philosophy in film

The ironies abound here.

The Israel Prize? Never heard of it. But others have. And, for some of them, it is the center of the universe.

Here is what the film is about:


[b]Eliezer Shkolnik (Shlomo Bar Aba) is a philologist who researches the different versions and phrasings of the Jerusalem Talmud. He and his son Uriel (Lior Ashkenazi) are both professors at the Talmudic Research department of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

Uriel, a young charismatic academic, is extremely popular with the department’s students and the general public, and is also recognized by the establishment when he is elected member of the Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities. The father, on the other hand, is a stubborn old-school purist in his research methods. He is unpopular, unrecognized, and frustrated by his would-be lifetime research achievement having gone unfulfilled, as a rival scholar, Prof. Yehuda Grossman (Micah Lewensohn), published similar results one month ahead of Eliezer. Eliezer is also highly critical of the new methods of research used by his son and other modern researchers, as he considers them superficial. His ambition is to be recognized by being awarded the Israel Prize, but he is disappointed every year when he does not win it. His nature and the lack of recognition have made him bitter, anti-social, and envious of his son’s popularity.[/b]

In other words, inhabitants in a world of words—intellectuals squabbling “academically” over how to understand that world going all the back to, well, as far as you can go.

I’m sure the same sort of stuff [nonsense?] happens in all the other university departments as well. Even the hard sciences: What really happens in a black hole? what is the exact nature of quantum mechanics?

People become fixated on one particular thing. And suddenly it becomes very, very important that how they understand it is the way everyone else had better understand it too. We see it here all the time as well. But there are many things that can be undertood in more than one way. Then what? Then this: Gentlmen [and it is almost entirely men] start your egos!

To wit:

Director Joseph Cedar on why he decided to make a film that focuses on the Hebrew University’s Talmud department:

It is the smallest department in the university, but it is famous worldwide for its uncompromising methods, and its unforgiving attitude toward the notion of ‘mistake’. Once I started hearing stories from within this department, about mythological rivalries between scholars, stubbornness on an epic scale, eccentric professors who live with an academic mission that is bigger than life itself, even if its topic is radically esoteric…


FOOTNOTE [Hearat Shulayim] 2011
Written and directed by Joseph Cedar

[b]Uriel [at conference]: Today I know two things I didn’t know then. One, even a father being a senior Talmud lecturer at Hebrew University is not something kids brag about at school. Two, and seriously, this time. If one really has to define our profession, the nature of our craft, the essense of its totality…our aspirations, our social ties, our dreams…we are teachers. Those who impart knowledge to others. Who take from the former generation and pass on to the next. That is our role.

Narrator: Eliezer Shkolnik came up with a revolutionary argument. A version of the Jerusalem Talmud circulated in Europe in the Middle Ages, different from the version we have today. He proposed this after discovering small differences between the version we have and the text quoted by the Sages of the time. Understand, this means hundreds, thousands of books, each having several versions of manuscripts. Eliezer Shkolnik analyzed all of them, for almost 30 years. A huge undertaking! Then, a month before he was about to publish this monumental work, his life’s project, another scholar, Professor Yehuda Grossman, by chance, found inside the bindings of books at an Italian monastery, the manuscript of that version of the Jerusalem Talmud. The original that was used by the European Sages. And so made all of Shkolnik’s work unnecessary. It actually proved Shloknik’s thesis, but Grossman published it before him.[/b]

Again, all this for something only a teeny, teeny, teeny, teeny, teeny, teeny, teeny tiny percent of the world even gives a damn about. And all regarding a God that almost certainly does not exist.

Yonah: Basically, we have good news and bad news. The bad news is that, unfortunately, your father will not receive the Israel Prize this year.
Uriel: You should be talking to my father about this, not me.
Yonah: This brings us to the good news. You will be receiving the Israel Prize this year.
Uriel: Excuse me?

They called the wrong Professor Shkolnik.

[b]Uriel: The legal aspects here are all well and good but we’re talking about life and death. My father has been passed over for 20 years! Finally, when he thinks he is getting the prize, you can’t take it away from him. It’ll kill him. I’m not joking here. It’ll kill him.

Uriel: How is he inferior to Hecht, or Goldberg, or Sheperman? Notice I’m not mentioning anyone here.
Grossman: I’m willing to argue why others are worthy. But I refuse to list the shortcomings I find in your father’s research.
Uriel: Naturally! Because in the end, this enables you to hide the fact that the grudge you hold against him is personal, not professional.[/b]

But then it all gets personal.
I’m with Woody Allen here regarding awards such as this: it’s either politics or all hopelessly subjective.

[b]Grossman: Uriel, there is no greater betrayal of your father and his principles than what you are aking of me. In spite of my criticism of him your father never validated a mistake because it was convenient. You know that.
Uriel: Yes, but he won’t.
Grossman: We will.
Uriel: So what?
Grossman: So what? It turns the whole system into a circus.
Uriel: No! It means there are things more important than the truth.

Uriel: Enough with this truth! So much aggression and violence you hide under the word, “truth”. I don’t believe in this romanticism. You don’t seek truth. You seek honors, just like other mortals. Such a terrible thing you are doing in the name of truth. It’s just a prize. That’s all it is. It’s not a betrayal of anything.[/b]

Grossman finally agrees to go along. But only if Uriel 1] agrees to write the “judges considerations” and 2] is never again nominated for the prize himself.
Now is it “just a prize”?

[b]Eliezer [to interviewer]: I believe the Israel Pize has lost much of its prestiege in recent years. When things got mixed up and the prize in Jewish Sciences started going to people who deal with rabbinical literature, folklore. The recent recipients are not researchers in the scientific sense. Studies on rattle in the Talmudic era, or the musings about the marital life of one sage or another, or cookie recipes in the Babylonian Diaspora, do not offer a scientific contribution and do not honor the institution of the Israel Prize.

Interviewer: Your son wrote a book about marital relations during the Talmudic era.
Eliezer: Uriel wrote many books.

Interviewer: I got the impression you and your son represent opposite schools of research.
Eliezer: I’ll illustrate it for you. Say we both deal with potsherds. Yes, broken pottery. One of us examines these potsherds, cleans them meticulously, catalogs them, measures them scientifically and precisely, tries to decipher which period they’re from, and who made them. And if he succeeds, he has done his work properly, and it has scientific value for generations. The other looks at the potsherds for a few seconds, sees they’re more or less the same color, and immediately makes a pot out of them. The potsherds may be from different periods, they may not exactly match, the main thing is, he has a pot! The pot is very nice, very attractive, but it has nothing to do with the scientific truth. It is an empty vessel. An Illusion. A tower with no foundation.
Interviewer: Sounds like this pot really annoys you.
Eliezer: There is no pot! That’s the point! It’s fiction. You can’t be annoyed with something that doesn’t exist.

Eliezer: Uriel excels in what he does. But I wouldn’t call it Talmudic research.

Uriel [angry after reading his father’s remarks in the newspaper]: Measuring potsherds all your life, with nothing to show for it. That’s science? It’s masturbation![/b]

The hate. The hate breeds hate.

Race, immigration, the working class, housing projects, men: Boom!

One is a Jew, one is an Arab, one is a black African. The rest: Various ethnicities comprising all manner of conflicting traditions tossed together into the same impoverished dumping ground. And then there is the white majority “out there” somewhere only more or less interested in what happens to “them”. Gee, what’s that a recipe for? Especially with the reactionary politicos and hate groups stirring up nativist sentiment. And the ubiquitous macho bullshit!!

Of course, some dudes thrive on it. They know nothing you can do will change anything. So they feed on imagining doing what you can’t do.

The solution is obviously political. But, just as obviously, no one has yet to figure out a way to translate that into reality. And the decades are ticking by. 20 years later and these explosions still pop up in the news from time to time.


The majority of the filming was done in the Parisian suburb of Chanteloup-les-Vignes. Real footage was used for this film, taken from 1986–96; riots still took place during the time of filming. To actually film in the projects, Kassovitz, the production team and the actors, moved there for three months prior to the shooting as well as during actual filming. Some of the actors were not professional. The film has a documentary feel and includes many situations that were based on real events.


LA HAINE [1995]
Written and directed Mathieu Kassovitz

[b]Hubert: It’s about a guy who falls off a skyscraper. On his way down past each floor, he keeps telling himself: “So far so good… so far so good… so far so good.” But it’s not how you fall that matters. It’s how you land.

Vinz: Why aren’t you in school now?
Sister: It burned down.

Printed on Walmart’s t-shirt: ELVIS SHOT JFK.

Man: I don’t know the pig who lost his piece but I’d sure like to know the guy who found it.

Hubert: What are you going to do with it.
Vinz: Depends if Abdel dies.
Hubert: You gonna kill a cop?
Vinz: It’ll get me some respect.
Hubert: Icing a pig will get you respect?
Vinz: At least it will even the score.
Said: One thing’s for sure. With that piece you’re the big man in the projects.

Hubert: Kids want to punch more than bags now.

On Billboard: THE WORLD IS YOURS. Said changes it to THE WORLD IS OURS.

Vinz: I’m fucking sick of the goddamn system! We live in rat holes, and you don’t lift a fucking finger to change things. You’re my home boys, so I’m telling you. If Abdel dies, I hit back. I’ll whack a pig. So they know we won’t turn the other cheek now.
Saïd: Wow, what a speech! Half Moses, half Mickey Mouse.

Old Neighbor Lady: Stop ringing like that! Y’all think the world is yours?
Hubert [turns away]: This isn’t real, this isn’t real, this isn’t real…

Hubert: Bullshit! You pointed a gun at a cop! We coulda been killed!
[an old man flushes the toilet and walks out of the stall]
Old Man: Nothing like a good shit! Do you believe in God? That’s the wrong question. Does God believe in us? I once had a friend called Grunwalski. We were sent to Siberia together. When you go to a Siberian work camp, you travel in a cattle car. You roll across icy steppes for days, without seeing a soul. You huddle to keep warm. But it’s hard to relieve yourself, to take a shit, you can’t do it on the train, and the only time the train stops is to take on water for the locomotive. But Grunwalski was shy, even when we bathed together, he got upset. I used to kid him about it. So, the train stops and everyone jumps out to shit on the tracks. I teased Grunwalski so much, that he went off on his own. The train starts moving, so everyone jumps on, but it waits for nobody. Grunwalski had a problem: he’d gone behind a bush, and was still shitting. So I see him come out from behind the bush, holding up his pants with his hands. He tries to catch up. I hold out my hand, but each time he reaches for it he lets go of his pants and they drop to his ankles. He pulls them up, starts running again, but they fall back down, when he reaches for me.
Saïd: Then what happened?
Old Man: Nothing. Grunwalksi froze to death.
Said: Why’d he tell us that?

Vinz: Games? Our bro’s in the hospital, remember?
Hubert: Stop carrying the world on your shoulders! You haven’t got the build for it!

Saïd: Hey, I see skinheads. Fuck Hitler!

Vinz: I feel like an ant lost in intergalactic space.

Hubert [watching a man come down the escalator]: Look at all the sheep caught up in the system. Look at that guy. Doesn’t look so bad all alone in his fancy leather jacket, but he is one of the worst. They let the system carry them along just like this escalator.

Vinz: I know who I am and where I’m from!
Man: Then go back there and shut the fuck up![/b]

There are people who imagine what they would do if they stumbled on the plane. Others imagine what they ought to do. But the point seems to be you never really know about things like this until you actually do stumble upon them. This is one particular trajectory. But there are hundreds and hundreds of others.

In other words, what’s in the plane is lots and lots of money. Four million, four hundred and ninety thousand dollars to be exact.

Money. Come on, let’s cut to the chase: In this culture it’s damn near everything. Or it can [or will] be sooner or later. Unless, of course, that’s not who you are. Which just leaves more for those who are that way.

As for the ending: I’m with Sarah.

Body count: 6

Directed by Sam Raimi

[b]Hank [voiceover]: When I was still just a kid, I remember my father telling me what he thought it took to make a man happy. Simple things, really…a wife he loves, a decent job, friends and neighbors who respect him. And for a while there, without hardly realizing it, I had all that. I was a happy man.

Lou: It’s the American Dream in a goddamn gym bag! And he just wants to walk away from it.
Hank: You work for the American Dream. You don’t steal it.
Lou: Then this is even better.

