DSM V: pedo not necessarily harmful; sexual orientation

Note: ilp don’t allow links for discussion of this topic, here is my bibliographical inspirations; despite some neologisms, not really any new ideas here.

Reading list:

Marshal Rosenberg, Non-Violent Communication
Overview of ‘animal-training’ emotions.

Eckhart Tolle, Power of Now
Overview of egoic consciousness.

Eugene W. Holland, “Introduction to Schizoanalysis”
Relation of capitalism to family-unit in incest-taboo.

Carlos Allones Pérez, “Nucleus of Family and Industrial Capitalism”
Anthropological origins of family-unit and market in incest-taboo.

Freud, Totem and Taboo: resemblances between the mental lives of savages and neurotics
Patriarchy and incest-taboo as neuroticism.

“There’s a problem, not in the sex center, but in the network that all together is responsible for identifying what in the environment is a potentially sexual object. It’s almost like there’s a literal cross-wiring. Humans of course have many social instincts: they include the four-Fs, they include when you meet a person who’s an alpha male you either run away or obey them, if you’re a child there’s natural instincts for learning, if you’re a parent there’s natural instincts for parenting, when you meet sexually interesting people that’s a natural social sexual instinct. It’s as if, as if – this is a metaphor not a conclusion – there is a cross-wiring, and when the person perceives the child, the brain, instead of triggering the nurturant instincts is triggering the sexual insticts: it’s cross wired; at least that’s a very helpful way to look at it that explains the data. So it looks like in pedophiles this white-matter is under-developed so the correct set of stimuli is not triggering the correct… I’ll say correct… the correct instincts. That’s what I found.”

James Cantor, “Brain Research and Pedophilia: What it Means for Assessment, Treatment, and Policy” (my transcript; from 0:35:00)
Consider where Cantor said, “…the correct… I’ll say correct… the correct instincts.” What if, it isn’t the structure of the patriarchy that is correct, rather, the patriarchy is the one that is “cross-wired”.

Patriarchy is a form of egoic consciousness. That is, patriarchy is neurosis. Patriarchy is a conditioned system of rewards and punishments. It’s the result of the discovery of animal training culture around 10,000 BC applied to ourselves. Another way of saying egoic consciousness is “life alienating communication”, that’s the expression Marshal Rosenberg uses in his system of “Non-Violent Communication”. We can recognize egoic consciousness in ourselves when we identify with thoughts and then experience anger, anxiety, resentment, self-loathing, and so on. We can recognize it in others with a Voice Stress Analysis that detects activation of the Sympathetic Nervous System; we can also observe neurotic routines like Anxiety Disorders or Schizophrenia; we can identify triggered word choice: “but, always, continuously”; and we can also watch body language. Egoic consciousness is the system of Transactional Analysis Adult-Child games. Egoic consciousness is objective and observable. The opposite of egoic consciousness is Enlightenment, Depersonalization and Derealization, and how children, wild animals, and primitive humans live.

A long long time ago, before egoic consciousness and the patriarchy emerged, there was a different mode of living than the one we are familiar with today. The pre-tribe is a semi-mythical concept because all human societies on Earth today are patriarchies; egoic consciousness and the patriarchy didn’t really start at 10,000 BC. Freud realized by Totem and Taboo that incest-taboo was a neuroticism; but he didn’t study its origin point. Carlos Pérez suggests that incest-taboo began at 500,000 BC: his reasoning is basically that Bonobos have no incest-taboo, but we do, so… when and why did it emerge? This is important because egoic consciousness, patriarchy and capitalism are all one thing. Monetarism definitely started before out-of-Africa since every culture on Earth used “size money” (religious icons). What Perez figured out, is that incest-taboo and money have something to do with each other. The market system and the family-unit system are somehow related, that relation is their mediation though the tribal central hoard, which becomes the temple, which becomes the banks. “No money, no honey”. I guess we can trace the origins of lion-king patriarchy to Australopithecus (corroborated by max hominid sexual dimorphism at this time) when defenseless arboreal simians suddenly found themselves marooned on the Savannah and formed a brutal gang-land structure in order to survive. Just as the market system is not really a system of barter as is commonly believed, incest-taboo has little to do with gene deformity as is commonly believed. Pedophilia-taboo is to parent-child what adultery is to husband-wife: a monopoly on intimacy exchanges. Royal families tend to get chided with accusations of being incestuous because monarchism is exactly the lion-king mode of patriarchy that the incest-taboo & band-of-brothers system was meant to off-set. Incest is not as harmful as often imagined, it takes about 500 years of continuous close inbreeding just to get a slightly protruding chin (eg Hapsburgs). The notion that incest-taboo is the result of genetic deformity aversion is what Eric Berne called “Wooden Leg game”, that is, looking for material explanations for what is emotional social dynamics; sort of like how hierarchy was justified similarly by Darwinian genetic fitness.

