible according to what I know about language. Hence my saying to Felix “I can’t make any sense of this.”

Well yes, I didn’t look back to see who was confused about which issue… apologies.
But at least now he knows why what you just said is correct. :wink:

I’m pretty sure that comes from the recent “confusing the map with the terrain” syndrome.
Very many people have fallen into the mind trap (especially the younger crowd) of accepting the word itself as the object.
That is where we are getting all of the,
so if I define the word differently, then your logic using it doesn’t work. So obviously logic doesn’t always work.

[size=150]The WORD is NOT the CONCEPT!![/size]

Not that shouting it gets them to hear it any better. :confused:

Leave it to a bunch of analysts to over reach, over think and create a muddy pond where there is no need.
defining God is up to you. it is up to me it is up to each person. Your definition will not be mine. To some the perfect bananna is green, others yellow, still others prefer the fruit to be brown before peeling it and consuming it. Your definition is personal as is mine as is all the others here. Would you have someone tell you how to feel? Would you prefer to be that controled?

i agree kriswest…now what do you think about going after the real god…that would be what we discover
in nature with very hard evidence…we need to move on…we need to shed the false gods because they are causing more problems than helping…

Well, what if you considered the source of the definition: humans. And while our creativity sets us apart, our needs and vulnerabilities unite us. Definitions about God therefore vary in many great details but something remains that connect them. It is an appeal to a higher perspective and obtaining it gives man a measure of control.

i believe in the real god… and if anything i have lost all control…

False gods again? Turtle my friend would you put a person to death for believing in their God? Its their God, not yours not mine. Just because it is not ours does not mean its false. Left handed people were killed , punished or forced to use their right hand only. Just because right handed people out numbered them and the common belief was , lefthanded folks were evil. what you suggest is on the same level. You wish to remove freedom.

kriswest----no no no no violence…no getting rid of people…but lets not accept santa as a real person but as a pleasant diverson at xmas…

Everything, but it has agency and consciousness.

A definition of God ought to include the notion of maximal greatness. Otherwise, one would seem to be holding to be “God” that which is not.

Are you aware of what just happened over in Afghanastan? The Koran was burned by US soldiers , a complete act of stupidity. Now violence. You cannot destroy a religion without war of somesort. Beliefs are not something we give up lightly. Gods are a part of the person’s soul, a part of what makes them unique, what makes them get up in the morning. To try and remove it is viewed as an assault. You may as well stab or beat the person or e ven kill them outright. Gods are a part of a person just as family is. Preach peace not removal of gods, preach acceptance not falseness. accept that gods are real to the people in question and then work for peace.