Hank: What if you were walking in the woods and you found a bag full of money. Let’s say four million dollars. Would you keep it?
Sarah: Of course not.
Hank: Why not?
Sarah: Well, to start with it would be strealing…I wouldn’t take it. It’s not right. But that’s just me. I wouldn’t.[/b]

Then Hank dumps the cash on the kitchen table. She sees it. Her eyes light up. It seems that’s not her after all. At first, she tries to talk herself out of it…but eventually she becomes the most calculating, ruthless one of them all.

[b]Hank: You didn’t kill him. We both did.
Jacob: What are you talking about?
Hank: He was alive when you left. I had to smother him. I guess that makes it my decision.

Sarah [showing Hank newspaper article, “Heiress’s Body ID’d By Feds”]: A 4.4 million dollar ransom.
Hank: We can’t say it isn’t stealing anymore.
Sarah: Well, Hank, it’s always been stealing, we just didn’t know who we were stealing from.
Hank: But we thought it was drug money.
Sarah: No, you thought that. This is good. I’m glad…
Hank: It’s good?
Sarah: Yeah, it’s good we know where it’s from, because I was starting to get worried. I thought it might be counterfeit or marked.

Lou: See, Jacob told me a little secret, Mister Accountant. I know what happened to Dwight Stephanson.

Hank: I put myself out for you. What do you do, you betray me.
Jacob: What are you talking about?
Hank: What am I talking about? It’s like there’s 2 sides now.
Jacob: Why are you both talking about sides? There’s no sides here.[/b]

Boy, has he got that wrong. He underestimated Sarah’s newfound greed. Not knowing about it, for one thing.

[b]Jacob: Do you ever feel evil?

Jacob: I mean, hell, Hank, I’ve never even kissed a girl. You know, if me becoming rich is gonna change all that, you know I’m all for it.

Sarah: Try to remember how people see you. You’re just a normal guy. Nobody’d ever believe that you’d be capable of doing what you’ve done.

Sarah [after Hank says he is going to get rid of the money]: Is that what you want? Walking off to the feed store every morning waiting for Tom to retire or die so you can finally get a raise? And Amanda. Do you think she is going to like growing up in somebody elses hand me down clothes and toys?
Hank: Don’t say anything more.
Sarah: And what about me? Spending the rest of my life with a fake smile plastered on my face checking out books in the library and then coming home to cook dinner for you? The same meals over and over again, whatever the weeks coupons will allow. Only going out to restaurants for special occasions. And even then always having to watch what we order, skipping the appetizers. And coming home for dessert. You think that’s going to make me happy?
Hank: That’s enough.
Sarah: No, no. I haven’t done Jacob yet. It’s back to the welfare office for him. The occasional odd job. But with Lou gone now. Just himself and his dog all alone in that filthy apartment…how long do you expect him to last?
Hank: STOP IT!!
Sarah: Sounds wonderful, doesn’t it? Everything just like it used to be.

Baxter: Well, it looks like we’re both going to have a lot of explaining to do.
Hank [shoots him]: No, just me.

Jacob: I wish somebody else had found that money.

Hank [voiceover]: There are days when I manage not to think of anything at all. Not the money. Or Jacob. Days when Sarah and I try to pretend we are just like everyone else. As if none of it had ever happened. But those days are few and far between.[/b]

Lots of prison films out there. So, which ones come closest to the way things really are? Who is to say. If only because it depends in large part on where the prisons are. The conditions in some are far more brutal than in others. This one is in Spain. And it is very brutal.

But this film does have a rather unique twist:


Juan Oliver wants to make a good impression at his new job as a prison officer and reports to work a day early, leaving his pregnant wife, Elena, at home. During his tour of the prison, an accident occurs that knocks him unconscious. He is rushed to the empty but visibly haunted walls of cell 211. As this diversion unfolds, convicts break free and hijack control of the penitentiary. Aware of the violence that is to come, the prison officers flee, leaving Juan stranded and unconscious in the heart of the riot. When Juan awakens, he immediately takes stock of the situation; in order to survive, he must pretend to be a prisoner.

There are some very, very scary dudes here. Big ugly motherfuckers. And shades of The Departed. But, again, with a twist. Everyone becomes convinced that everyone else is tricking them. They all start playing each other in this theatre of the absurd.

And whatever is deemed objective morally revolves around what you either can or cannot do.


CELL 211 [Celda 211] 2009
Written and directed by Daniel Monzón

[b]Prison officier: We call this patio the strip. The only air a DDS ever breathes. “Designated for Special Surveillance.” Murderers, psychopaths.

Juan [holding a pipe contraption]: What is it?
Officer: Worse than a musket. It’ll blow a hole right through you.
Juan: Can they get powder?
Officier: They can get anything. If you’ve got the dough you can have sushi delivered.

Officier [to Juan]: Never, trust any of them. Never forget where you are. And always look them in the eye. Never let them see you’re scared. In the eye, but watch the hands. They’re like magicians.

Prison official: What’s he doing? Why is he covering the camera.
Prison officer: Clever bastard. He’s tricking them. They think he’s an inmate.

Prison official: We are about to play a game of poker with a murderer. We’ll mark the cards of course.

Apache: You sure that new guy can be trusted?
Tachuela: Can anybody?

Tachuela: If you want, I can take a little stroll and have him checked out.
Apache: Not a bad idea.

Ernesto: I’ll see what I can do.
Malamadre: “I’ll see what I can do”. You see, Calzones? They always say that. “I’ll see what I can do”. They never talk straight and then people get hurt.

Malamadre: Relax, we all know you’re the big murderer here. Though you always kill from a distance. Boom and that’s that. I have the balls to gut you right here.
ETA leader: If any of you lays a finger on us, kiss your whole family goodbye.
Malamadre: You would be doing me a favor. My only family is my cousin and he’s a fucking prick.

Prisoner: Thye’re talking about us in English!

Apache: You better watch out. Somebody asked me to find out if you could be trusted.
Juan: And?
Apache: You can’t be. There’s plenty weird about you.

Tachuela [to Juan of the ETA leader]: You! You cut off his ear!!
[He does][/b]

Then things really go downhill.

Almansa: It was atrick all along. Juan isn’t an inmate, he’s a guard. He was supposed to start today but he got caught in the riot.
Malamadre: I don’t believe it. I don’t believe it. This is a trick, you bastard. This is just paper and a photo.
Almansa: What Utilla said was true.
Malamadre: How the fuck do you know what Utrilla said?
Almansa: Juan isn’t our only insider.

But: Inside, outside. What’s the difference?

Go ahead, Francesca, make his day.

This is about a man who loves what he does and gets paid to do it. And about a woman who wants more than she’s got just a little bit less than what she is willing to give up to get it. This, in fact, is how dasein is embodied. Your life revolves existentially around the parameters of its own making. And, in this context, the choices you make. But every once in a while something new comes along and it has a chance to go in an entirely different direction. But an actual lived life, not the kind some talk about here. But it is less about making the right choice than in acknowledging just how complex [and situated] these things can become “out in the world”.

You see, she is up there and her fanily is down here. But not at all in the way I usually mean it. Personally, I think she was a fool for staying. After all, her children were practically grown. But what the hell could I possibly know about her reasons.

As for the part about love, I’ll just have to take their word for it. Congenitally, I seem to be defective in that regard. I don’t think I am emotionally equipped to feel it. Not like this.


One of the few PG-13 rated movies to use the word “fuck” in a sexual context (Francesca’s line “…or should we just fuck on the linoleum one last time?”). The MPAA originally rated it R solely because of this line, but Clint Eastwood successfully appealed them to re-rate it.

Can you fucking believe it?

Directed by Clint Eastwood.

[b]Francesca: You just got off the train in Bari and stayed without knowing anyone there?
Robert: Yeah.

Robert: Things change. They always do, it’s one of the things of nature. Most people are afraid of change, but if you look at it as something you can always count on, then it can be a comfort. Not many things you can count on for sure.
Francesca: I guess. Except I’m one of the people it frightens.

Francesca: Just because I have never seen a Gazelle stampede doesn’t mean I’m asleep in my life.

Robert: If you want me to stop, tell me now.

Francesca: And in that moment, everything I knew to be true about myself up until then was gone.

Robert: When I think of why I make pictures, the reason that I can come up with just seems that I’ve been making my way here. It seems right now that all I’ve ever done in my life is making my way here to you.

Robert: Don’t kid yourself, Francesca: you are anything but a simple woman.

Francesa: I was just going to have some iced tea and split the atom, but that can wait.

Caroline: Who knew that, in between bake sales, my mother was Anaïs Nin?

Robert: We’re hardly two separate people now. Some people search all their lives for this and never find it. Others don’t even think it exists.

Francesca: Robert, please. You don’t understand, no-one does. When a woman makes the choice to marry, to have children; in one way her life begins but in another way it stops. You build a life of details. You become a mother, a wife and you stop and stay steady so that your children can move. And when they leave they take your life of details with them. And then you’re expected move again only you don’t remember what moves you because no-one has asked in so long. Not even yourself. You never in your life think that love like this can happen to you.
Robert: But now that you have it…
Francesca: I want to keep it forever. I want to love you the way I do now the rest of my life. Don’t you understand…we’ll lose it if we leave. I can’t make an entire life disappear to start a new one. All I can do is try to hold onto to both.

Francesca [voiceover]: I realized love won’t obey our expectations. Its mystery is pure and absolute. What Robert and I had, could not continue if we were together. What Richard and I shared would vanish if we were apart. But how I wanted to share this. How would our lives have changed if I had? Could anyone else have seen the beauty of it?[/b]

A “fictionalized” true story.

The fucking Nazis. And here is another slice of them. And how many times do I tell myself, “Never Again”. But not in the way one is supposed to.

There are things we are watching here we have no real understanding of at all. After all, even those who were participating were often on a need to know basis. There are those who know [and manufacture] the big picture and those who do not. And we [like them] are never, ever sure of the part that politics is playing. Or the “personal” stuff.

Really, with so much at stake: WHO CAN YOU TRUST?!

Orders countermanding additional orders as agendas [in conflict] are played out. And everyone basically on the same side. Or so they will tell you. And the “beautiful and mysterious woman”—the femme fatale? Yeah, she’s in this too.

Then there is war with and without a family. With and without children.

But sometimes war has nothing to do with that.


[b]Based on actual events that occurred in Denmark during World War II.

The movie is named from the nicknames of the two main characters. Flammen refers to the colour of Bent Faurschou-Hviid’s copper red hair, after a failed attempt to dye it blond. Citron (Danish for Lemon) got his nickname because, while working for the Citroën motor-car company in Copenhagen, he sabotaged German cars and trucks.[/b]


FLAME AND CITRON [Flammen & Citronen] 2008
Written and directed by Ole Christian Madsen

[b]Flame [after shooting a man dead]: You often asked me why. Why? One good reason. The Schalburg Corps. Danes in German uniforms. Traitors. They are…vermin.

Flame [voiceover]: Who else would celebrate 3 killings in a place swarming with Germans?

Flame [voiceover]: Karl Heinz Hoffman. Head of Gestapo. He’s the one hounding us. Make no mistake. He’s the biggest mass murderer Denmark has ever seen. But you already knew that.

Flame: I need to know how you know my name.
Ketty: Someone must have let it slip.
Flame: Yes, but the question is who.
Ketty: Don’t worry. We’re on the same side.
Flame: We are? Is it Winther?
Ketty: Don’t ask me about that or anything else. Don’t come here again. It’s the last thing I need.

Flame: I forgot that we are not killing people, but Nazis.

Gilbert: A partisan. A soldier without a front. Are you a good soldier? Are you prepared to pay the price?
Flame: What price?
Gilbert: What do you think? Your life. You see, there can only be three reasons for fighting in a war. Firstly, career opportunity. It’s widespread but does not produce good soldiers. You have a fear of dying and only think of peace. Secondly, ideology. Love of the mother country. That is much more intriguing, but the dreamer breaks down. He doesn’t have the strength. He’s shallow. The frivolous and presumptuous nature of youth. Unless he’s passionate. Fanatical, if you will. That makes for a good soldier.
Flame: And thirdly?
Gilbert: Hatred of your enemy. Hate seduces you into doing things you never thought yourself capable of. Unless the hatred is caused by a personal neurosis.
Flame: What are you saying?
Gilbert: The neurotic is intelligent and he has doubts. If he is beterayed his hatred fades and doubt sets in. War does nothing for the neurotic. The gentle, loving father is not to be found in war. Your cause, Christensen, is legitimate. Now you must become a good soldier.[/b]

Flame puts the gun to his head. But, instead of shooting him, he turns and walks away. He’s played. Or is he?