That’s a big regression, but necessary to contextualize how sexual orientations are anti-produced from initial “polymorphous perversity”… While there never really was a time when humans lived before patriarchy, since the patriarchy is a neurosis, just like stable-vice in horses, it can never really be cured, but it can be relaxed. So horses can be put out to pasture, well fed, brushed and so on and they will stop exhibiting neuroticism; similarly, when a warm sunny millennium came, the patriarchy would relax and the Bonobo-eque form or society would reemerge. In patriarchy we see family-units, market system, and sexual-orientation with incest-taboo – in insulated tropical societies we see alloparenting, communalism, and polysexuality. The difference is lack, or more usually, perceived lack. As Foucault, or Eckhart Tolle tell us, perceived lack is the drive-belt of discipline and punish societies/egoic consciousness.

Cantor had remarked that pedophiles have the nurturing part of the brain and the sexual part of the brain “cross-wired”. In pre-tribalism, these are the same thing. I call it ‘Barbarian Pederasty’. Before the family-unit and school system, learning happened my imitation, not by discipline. ‘Barbarian Pederasty’ was the system of enculturation for millions of years, it wasn’t extinguished in Indo-European culture until 399 BC when Socrates was executed: at that point free education motivated by adult sexual attraction to juveniles was displaced by a market-based system of paid contracted pedagogues. In most mammals, the males are indifferent or hostile to the juveniles. What made humans human was male attraction to the juveniles. Pedophilia is actually the cause of humanity and civilization.

So… The reason why pedophilia becomes taboo is not because there is anything in-itself harmful about touch or intimacy between adults and children, that was going on for millions of years and still is in warm sunny places; why pedophilia is “wrong” is because of the way man, woman, and child and market economy, and family unit, and encuturation all fit together in contemporary patriarchy. Hope that makes some sense? I would add, some pedophiles might be called ‘cross-cross-wired’; that is, they are lack produced: these pedophiles are living in a patriarchy and cannot get any touch or intimacy from adult females, these males perceive themselves as lacking in their need for touch, intimacy, recognition, and so on, and turn to kids. These pedophiles can be distinguished from the polysexuals because they are motivated by egoic or neurotic lack, not by what Marshal Rosenberg called “our natural desire to enrich the lives of those around us”.

Lolita is a nasty fictional tale of patriarchal domination told from the perspective of the Man; Marguerite Duras’s The Lover is a beautiful true story told from the girl’s perspective.

“Many lay persons and professionals believe that child sexual abuse (CSA) causes intense harm, regardless of gender, pervasively in the general population. The authors examined this belief by reviewing 59 studies based on college samples. Meta-analyses revealed that students with CSA were, on average, slightly less well adjusted than controls. However, this poorer adjustment could not be attributed to CSA because family environment (FE) was consistently confounded with CSA, FE explained considerably more adjustment variance than CSA, and CSA-adjustment relations generally became nonsignificant when studies controlled for FE. Self-reported reactions to and effects from CSA indicated that negative effects were neither pervasive nor typically intense, and that men reacted much less negatively than women. The college data were completely consistent with data from national samples. Basic beliefs about CSA in the general population were not supported.”

