Cultural Enrichment

An Imam in Sydney refers to Australian women as ‘cat meat.’

Right, so what he’s really saying is that Muslim men have the self-restraint of cats, and so should hardly be considered human.

There were incidents of gangs of Muslim youths doing the same in the UK not too long ago too.

Because non Muslims have never committed any acts of violence…

There’s a characteristic of these rapes. Namely, groups/gangs organising themselves to target specific people. In these examples, Muslim gangs targeting white women, or the women of the other culture. That of their hosts. It’s not neccessearily Muslims per se (yet), but in “Western” countries Muslims count for many of the migrants. It’s an issue of multiculturalism.

And perhaps there’d be less Muslim immigration if we didn’t bomb the fuck out of any Muslim country we thought we could get away with bombing the fuck out of.

But of course, NATO killing hundreds of thousands of people in Muslim countries vs. a few Muslim gangs committing horrible crimes must mean that the Muslims are trying to take over the West, and doesn’t in any way mean the West is trying to take over Muslim countries.


What, is that some form of excuse?

No, but it doesn’t surprise me that you responded in that way. If you think in opposites, then everyone who fails to condemn people to the same extent you do is thereby ‘excusing’ them.

In context, a few Muslims raping a few people is nowhere near as big a crime as constant large scale warfare. So ask yourself, why is it presented as being so very much worse? Is it possibly because our newspaper think that raping white girls is worse than killing brown girls?

It just might be…

Why would people fail to condemn rape? And gang rape at that. snigger

If the rapes are done as a reaction against what those whiteys have been up to in the ME, then discuss it as such.

I have no idea why you’re asking me that, or sniggering.

They aren’t. I’m just putting the crimes in context vis a vis who is trying to take over what…

The wonders of multiculturalism in Australia began when Europeans came and perpetrated a whole set of crimes against the natives. Of course that is always seen as natural and inevitable actions of the good monoculturalism by people who hate multiculturalism. Always this silence on matters that reveals the racism.

Multiculturalism ideologically speaking is about globalism and the elimination of nationalism or tribalism.

I would like anybody to prove me incorrect.

It has everything to do for the set up of global government eventually.

I don’t really see what the context, or your point is. It sounds somewhat apologetic. Are we not to condemn, villify, the perpatrators in these cases just because the US and its cronies invaded a few countries. Will everything be framed according to the greater crime commited elsewhere? “Sorry, for breaking into your home, but really it’s not that big of a deal, because don’t you know, that someone somewhere is doing something worse. Thanks.”

Either way, I’d burn them all (rapists, & politicians) at the stake.

But still, the nature of these crimes hasn’t been discussed. Why in gangs? Why only white women? Why Muslims?

This thread was started as an effort to provide proof that Muslims are evil scum who are trying to take over the West.

I am arguing that some Muslims are evil scum, but that their crimes are not on anything like the same scale as perpetual war in the Middle East (where the population is mostly Muslims). Furthermore, those wars create a lot of Muslim migration to the West, and hence the ‘invasion’ of Europe by Muslims is more a consequence of the West’s attempts to take over the Middle East than the other way round.

As I say, that’s because I’m failing to condemn these gang rapists in as strong terms as others on this thread, and that is how the mentality work when one is scapegoating - anyone failing to scapegoat to the same extent and in the same vociferous terms is seen as an apologist. It’s a ridiculous attitude to have.

Condemn? Sure, why not?

Vilify? Why bother? What purpose does it serve to create demons as a focal point for hatred? Particularly when one is being asked to do that as part of a racist dickhead agenda, as on this thread?

I think a sense of scale is important. Gang raping girls is pretty fucking horrible, but it’s not gang raping and then killing, or killing and then gang raping, an entire country. As I said, the reason the former is condemned but the latter is praised appears to be due to the colour of the girls involved.

This is an irrelevant analogy and a straw man.

Stop trying to prove how tough you are, you are convincing no one.

Why only discuss the nature of these crimes? To me, it’s far more important to ask: why fight wars? Why have a permanent standing army and arms industry? Why only Muslim countries?

When did this multiculturalism start. As far as I can tell premulticulturalism tribes were being eliminated by nation states.

And tribalism is already gone, taken care of by those nations.

Gangs are sort of like small armies. So we can then place this in a context of large armies, like the ones that have been playing checkers with the Middle East for centuries. Why is this not seen as multiculturalism? Why haven’t the people who complain about multiculturalism complained about, say, US foreign policy in Latin America, where US culture and desires were imposed on other cultures? Why do the anti-multiculturalists generally defend, say, the coloniztion of North America by Europeans, even though this was the mixing of cultures, the domination of other cultures and involved rape also. It’s like multiculturalism is OK as long as our team does it, but if it involves felafel stands in my neighborhood it is a crime.

Because all this really boils down to is ‘the globalised capitalist world makes me feel dislocated, alienated, and desperate for a sense of identity. Since I am white, and that’s not going to change, I’m going to make that my identity, and be racist in the name of protecting that sense of identity’. Basically, weakness+stupidity+lack of sense of self = opposition to what we call multiculturalism.

Start those threads. The OP has clearly shown in what direction he wishes to take this. You seem to be insisting on one particular facet of the subject besides it not being the one that has been put up for discussion here.

I’m residing in a mono-culture, and its dull. I like variety a tastes. It’s just that some taste better than others.

Two of the worst being American pop-culture and Islam.

Unlike the OP, I’m not so egotistical I feel the need to start a new thread in order to try to make one point in an argument from another thread.

A racist one?

And heaven forbid anyone disagree with the opening post in a thread and take a thread in a direction that actually, y’know, bears some relation to reality rather than just being the expression of racism.

The very fact you think that ‘Islam’ is just one taste is pretty daft…

I had trouble getting exactly what your view was here. I think it is meant as critical of the view presented, but I am not sure.

I have many concerns about globalization and the centralization of power. But some of this is inevitable given changes in technology. People are going to mix more, regardless of what power is doing behind the scenes. And many people will want to interact beyond their categories. We do this.

The kind of historyless hatred in Fent’s posts, with no acknowledgement of anyone’s crimes but those with darker skins or the wrong religion, is doing a lot of damage. It implies that that answer is to hate and separate out people who are less human than us, which is much easier than dealing with those with actual power.

I get the sense you have some agreement at least with this, but I couldn’t quite place your post.