[b]Resistance leader: Three days ago, the Gestapo retaliated for the attacks on German officiers. Stopped a streetcar and threw 8 grenades at the 29 passengers. You can imagine the consequences.

Flame: We can bring it to Japan. When we’re done with the Germans. We can go to Japan with the Americans.
Citron: Flame and Citron in Japan?

Flame [voiceover]: Where were you? Where were you when the uprising started? Where were you on June 26th when Copenhagen resisited? At long last, people had had enough. At long last, they’re doing something. It’s getting close. Real war…But we’re just waiting.

Ketty [to Flame]: Hoffman just named you the No. 1 enemy of Germany. He raised the reward to 20,000 and you break into my room?

Ketty: But why kill at all?
Flame: What else can you do? My father sent me to Germany in 1940 to train as a waiter and a chef. The hotel manager was a Nazi. The chef was a Nazi. Several of the waiters were Nazis. I served Nazis everyday. One of the girls at the hotel was Jewish, but no one knew. Then the chef found out about it. He turned her in. She was beaten to a pulp. I don’t want that to happen here. Sabotage makes no difference. The only thing you can do is eliminate them. One by one. Down to the last one.
Ketty: Was the Jewish woman your girlfriend?

Winther: I found the informer. Unfortanately it’s one of us. Mrs. Ketty Selmar Sjoberg. She is to be liqudated immediately.
Flame: You’re mistaken. I know her.
Citron: Then why hasn’t she informed on Bent [Flame]? Why inform on Carl and Brains, when Bent will get her 20,000?
Winther: You should ask Bent about that.[/b]

No, you should ask Winther. Or maybe not.

[b]Flame: Does Winther work for the Gestapo?
Ketty: No, he just erases his own tracks.

Flame: He was right. Winther has disappeared. He ran for it. We’ve been shooting innocent people. We’ve shot innocent…
Citron: Shut the hell up! Shut up. I sure as hell didn’t kill innocent people. I shot a German officier, and a German officier is not innocent. You come and tell me he was in the resistance. Are you stupid? Winther! What did you expect? That’s rich people for you! In a nutshell, they are greedy and full of shit. You should have shot her when you had the chance.
Flame: What are you saying?
Citron: She’s fucking with your brain. A girl knows your real name, you fuck her and “bam!” she’s an oracle.

Flame: Why didn’t I see it? He’s in Stockholm and we are being hounded by the Gestapo. Is that justice?
Citron: There is no just or unjust any longer. There is only war. From now on we choose our own targets and go after them. Hoffman.
Flame: Yes.

Hoffman: Tell me, Flame, do you really think you make a difference with all that shooting? Don’t you realize you’re just a tool for someone with less pure motives?

Spex: The incident with Mrs. Selmer was a mistake and has been explained. A simple misunderstanding.
Citron [slamming his glass to the table]: A misunderstanding…I’m sorry. A misunderstanding? And in a minute when I shoot you, it’s just a “mistake”. Can we agree on that?

Citron: The little boy is dead. He kept looking at me. I held him in my arms, and he kept looking at me. I could tell that he wanted to say something but he wasn’t able to.

Hoffman [handing Ketty an envelope]: The money order for the 20,000 kroner reward. You can cash it tomorrow. We also found a letter at his place. It’s for you.
[Hoffman leaves and Ketty opens the letter]
We hear the voice of Flame: “Do you remember when they arrived? Do you remember April 9th? I think you do. Everybody does. I’ve been thinking and thinking. No matter what they say, I don’t believe it was you. You’re not like that. Where do we go after this? When it’s all over. I don’t know. Can we ever go back? Can we ever go forward? Perhaps. Perhaps not. At this moment there is only The Flame.”[/b]

The rotten bitch?

[b]Titlecard: After the liberation, Flame and Citron received a grand funeral. In the days following the service, their coffins stood side by side. In 1951, Citron was awarded the U.S. Medal of Freedom. It was accepted by Citron’s mother. Flame received the same distinction.

After Flame died, Ketty Selmer moved to Stockholm. She then settled down in Majorca, where she died in the mid-nineties. She never spoke of Flame.[/b]

Here’s more on Ketty Selmer from an interview with the director by Diane Sippl at

DS: Who was Ketty, really? A fashion photographer? A courier for the Resistance? A double agent?
OCM: Ketty, who betrays Flame in the end, had affairs with the Gestapo, with Winther, with other Resistance fighters, as well as with women (she was bi-sexual). She operated as a Russian spy at the same time. She was brought up very poor in Copenhagen and became a “dancer” — in those days it was the term used for “stripper” — at the age of eighteen. She was a very active sexual woman.
DS: Is Ketty a classical femme fatale?
OCM: We dug up Ketty Selmer when we researched the film. She’d been there — people knew of her — but they didn’t suspect her at all. They had no idea of who she was. And she acted as she did toward Flame, I think, because she was under pressure. She was afraid of dying, because she was “between chairs,” as we say. She was way out of her league.

A good movie is one where you really, really don’t know for sure what the hell is going to happening next. Especially in a context this potentially volatile.

Still: Is every working class family in England exactly the same? Well, if all you know about them comes from what you see in the cinema then, yeah, I guess they are.

And, in describing them, dysfunctional is right at the top of the list. And then impoverished. They seem to go together. It’s all their own fault though. Any conservative can explain why.

But everything is really about the gaps between the exteriors some show the world and the interiors that are considerably more vulnerable. People live this way. I once lived this way. And if you never have, what the fuck can you really know about it?

There’s hope though: Hip Hop. Dancing. Being an “artist”. And how hopeless is that? For most of course. And the audition turns out be for “dancers” of an entirely different sort anyway.


[b]Katie Jarvis, who plays Mia, had never acted before this film. A casting director spotted her having a fight with her boyfriend at a train station and offered her the role.

The film was shot chronologically, and the actors were shown only the part of the script they would be filming the following week - none of them knew what would happen to their characters later in the film.[/b]


The film currently holds a 90% “certified fresh” rating on Rotten Tomatoes based on 132 reviews. The New Yorker’s David Denby writes, “Fish Tank may begin as a patch of lower-class chaos, but it turns into a commanding, emotionally satisfying movie, comparable to such youth-in-trouble classics as The 400 Blows”.


FISH TANK [2009]
Written and directed by Andrea Arnold

[b]Mia [shouting to Keeley’s father]: Can you give Keeley a message for me? Tell her I think her old man’s a cunt!

Connor [mother’s boyfriend, to Mia]: You dance like a black…It’s a compliment.

Tyler [little sister]: Whatcha doin?
Mia: Mind your own fuck face.
Tyler: If I’m a fuck face, you’re a cunt face.[/b]

That kinda working class family.

[b]Tyler [to Connor leaving the house]: I like you. So I’ll kill you last.

Tyler [after her mother throws her out of the kitchen]: BITCH!!
Mia: I’ve got the ChildLine’s number if you need it.

Tyler’s about 5 years old.

[b]Joanne [Mia’s mother, to Connor]: She’s never had a boyfriend.
Mia: I just fucked him upstairs actually.
Joanne: Oh, that’s nice.

Joanne [throwing an envelope at Mia]: It’s about your new school. You get to stay there. You can fuck as many ASBO boys as you like there.

Mia: I ain’t going.
Connor: That place might teach you some manners.
Mia: It’s nothing to do with you, is it?
Connor: You need sortin’ out you do.
Mia: So you keep saying. But you’re nothin’ to me, so why should I listen?

Connor [to Mia]: You all love your booze in this family, don’t you?

Tyler: Connor’s gone.[/b]

And there’s a reason for this. Yeah, that one.

[b]Mia: Where’s your horse?
Billy: She was sick. Had to shoot her.
Mia [looks down at lock. Sits down. Cries]: Oh.
Billy: She was 16. It was her time.
Mia: [crying, looks up] Oh, right.

Tyler: Why do you need so much stuff?
Mia [packing]: Just in case.
Tyler: What about the referral unit?
Mia: You can have my place.
Tyler: I don’t want it. They’re full of spastics and idiots.

Mia: I’m leaving then.
Joanne [dancing]: This is one of your CDs.
Mia: Yeah. It’s Nas.
Joanne: Yeah, it’s great.
Mia: You can keep it.
Joanne: Well, go on then. Fuck off.

Tyler [burying her face in Mia’s abdomen] I hate you!
Mia [tenderly]: I hate you, too.

Tyler [to Mia in a car heading for Wales]: Bye, you skank! Don’t forget to text me. Say hello to the whales![/b]

Music from Nas over the closing credits:

The gist:

Ten years ago, after being accused of a hideous murder of a mother and her twin daughters, Sean Veil became paranoid, filming himself twenty-four hours a day to have an alibi if necessary.

A very strange film to look at. An even stranger one to wrap your head around. You can imagine someone possibly being reduced to this. But you have a much harder time imagining yourself.

It’s a thicket of half-truths and lies. And less than coherent at times. Put your thinking cap away and just tumble down into the fog.

It is less a “psychological thriller” [as it is described] than a psychopathological thriller. A truly dystopian “ambiance” pervades. But probably the kind of world killers like this inhabit. Unless of course they are far more “ordinary” then we would ever care to admit.

It is also a commentary on our tabloid culture. Everything is grist for the entertainment mill. Crime in particular. Individuals become merely characters to be played…parts to be molded and manipulated into whatever “drama” sells the most merchandise.

One thing for sure: No one would ever believe this is based on a true story.

It isn’t, is it?


Lee Evans actually shaved his head and eyebrows for the film, despite being warned that his eyebrows may not grow back again.

Lee Evans. He’s a standup comedian by trade. He played Tucker in There’s Something About Mary. This is a, uh, somewhat different character.


Written and directed by John Simpson

[b]Sean [voiceover]: 24 hours in a day. 1,440 separate minutes in which someone could meet their end at the hands of someone who may or may not look like me. 86,400 seconds in which someone could breathe their last. That’s time to be accounted for. All 31,536,000 seconds of life or death each and every year.

Sean [voiceover]: Things to remember: 1] Paranoia is a malfunction of the ability to reason. I can reason. Therefore I am not paranoid. 2] the principle characteristics of the paranoid personality are delusions, hostility, suspicions. I am not deluded. I am not suspicious. I may be hostile but that is only because they really are out to get me.

Sean [voiceover]: 9 years, 11 months, 28 days and 1553 murders since. 975 of which were unsolved. How many more are they trying to pin on me?

Sean [to Saul at book signing]: I have a question! How does an innocent man get justice in this country?! How does he get his reputation back?! His sanity?!

Sean [to reporter]: I don’t give interviews. Not without editorial control. Words can be distorted, twisted, reeditied. Things can be made to seem more than what they are.

Sean [voiceover]: Things to remember. 3] It’s everywhere. All around me. The threat. I feel it. You never lose it. They make sure of that.

Sean [voiceover]: If I could, I’d live here. Set up home right on this spot to be surveilled 24 hours a day. My whereabouts always known as fact. Verifiable, indisputable facts. That would be sheer heaven.

Sean [voiceover]: Things to remember: 4] The first law of forensics. Lockhart’s Theory. Every contact leaves a trace. I leave nothing anywhere that they can trace back to me.

Sean [voiceover]: Things to unlearn. 1] CCTV is now to be avoided. It won’t be easy. Seeking out cameras is now encoded in my DNA. Like a cop to corruption, like detective Emeric to a payoff.

Emeric: The question is Sean how come your tapes don’t match her tapes?

Detective Mountjoy: You seem kind of relaxed, if you don’t mind me saying. For a man who’s about to spend the next 30 years sucking unwashed dick.
Sean: You seem kinda jealous, if you don’t mind me saying.

Katie [straddling him]: How long do you think you can hold out, Sean? Come on, let it go. You know you want to.