Rind B, Tromovitch P, Bauserman R., A meta-analytic examination of assumed properties of child sexual abuse using college samples.
The recent study by Kilpatrick (1992) differs from other studies in that it includes no clinical or offender population and allows for respondents to give positive and neutral, as well as negative, responses to their childhood sexual experiences. The sample population was 501 Southern adult women who were asked to recall their childhood sexual experiences. Sixty-seven percent of the white respondents and 36 percent of the black respondents reported having sexual experiences as children. Kilpatrick found that the larger proportion of women (67%) remembered having participated voluntarily rather than involuntarily in sexual activity, and most reported having been active in initiating such activity, while a smaller proportion (33%) felt that they had in some way been pressured or forced. Thirty-eight percent of the women found their experiences to be pleasant, 37 percent neither pleasant nor unpleasant, and 25 percent found the experiences to be unpleasant. Sixty-eight percent reported having had overall positive responses to their sexual experiences…"

Floyd M. Martinson, The Sexual Life Of Children
“I had an experience with an adult man when I was hardly twelve years old but the circumstances were not such that I look back on them with horror. On the contrary, I have very fine memories of the first, though rather bizarre, acquaintance with sex, and what happened eight years ago has had no bad consequences. I have no trauma about it and have become neither oversexed nor frigid. All that happened was that I learned, at a very early age, how a man and girl can satisfy each other, and obtained practical sexual instruction by means of which I did not have to learn from a book what a naked man looks like, how he gets an erection, ejaculation, masturbation, and so on. In the circumstances that surrounded my case there was no question of rape. He was a darling, and as we say, “opportunity made the thief”[…] I look back on it now as an odd but fine first experience; in fact I liked it so much that, when I went home, I asked if I could come and “play Eva” (as he called it) again. […] It certainly has done me no harm.”

Frits Bernard’s, Paedophilia: The Radical Case
“When I was a child I experienced an ongoing incestuous relationship that seemed to me to be caring and beneficial in nature. There were love and healthy self-actualization in what I perceived to be a safe environment. Suddenly one day I discerned from playground talk at school that what I was doing might be “bad”. Fearing that I might, indeed, be a “bad” person, I went to my mother for reassurance. The ensuing traumatic incidents of that day inaugurated a 30-year period of psychological and emotional dysfunction that reduced family communication to mere utilitarian process and established severe limits on my subsequent developmental journey.”

Nelson, J. A. (1982). “The impact of incest: Factors in self-evaluation,” in L. L. Constantine & F. M. Martinson (Eds.), Children and Sex: New Findings, New Perspectives
“For the children of the Trobrianders there is no sexual repression and no sexual mystery. Their sexual life develops naturally, freely and without restraint through all periods of life, with complete satisfaction. … Trobriander society in this third decade of our century knows no sexual perversions, no functional mental illnes, no psychoneurosis, no sex murders. … Sadism, destructiveness and theft are equally absent in Trobriander culture. … And these are always cultures with a positive attitude towards sex.”

Malinowski, The Sexual Life of the Savages________

I guess Guy Ritchie called his 2005 cinematic investigation into egoic consciousness, Revolver, because as long as the trigger keeps getting squeezed, the cylinder keeps turning and turning. Recalling patriarchy is an organized system of egoic consciousness; recalling Tolle to the effect, ‘ego is the only addiction’; recalling Gabor Maté’s collection of MRI research showing monetary tasks and status symbols (i.e. capitalopatriarchy) ‘light-up’ the same parts of the brain as hard drugs use (In the Realm of Hungry Ghosts); this remark “Do you have children…” is not just a fallacy, but also only too reminiscent of the Narcotic Anonymous maxim that, “one addict can best understand another addict”.

There are two kinds of harm. One is pain, the other is anguish. Pain comes from tissue damage. Anguish comes from thinking. The example of penetrating a two year-old seems to me to be Straw Man Fallacy, because this would be the behavior of a sadist, not a pedophile. Pedophiles are interested in caressing, mutual masturbation, oral sex, or intercrural sex; not penetration of the anus or vagina – certainly not of a toddler. Masturbation or intercural sex do not cause pain; what is left of ‘harm’ then is anguish; the anguish of pedophilic sex is produced from the social structure as described above in “1”.

If you are involved in counseling work then you know the expressions “interpretation” and “your story”. I have described in “1” above my guess of how sexual orientations are anti-produced from an original polysexuality in the capitalopatriarchy. By analogy; after the enlightenment of Ramana Maharshi he mentions enjoying all foods: we all begin accepting of pretty much all tastes, then as time passes, emotional baggage accumulates and someone becomes a picky eater. The more neurotic the person or the society, the more complex their tastes become. Children, and also adults, are influenced by very subtle body language and tone of voice: few people have insight into the events and emotions behind their favorite foods and the foods they dislike.

"T1: "I do not like this dish" , then the next thought...
T2: "But I have to eat it"
T3: "I cannot bear it"
T4: "This is terrible, even the smell is horrible"
T5: "This cannot be consumed! I wonder how people ever eat this""

Tushnim Asanam, commentary on Astavakra Gita
I guess that amnesia would “prove” whether or not sexual orientation is genetic and “born that way” or conditioned. An account of a homosexual who forgot he was gay after developing amnesia is described in John & Helen Watkins, Ego states: theory and therapy, in the chapter, “Dissociation”.

That’s a nice little speech dfhsdhd, but I don’t see why youngsters need to be touched in their genital areas by anyone.

Needs work like addiction; no need is really real; a Buddha who rests beyond karma is indifferent to all needs: touch, food, acceptance, sexual expression, pride, etc. We might choose to respond to our needs as a gratuity: as a way of making the perfect Universe that needs nothing even better, we do this, if at all, to give to ourselves and others in a way that enriches life. Were someone experiencing a sense of ease, joy, fun, life-affirmingness and contribution to well being, then all is very well; whereas, were someone doing or being or having in a sense of anger, anxiety or jerkiness, clinging, grasping, seeking, or hoarding, or with vendiction, defensiveness or reactivity, then there is suffering and there is a problem.

In some Oriental cultures, because of the culture-specific values attached to the head, it is considered taboo to touch someone’s head outside special circumstances – especial a child’s head.

In some cultures, particularly Northern, because of the culture-specific values attached to the genitals, it is considered taboo to touch someone’s genitals outside special circumstances – especial a child’s genitals.

An analogy that sometimes comes to mind for me when I am wanting to understand how needs, action, and thinking enmesh is imagining an empty soda pop can dropped from a bridge: the path of least resistance is always taken, the spanners the can tings and dings off on it’s way down represent held beliefs and assumptions affecting the chosen strategy for meeting needs.

If no one rocks the boat, the slave ship can be expected to continue on it’s course indefinitely.

@ dfhsdhd
Your extensive response deserves more time than I can afford; I used to get embroiled in these kinds of discussions online and found it took up far too much time and was not worth it. So please don’t infer my lack of response to mean anything other than a recognition that, to discuss this matter with you would be futile b/c you have a certain set of beliefs that you either developed after reading people such as Tolle and the other authors listed, or you found that these authors share your already established belief system.

I have nothing against Tolle and, in fact, a number of my patients read him. I’m all for anything that can help people live a more self-actualized, healthy, productive, adaptive life that can also have positive benefits for other people. I am therefore happy that these patients have found inspiration in his writings. The same can be said for anyone who truly gets “The Big Book” and lives their life in accordance with it–rather than merely quoting from it without any appreciation for what it all really means…kind of like people who are proud that they can cite philosophers but have not really done anything in their own lives worthy of mention. So, I am not disagreeing with your perspective because people such as Tolle aren’t exactly what one would call a credible mental health professional; he’s more of a philosopher IMO and, as long as he connects his words to real actions–which he does much of the time–I have respect for some of what he states. Other stuff seems far too esoteric to be practical, hence it is fascinating but not exactly beneficial in a real-life sense.