Sean [voiceover]: Things to remeber: 5] Never have sex without a condom. Ever. Once they get a hold of your sperm, you’re fucked.

Katie: Don’t worry, Sean, this is one part of your life that won’t be going on tape.

Sean [voiceover]: Things to remember: 6] Never stop filming yourself. Ever. Off camera is off guard.[/b]

One more thing to remember: Make sure the web-cam is working!

Jeffery is right: It’s a strange world. But, come on, how many of us ever find it this strange? More to the point though is that we know it can be. It’s out there. And the more it’s depicted in films like this the more it is likely to spread. A paradox?

We never really know just how close we are to Frank. Maybe he lives next door. Or maybe you’re Frank. One of them. I’ve bumped into some strange folks right here in ILP’s la la land. And, of course, they’ve bumped into me.

And then there is Dorothy. Is she a creature of Frank or did she come into that world predisposed to move it along. And who would have thought that Isabella Rossellini was as spooky as Dennis Hopper. In “real life”. At least back then.

Basically, I think it is all just a metaphor for the mystery of existence itself. Why things happen in one way and not in another. And what lies below the surface of any particular understanding of it. The stuff underground. The stuff “civilization” is just a veneer covering up. Lots of films like that, of course. But this one is especially effective in juxtaposing them.

In one ear and out another.


[b]Several of the actors who were considered for the role of Frank found the character too repulsive and intense. Dennis Hopper, by contrast, is reported to have exclaimed, “I’ve got to play Frank. Because I am Frank!”

Isabella Rossellini actually was naked under her velvet robe when she did the “ritualistic rape scene”, a fact that her partner Dennis Hopper was not aware of, until the cameras started rolling and his co-actor opened her legs for him to kneel between. This scene was the very first time the two of them ever worked together.

In interviews, David Lynch has told of how Dorothy’s nude scene was inspired by a childhood memory of his, when he and his brother, going home from school, came across a dazed naked woman walking down the street. Lynch has said that it made him cry and left a profound impression on him.

The bugs seen writhing and fighting at the beginning of the film symbolize the dark and violent world that lies just barely beneath the veneer of simple small-town life, as typified by the immaculate green lawn. A product of small-town upbringing himself, Lynch often explores the darker side of what is often stereotypically seen as the simple, decent life of rural comunities.[/b]

Blue Velvet at wiki:

Written and directed by David Lynch

[b]Radio announcer: It’s a sunny, woodsy day in Lumberton, so get those chainsaws out. This is the mighty W.O.O.D., the musical voice of Lumberton. At the sound of the falling tree, it’s 9:30. There’s a whole lotta wood waitin’ out there, so let’s get goin’.

Jeffrey: I found an ear.
Detective Williams (matter of factly): You did? A human ear?
Jeffrey: Yeah. I’ve got it here in this bag. I thought I should bring it to you.
Detective Williams [looking in the bag]: That’s a human ear all right.

[repeated line]
Jeffrey: It’s a strange world.

Jeffrey: There are opportunities in life for gaining knowledge and experience. Sometimes, in some cases, it’s necessary to take a risk. I got to thinking. I’ll bet a person could learn a lot by getting into that woman’s apartment. You know, sneak in and hide and observe.

Sandy: I don’t know if you’re a detective or a pervert.

Dorothy: What’s your name?
Jeffrey: Jeffrey
Dorothy: Jeffrey what?
Jeffrey: Jeffrey Nothing.

[repeated line]

Frank: You’re stay alive, baby. Do it for Van Gogh.

Dorothy [to Jeffrey]: Hit me! Hit me! Hit me!

Jeffrey: Frank…is a very sick and dangerous man.

Sandy [after Jeffrey tells her about Dorothy, Don, her son and Frank]: It is a strange world.
Jeffrey [fiercely]: Why are there people like Frank?! Why is there so much trouble in this world?!
Sandy: I don’t know. I had a dream. In fact, it was on the night I met you. In the dream, there was our world, and the world was dark because there weren’t any robins and the robins represented love. And for the longest time, there was this darkness. And all of a sudden, thousands of robins were set free and they flew down and brought this blinding light of love. And it seemed that love would make any difference, and it did. So, I guess it means that there is trouble until the robins come.

Dorothy [to Jeffrey]: I looked for you in my closet tonight.

Jeffrey: See that clock on the wall? In five minutes you are not going to believe what I’ve told you. Number one…

Sandy: You’re not going back to her apartment, are you?
Jeffrey: Yeah.
Sandy [very concerned]: Jeffrey, why?
Jeffrey: I’m seeing something that was always hidden. I’m involved in a mystery. I’m in the middle of a mystery and it’s all secret.

Dorothy: I have your disease inside of me.

Dorothy: You think I’m crazy don’t you?
Dorothy: I want you to stay. Don’t hate me.
Jeffrey: I sure don’t hate you.
Dorothy: I’m not crazy.
Dorothy: I know the difference between right and wrong!
Jeffrey: That’s good.
Dorothy: You’re my special friend.
[walks toward Jeffrey, a knowing smile on her face]
Dorothy: I still have you inside of me!

Frank: Hey you wanna go for a ride?
Jeffrey: No thanks.
Frank: No thanks? What does that mean?
Jeffrey: I don’t wanna go.
Frank: Go where?
Jeffrey: For a ride.
Frank: A ride! Hell that’s a good idea!

Raymond: He’s a pussy, Frank!
Frank: Yeah, but he’s our pussy.

Frank: What kind of beer do you like?
Jeffrey: Heineken.
Frank [shouting]: Heineken?! Fuck that shit! Pabst Blue Ribbon!

Dorothy [to Jeffrey]: I love you! Love me! [To Sandy] He put his disease in me!
Jeffrey: Sandy, please…
Sandy: Jeffrey, what is going on here?
Jeffrey: I’ll tell you…
Dorothy: He put his disease in me.

Sandy: Where is my dream…?[/b]

You know, the robins. And, sure enough, at the end, they do show up.

I grew up in a dysfunctional family myself. Nothing like this though. This one is more fucked up than the folks in Fish Tank. And it’s not even from England. But what’s England got on working class families from the deep South?

Here of course the rich are even more fucked up than the lower middle class. And it takes an unemployed football coach from South Carolina [who, if nothing else, is colorful] to nudge them in a more satisfying direction.

And then there is The Incident. Some families have one and some don’t. Or some have a series of less traumatic events. One of this magnitude though can put whole future in the crosshairs. There is before and there is after. Period. End of story. And nothing is ever quite the same. But the movie unfortunately barely scratches the surface here.

To wit: The movie vs. the book:


While the film was a box office hit and raised Streisand’s reputation as a director, its numerous changes from the original novel upset some Conroy purists. Conroy and Johnston eliminated most of the novel’s flashback scenes. They describe Tom Wingo’s relationship with his siblings in great detail. In the novel, these flashbacks form the main plot and take up more of the novel than the romance between Streisand’s character, Dr. Lowenstein, and Tom Wingo. The removal of the flashbacks makes the relationship between Wingo and Lowenstein the central story in the film, whereas in the novel, it is not. Another character in the novel - the second Wingo brother, Luke, who appears only in flashbacks onscreen - is vitally important to the novel, and his death is a major plot point. In fact, the title of the book derives from a poem written by Savannah about Luke and his struggle against the government after the seizure of Colleton. In the film, “The Prince of Tides” is the title of a book of poetry written by Savannah and dedicated to Tom. Luke only appears intermittently, and only as a child, and his death is only vaguely described.


Those who have both seen the movie and read the book say that the novel is much richer in detail, as well as more disturbing, than in the movie. Savannah’s story, as well as the tiger’s role, were larger in the novel. Luke, who is the real ‘Prince of Tides’ in the book, was almost entirely left out of the movie and the bonds between the three children were played down, while Tom’s love affair with Susan was made the central theme. The killing of the three escaped prisoners also was handled differently in the book, such that Tom killed one and the tiger killed the other two. Several viewers have commented that there were so many stories in the 600-page book that at least 4-6 different films could be shot and never repeat the same information.[/b]

This is very, very true. While I liked the movie [and Conroy helped to write the screenplay] the novel is much, much better. This has Hollywood written all over it. But watch the film and then read the novel. The novel becomes all that much more satisfying.

Look for George Carlin.

Directed by Barbara Streisand

[b]Tom [narrating]: There are families who live out their entire lives without a single thing of interest happening to them. I’ve always envied those families.

Tom [narrating]: I suppose Henry Wingo would have been a pretty good father - if he hadn’t been such a violent man.

Tom [narrating]: From my mother I inherited a love of language and an appreciation of nature. She could turn a walk around the island into a voyage of purest discovery. As a child, I thought she was the most extraordinary woman on earth. I wasn’t the first son to be wrong about his mother.

Tom [narrating]: I don’t know when my parents began their war against each other - but I do know the only prisoners they took were their children.

Tom: Now girls, have I ever told you the facts of life?
Jennifer: Oh, not this again.
Tom: Stay away from boys 'cause they are all disgusting, self-indulgent beasts that pee on bushes and pick their noses.

Sally: I just don’t know how you feel about me anymore.
Tom: Don’t take it personally. I don’t know how I feel about anything anymore.
Sally: God, you’re pathetic.

Tom [narrating]: It was only my sister who could force me to come to this God-awful city. This city that roars down on you. She loved it all. The muggers, the winos…the bag ladies, the wall-to-wall noise. She loved it because it had nothing to do with our childhood. Luke and I hated it for exactly the same reason.

Tom: I’m sick of my sister’s attraction to razor blades - and I’m sick of shrinks who can’t do a fucking thing to help her!

Tom: What the hell is going on here? Why is she strapped down?
Susan: Her team felt she had to be restrained…
Tom: Why? She has enough drugs to anesthetize a whale!
Susan: Her team decides…
Tom: Quit calling them her team! Sounds like she’s trying out for the Giants.
Susan: What should I call them?
Tom: Let’s be creative. Let’s call them assholes.
Susan: Let me tell you something about those assholes. I’m grateful because they saved your sister’s life.
Tom: Well, I don’t like to see her strapped down!
Susan: I don’t care what you like. She’s still a threat to herself. There’s no point to this unless we keep Savannah alive. And I don’t care if it takes drugs or voodoo or reading tarot cards…I want her alive.

Tom: It’s the Southern Way; when things get too painful, we either avoid them or we laugh.
Susan: When do you cry the Southern Way?
Tom: [laughing] We don’t.

Tom: My mother should have raised cobras, not children!

Tom [narrating]: By the second week, I’d developed the New York willies. The guilt that every out-of-towner feels if he’s not improving his mind every goddamn second. I made a list of things I should do. Museums, plays. See three foreign films all at the same time.

Susan: So you feel your mother betrayed you?
Tom: I was talking about my wife!
Susan: Oh…

Eddie: How’s Savannah? When can I see her?
Tom: I don’t know, Eddie. It’s like talking to a fern.
Eddie: Well, I’m glad she’s improving.

Tom: You know, it’s an art form to hate New York properly.
Bernard: No, it’s not. It’s a cliché.

Tom: What if I’d done the same to your son?
Susan: It’s not the same thing!
Tom: I’ll make him a Presbyterian quarterback!
Susan: It’s quite different. My son didn’t try to kill himself.
Tom: Give him time, Lowenstein. Give him time!

Tom [to Susan]: Mother got the island in the divorce settlement. She immediately sold it to the government for a lot of money. They wanted to put up a power plant. Luke went crazy. He made some threats. The government laughed. He blew up a construction site. They quit laughing. He went on waging his own private war. Hurt some people. Savannah and I tried to stop him, but the government stopped him first. Shot him in the head.

Susan: How did you deal with his death?
Tom: I shut down like a broken motor.
Susan: And according to the Southern way, still no tears.
Tom [laughing]: Oh, I cry sometimes, Lowenstein. I cry at weddings, at the Olympics. I’m real big at the national anthem.
Susan: But not over Luke?
Tom: What the hell for? It wouldn’t bring him back.
Susan: No. But it might bring you back.

[Luke blows the TV to hell with shotgun]
Luke [to Henry]: TV’s broken you son of a bitch. Now you can watch your kids blow out their candles.

Tom: How about Luke? Do you ever think about Luke? Does he ever cross your mind?
Lila: Who taught you to be so cruel?
Tom: You did, Mama, you did.