Now, one thing that concerns me is when people find solace not in neologisms but in revisions of words that have already been defined and accepted. To take such a word and define it differently, one must be able to show that his/her new definition is superior to the existing one; merely modifying it to suit one’s own needs is not a credible endeavour. To wit:

There are two kinds of harm. One is pain, the other is anguish. Pain comes from tissue damage. Anguish comes from thinking. The example of penetrating a two year-old seems to me to be Straw Man Fallacy, because this would be the behavior of a sadist, not a pedophile. Pedophiles are interested in caressing, mutual masturbation, oral sex, or intercrural sex; not penetration of the anus or vagina – certainly not of a toddler. Masturbation or intercural sex do not cause pain; what is left of ‘harm’ then is anguish; the anguish of pedophilic sex is produced from the social structure as described above in “1”.
This involves “your” (likely derived from one of the cited authors–thank you for the list, btw) definition of “harm” and “pedophile.” How can “you” arbitrarily define a pedophile as you have? Whose definition is that? NAMBLA’s? I would argue “yes.” Only a pedophile–defined nearly universally (aside from pedophiles) as a sexual preference for children–would describe it as you have. That kind of a definition is, my friend, a rationalization–defined as a lame justification for one’s “unacceptable” thoughts, feelings, urges, motives, behaviours–for something that can cause significant harm to children. To claim that sexual intercourse with children is the act of a sadist and not a pedophile is pure double speak or manipulation of reality to suit one’s own unhealthy needs; in this case, it is unhealthy because it is causing serious harm to an innocent child.

One does not need to be a clinical psychologist to recognize an excessively rigid belief system that will not change because to do so would be to acknowledge that the person has some very serious issues that, in modern civilized society, are considered unhealthy, immoral, and mentally/sexually disordered. Nothing I nor anyone else says will change your thinking because to do so would be like changing your entire self-concept–which is too frightening of a proposition for you. Therefore, I will not engage further purely out of the realization that I would be wasting hours of my life trying to discuss something with someone who is literally incapable of seeing things any other way, lest he lose touch with his self-concept.

Along these lines, most of what you wrote is based on the opinions of certain people who appeal to you. Yes, psychology is also based on opinions; even “research” is usually simply a means of creating studies to try to support one’s opinions. So it is a matter of which opinion one chooses to hold, with the hope that the decision is based on at least some good research and/or observation of human functioning. To claim that pedophilic tendencies are at the root of civilization is a dubious leap of inference. It’s the same as Freud’s over-emphasis of sexual urges rather than “attachment” or social/nurturant needs/desires. But that brings us back to your highly subjective definition of pedophilia as a “good” thing, rather than recognizing it for the sickness it is when the urges are acted on. Yes, the “sickness” is an opinion but it also has a lot of good research, science, and clinical observation behind it.

Because of time, I will simply comment on a few simpler issue and then bid you adieu:

First, I engage in proper psychotherapy, employing a number of powerful techniques based on various orientations in which I was trained. This is very different from “counselling work.” It’s not a matter of mere semantics but education. Second, you or Ramana Maharshi are so wrong to claim we all begin accepting of pretty much all tastes. We are genetically programmed to prefer certain tastes and to avoid others because, as the theory goes, these preferences developed out of “natural selection”: certain tastes suggest the food is good for us while other tastes indicate potential harm. The same goes for smells. So if you/Ramana want to try to use such an analogy, at least be more accurate.

As for “interpretation,” “narratives” etc., yes I am well aware of these issues and lecture on them extensively. I also lecture on Freud and make reference to his concept of “polymorphous perverse.” But I also provide documents to show how much of Freud’s work in the area of sexuality was driven by his own neurotic needs and beliefs. A great source is Jeffrey Masson; although he may be one of the most arrogant men on the planet and took liberties with a number of his inferences–hence some of what he has written has been discredited–much of his work has not been adequately challenged or disproved. Don’t get me wrong: I am a quasi-Freudian (not neo-Freudian) as I have trained in several therapies based on his work, along with very different orientations/therapies as well. However, I also did my research to try to see where his claims may have been dubious and thus I am not a zealot and do not take much of what he said literally.