Susan: How old was Savannah when this happened?
Tom: Thirteen.
Susan: What were you doing while this was going on?
Tom: I don’t know.
Susan: You don’t know? Maybe you ran for help?
Tom: I don’t know. I don’t know.
Susan: Why do you think you didn’t?
Tom: I don’t know. Just because.
Susan: That’s a child’s answer, Tom.

Susan: You said before that three men came in. What happened to the third man?

Tom: What was happening to me was unimaginable. I didn’t know it could happen to a boy.

Tom: Luke, two. Mama, one. While I did nothing.

Bernard: My father hates you, Coach Wingo.
Tom: Yeah, but he loves you.

Herbert: That Stradivarius is worth over a million dollars!
Tom: Well, if I drop it, it won’t be worth shit.
Susan: Don’t do it, Tom.
Tom: Apologize to your wife, Herbert.
Herbert: You’re bluffing.
Tom: I may be, but its a powerful bluff, isn’t it, asshole?
[Tom throws the fiddle high in the air over the penthouse balcony]
Herbert [screaming]: I’m sorry, Susan!
[Tom catches fiddle]
Tom: Sincerity becomes you, Herbie. Now apologize to me for your unforgivable breach of etiquette at the dinner table tonight, you possum-bred cocksucker.
Herbert: I’m very sorry, Tom.[/b]

Being people we get into binds. Predicaments. And sometimes the circumstances are very complex. And we can only see them from a point of view. Over here, over there. It’s the same. And the law sometimes barely scratches the surface in coming to grips with it. But it is all we really have in the best of all possible worlds. All we can do is struggle to make it more “just” in a world of conflicting assessments regarding what that means.

Rooted in the middle class rooted in the big city, A Separation is able to move far enough away from the struggle over class and religion to explore a family’s dynamics with greater depth. In other words, with a greater degree of ambiguity. The heart and soul of a modern day dasein. Only here within the context of sharia law. But:


After the 1979 overthrow of the Pahlavi Dynasty by the Islamic Revolution, the system was greatly changed. The legal code is now based on Shi’a Islamic law or sharia, although many aspects of civil law have been retained, and it is integrated into a civil law legal system.

Iran is not Saudi Arabia. And Tehran is not inhabited by hicks from the sticks. But religion is still an important factor in gender relationships. Only with more leeways and loopholes.

As for the poor and working class, God apparently still prefers for them to wait for their just rewards. You have to die first. This seems to be rather universal.

And then there are the god-awful indignities of being old.


Iran’s official submission for the Foreign Language Film category of the 84th Academy Awards (2012).

What does that tell us about the content then? And it won the Oscar for Best Foreign Film over here. What does that tell us? A peculiar hybrid it seems.

A Separation at wiki:


A SEPARATION [Jodaeiye Nader az Simin] 2011
Written and directed by Asghar Farhadi

[b]Simin: Does he even realize you are his son?
Nader: I know he is my father!

Simin: He can have everything, I just want my daughter.
Nader: Our daughter is attached to me. She doesn’t even want to go with you.
Simin: She doesn’t know better.

Judge: You can’t file for divorce over every little problem.
Simin: A little problem? My problem is not little. It is my daughter.
Judge: It is his daughter, too. He has rights, too. My finding is that your problem is a small problem.

Caretaker [calling the equivilant of a religion hotline]: Hello. I have a religious question. I am working in a house. There is an old man I am taking care of. I wanted to ask…Parden me, but he has wet his pants. I wanted to know if I change him, will it count as a sin?..No one is here. He is 70 or 80 years old and he is senile…The urgency is that the poor guy has been sitting like this for half and hour.[/b]

It’s okay. This time.

[b]Termeh: If you hadn’t left, Dad wouldn’t be in jail.
Simin: You’re dad’s not in jail because of me. He hit a pregnant woman.
Termeh: She came 'cause you left.

Nader: I told Mrs. Kalani they are coming to investigate. To beware.
Termeh: Beware of what?
Nader: Beware of…That they are coming to investigate. Is that not okay?
Termeh: If she is to tell the truth, why should she beware?

Nader: I went there cause I have a sense of humanity.
Hodjat: Where was your sense of humanity when you were hitting her ?

Termeh: Did you lie?
Nader: What?
Termeh: Did you lie?
Nader: About what?
Termeh: When you said you didn’t know she was pregnant.
Nader: Why?
Termeh: You said you didn’t hear Ms. Qahraei and Razieh speaking.
Nader: Yes.
Termeh: Then how did you know that Ms. Qahraei gave her the number? Didn’t she say it at the same time?[/b]

Uh, oh.

[b]Termeh: If you knew she was pregnant, why did you hit her?
Nader: Look, I did know she was pregnant, but in that moment I didn’t. I had forgotten. This matter was not on my mind at all.
Termeh: Well…well go tell these exact things to the interogator.
Nader: My dear, the Law doesn’t understand such things, It says either you knew or you didn’t.

Termeh: Didn’t you say it’s not serious?
Nader: It got serious.

Nader [to Termeh]: If you think I’m guilty, go get your mom. We’ll call them and go pay them.[/b]

A narrative is a narrative is a narrative. The fact that it comes from aboriginals doesn’t change that. It’s a way for people living in a particular community to make sense of a particular world from a particular point of view. And because we are all people in ways that overlap we can take from the story things we find useful or meaningful. Sometimes we see ourselves here and sometimes we don’t.

Of course this narrative doesn’t have a whole lot of science behind it. Especially the part about “back at the beginning” when we are all little fishes in the waterhole.

But the most important point is always this: If you believe something is true then you act as though you believe it is true. And those who come into contact with you have no choice but to react accordingly. The rest [hopefully] is moderation, negociation and compromise.

Or else there is conflict.


De Heer rejected claims he is a white director making an indigenous story: “People talk about, what is a white director doing making an indigenous story? They’re telling the story, largely, and I’m the mechanism by which they can.”


Directed by Rolf de Heer, Peter Djigirr
Written by Rolf de Heer

[b]The storyteller: Once upon a time, far far away [gales of laughter]…Nah, not like that. I’m only joking. But I am going to tell you a story. It’s not your story. It’s my story. A story like you’ve never seen before.

The group: [all walking in a line]
Canoeist: Everyone stop!
[all stop and turn]
The Storyteller: That one is Djigirr. Djigirr talk too much, but maybe he heard something.
Canoeist: I refuse to walk at the end. Someone ahead keeps farting.
The group: [laughter] Not me. Not me.
Canoeist: It’s you again. You’re always so silent. Silent but deadly. Admit it.
Canoeist: Alright, it’s me.
Canoeist: You’re rotten inside.
Canoeist: I’m rotten inside.
Canoeist: You get to the end of line.

The storyteller: The men are cutting the bark off of trees to make canoes. And they talk about women, like always.

The storyteller: Then one day there was this stranger…He had the smell of someone very dangerous.

Canoeist [pointing to the stranger]: See how his prick is covered?
Canoeist: Maybe it’s a small one.
Canoeist: Never trust a man with a small prick.

Canoeist [looking down at a dead man he had just speared]: It’s the wrong stranger.

Canoeist: What if they come looking for us?
Canoeist: Deny everything.[/b]

They do but it doesn’t work.

Lust, Gluttony, Greed, Sloth, Wrath, Envy, and Pride. The seven deadly sins in order of severity. Most of us have committed them, of course. If not in that particular order. And with a greater or a lesser degree of malice aforethought. But then that’s what rationalizations are for. To explain it away.

Or how about these: Chastity, Temperance, Charity, Diligence, Patience, Kindness, and Humility. The seven cardinal virtues. Aside from the first, no doubt, we’ve all been down these roads too.

Another religious nut doing God’s will. Just considerably more inventive this time. Oh, and also “independently wealthy”.

The thing about Detective Somerset is this: he has earned his cynicism. It’s not just a jaded, nihilistic “philosophy of life” rooted in the intellectual equivalent of ennui or existential angst. He has seen the worst life can dish out. But how far is that from all the other things life can be?


[b]An interesting coincidence is that Se7en portrays religion in a pejorative light, and in private life, Brad Pitt openly admits his disdain for religion of any kind.

The ending narration of Somerset quoting Ernest Hemingway was an added compromise that neither David Fincher or Morgan Freeman particularly cared for. The decision came from New Line after poor test screenings regarding the dark ending.[/b]

Directed by David Fincher

[b]Somerset: Did the kid see it?
Taylor: What?
Somerset: The kid.
Taylor: What the fuck sort of question is that? You know, we’re all going to be really glad when we get rid of you, Somerset. It’s always these questions with you. “Did the kid see it?” Who gives a fuck? He’s dead, his wife killed him. Anything else has nothing to do with us.

Somerset: I meant to ask you something before, when we spoke on the phone: Why here?
Mills: I don’t follow.
Somerset: Why all the effort to get transferred? It’s the first question that popped into my head.
Mills: I guess the same reasons as you. The same reasons you had before you decided to quit, yeah?
Somerset: Y… You just met me.
Mills: Maybe I’m not understanding the question.
Somerset: Very simple. You actually fought to get re-assigned here. I’ve just never seen it done that way before.

Police Officer: Nothing’s been touched. Everything’s like I found it.
Somerset: What time was death established?
Police Officer: Like I said, I didn’t touch anything… but he’s had his face in a plate of spaghetti for about forty five minutes now.
Mills: Wait a minute, no one bothers with vital signs?
Police Officer: Did I stutter? This guy ain’t breathing unless he’s breathing spaghetti sauce.
Mills: So that’s how it’s done around here.
Police Officer: I beg your pardon, Detective, but this guy’s been sitting in pile in his own piss and shit, if he wasn’t dead, he would have stood up by now.

Taxi driver: Where you headed?
Somerset: Far away from here.

Mills: Fuckin’ Dante… poetry-writing faggot! Piece of shit, motherfucker!

Somerset: In any major city, minding your own business is a science. First thing they teach women in rape prevention is that you should never cry “help.” Always scream “fire,” because people don’t answer to “help”. You holler “fire” they come running.

Mills: He’s fuckin’ with us!
[Mills bends over a desk]
Mills: See this? This is us.

Mills: Honestly, have you ever seen anything like this?
Somerset: No.

SWAT Team cop [preparing to break down a door]: SWAT goes before dicks.
Somerset: They love this.

Mills: Has he tried to speak or communicate in any way?
Dr. Beardsley: Even if his brain were not mush, which it is, he chewed off his own tongue long ago.
Somerset: Uh…Doc, is there absolutely no chance that he might survive?
Dr. Beardsley: Detective, he’d die of shock right now if you were to shine a flashlight in his eyes. He’s experienced about as much pain and suffering as anyone I’ve encountered, give or take…and he still has hell to look forward to.

Mills: He’s a nut bag. Just because the guy has a library card doesn’t make him Yoda.
Somerset [with the lightbulb going on over his head]: How much money have you got?

Somerset: For a long time, the F.B.I.'s been hooked into the library system, keeping accurate records. They monitor reading habits. Not every book, but certain ones are flagged. Books about… let’s say, how to build a nuclear bomb, or maybe Mein Kampf. Whoever takes out a flagged book has their library records fed to the F.B.I. from then on.
Mills: You got to be kidding. How is this legal?
Somerset: Legal…illegal. These terms don’t apply. They can’t use the information directly, but it’s a useful guide. It might sound silly, but you can’t get a library card without i.d. and a current phone bill.

Somerset [Reading from one of John Doe’s journals]: “What sick, ridiculous, puppets we are, and what a gross, little stage we dance on. What fun we have, dancing and fucking, not a care in the world. Not knowing that we are nothing. We are not what was intended. On the subway today, a man came up to me to start a conversation. He made small talk, a lonely man talking about the weather and other things. I tried to be pleasant and accommodating, but my head hurt from his banality. I almost didn’t notice it had happened, but I suddenly threw up all over him. He was not pleased, and I couldn’t stop laughing.”


Mills: You didn’t see anyone with a package, a knapsack, something under their arm?
Massage parlor employee: Everybody that comes in here has a package under their arms. Some guys are carrying suitcases full of stuff.

Mills: Do you like what you do for a living? These things you see?
Massage parlor employee: No, I don’t. But that’s life.