Again, an extensive dissertation on these issues is beyond my time, as my professional practice keeps me very busy. I have read what you wrote and, while some of it may be interesting and some of it may have merit, I am not going to waste time trying to discuss things with someone who has chosen to accept certain belief systems which are only that: belief systems–some of which may in fact be based on solid psychological, anthropological, historical, evolutionary work. But other aspects are more philosophical or theoretical opinions and perspectives that make sense to the authors and to their readers or disciples…which you could just as easily apply to my own stance I acknowledge.

Ramana Maharshi wrong? Funny story.

“Out beyond ideas…”

  • Rumi

Hmm… Sounds like sense of importance and sense of urgency: i.e. the voice of egoic consciousness is speaking.

I shall reply to you after twenty days; around about November 11th. :heart:

Dude… I don’t like people touching me full stop now… let alone when I was a child - most humans fulfil their wants and needs first, at the expense of what is best for the species… try thinking first for once. =;

re. Bonoboism [alloparenting & polysexuality] versus capitalopatriarchy; (anti-Cantor “cross-wired”);

"Oxytocin -- promotes nurturing behaviors toward children and bonding in couples...."

Vasopressin -- supports pair bonding: in men it may provoke aggressiveness toward sexual rivals."

Rick Hanson, [i]Buddha's Brain[/i]

Reminds me of the Henry Harlow monkey experiments. Infants raised without physical contact from other monkeys react violently when introduced into population and touched by another. The use of perambulators, cribs, and “independent sleeping” (Farber) in contemporary Anglo society reproduce Harlow’s experiments. Harlow concluded touch deprivation was the single most pathogenic influence on monkey development, equivalent to life-long solitary confinement. Similar conclusions from James Prescott: touch deprivation in childhood fuels war-society, see The Origins of Love & Violence.

Did anyone associated with the DSM even made such a claim?

Has anyone claimed that there is evidence in support of that proposition ?

We should perhaps stop using the term pedophilia and focus on non-consensual sex. Which has potential to cause more damage if the victim is younger.
The term pedophilia seems to be more of a value judgment then anything else.

What if a so called “pedophile” feels attraction to kids but does not act on it ? Is still a disease ? If you’re a psychologist then you probably know that mechanisms trough which people start feeling attracted to people of their age as opposed to someone younger, are not yet understood.

It seems to me the OP writer has gone off topic and is no longer writing about the topic, but defending active pedophilia where the child is sexually engaged with by the adult.

Since we previously had that interesting discussion, you of all people, Moreno, can understand my suggestion that pederasty and hominid evolution✝ are intimately connected. It’s not off-topic to understand the zoomed-out cultural milieu DSM 5 is happening in?

Since links are not allowed, persons interested in those discussions my wish to google for,

“Barbarian Pederasty”
“Incest-taboo & Capitalism”
“Aristotle & 1400 -1700g”
“Spectrum of Sexual State form”
To understand why this stuff is relevant, consider last year’s #OCCUPY movement. One of the hopes and dreams of #OCCUPY was that a new means of production will affect a radical shift in political organization: specifically the end of marshaling labor with money and the start of a Linux economy that uses computers to organize labor, sort of like a non-dictatorial Project Cybersyn. In 399 BC, Socrates was executed for “corrupting the youth” and the old system of enculturation: pederasty, was replaced with a new system: pedagogy: education based in monetarism. Deleuzoguattarianism maintains that mental illness has always only been what was required of anyone to keep-up with the flow of capital. With the proliferation of coin money, the suppression of pederasty and it’s replacement with salaried pedagogs followed. This process is still underway in the most remote areas, for example Central Asia, where currently in Afghanistan the culture of bachabaze boys is being stomped-out and the culture of universal education is arriving. However – since the development of computers has in some ways obsoleted monetarism, the pedagogic culture that was based on coinage (and war*) can’t continue unaffected. Therefore, DSM 5, which is a reflection of current cultural trends, is beginning to depathologize pedophilia.