Somerset: This isn’t going to have a happy ending. If we catch John Doe and he turns out to be the devil, I mean if he’s Satan himself, that might live up to our expectations, but he’s not the devil. He’s just a man.

Somerset: People don’t want a hero, they want to eat cheeseburgers, play the lotto and watch television.
Somerset: I just don’t think I can continue to live in a place that embraces and nurtures apathy as if it was virtue.
Mills: You’re no different. You’re no better.
Somerset: I didn’t say I was different or better. I’m not. Hell, I sympathize; I sympathize completely. Apathy is the solution. I mean, it’s easier to lose yourself in drugs than it is to cope with life. It’s easier to steal what you want than it is to earn it. It’s easier to beat a child than it is to raise it. Hell, love costs: it takes effort and work.

Mills: We are talking about people who are mentally ill, we are talking about people who are fucking crazies.
Somerset: No. No, we’re not. We’re talking about everyday life here. You can’t afford to be this naive.

Mills: I don’t think you’re quitting because you believe these things you say. I don’t. I think you want to believe them, because you’re quitting. And you want me to agree with you, and you want me to say, “Yeah, yeah, yeah. You’re right. It’s all fucked up. It’s a fucking mess. We should all go live in a fucking log cabin.” But I won’t. I don’t agree with you. I do not. I can’t.[/b]

We’ll see about that.

[b]Detective: He cut off her nose…
Somerset: …to spite her face.

Somerset: If John Doe’s head splits open and a UFO should fly out, I want you to have expected it.

John Doe: Wanting people to listen, you can’t just tap them on the shoulder anymore. You have to hit them with a sledgehammer, and then you’ll notice you’ve got their strict attention.

Mills: I’ve been trying to figure something in my head, and maybe you can help me out, yeah? When a person is insane, as you clearly are, do you know that you’re insane? Maybe you’re just sitting around, reading “Guns and Ammo”, masturbating in your own feces, do you just stop and go, “Wow! It is amazing how fucking crazy I really am!”? Yeah. Do you guys do that?

Mills: Wait, I thought all you did was kill innocent people.
John Doe: Innocent? Is that supposed to be funny? An obese man…a disgusting man who could barely stand up; a man who if you saw him on the street, you’d point him out to your friends so that they could join you in mocking him; a man, who if you saw him while you were eating, you wouldn’t be able to finish your meal. After him, I picked the lawyer and I know you both must have been secretly thanking me for that one. This is a man who dedicated his life to making money by lying with every breath that he could muster to keeping murderers and rapists on the streets!
Mills: Murderers?
John Doe: A woman…
Mills: Murderers, John, like yourself?
John Doe: [interrupts] A woman…so ugly on the inside she couldn’t bear to go on living if she couldn’t be beautiful on the outside. A drug dealer, a drug dealing pederast, actually! And let’s not forget the disease-spreading whore! Only in a world this shitty could you even try to say these were innocent people and keep a straight face. But that’s the point. We see a deadly sin on every street corner, in every home, and we tolerate it. We tolerate it because it’s common, it’s trivial. We tolerate it morning, noon, and night. Well, not anymore. I’m setting the example. What I’ve done is going to be puzzled over and studied and followed…forever.

Mills: I seem to remember us knocking on your door.
John Doe: Oh, that’s right. And I seem to remember breaking your face. You’re only alive because I didn’t kill you.

John Doe: Don’t ask me to pity those people. I don’t mourn them any more than I do the thousands that died at Sodom and Gomorrah.
Somerset: Is that to say, John, that what you were doing was God’s good work?
John Doe: The Lord works in mysterious ways.

[Somerset looks at an object in the road]
Mills: What do you got?
Somerset: Dead dog.
John Doe: I didn’t do that

Mills: What was in the box? What was in the box?

John Doe: She begged for her life…
Somerset: Shut up!
John Doe: She begged for her life and…
Somerset: Shut up!
John Doe: She begged for her life and the life of the baby inside her.
[Somerset punches him]
John Doe: Oh… he didn’t know.

Somerset: David. If you kill him, he will win.

Somerset: Ernest Hemingway once wrote, “The world is a fine place and worth fighting for.” I agree with the second part.[/b]

I like prison movies. I don’t know why. And no, actually, I’ve never done time inside one.

Of course when the movie revolves around escaping from prison you are drawn mostly to how ingenius the plan is. And the sympathy you feel for those trying to get out. The best in this regard being [in my view] Escape From Alcatraz*. If for no other reason it actually happened. This one didn’t. The end in fact is particularly problematic: What the hell really did happen? And what was happening instead only inside his head? Shades of The Usual Suspects. Or, uh, Dallas?

So, taking all that into account, I think you’ll find The Escapist [cliches and all] is well done—but only if the twist at the end doesn’t end up pissing you off.

Aside from that, is this a realistic portrayal of how prison life is in a London Penitentiary? You tell me. It is one brutal thugfest. Remember Oz?

*Other good ones: Stalag 17, Papillon, Midnight Express, The Shawshank Redemption, The Great Escape.


Director Rupert Wyatt said he based the plot on the Ambrose Bierce short story, “An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge”. This is the book the lead character Frank Perry is shown reading and shows Rizza near the end of the film.

Look for Damian Lewis. He plays the terrorist here too.


Written and directed by Rupert Wyatt

[b][The prisoners are racing – and betting on – ants]
Prisoner [pointing to an ant]: There’s a handicap! This one is missing a leg!

Prisoner: CATWALK!![/b]

New meat in other words. New holes.

[b]Perry: Stare at something else.

Drake: No chance. I’m a thief, not a magician.

Brodie: What about tools?
Perry: The Lord provides.

Perry [to Brodie]: Oh, one more thing. Just make sure you don’t get murdered tonight.

Perry: We’ve got options with Tony.
Drake: Yeah, I prefer the option that murders him.

Batista: If Tony knows, then Tony knows. He’s the devil on your back now. But if you want to trade, I give a trade. Ket’s a dangerous drug, but deadly when poisoned…you got me? If it looks, smells and tastes like Ket, Pssshoo!..who will know?
Perry: No one touches Tony. Rizza…
Batista: Rizza? Who is going to tell Rizza? Junkies die every day.

Perry: And Lacey, what happens to him now? He won’t be in the hole for long. Rizza will make sure of that. We’ll leave him for Rizza.
Drake: Which weighs more Frank, a ton of bricks or a ton of feathers?

Rizza: You know the one thing you’ve got going for you, Frank? You’re too old to die young.

Rizza: Where is he?
Perry: You know something? I’m free now. Like my little girl.

Perry [to Rizza]: You’re still living. But less and less. Inside, you own this place. You run things. You’re the king. But look around you, what do you see? It’s all pretend. It’s all made up. You own nothing. Nothing except cells, bars, and a rusty metal staircase. You’ll never live because outside you don’t exist. No one will remember you, no one.[/b]

The beautiful heiress and the handsome help. That’s original.

An adult atoning for something they did as a child is always going to be problematic. That what they did bore grievious consequences doesn’t make it any less so. And sometimes makes it all the more unbearable still.

The difficulty inherent in filming a novel such as this is there is no way to capture all that is necessary to understand about why these two people fell in love. Here she’s gorgeous and he’s gorgeous. There’s passionaite sex. But aside from that you know practically nothing about them as individuals. What makes them worth falling in love with? I never read the novel so maybe it is not there either. But it is definitely not here.

But it is a beautiful film to watch.

Oh yeah, and interspersed between the love and the loss they share is the Second World War. As though all the other folks don’t have their own loves and losses. The casualties in the hospitals, for example. The war seems to exist only as an obstacle separating them.

And what the hell kind of soldiers are these two? They seem to just wander about as they please.

Directed by Joe Wright

[b][Robbie has just broken a vase belonging to Cecilia’s family]
Cecilia: You idiot… You realize that’s probably the most valuable thing we own?
Robbie: Not anymore it isn’t.

What she was supposed to read:

“… you’d be forgiven for thinking me mad the way I acted this afternoon.The truth is, I feel rather lightheaded and foolish in your presence, Cee, and I don’t think I can blame the heat. Will you forgive me? Robbie.”

What she got instead:

“In my dreams I kiss your cunt, your sweet wet cunt. In my thoughts I make love to you all day long. Robbie.”

Briony, aged 13: Lola, can I tell you something? Something really terrible?
Lola: Yes please.
Briony, aged 13: What’s the worst word you can possibly imagine?

Lola: What’s Cecilia going to do?
Briony: I don’t know.
Lola: You ought to call the police.
Briony: Do you think so?
Lola: He said he thought about it ‘all day long.’ All you need do is show them the letter.

Cecilia: What was in the version I was meant to read?
Robbie: Don’t know…it was more formal, and less…
Cecilia: Anatomical?
Robbie: Yes.

Nettle: Come on, then. How come a toff like you, talks French and everything, ends up a private?
Robbie: Not eligible for officer training if you join direct from prison.
Nettle: You’re pulling my tit.
Robbie: No, I’m not: they gave me a choice, stay in prison or join the army. And, for the record, the last thing I am is a toff.

Cecilia [voiceover in letter to Robbie]: Briony found my address somehow and sent a letter. The first surprise was she didn’t go up to Cambridge. She’s doing nurse’s training at my old hospital. I think she may be doing this as some kind of penance. She says she’s beginning to get the full grasp of what she did and what it meant.

Nettle: No one speaks the fucking lingo out here. You can’t say ‘pass the biscuit’ or ‘where’s me hand grenade?’, they just shrug. Cause they hate us too. I mean, that’s the point. We fight in France and the French fucking hate us. Make me Home Secretary and I’ll sort this out in a fucking minute. We got India and Africa, right? Jerry can have France and Belgium and whatever else they want. Who’s fucking ever been to Poland? It’s all about room, empire. They want more empire, give 'em this shithole, we keep ours and it’s Bob’s your uncle and Fanny’s your fucking aunt! Think about it.

Robbie [voiceover]: Dearest Cecelia, the story can resume. The one I had been planning on that evening walk. I can become again the man who once walked across a Surrey park at dusk in my best suit, swaggering on the promise of life; the man who, with the clarity of passion, made love to you in the library. The story can resume.

Fiona: What’s it about?
Briony: It’s just…it’s about a young girl, a young and foolish girl, who sees something from her nursery window which she doesn’t understand, but she thinks she does…

Briony: What I did was terrible, I don’t expect you to forgive me.
Cecilia: Don’t worry, I won’t.

Robbie: What is she doing here?
Cecelia: She came to speak to me.
Robbie: Oh, yes? What about?
Briony: The terrible thing I did.
Robbie: I’ll be quite honest with you. I’m torn between breaking your neck here and throwing you down the stairs.

Robbie: Do you think I assaulted your cousin?
Briony: No.
Robbie: Did you think it then?
Briony: Yes, yes and no. I wasn’t certain.
Robbie: And what’s made you so certain now?
Briony: Growing up
Robbie: Growing up?
Briony: I was 13.
Robbie: And now you are 18. How old do you have to be before you know the difference between right and wrong? Do you have to be eighteen before you can own up to a lie? There are soldiers of eighteen old enough to be left to die on the side of the road! Did you know that?
Briony: Yes.
Robbie: Five years ago you didn’t care about telling the truth. You and all your family, you just assumed that for all my education, I was still little better than a servant, still not to be trusted. Thanks to you, they were able to close ranks and throw me to the fucking wolves.

Older Briony: You’ve read the book, you’ll understand why. I got first-hand accounts of all the events I didn’t personally witness, conditions in prison, the evacuation of Dunkirk, everything. But the effect of all this honesty was rather…pitiless, you see. I couldn’t any longer imagine what purpose would be served by it.
Interviewer: By what? By honesty?
Older Briony: Or reality. Because, in fact, I was too much of a coward to go and see my sister in June, 1940. I never made that journey to Balham. So the scene in which I confess to them is invented, imagined.And, in fact, could never have happened…because Robbie Turner died of septicaemia at Bray Dunes on the first of June 1940, the last day of the evacuation. And I was never able to put things right with my sister Cecilia…because she was killed on the 15th of October, 1940 by the bomb that destroyed the gas and water mains above Balham tube station.

Older Briony: So, my sister and Robbie were never able to have the time together they both so longed for… and deserved. Which ever since I’ve…ever since I’ve always felt I prevented. But what sense of hope or satisfaction could a reader derive from an ending like that? So in the book, I wanted to give Robbie and Cecilia what they lost out on in life. I’d like to think this isn’t weakness or…evasion…but a final act of kindness. I gave them their happiness.[/b]

But it’s not quite the same, is is?

The beautiful weather girl torn between two womanizing cads. So: Will she choose the one with considerable more substance? The one who is rich but not idle? Oh, and a renowned intellectual.

But the other is even more fabulously wealthy. And prettier than she is. But with a bigger flaw still: being borderline crazy.

So she picks the right one but it turns out he is addicted to all the pretty young things.

And then it is back to the other one. But that’s murder.


A GIRL CUT IN TWO [La fille Coupée en Deux] 2007
Written and directed by Claude Chabrol

[b]Marie [Gabrielle’s mother]: He’s a high liver…
Gabrielle: Meaning he loves women?
Marie: He loves his wife. One of his best works is dedicated to her.

Gabrielle: My mother works in this bookstore.
Charles: So, you were brought up on books?
Gabrielle: Yes. That’s why I make it a point of honor never to open one.

Gabrielle: “A bon mot is worth a bad book.”
Charles: Jules Renard. Don’t tell me you also have the quotation disease?

Gabrielle: What do you do for a living?
Paul: I live.
Gabrielle: So, you live on your private income.
Paul: More or less.
Gabrielle: More than less?
Paul: Does that bother you?
Gabrielle: No, it’s rather nice. As long as you don’t feel useless.

Friend: He do that often?
Charles: Sexuality is one of the great mysteries of humanity.

Charles: I come here to work when I can’t bear the silence of the countryside.
Gabrielle: You think I’m stupid?[/b]

She knows what we know: It’s his love shack.

[b]Gabrielle: I must have seemed clumsy to you.
Charles: I’ll teach you.
Gabrielle: I get the feeling I’m not the first one you’ve brought here.
Charles: You could be the last.

Gabrielle: Meet you here later?
Charles: What do you mean?
Gabrielle: Not tonight?
Charles: Whoa little girl. You’re going too fast. I’m not a free man. I’ve been married for 25 years.
Gabrielle: So what?
Charles: I’m nearly 30 years older than you.
Gabrielle: So? Does that bother you?..What’s up?
Charles: “I dare undertake all and achieve all.”
Gabrielle: At a loss for words, Pops? You need to quote?
Charles: Trust me, Gabrielle. It’s for your own good.
Gabrielle [tossing the book he bought her at him]: Here, take you’re filth back. You know what? You make me sick.[/b]

And out she goes. This is a masterful scene. She absolutely thumps him! Utterly turns the tables!

Paul: I’m used to getting what I want, Honey, so don’t fight it.
Gabrielle: Not used to getting turned down are you, buster?

Only his handler intervening stops him from, well, strangling her.

[b]Marie: Then he won’t leave his wife.
Gabrielle: He will. But not just yet. He doesn’t want to hurt her.
Marie: How noble of him.

Geneviève [Paul’s mother]: When did you see Monsignor Godeau?
Gabrielle: Monsignor who?
Geneviève: Paul, explain.
Paul: Monsignor Godeau. He’s officiating at our wedding. We have to see him about preparations.
Gabrielle: What preparations?
Geneviève: My God, you’d think she’s never set foot in a church.
Paul: Mother!
Gabrielle: I’m off. Paul, darling, please remind your mother my name is Gabrielle.[/b]

It’s one of those gentry things. You marry into the entire famiy. And always on their terms.

[b]Geneviève [after Gabrielle leaves]: Paul, you are making a terrible mistake.
Paul: Certainly not the last one.

Charles: You really going to marry that guy? Do you realize he’s completely unstable?
Gabrielle: And you are the picture of stability? You’re a bastard Charles, a real bastard.
Charles: Let’s forget everything and start again.
Gabrielle: Yeah, right. The same old stuff. Steamy afternoons in your flat. Or whenever it suits you. And those twisted games among friends. How’d you put it? To see if I was really liberated. That’s how you want to start over? Is that how you love me? Well, I’m all grown up now thanks to you. “What doesn’t kill us makes us stronger.” Who said that?

Gabrielle: Look, it’s simple. Leave your wife, and I swear I won’t marry Paul Gaudens.

Gabrielle: It’s all over between us. Just help me forget him.
Paul: If you’d really forgotten him you wouldn’t need my help.[/b]

He’s got her there.

[b]Paul [to the guests after shooting Charles]: I, Paul Gaudens, I killed the beast. I killed the monster who corrupted my wife.

Gabrielle: I think I’ll tell the truth about Charles.
Capucine: It’ll only be your own truth.
Gabrielle: It’s the only one I know.

Geneviève: You’ve come for the money?
Gabrielle: I was at the prison. Paul won’t see me.
Geneviève: Surprised?
Gabrielle: I testified. His sentence was reduced. It’s a strange show of thanks.
Geneviève: You only told the truth. It’s time to grow up, child. You’ll get a letter from Paul tomorrow asking for a divorce. Believe me, you’re not about to get a cent out of us. You’re dismissed.[/b]

And then the final scene. You won’t believe it either: A girl cut in two.

Don’t think too much watching it. It has to look like what we are meant to think it is more than actually be that thing. A sort of extended fantasy in which the id and the libido fill in the parts that logic tries [in vain] to make more coherent.

If you don’t see pieces of youself in the movie then watch it again. And then watch again and again until you do spot them. Or, if nothing else, the film may well create them.

There’s no getting around the repitlian brain. Aside from repression. And we know where that leads: straight back to this.


[b]As a young man, De Palma, at his mother’s urging, actually followed his father and used recording equipment to try and catch him with another woman. That incident inspired this film.

In the Angie Dickinson shower scene, a body double is used. When the film first came out the producers encouraged the then 48 year old Dickinson to claim the body was hers. However, it soon came out that it was actually Victoria Johnson (although initially it was suggested that it was de Palma’s wife Nancy Allen).[/b]

That’s important to know, I guess.


The film was the target of some backlash from the gay and transgender communities, who felt that its portrayal of transgender people was misguided and transphobic. In addition, De Palma was accused of being misogynistic by feminist groups.

transgenders in film: … television

Written and directed by Brian De Palma

[b]Typed on a Manhattan Department of Health notice sent to Warren Lockman—the man Kate has just slept with: YOU HAVE CONTRACTED A VENEREAL DISEASE

Voice of Bobbi on Elliott’s answering machine: “This is Bobbi. You won’t see me anymore, so I thought I’d have a little session with your machine. Oh Doctor, I’m so unhappy. I’m a woman trapped inside a man’s body–and you’re not helping me to get out! So I got a new shrink, Levy’s his name, he’s gonna sign the papers so I can get my operation. Oh…I borrowed your razor…and–well, you’ll read all about it. Some blonde bitch saw me, but I’ll get her.”

Detective: We got no leads, except a witness out there. Maybe she should take a look at all your patients that were around that morning. And that way I can be absolutely sure that my, uh, weirdo isn’t your, uh, person suffering from “emotional dysfunction and problems of mal-adaption”.

Liz: Thank god, straight fucks are still in style!

Liz: She must be his last appointment.

Elliott: Do you ever have sex that’s not paid for?
Liz: Is that a proposal?
Elliott: No, it’s what we psychologists call a question.

Liz: Do you want to fuck me?
Elliott: Oh, yes.
Liz: Then why don’t you?
Elliott: Because I’m a doctor and…
Liz: Fucked a lot of doctors.
Elliott: …and I’m married.
Liz: Fucked a lot of them, too.

Liz: So, what’s going to happen to Elliott?[/b]

Something terrible happens. And then everything changes. Iñárritu just takes us inside this particular web and shows us how the individual threads became intertwined. In other words, the things they have no knowledge of and the things they have no control over. The rest are the narratives they come up with to explain it.

The rich and the poor alike. If you don’t count options. But even wealth is meaningless in some contexts. And certainly love is.
But, come on, love is obviously more than a bitch.

Look for Ritchie in the hole. Certainly one of the strangest plot twists you are ever likely to see.

And El Chivo and his beloved dogs. A truly heartbreaking irony.

Amores Perros?


The literal translation is Dogs Many Loves. “Amores” is translated from Spanish to English literally as “many loves” or figuratively as “goodness” or “sweetness”. “Perros” means “dogs” but has been translated as “wretchedness” or “misery”. Put together, “amores perros” translates as something like “that which is good and desirable in life” and “that which is miserable.” Posters for the movie often pose the question, ¿Qué es el amor? (What is love?), followed by the film title, “amores perros,” as a play on an answer, “amor es perros,” meaning “love is wretched” or “love’s a bitch”.


Unlike most films, a disclaimer stating that no animals were harmed in the making of the movie comes at the beginning instead of being buried in the credits.

Define harmed.


Amores Perros is the first movie in Iñárritu’s trilogy of death, and was followed by 21 Grams and Babel. It is a triptych; an anthology film, sometimes referred to as the “Mexican Pulp Fiction”, containing three distinct stories which are connected by a car accident in Mexico City. Each of the three tales is also a reflection on the cruelty of humans toward animals and each other, showing how they may live dark or even hideous lives.


Directed by Alejandro González Iñárritu

[b]Jarocho: You have two choices. Pay me, or pay me.

Octavio [to Ramiro]: Being tough don’t make you smart.

Susana: Don’t wake him.
Ramiro: Why not?
Susana: It was hard to get him to sleep.
Ramiro: I never see him, do I, Baldy?
Susana: He’s been puking all day. He’s sick. Selfish bastard!
Ramiro: Shut the fuck up. I gave you the Walkman!

Octavio: Hey, fatso, I need you to do me a big favor.

Octavio [to Susana]: Don’t worry about Ramiro. He won’t fuck with us anymore, I’m sure.

Mother: Do you know what happened to your brother? He didn’t come home last night.
Octavio: No idea.
Mother: You don’t know? He got beat up bad.
Octavio: He must have pissed off a customer.
Mother: They threatened to kill him.
Octavio: God knows what he’s up to.
Mother: He left with the baby and Susana.
Octavio: Where to?
Mother: I don’t know where. Or if they’ll be back.[/b]

He heads straight for the “bank”.

[b]Octavio: Goddamn it! Motherfucker! And that bitch!

Valeria: Ritchie went into the hole.
Daniel: He’ll come out.
Valeria: It was 5 hours ago. I hear noises but he won’t come out.

Valeria: The rats ate Richie.
Daniel: Rats don’t eat dogs. They would get bitten.
Valeria: But there are thousands of them.
Daniel: We could put out some rat poison.
Valeria: But Ritchie would eat it.
Daniel: We could send a cat down there.
Valeria: A cat would fight with Ritchie.
Daniel [exploding]: SO WHAT THE FUCK DO WE DO?!![/b]


[b]Daniel: Everything will be fine.
Valeria: You’re not in my position. Look at my leg, it’ll be covered with scars.
Danieal: Plastic surgery has come a long way. You’ll hardly see any scars…
Valeria [exploding as Daniel caresses her leg]: DON’T FUCKING TOUCH ME!!

Daniel: Do you want some take-out…or to rent a movie?
Valeria: I’m not in the mood. I feel lousy.
Daniel: You’re going to be fine.
Valeria: Goddamn it! Is that all you can say?[/b]

Each and every day she becomes less and less beautiful…

[b]Valeria: Daniel…It’s Richie! He’s whining, listen. Listen, it’s him! Get him out.
Daniel: How?
Valeria: Tear up the floor or something!
Daniel: I can’t tear it up. I don’t have the money to fix it…
Valeria: Money doesn’t matter!
Daniel: It does right now.
Valeria: Get him out!
Daniel: He can get himself out!
Valeria: You faggot! You’ve always been selfish!
Daniel: I gave up everything for you!
Valeria: Yeah, your bitchy wife and your stupid daughters!
Daniel: Shut up or I’ll hit you!
Valeria: You piece of shit!
Daniel: Go fuck yourself! You and that stupid dog!
Valeria: You fucking asshole, drop dead! Drop dead, fucker! Fucker! Fucker!