Reading list:
:latin_cross: J.Philippe Rushton and C. Davidson Ankey, Brain size and cognitive ability: Correlations with age, sex, social class, and race
Men, women, children, barbarians, slaves, coloreds and Whites all have the same brain size.

  • David Graebers, Debt: The First 5000 Years
    Coin money was invented to facilitate military campaigning.


what I remember from that discussion is that you failed to respond to certain points and disappeared from the forum. Some of the points you failed to respond to dealt with the selective way you use bonobo behavior and human evolution. In that interesting discussion you repeatedly psycholanalyzed me, instead of addressing points. And here in this thread, you appear with a new name and do precisely what I said to Magsj which is go off your own topic. If the OP here is correct, the DSM still considers the behavior you would like to engage in or perhaps engage in as a mental disorder. I prefer to look at it as a moral issue, especially in a case where the person mounts semi-intellectual arguments to justify behavior repeatedly demonstrated to cause suffering in children. Bonoboes are polysexual, and are attracted to adult bonoboes at the very least also. So bringing them up as support for pederasty, actually only provides another angle for diagnosing such behavior as a disorder. I don’t accept the argument, but if we are going to base our sexuality on the behavior of bonoboes then the vast majority of pederasts are suffering from a disorder of some kind. They cannot seem to find sexual pleasure when the power/experience is more or less equal between the partners.

Oops. Sorry if my writing wasn’t clear Moreno. I’m using “Bonoboism” is a special way; not per say to refer to our hairy simian cousins. By Bonoboism I mean the pre-tribal mode of communal polysexual alloparenting that preceded hierarchical incest-taboo family-unit and market capitalopatriarchy. Since the patriarchy is a memetic neurotic Parasympathetic conditioned response to perceived lack, it tends to relax in warm sunny places and in times of perceived abundance. The one system is based on fear, the other on love and compassion. Since the DSM evolved from US Army manuals, it’s encouraging to see changes that seem progressive, and moving ‘back’ toward Bonoboism.

(I made a new userID because I couldn’t remember my old password.)

I ain’t no blood-clart monkey experiment so don’t presume anything about the way I was brought up, which has nothing to do with underage dealings so stop defending that position - there are enough people around of consensual age to get sexual gratification from but you are obviously blinkering yourself of that fact for your own gains, so please don’t think we are stupid enough for you to try and justify anything to us - does it make you feel better/accepted if you can justify your actions?

No, I was pre-emptively preventing such a claim HERE, as certain people will likely try to make it.

See above.

Okay, but you have to then determine at what age someone can give proper and informed consent for sex. In certain provinces in Canada, what constitutes a “child” or “ability to give consent” for various matters (not just sexual) can be 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, etc. So at what age can someone give consent? I don’t see how your approach negates this conundrum.

The mechanisms underlying most sexual processes are not well understood. We have lots and lots of theories, a lot of supposed “research” on humans and experiments using animal analogues, and many clinical experiences. And the answer is still “We don’t know” for most things.

As for your question about not acting on an attraction to “younger” people, I believe I addressed that in a previous post. To be clear, I am okay with not calling it a disorder if someone has some a predisposition but has never acted on it and having it does not cause them significant distress or impair their functioning.

re. origin of culture and humanity in pedophilia/pederasty,

“In ninety-five percent of all primate species the father does nothing for the kid… So the evolution of the size of the brain required an evolution of love… Love has been the primary driver of the evolution of our brain, certainly over the past several million years.”