Daniel: I’ll be back around two.
Valeria: If you never come back it’s okay too.

Man: Who is this friend? Is he a cop too?
Cop: No, he was locked up for 20 years.
Gustavo: What for?
Leonardo: He was a guerrilla.
Gustavo: Like the Zapatistas?
Leonardo: That’s right, only he was a real son of a bitch. He planted a bomb in a mall, kidnapped a banker, killed cops. He had an army after him, the White Brigade. You know who got him? Man: Who?
Leonardo: Me!

Susana [to Octavio]: You and your plans. You know what my grandmother used to say? If you want to make God laugh…tell Him your plans.

Susana [to Octavio]: Ramiro. The baby’s name will be Ramiro.

Luis: Is this kidnapping or robbery?
El Chivo: It could be the last day of your life.

El Chivo: Abel! Abel!

El Chivo [to Maru in phone message]: When I saw you last you were only two. Since then, not a day passes that I don’t think of you. The afternoon I went away I held you very tight. I took you in my arms. I begged forgiveness for what I was going to do. At the time, I thought there were more important things than being with you and your mom. I wanted to set the world right, and then share it with you. I failed, as you can see. I wound up in jail. Your mother and I agreed she would tell you I’d died. That was my idea, not hers. I swore to her I’d never try to see you again but I couldn’t do it. I was dying, I was as dead as I could be. I’ll be back to find you once I have the courage to look you in the eyes. I love you, my little girl.[/b]

Things just don’t add up in their life so the first thing some folks think of is money. That’ll do it. And it does just enough times to keep them going in the same direction. But then they want [or need] more – a lot more – of it. And usually in order to get it the wrong people show up on the path. This is just a reminder of how sometimes they’re not the right wrong people.

Mom replacing Doris: contingency, chance and change. And point of view given that Doris’s death would be no less a tragedy for others.

And what are brothers for if not to take down with you.

Oh, and If you want the best for your kid you should try to figure out first if you can afford it.

And all Hank needed this time was $130. It wasn’t like he was addicted to heroin. That’s Andy.

It speaks volumes about movies today that a film this good [and highly acclaimed] barely recoups what it cost to make it.


Title taken from the Irish toast: “May you have food and raiment, a soft pillow for your head; may you be 40 years in heaven, before the devil knows you’re dead.”

Or here:

“May you be in Heaven half an hour before the Devil knows you’re dead”

In the DVD’s Director’s commentary, Sidney Lumet says the nude scene between Gina and Hank was shot, Ethan Hawke wanted to make Marisa Tomei, feel more comfortable, and insisted on being nude as well. He further insisted that every male crew member strip naked while filming the scene to accommodate Tomei.

Okay, but was the nudity necessary at all?

Directed by Sidney Lumet

[b]Andy: Everything is wonderful. Everything is wonderful.
Gina: Mmm-hmm.

Hank: You’re a prick.
Andy: I always was.

Andy: Well, you need money. So do I. Let’s solve it.

Andy: Do you need money?
Hank: Of course, I need money. But this is…This is serious crime, Andy. I’m not a serious crime kind of a guy.

Hank: So, what’s the place?
Andy: No, not another word till you commit.

Gina [to Hank, her husband Andy’s brother]: We have a really good time in bed. I don’t ask for anything.
Hank: I love you. I want more.
Gina: So does Oliver Twist. Now, can I help you to seconds? Or do you really, really, really have to get back to work?

Hank: I’m in.

Andy: We don’t want Tiffany’s. We want a Mom and Pop operation, in a busy place, on a Saturday when the week’s takes go in the safe. We both worked there. We know the safe combinations. We know the burglar alarm signals. We know where everything is. I figure, between the week’s take, the jewelry and the cases, the vault, there’s a $500,000 haul. I figure probably six. The old dumb old lady that works there, she’s alone till noon. She’s not going to be a problem.
Hank: Andy…
Andy: Yeah?
Hank: That’s mom and dad’s store.
Andy: That’s what I said. A Mom and Pop operation.

Andy [handing him a wad of cash]: That’s $2,000. It’s an advance. See what just that much does for you. And, imagine the rest.

Hank [after Bobby switches from folk music on the radio to heavy metal]: What the fuck is this?
Bobby: You can listen to that faggoty shit all the way home. Right now, I got to get into character.

Hank [on the phone]: Oh, my god. It just came apart, Andy.

Andy: The thing about real estate accounting is that you can, you can, add down the page or across the page and everything works out. Everyday, everything adds up. The, the total is always the sum of its parts. It’s, uh, clean. It’s clear. Neat, absolute. But my life, it, uh, it doesn’t add up. It, uh… Nothing connects to anything else. It’s, uh… I’m not, I’m not the sum of my parts. All my parts don’t add up to one… to one me, I guess.
Justin: Get a shrink or a wife.
Andy: Uh, I got a wife.
Justin: Get a shrink

Andy: Was it me, honey?
Gina: What difference does it make? It’s another strikeout.

Gina: Well, like you said, just blame it on Rio.

Hank: You know, I thought I was going to be able to work it out, but… But I couldn’t get the money together, you know.
Daughter: All my friends think I’m going to be there, what am I going to tell them?
Hank: You know, I mean, there’s going to be other field trips.
Daughter: Not to The Lion King, there won’t. Look, Dad, if you weren’t going to pay for it, you should have just said so and saved me the humiliation of having to tell all my friends that you’re a loser.

Andy [on phone]: I know you’re there. Pick up the phone. Pick up the phone! PICK UP THE FUCKING PHONE, YOU FUCKING FAGGOT!

Dex: I’m going to be straight with you, Chico. Bobby was a piece of shit. I know it, you know it. That’s not the point. The point is that piece of shit was the father of my sister’s child. And he was paying the bills. And now he’s dead. And I’m thinking, who’s going to pay all these bills?
Hank: I’m so sorry.
Dex: Sorry ain’t going to pay the bills, Chico.

Dex: Ten grand, done. It’s 10 grand. I consider us even.
Hank: No…
Dex: My sister wants me to kill you. Or I could call the cops. But I don’t like cops. And the cops ain’t going to pay my sister’s bills.

Hank [on phone]: Hello?
Andy: It’s me.
Hank: Andy, Jesus! Fuck, man, we got problems.

Andy: My mom’s dying.
Justin: Bummer. Next time, make an appointment.

Andy [to Hank]: How am I going to fix it so that your shit doesn’t fall on my shoes?

Gina: You never tell me anything that’s going on anymore.
Andy: I don’t understand.
Gina: Neither do I. What was that in the car yesterday? I could help.
Andy: I don’t need any help.
Gina [exasperated]: Do you realize that I’ve been having an affair?
Andy: What’s that supposed to mean?
Gina: Means I’ve been fucking another guy. Every Thursday, me and your brother, Hank. We get together and we fuck. Not only that, he loves me. And he still finds me attractive. All the time. Not just on vacation. Not just in Rio.

William: You always hated my guts, you called me a crook, but you didn’t know shit about how the world works, or what some people will do for money. [hands him Andy’s business card] I guess, now you know, Charlie. The world is an evil place, Charlie. Some of us make money off of that, and others get destroyed. He walked in here, he looks a little bit like you, Charlie. He walked in here and I almost knew him, right off the bat.

Andy: We’re in trouble. The worst trouble imaginable. You’re aware of that, right? So, why don’t we try and fix it? There’s almost no choice, but you’re gonna have to follow my lead. No questions, no hesitations.
Hank: I’ve done that before, all right, and that’s how come I’m standing here, with my life going down the fucking toilet.
Andy: Fuck you, fuck you, I’ll do it alone. You can sit here and wait till you go to jail and take it up the ass for the rest of your fucking life.

Dex: You don’t look happy. Mind if I call you “Groucho”?
Andy: No, I don’t mind.

Hank: No, no more, you kill her, you’re gonna have to kill me.
Andy [turning the gun on him]: Not such a bad idea. You know, in fact, it’s a pretty good one.

Andy: You know I know.
Hank: What do you know?
Andy: I know.
Hank [realizing what he knows]: I’m sorry. I fucked it all up. Just do it. Do it. Go ahead. Come on. You’d be doing me a favor.[/b]

Out of the blue the father shows up after a 12 year absense. But it doesn’t take nearly that long to sense something very, very ominous is about to unfold. Still, some sons are more desparate for a father than others.

The way he walks around with the hatchet. And Ivan with the knife.

And the difference between having balls and being stupid.

This is a film about what we don’t know. We imagine all sorts of scenarios. The behavior of the father is strange. Why did he leave. Why did he return. The phone calls. The island. The box he digs up. The increasing tension with the sons.

What a great fucking film.

Included with the dvd is an hour long documentary about the making of the film. But I chose not to watch it. I didn’t want the narrative of someone else. Even the filmaker. I preferred the mystery. The way in which it captures a life that can never be fully understood as anything other than a point of view.


[b]Andrey Zvyagintsev says the four main characters of the film represent the four elements: “Earth is Mother, water is Father… the elder brother, Andrei, is air and Ivan is fire. But if you think it’s all different, it is.”

When pre-production was starting, director Andrey Zvyagintsev told producer Dmitriy Lesnevskiy there was no point in making the film if they couldn’t find two boys who were ‘actors of genius’. Zvyagintsev had two assistants who helped him look for actors, one in St. Petersburg and one in Moscow. Zvyagintsev visited both cities. He found Vladimir Garin in St. Petersburg and Ivan Dobronravov in Moscow, picking them from over 600 contenders.

Andrei was supposed to die in the original script. The actor who played him, Vladimir Garin, died on 25 June 2003, shortly after the shooting of the movie was completed, in a lake not far from the one where the movie was shot. The news of his death was postponed until much later after the movie’s premiere and subsequent success in the Venice Film Festival.[/b]


THE RETURN [Vozvrashchenie] 2003
Directed by Andrey Zvyagintsev

[b][boy jumps in the water, then floats up]
Zavodila: Jump as we agreed! Who climbs down the ladder is a cowardly pig.
[swims to the shore]
Boy on Tower: Go on, Vityok. You’re next.

Ivan: Mom, where’d he come from?
Mom: He just came.

Father: Ivan.
Ivan: What?
Father: What, papa.
Ivan: What?
Father: What, papa. Why don’t you say that?
Ivan: What, papa?
Father: Ashamed of calling your father, papa?
Ivan: No.
Father: Don’t lie to me. Call me papa, like a son should, got it?
Ivan: Yes, papa.

Ivan: Who is he calling on the phone?
Andrei: How should I know.

Father [to Andrei]: That won’t happen again, will it?

Father: Ivan, your plate better be clean in 2 minutes.
Ivan: I’m not hungry.
Father [looks at his watch]: Starting right now…You’ve got 30 seconds lefts.

Ivan: I’ll wait in the car.
[He gets up to leave the restaurant but his father grabs his arm]
Father: You’ll sit down and eat your bread and soup, got it?
Ivan: Yes.
Father: Yes, papa.
Ivan [gruffly]: Yes.

Father: Take your stuff. Here’s enough money for two tickets home.
Andrei: Why, papa?
Father: I’ve got important business.
Andrei: But you promised.
Father: Next time.
Ivan: You mean in another 12 years?

Ivan: What did he say about fish? Where could that have happened?
Andrei: I don’t know. In the north, maybe.
Ivan: Did you see how quiet he went when you asked where?..He’s just lying.

Ivan: You believe his every word, but who is he? He could be a gangster. He could slit our throats out here in the forest.

Ivan: Why did you come back? You don’t need us. We were fine without you. We were fine with Mom and Gran. Why did you come back? What do you need us for?
Father: Your mother asked me to be with you.
Ivan: Mom asked! Mom! What about you?
Father: I want to be with you too.
Ivan: Why? So you can put us down?
Father: Get changed.

Andrei: Papa, what is this? Where are we? What are we doing here?
Father: Nothing…here. We’re gonna cross over to an island.

Andrei: How ya doing, Squirt?
Ivan: If he touches me again, I kill him.

Andrei [to Ivan]: What if he finds the knife gone?

Ivan: If you don’t go away, I’ll jump. I’ll jump!

Andrei [to Ivan]: He’s dead.

Ivan: Look…
[shows a photo to Andrei]
Andrei: Hide it.
[Ivan puts the photo back][/b]