  • Rick Hanson; “The Neurology of Awakening” at Unity In Marin, 2011

Okay, someone has to say it–this should not be misconstrued as my engaging further with dfetc…–I love my dog very much. I take care of him. I nurture him. I protect him. I feed him. I have a secure attachment with him. I have no urge to rub his genitals or to allow him to lick mine…

Emotionally triggered reactivity corroborates my hypothesis that the capitaliopatriarchy is a neurotic conditioned routine of the Parasympathetic Nervous System (against an earlier/relaxed Bonoboism based on gentle and compassionate communalism, alloparenting and polysexuality).

Reading list:
Lori L. Oliver et al, “Sexual Arousal and Arousability to Pedophilic Stimuli in a Community Sample of Normal Men”
9 out of 10 normal men are sexually aroused by prepubertal children; (88.7%).

One more presumption about me and I’ll lock this thread up, as you are not replying to my posts but just presuming about my state of mind whilst writing said posts… the easy option for you, I’d say.

A paradigm shift in attitudes toward pedophilia is happening now?

The old positions were entrenched and polarized; at one end were emotionally charged mob reactions like ‘he should be castrated’ or even ‘he should be hung’, while at the other end were observations such as those by academic Arne Frederiksen in Paedophilia, Science, and Self-deception: A Criticism of Sex Abuse Research that, “[v]oluntary sexual relations between children and adults do not cause any psychological harm other than the problems associated with discovery and intervention.”

These days, a moderate middle-ground position is also emerging? For example, the organization B4U-ACT is reaching out to both mental health professionals and also minor-attracted persons with a message “that persons who are sexually attracted to children can be contributing members of their communities and that they deserve to be treated with respect. All clients should be treated in a caring, non-judgmental, and respectful manner. We see minor-attracted people as whole human beings, not as dangerous criminals or “deviants.”” And that “[s]ome minor-attracted people seek services to help them deal with issues that result from society’s negative reactions to their sexual feelings. Others seek assistance and support in finding satisfying lives and relationships while living within the law.”

Similarly, articles have appeared recently on the German Zeit Online and English salon.com: “Der Getriebene” [“The Driven”] and “Meet pedophiles who mean well” presenting a moderate middle. The German article follows a pedophile “Jonas” and discusses a therapy center, Das Charité-Projekt, he attends; while the English article interviews “Devin and Edwards” about their project “Virtuous Pedophiles” (virped.org). Both of these ventures present a similar ideology, to quote virped, “We do not choose to be attracted to children, and we cannot make that attraction go away. But we can resist the temptation to abuse children sexually”.

This image of the courageous yet tragic helpless, morose and chaste pedophile will be understandable to the general public who are also self-loathing and auto-repressed. From Das Getriebene, “[h]e will not get any merit for it. He can not even expect a pat-on-the-back. No one must ever know of the fight, which he must wage, as long as he lives.” (my trans) This new middle-ground image of pedophilia may sell well to the masses who believe they are passive in the creation of their desires and must endure themselves? In the long run, to paraphrase Eckhart Tolle, ‘egoic consciousness is only an evolutionary stage’: very few people have insight into that they first lay down and accept goals and values, and then after punish and reward themselves emotionally for failing or meeting those objectives. Unlikely will most pedophiles or therapists or the general public gain enlightenment in the Noble Truths and the nature of Upādāna shortly, therefore egoic consciousness and it’s mode of expression: the patriarchy, with it’s sexual orientations and pedophilia-taboo, will yet continue for some time. The apparent paradigm-shift happening away from emotionally charged mob reactions and toward a tolerant, if depressive and repressive, middle-ground as expressed by new organizations like B4U-ACT, Das Charité-Projekt, and “Virtuous Pedophiles” can be understood as representing a progressive next-stage of evolution in the flowering of human consciousness.

Nope. Good question though.

Or hanged really.

Which would mean not satisfying those sexual feelings. Nothing’s changed there. And that there is an organization with what you call a moderate position doesn’t mean very much. The Klan has an organization. Anyone can have an organization.

Note again that what you are calling the moderate position is against the act.

Projection or delusion.

Moderate groups of sexual abuse survivors very likely do not call for castration, and that’s good. But they do not approve of the acts because there is no good way to prevent emotional damage.